source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_math_test_lists.R'), package = 'nimble'))
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_distribution_test_lists.R'), package = 'nimble'))
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_knownFailures.R'), package = 'nimble'))
EDopt <- nimbleOptions("enableDerivs")
BMDopt <- nimbleOptions("buildModelDerivs")
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(allowDynamicIndexing = FALSE)
test_that('Derivatives of dnorm function correctly.',
ADfun1 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(){},
run = function(y = double(1)) {
outList <- derivs(testMethod(y), wrt = c('x'))
methods = list(
testMethod = function(x = double(1, 2)) {
out <- dnorm(x[1],0,1)
), buildDerivs = c('testMethod')
ADfunInst <- ADfun1()
xRec <- matrix(c(1, -1))
x <- matrix(c(2, -2))
Rderivs <- ADfunInst$run(x)
cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst)
cderivs <- cADfunInst$run(x)
expect_equal(cderivs$value, Rderivs$value)
expect_equal(cderivs$jacobian, Rderivs$jacobian)
expect_equal(cderivs$hessian, Rderivs$hessian)
test_that('Derivatives of x^2 function correctly.',
listOfADLists <- nimbleList(list1 = ADNimbleList(),
list2 = ADNimbleList())
ADfun2 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(){},
run = function(y = double(1, c(2))) {
ADlistList <- listOfADLists$new()
ADlistList$list1 <- derivs(testMethod(y, y))
ADlistList$list2 <- derivs(testMethod2(y, y))
methods = list(
testMethod = function(x = double(1, c(2)), y = double(1, c(2))) {
returnType(double(1, c(2)))
testMethod2 = function(x = double(1, c(2)), y = double(1, c(2))) {
), buildDerivs = c('testMethod', 'testMethod2')
ADfunInst <- ADfun2()
xRec <- c(2, 2)
x <- c(1, 1)
Rderivs <- ADfunInst$run(x)
suppressWarnings(cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst))
cderivs <- cADfunInst$run(x)
expect_equal(cderivs$list1$value, Rderivs$list1$value)
expect_equal(cderivs$list1$jacobian, Rderivs$list1$jacobian, tolerance = 0.01)
expect_equal(cderivs$list1$hessian, Rderivs$list1$hessian, tolerance = 0.01)
expect_equal(cderivs$list2$value, Rderivs$list2$value)
expect_equal(cderivs$list2$jacobian, Rderivs$list2$jacobian, tolerance = 0.01)
expect_equal(cderivs$list2$hessian, Rderivs$list2$hessian, tolerance = 0.01)
test_that('Derivatives of sum(log(x)) function correctly.',
ADfun3 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(){},
run = function(x = double(1, c(2))) {
outVals <- 2*derivs(testMethod(x))$jacobian
methods = list(
testMethod = function(x = double(1, c(2))) {
), buildDerivs = c('testMethod')
ADfunInst <- ADfun3()
xRec <- c(1, 1)
x <- c(1, 1)
Rderivs <- ADfunInst$run(x)
cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst)
cderivs <- cADfunInst$run(x)
expect_equal(cderivs, Rderivs, tolerance = 0.01)
test_that('Derivatives of model$calculate() work in expressions.',
testModelCode <- nimbleCode({
x[1:2] ~ dmnorm(zeroVec[1:2], diagMat[1:2, 1:2])
testModel <- nimbleModel(code = testModelCode,
inits = list(x = c(0.5, 0.6)),
constants = list(zeroVec = c(.3, .4),
diagMat = matrix(c(1.2, .2, .2, 1.6), nrow = 2)))
ADfun4 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(model){},
run = function() {
outVals <- 2*sum(derivs(model$calculate('x'),
wrt = 'x')$jacobian)
ADfunInst <- ADfun4(testModel)
Rderivs <- ADfunInst$run()
cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst)
cderivs <- cADfunInst$run()
