
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
EDopt <- nimbleOptions("enableDerivs")
BMDopt <- nimbleOptions("buildModelDerivs")
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(allowDynamicIndexing = FALSE)

nimbleOptions(useADsolveAtomic = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(useADmatMultAtomic = TRUE) # used in meta-taping

## This returns
# y = forwardSolve(A, B)^2
# where A and B each have constant sections and
# variable sections.
# A is n1xn1. B is n1xn2.
# The variable sections are replaced with exp(-d * Ainput)
#    and exp(-2 * d * Binput)
# Derivatives are wrt d

argTypes <- list(d = "double()", Ainput = "double(2)", Binput = "double(2)")
op <- list(
  expr = quote({
    A <- matrix(nrow = n1, ncol = n1)
    B <- matrix(nrow = n1, ncol = n2)
    i <- j <- k <-  1L
    for(j in 1:n1) {
      for(i in 1:n1) A[i, j] <- Aconst[i,j]
      for(k in 1:n2) B[j, k] <- Bconst[j,k]
    if(AupperLeft[1] != -1)
      A[ AupperLeft[1]:AlowerRight[1], AupperLeft[2]:AlowerRight[2] ] <- exp(-d * Ainput)
    if(BupperLeft[1] != -1)
      B[ BupperLeft[1]:BlowerRight[1], BupperLeft[2]:BlowerRight[2] ] <- exp(-2 * d * Binput)
    Y <- forwardsolve(A, B)
    out <- sum( Y * Y )
  args = list(d = quote(double()),
              Ainput = quote(double(2)),
              Binput = quote(double(2))),
  outputType = quote(double())
forwardsolveTest_pieces <- make_AD_test2(op = op, wrt_args = "d", argTypes = argTypes, includeModelArgs = FALSE)

forwardsolveTest <- nimbleFunction(
  setup = function(Aconst, Bconst, AupperLeft, AlowerRight, BupperLeft, BlowerRight) { ## boundaries of non-constant region
    n1 <- nrow(Aconst)
    if(ncol(Aconst) != n1) stop("Aconst must be square")
    if(nrow(Bconst) != n1) stop("Bconst has wrong number of rows relative to Aconst")
    n2 <- ncol(Bconst)
  run = forwardsolveTest_pieces$run,
  methods = forwardsolveTest_pieces$methods,
  buildDerivs = forwardsolveTest_pieces$buildDerivs

checkCase <- function(nf,
                      Aconst, Bconst, A_UL, A_LR,  B_UL, B_LR,
                      order = 0:2,
                      recordArgs, testArgs) {

  Rfxn <- nf(Aconst, Bconst, A_UL, A_LR,  B_UL, B_LR)
  Cfxn <- compileNimble(Rfxn)

  test_AD2_oneCall(Rfxn, Cfxn,
                   recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs,
                   order = order, wrt = 1)

n1 <- 5
n2 <- 3

Aconst <- matrix(rnorm(n1*n1), nrow = n1)
Bconst <- matrix(rnorm(n1*n2), nrow = n1)
Bconst0 <- Bconst
Bconst0[1,] <-0

makeArgs = function(n1Ar, n1Ac, n1B, n2, d, Adiag = FALSE) {
  # These are replacement sections of A and B,
  # so n1 might differ for A and B, hence n1A and n1B
  # and rows and cols might differ in A even though actual A is square, hence n1Ar and n1Ac
  if(Adiag) Ain <- diag(runif(n1Ar))
  else Ain <- matrix(runif(n1Ar*n1Ac, min = 1, max = 3), nrow = n1Ar, ncol = n1Ac)
    Ain = Ain,
    Bin = matrix(runif(n1B*n2, min = 1, max = 3), nrow = n1B, ncol = n2),
    d = d

## Case with all elements variable.  This works
test_that("forwardsolve with all elements as CppAD variables works", {
  recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, n1, n2, 1.2)
  testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, n1, n2, 1.4)

    checkCase(forwardsolveTest, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n1), c(1, 1), c(n1, n2),
              recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all of A constant.
test_that("forwardsolve with all of A as CppAD constant works", {
  recordArgs <- makeArgs(0, 0, n1, n2, 1.2)
  testArgs <- makeArgs(0, 0, n1, n2, 1.4)

    checkCase(forwardsolveTest, Aconst, Bconst, c(-1, 1), c(n1, n1), c(1, 1), c(n1, n2),
              recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all of A and B variable and A diagonal
test_that("forwardsolve with all of A and B CppAD variables and A diagonal works", {
  recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, n1, n2, 1.2, Adiag=TRUE)
  testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, n1, n2, 1.4, Adiag=TRUE)

    checkCase(forwardsolveTest, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n1), c(1, 1), c(n1, n2),
              recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)

## Case with all of B constant.
test_that("forwardsolve with all of B as CppAD constant works", {
  recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, 0, 0, 1.2)
  testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, 0, 0, 1.4)

    checkCase(forwardsolveTest, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n1), c(-1, 1), c(n1, n2),
              recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)

## Case with all of B constant with some leading zeros.
test_that("forwardsolve with all of B as CppAD constant with some leading zeros works", {
  recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, 0, 0, 1.2)
  testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, 0, 0, 1.4)

    checkCase(forwardsolveTest, Aconst, Bconst0, c(1, 1), c(n1, n1), c(-1, 1), c(n1, n2),
              recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)

## Case with all of B variable except for some leading zeros
test_that("forwardsolve with all of B as CppAD variable with some leading zeros works", {
  recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, n1-1, n2, 0.6) # 1.2 and 1.4 triggered meaningless tolerance violation, so I tweaked the values
  testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n1, n1-1, n2, 0.7)

    checkCase(forwardsolveTest, Aconst, Bconst0, c(1, 1), c(n1, n1), c(2, 1), c(n1, n2),
              recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)

## Case with first rows of both A and B of constant elements. (I have a note that this does not get special handling internally, but it might be out of date.).  My original testing code for this used Bconst0, but I'm not sure that was intended.
test_that("forwardsolve with first rows of both A and B as CppAD constants works", {
  recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n1, n1-1, n2, 1.2)
  testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n1, n1-1, n2, 1.4)

    checkCase(forwardsolveTest, Aconst, Bconst, c(2, 1), c(n1, n1), c(2, 1), c(n1, n2),
              recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)

nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = EDopt)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = BMDopt)

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