expect_equal(cderivs, Rderivs, tolerance = 0.01)
test_that('Derivatives of matrix multiplication function correctly.',
ADfun5 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(){},
run = function(x = double(2, c(2, 2)),
y = double(2, c(2, 4))) {
outVals <- derivs(testMethod(x, y), wrt = 'x', order = 1)$jacobian
methods = list(
testMethod = function(x = double(2, c(2, 2)),
y = double(2, c(2, 4))) {
returnType(double(2, c(2, 4)))
), buildDerivs = c('testMethod')
ADfunInst <- ADfun5()
x <- diag(2)
y <- matrix(rnorm(8), ncol = 4, nrow = 2)
Rderivs <- ADfunInst$run(x, y)
cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst)
cderivs <- cADfunInst$run(x, y)
expect_equal(cderivs, Rderivs, tolerance = 0.01)
test_that('Derivatives of matrix component-wise exponentiation function correctly.',
ADfun6 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(){},
run = function(x = double(2, c(2, 2))) {
outVals <- derivs(testMethod(x), wrt = 'x', order = 1)$jacobian
methods = list(
testMethod = function(x = double(2, c(2, 2))) {
returnType(double(2, c(2, 2)))
), buildDerivs = c('testMethod')
ADfunInst <- ADfun6()
x <- diag(2)
Rderivs <- ADfunInst$run(x)
cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst)
cderivs <- cADfunInst$run(x)
expect_equal(cderivs, Rderivs, tolerance = 0.01)
test_that('Derivatives with rep() work correctly.',
ADfun7 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = TRUE,
run = function(x = double(), n = double()) {
y <- rep(x, n) # Regardless of n or n2, the second argument is lifted to a TYPE_
ans <- sum(y^2)
methods = list(
derivsRun = function(x = double(), n = double()) {
ans <- derivs(run(x, n), wrt = c(1), order = 0:2)
buildDerivs = list(run = list(ignore = c("n")))
ADfunInst <- ADfun7()
cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst)
cderivs <- cADfunInst$derivsRun(3,4)
derivs <- ADfunInst$derivsRun(3,4)
expect_equivalent(cderivs$value, derivs$value)
expect_equivalent(cderivs$jacobian, derivs$jacobian)
expect_equivalent(cderivs$hessian, derivs$hessian)
test_that('Derivatives with c() work correctly.',
ADfun8 <- nimbleFunction(
setup = TRUE,
run = function(x = double(), y = double()) {
z <- c(x, y)
ans <- sum(z^2)
methods = list(
derivsRun = function(x = double(), y = double()) {
ans <- derivs(run(x, y), wrt = 1:2, order = 0:2)
buildDerivs = list(run = list())
ADfunInst <- ADfun8()
cADfunInst <- compileNimble(ADfunInst)
cderivs <- cADfunInst$derivsRun(3,5)
derivs <- ADfunInst$derivsRun(3,5)
expect_equivalent(cderivs$value, derivs$value)
expect_equivalent(cderivs$jacobian, derivs$jacobian)
expect_equivalent(cderivs$hessian, derivs$hessian)
## Dirichlet with log argument
dirch_test_log <- make_AD_test2(
op = list(
name = "ddirch manual using additive log-ratio transformation",
opParam = list(name = "ddirch manual"),
# X = Xtrans = log(Xorig_i / Xorig_n), i = 1... n-1
# Xorig[1:n-1] = exp(Xtrans)
# Xorig[n] = 1/(1+sum(Xorig[1:n-1]))
expr = quote({
Xorig_1_nm1_over_Xn <- exp(x)
Xorig_n <- 1/(1 + sum(Xorig_1_nm1_over_Xn))
Xorig <- c(Xorig_1_nm1_over_Xn * Xorig_n, Xorig_n)
out <- ddirch(x = Xorig, alpha=alpha, log = log)
args = list(
x = quote(double(1)),
alpha = quote(double(1)),
log = quote(double())
outputType = quote(double())
argTypes = c(x='double(1)', alpha='double(1)', log='double()'),
wrt = c('x', 'alpha'),
inputs = list(record = list(x = c(log(.2/.5), log(.3/.5)), alpha = c(2, 4, 4), log = 1),
test = list(x = c(log(.4/.45), log(.15/.45)), alpha = c(3, 2, 5), log = 0)))
dirch_test_out <- test_AD2(dirch_test_log)
## Dirichlet without log argument
dirch_test_fixedlog <- make_AD_test2(
op = list(
name = "ddirch manual using additive log-ratio transformation",
opParam = list(name = "ddirch manual"),
# X = Xtrans = log(Xorig_i / Xorig_n), i = 1... n-1
# Xorig[1:n-1] = exp(Xtrans)
# Xorig[n] = 1/(1+sum(Xorig[1:n-1]))
expr = quote({
Xorig_1_nm1_over_Xn <- exp(x)
Xorig_n <- 1/(1 + sum(Xorig_1_nm1_over_Xn))
Xorig <- c(Xorig_1_nm1_over_Xn * Xorig_n, Xorig_n)
out <- ddirch(x = Xorig, alpha=alpha, log = 1)
args = list(
x = quote(double(1)),
alpha = quote(double(1))
outputType = quote(double())
argTypes = c(x='double(1)', alpha='double(1)'),
wrt = c('x', 'alpha'),
inputs = list(record = list(x = c(log(.2/.5), log(.3/.5)), alpha = c(2, 4, 4)),
test = list(x = c(log(.4/.45), log(.15/.45)), alpha = c(3, 2, 5))))
dirch_test_out <- test_AD2(dirch_test_fixedlog)
## Wishart
## Testing Wishart is tricky because both x and cholesky are
## matrices and also because not all elements are independent
makeARcov <- function(n, rho, sigma) {
s2 <- sigma^2
ans <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:n) {
for(j in 1:i) {
ans[i,j] <- ans[j,i] <- s2 * rho^(abs(i-j))
cholRec <- chol(makeARcov(4, .6, 2))
cholTest <- chol(makeARcov(4, .55, 3))
wRec <- rwish_chol(1, cholRec, df = 7, scale_param = FALSE)
wTest <- rwish_chol(1, cholTest, df = 7, scale_param = FALSE)
cholRecTri <- cholRec[ upper.tri(cholRec, TRUE)]
cholTestTri <-cholTest[ upper.tri(cholTest, TRUE)]
wRecTri <- wRec[ upper.tri(wRec, TRUE) ]
wTestTri <- wRec[ upper.tri(wTest, TRUE) ]
wish_test_log <- make_AD_test2(
op = list(
name = "dwish_chol manual",
opParam = list(name = "dwish_chol manual"),
expr = quote({
# populate 2D matrices from the vectors
# created from upper triangular values.
x2D <- nimMatrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4, init=FALSE)
chol2D <- nimMatrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4, init = FALSE)
i <- 1L
j <- 1L
indOrig <- 1L
for(j in 1:4) {
for(i in 1:j) {
x2D[i,j] <- x2D[j,i] <- x[indOrig]
chol2D[i,j] <- chol[indOrig] # chol2D does not need lower triangular entries
indOrig <- indOrig + 1
out <- dwish_chol(x = x2D, cholesky=chol2D, df = df, log = log)
args = list(
x = quote(double(1)),
chol = quote(double(1)),
df = quote(double()),
log = quote(double())
outputType = quote(double())
argTypes = c(x='double(1)', chol='double(1)', df = 'double()', log='double()'),
wrt = c('x', 'chol'),
inputs = list(record = list(x = wRecTri, chol = cholRecTri, df = 7, log = 0),
test = list(x = wTestTri, chol = cholTestTri, df = 8, log = 1)),
wish_test_out <- test_AD2(wish_test_log)
## Wishart with cholesky included and inner and outer
## Input will be lower diag of the AR cov matrix, squared
makeARcov <- function(n, rho, sigma) {
s2 <- sigma^2
ans <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:n) {
for(j in 1:i) {
ans[i,j] <- ans[j,i] <- s2 * rho^(abs(i-j))
ARcovRec <- makeARcov(4, .6, 2)
ARcovTest <- makeARcov(4, .55, 3)
ARcovRecTri <- ARcovRec[ upper.tri(ARcovRec, TRUE) ]
ARcovTestTri <- ARcovTest[ upper.tri(ARcovTest, TRUE) ]
cholRec <- chol(ARcovRec)
cholTest <- chol(ARcovTest)
wRec <- rwish_chol(1, cholRec, df = 7, scale_param = FALSE)
wTest <- rwish_chol(1, cholTest, df = 7, scale_param = FALSE)
wRecTri <- wRec[ upper.tri(wRec, TRUE) ]
wTestTri <- wRec[ upper.tri(wTest, TRUE) ]
wish_chol_test_log <- make_AD_test2(
op = list(
name = "dwish_chol and chol manual",
opParam = list(name = "dwish_chol and chol manual"),
expr = quote({
# populate 2D matrices from the vectors
# created from upper triangular values.
ARcov2D <- nimMatrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4, init=FALSE)
x2D <- nimMatrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4, init=FALSE)
i <- 1L
j <- 1L
indOrig <- 1L
for(j in 1:4) {
for(i in 1:j) {
ARcov2D[i,j] <- ARcov2D[j,i] <- sqrt(ARcovTriSq[indOrig])
x2D[i,j] <- x2D[j,i] <- x[indOrig]
indOrig <- indOrig + 1
cholARcov <- chol(ARcov2D)
out <- dwish_chol(x = x2D, cholesky=cholARcov, df = df, log = log)
out <- exp(2*out) # to have an "outer" call
args = list(
x = quote(double(1)),
ARcovTriSq = quote(double(1)),
df = quote(double()),
log = quote(double())
outputType = quote(double())
argTypes = c(x='double(1)', ARcovTriSq='double(1)', df = 'double()', log='double()'),
wrt = c('x', 'ARcovTriSq'),
inputs = list(record = list(x = wRecTri, ARcovTriSq = cholRecTri, df = 7, log = 0),
test = list(x = wTestTri, ARcovTriSq = cholTestTri, df = 8, log = 1))
wish_chol_test_out <- test_AD2(wish_chol_test_log)
## logdet
makeARcov <- function(n, rho, sigma) {
s2 <- sigma^2
ans <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:n) {
for(j in 1:i) {
ans[i,j] <- ans[j,i] <- s2 * rho^(abs(i-j))
ARcovRec <- makeARcov(4, .6, 2)
ARcovTest <- makeARcov(4, .55, 3)
ARcovRecTri <- ARcovRec[ upper.tri(ARcovRec, TRUE) ]
ARcovTestTri <- ARcovTest[ upper.tri(ARcovTest, TRUE) ]
logdet_test <- make_AD_test2(
op = list(
name = "logdet manual",
opParam = list(name = "logdet manual"),
expr = quote({
# populate 2D matrices from the vectors
# created from upper triangular values.
ARcov2D <- nimMatrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4, init=FALSE)
i <- 1L
j <- 1L
indOrig <- 1L
for(j in 1:4) {
for(i in 1:j) {
ARcov2D[i,j] <- ARcov2D[j,i] <- sqrt(ARcovTriSq[indOrig]) # an "inner" call
indOrig <- indOrig + 1
out <- logdet(ARcov2D)
out <- exp(2*out) # to have an "outer" call
args = list(
ARcovTriSq = quote(double(1))
outputType = quote(double())
argTypes = c(ARcovTriSq='double(1)'),
wrt = c('ARcovTriSq'),
inputs = list(record = list(ARcovTriSq = cholRecTri),
test = list(ARcovTriSq = cholTestTri))
logdet_test_out <- test_AD2(logdet_test)
## Tests above each take 10-20 seconds.
## run all of the tests
## from AD_math_test_lists.R
## See notes there on Spring 2022 update to "version 2" with f(g(x)) and g(f(x)) test variants as well.
## Do both inner and outer for atomics.
## Using `try` as with some seeds, we get out of tolerance errors.
try(test_AD_batch(unaryAtomicOpTests2_inner, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)) # 400 sec.
## try(test_AD_batch(unaryAtomicOpTests2_outer, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE))
## Do only one of the three sets.
## test_AD_batch(unaryOpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
test_AD_batch(unaryOpTests2_inner, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE) # 920 sec.
##test_AD_batch(unaryOpTests2_outer, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## Do only one of the three sets.
## test_AD_batch(unaryReductionOpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE) # 160 sec.
## test_AD_batch(unaryReductionOpTests2_inner, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
test_AD_batch(unaryReductionOpTests2_outer, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## Do only one of the three sets
## test_AD_batch(binaryOpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE) # 475 sec.
test_AD_batch(binaryOpTests2_inner, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## test_AD_batch(binaryOpTests2_outer, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## Keep all pow tests.
test_AD_batch(powOpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE) # 83 sec.
test_AD_batch(powOpTests2_inner, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
test_AD_batch(powOpTests2_outer, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## Keep all pow tests.
test_AD_batch(pow_int_OpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE) # 42 sec.
test_AD_batch(pow_int_OpTests2_inner, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
test_AD_batch(pow_int_OpTests2_outer, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
# inprod
test_AD_batch(binaryReductionOpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE) # 14 sec.
ADtestEnv$RCrelTol[4] <- 1e-6
test_AD_batch(binaryReductionOpTests2_inner, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
test_AD_batch(binaryReductionOpTests2_outer, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## chol and logdet tests have been moved to manual tests above
test_AD_batch(squareMatrixOpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailure = AD_knownFailures, verbose=FALSE) # 120 sec.
test_AD_batch(binaryMatrixOpTests2, testFun = test_AD2, knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE) # 150 sec.
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = EDopt)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = BMDopt)
## indexing bracket ops with dynamic (stochastic) indices
# 1D tests
# get
opParamBase <- list(
args = list(arg1 = quote(double(1)), arg2 = quote(double(0))),
outputType = quote(double(0))
opParam1 <- opParamBase; opParam1$name <- "dyn_ind_get_1D_simple"
opParam1$expr <- quote({out <- arg1[arg2]})
opParam2 <- opParamBase; opParam2$name <- "dyn_ind_get_1D_innerouter"
opParam2$expr <- quote({out <- arg1[2*arg2]^2})
opParam3 <- opParamBase; opParam3$name <- "dyn_ind_get_1D_map"
opParam3$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[3:12], arg2)})
opParam4 <- opParamBase; opParam4$name <- "dyn_ind_get_1D_map_innerouter"
opParam4$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[3:12], arg2)})
indexBracketTests2_1D <- lapply(list(opParam1, opParam2, opParam3, opParam4),
argTypes = c("double(1)", "double(0)"),
wrt_args = c("arg1"))
indexBracketTests2_1D[[3]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(1), arg2 = double(0)) {
out <- arg1[arg2]
indexBracketTests2_1D[[3]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
indexBracketTests2_1D[[4]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(1), arg2 = double(0)) {
out <- arg1[2*arg2]^2
indexBracketTests2_1D[[4]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
names(indexBracketTests2_1D) <- lapply(indexBracketTests2_1D, `[[`, "name") |> unlist()
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_1D, "", "size",
list(arg1 = c(20),
arg2 = 1))
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_1D, "", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) rnorm(x),
arg2 = function(x) sample(1:10, size = 1))) # only to 10 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_1D, "map_innerouter", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) rnorm(x),
arg2 = function(x) sample(1:5, size = 1))) # only to 5 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
# This works, but it doesn't check derivs wrt index b/c that is a mess
# in uncompiled execution
test_AD_batch(indexBracketTests2_1D, testFun = test_AD2,
knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
# set
opParamBase <- list(
args = list(arg1 = quote(double(1)), arg2 = quote(double(0)), arg3 = quote(double(0))),
outputType = quote(double(1))
opParam1 <- opParamBase; opParam1$name <- "dyn_ind_set_1D_simple"
opParam1$expr <- quote({arg1[arg2] <- arg3; out <- arg1})
opParam2 <- opParamBase; opParam2$name <- "dyn_ind_set_1D_innerouter"
opParam2$expr <- quote({arg1[2*arg2] <- arg3*arg3; out <- arg1})
opParam3 <- opParamBase; opParam3$name <- "dyn_ind_set_1D_map"
opParam3$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[3:12], arg2, arg3)})
opParam4 <- opParamBase; opParam4$name <- "dyn_ind_set_1D_map_innerouter"
opParam4$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[3:12], arg2, arg3)})
indexBracketSetTests2_1D <- lapply(list(opParam1, opParam2, opParam3, opParam4),
argTypes = c("double(1)", "double(0)", "double(0)"),
wrt_args = c("arg1", "arg3"))
indexBracketSetTests2_1D[[3]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(1),
arg2 = double(0), arg3 = double(0)) {
arg1[arg2] <- arg3
indexBracketSetTests2_1D[[3]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
indexBracketSetTests2_1D[[4]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(1),
arg2 = double(0), arg3 = double(0)) {
arg1[2*arg2] <- arg3*arg3
indexBracketSetTests2_1D[[4]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
names(indexBracketSetTests2_1D) <- lapply(indexBracketSetTests2_1D, `[[`, "name") |> unlist()
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_1D, "", "size",
list(arg1 = c(20),
arg2 = 1,
arg3 = 1))
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_1D, "", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) rnorm(x),
arg2 = function(x) sample(1:10, size = 1),
arg3 = function(x) rnorm(x))) # only to 10 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_1D, "map_innerouter", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) rnorm(x),
arg2 = function(x) sample(1:5, size = 1),
arg3 = function(x) rnorm(x))) # only to 10 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
test_AD_batch(indexBracketSetTests2_1D, testFun = test_AD2,
knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## The following 2D and 3D tests work.
## However they can be quite slow for uncompiled, especially for Hessians.
## For now I am commenting them out to think about what to do.
# 2D tests
# get
opParamBase <- list(
args = list(arg1 = quote(double(2)), arg2 = quote(double(0)), arg3 = quote(double(0))),
outputType = quote(double(0))
opParam1 <- opParamBase; opParam1$name <- "dyn_ind_get_2D_simple"
opParam1$expr <- quote({out <- arg1[arg2, arg3]})
opParam2 <- opParamBase; opParam2$name <- "dyn_ind_get_2D_innerouter"
opParam2$expr <- quote({out <- arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2]^2})
opParam3 <- opParamBase; opParam3$name <- "dyn_ind_get_2D_map"
opParam3$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4], arg2, arg3)})
opParam4 <- opParamBase; opParam4$name <- "dyn_ind_get_2D_map_innerouter"
opParam4$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4], arg2, arg3)})
indexBracketTests2_2D <- lapply(list(opParam1, opParam2, opParam3, opParam4),
argTypes = c("double(2)", "double(0)", "double(0)"),
wrt_args = c("arg1"))
indexBracketTests2_2D[[3]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(2),
arg2 = double(0), arg3 = double(0)) {
out <- arg1[arg2, arg3]
indexBracketTests2_2D[[3]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
indexBracketTests2_2D[[4]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(2),
arg2 = double(0), arg3 = double(0)) {
out <- arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2]^2
indexBracketTests2_2D[[4]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
names(indexBracketTests2_2D) <- lapply(indexBracketTests2_2D, `[[`, "name") |> unlist()
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_2D, "", "size",
list(arg1 = c(3, 4),
arg2 = 1, arg3 = 1))
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_2D, "", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) matrix(rnorm(x), nrow = 3),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1;v } })(), # 1,2,1,2,1,2...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1;v } })())) #1,2,3,1,2,3...
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_2D, "innerouter", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) matrix(rnorm(x), nrow = 3),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1; 2*v } })(), # 2, 4, 2, 4...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1; 2*v } })())) #, 2, 4, 6, 2...
# This works, but it doesn't check derivs wrt index b/c that is a mess
# in uncompiled execution
test_AD_batch(indexBracketTests2_2D, testFun = test_AD2,
knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## # set
opParamBase <- list(
args = list(arg1 = quote(double(2)), arg2 = quote(double(0)),
arg3 = quote(double(0)), arg4 = quote(double(0))),
outputType = quote(double(2))
opParam1 <- opParamBase; opParam1$name <- "dyn_ind_set_2D_simple"
opParam1$expr <- quote({arg1[arg2, arg3] <- arg4; out <- arg1})
opParam2 <- opParamBase; opParam2$name <- "dyn_ind_set_2D_innerouter"
opParam2$expr <- quote({arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2] <- arg4*arg4; out <- arg1})
opParam3 <- opParamBase; opParam3$name <- "dyn_ind_set_2D_map"
opParam3$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4], arg2, arg3, arg4)})
opParam4 <- opParamBase; opParam4$name <- "dyn_ind_set_2D_map_innerouter"
opParam4$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4], arg2, arg3, arg4)})
indexBracketSetTests2_2D <- lapply(list(opParam1, opParam2, opParam3, opParam4),
argTypes = c("double(2)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)"),
wrt_args = c("arg1", "arg4"))
indexBracketSetTests2_2D[[3]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(2), arg2 = double(0),
arg3 = double(0), arg4 = double(0)) {
arg1[arg2, arg3] <- arg4
indexBracketSetTests2_2D[[3]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
indexBracketSetTests2_2D[[4]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(2), arg2 = double(0),
arg3 = double(0), arg4 = double(0)) {
arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2] <- arg4*arg4
indexBracketSetTests2_2D[[4]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
names(indexBracketSetTests2_2D) <- lapply(indexBracketSetTests2_2D, `[[`, "name") |> unlist()
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_2D, "", "size",
list(arg1 = c(3, 4),
arg2 = 1, arg3 = 1, arg4 = 1))
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_2D, "", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) matrix(rnorm(x), nrow = 3),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1;v } })(), # 1,2,1,2,1,2...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1;v } })(), #1,2,3,1,2,3...
arg4 = function(x) rnorm(x))) # only to 4 or 5 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_2D, "innerouter", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) matrix(rnorm(x), nrow = 3),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1; 2*v } })(), # 2, 4, 2, 4...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1; 2*v } })(), #, 2, 4, 6, 2...
arg4 = function(x) rnorm(x))) # only to 3 or 4 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
test_AD_batch(indexBracketSetTests2_2D, testFun = test_AD2,
knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## ############
## # 3D tests
## ############
# get
opParamBase <- list(
args = list(arg1 = quote(double(3)), arg2 = quote(double(0)), arg3 = quote(double(0)), arg4 = quote(double(0))),
outputType = quote(double(0))
opParam1 <- opParamBase; opParam1$name <- "dyn_ind_get_3D_simple"
opParam1$expr <- quote({out <- arg1[arg2, arg3, arg4]})
opParam2 <- opParamBase; opParam2$name <- "dyn_ind_get_3D_innerouter"
opParam2$expr <- quote({out <- arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2, arg4-1]^2})
opParam3 <- opParamBase; opParam3$name <- "dyn_ind_get_3D_map"
opParam3$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4, 1:2], arg2, arg3, arg4)})
opParam4 <- opParamBase; opParam4$name <- "dyn_ind_get_3D_map_innerouter"
opParam4$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4, 1:2], arg2, arg3, arg4)})
indexBracketTests2_3D <- lapply(list(opParam1, opParam2, opParam3, opParam4),
argTypes = c("double(3)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)"),
wrt_args = c("arg1"))
indexBracketTests2_3D[[3]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(3),
arg2 = double(0), arg3 = double(0), arg4 = double(0)) {
out <- arg1[arg2, arg3, arg4]
indexBracketTests2_3D[[3]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
indexBracketTests2_3D[[4]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(3),
arg2 = double(0), arg3 = double(0), arg4 = double(0)) {
out <- arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2, arg4-1]^2
indexBracketTests2_3D[[4]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
names(indexBracketTests2_3D) <- lapply(indexBracketTests2_3D, `[[`, "name") |> unlist()
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_3D, "", "size",
list(arg1 = c(3, 4, 2),
arg2 = 1, arg3 = 1))
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_3D, "", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) array(rnorm(x), dim = c(3, 4, 2)),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1;v } })(), # 1,2,1,2,1,2...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1;v } })(), #1,2,3,1,2,3...
arg4 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1;v } })() ))
modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_3D, "innerouter", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) array(rnorm(x), dim = c(3, 4, 2)),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1; 2*v } })(), # 2, 4, 2, 4...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1; 2*v } })(), #, 2, 4, 6, 2...
arg4 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1; v+1 } })() ))
# This works, but it doesn't check derivs wrt index b/c that is a mess
# in uncompiled execution
test_AD_batch(indexBracketTests2_3D, testFun = test_AD2,
knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## # set
opParamBase <- list(
args = list(arg1 = quote(double(3)), arg2 = quote(double(0)),
arg3 = quote(double(0)), arg4 = quote(double(0)),
arg5 = quote(double(0))),
outputType = quote(double(3))
opParam1 <- opParamBase; opParam1$name <- "dyn_ind_set_3D_simple"
opParam1$expr <- quote({arg1[arg2, arg3, arg4] <- arg5; out <- arg1})
opParam2 <- opParamBase; opParam2$name <- "dyn_ind_set_3D_innerouter"
opParam2$expr <- quote({arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2, arg4-1] <- arg5*arg5; out <- arg1})
opParam3 <- opParamBase; opParam3$name <- "dyn_ind_set_3D_map"
opParam3$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4, 1:2], arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)})
opParam4 <- opParamBase; opParam4$name <- "dyn_ind_set_3D_map_innerouter"
opParam4$expr <- quote({out <- innerRun(arg1[2:3, 2:4, 1:2], arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)})
indexBracketSetTests2_3D <- lapply(list(opParam1, opParam2, opParam3, opParam4),
argTypes = c("double(3)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)"),
wrt_args = c("arg1", "arg5"))
indexBracketSetTests2_3D[[3]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(3), arg2 = double(0),
arg3 = double(0), arg4 = double(0), arg5=double(0)) {
arg1[arg2, arg3, arg4] <- arg5
indexBracketSetTests2_3D[[3]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
indexBracketSetTests2_3D[[4]]$methods$innerRun <- function(arg1 = double(3), arg2 = double(0),
arg3 = double(0), arg4 = double(0), arg5=double(0)) {
arg1[arg2/2, arg3/2, arg4-1] <- arg5*arg5
indexBracketSetTests2_3D[[4]]$buildDerivs$innerRun = list()
names(indexBracketSetTests2_3D) <- lapply(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, `[[`, "name") |> unlist()
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, "", "size",
list(arg1 = c(3, 4, 2),
arg2 = 1, arg3 = 1, arg4 = 1))
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, "", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) array(rnorm(x), dim = c(3, 4, 2)),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1;v } })(), # 1,2,1,2,1,2...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1;v } })(), #1,2,3,1,2,3...
arg4 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1;v } })(), # 1,2,1,2,1,2...
arg5 = function(x) rnorm(x))) # only to 4 or 5 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, "innerouter", "input_gen_funs",
list(arg1 = function(x) array(rnorm(x), dim = c(3, 4, 2)),
arg2 = (\() {v <- 1; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1; 2*v } })(), # 2, 4, 2, 4...
arg3 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%3+1; 2*v } })(), #, 2, 4, 6, 2...
arg4 = (\() {v <- 2; \(x) { v <<- v%%2+1; v+1 } })(), # 1,2,1,2,1,2...
arg5 = function(x) rnorm(x))) # only to 3 or 4 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
test_AD_batch(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, testFun = test_AD2,
knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## indexBracketOps <- c("[")
## indexBracketArgs <- list(list(c("double(3)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)"), "double(0)"))
## attr(indexBracketArgs[[1]], "includesReturnType") <- TRUE
## indexBracketTests2_3D <- c(
## make_AD_test_batch(
## indexBracketOps, indexBracketArgs, maker = make_AD_test2, wrt_args = "arg1",
## ),
## make_AD_test_batch(
## indexBracketOps, indexBracketArgs, maker = make_AD_test2, wrt_args = "arg1",
## inner_codes = list(arg1 = NULL, arg2 = quote(2*X), arg3 = quote(2*X), arg4 = quote(2*X)),
## outer_code = quote(Y*Y),
## suffix = " inner&outer"
## )
## )
## modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_3D, "", "size",
## list(arg1 = c(6, 8, 10),
## arg2 = 1,
## arg3 = 1,
## arg4 = 1))
## modify_on_match(indexBracketTests2_3D, "", "input_gen_funs",
## list(arg1 = function(x) array(rnorm(x), dim = c(6, 8, 10)),
## arg2 = function(x) sample(1:3, size = 1),
## arg3 = function(x) sample(1:4, size = 1),
## arg4 = function(x) sample(1:5, size = 1)))
## # This works, but it doesn't check derivs wrt value b/c that is a mess
## # in uncompiled execution
## test_AD_batch(indexBracketTests2_3D, testFun = test_AD2,
## knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
## # set
## opParam1 <- list(
## name = "dyn_ind_set_3D",
## expr = quote({arg1[arg2, arg3, arg4] <- arg5; out <- arg1}),
## args = list(arg1 = quote(double(3)), arg2 = quote(double(0)), arg3 = quote(double(0)),
## arg4 = quote(double(0)), arg5 = quote(double(0))),
## outputType = quote(double(3))
## )
## opParam2 <- list(
## name = "dyn_ind_set_3D",
## expr = quote({arg1[2*arg2, 2*arg3, 2*arg4] <- arg5*arg5; out <- arg1}),
## args = list(arg1 = quote(double(3)), arg2 = quote(double(0)), arg3 = quote(double(0)),
## arg4 = quote(double(0)), arg5 = quote(double(0))),
## outputType = quote(double(3))
## )
## indexBracketSetTests2_3D <- list(
## dyn_set_3D_a = make_AD_test2(op = opParam1,
## argTypes = c("double(3)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)"),
## wrt_args = c("arg1", "arg5")),
## dyn_set_3D_b = make_AD_test2(op = opParam2,
## argTypes = c("double(3)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)", "double(0)"),
## wrt_args = c("arg1", "arg5")))
## modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, "", "size",
## list(arg1 = c(4, 6, 8),
## arg2 = 1,
## arg3 = 1,
## arg4 = 1,
## arg5 = 1))
## modify_on_match(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, "", "input_gen_funs",
## list(arg1 = function(x) array(rnorm(x), dim = c(4, 6, 8)),
## arg2 = function(x) sample(1:2, size = 1),
## arg3 = function(x) sample(1:3, size = 1),
## arg3 = function(x) sample(1:4, size = 1),
## arg4 = function(x) rnorm(x))) # only to 10 b/c of 2X for inner_codes
## test_AD_batch(indexBracketSetTests2_3D, testFun = test_AD2,
## knownFailures = AD_knownFailures, verbose = FALSE)
# To do:
# put into models.
# Update dcat
# Handle NimArray map cases and test those
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