
Defines functions directL direct

Documented in direct directL

# Copyright (C) 2014 Hans W. Borchers. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# File:   direct.R
# Author: Hans W. Borchers
# Date:   27 January 2014
# Wrapper to solve optimization problem using Direct.
#   2023-02-10: Tweaks for efficiency and readability (Avraham Adler)

#' DIviding RECTangles Algorithm for Global Optimization
#' DIRECT is a deterministic search algorithm based on systematic division of
#' the search domain into smaller and smaller hyperrectangles. The DIRECT_L
#' makes the algorithm more biased towards local search (more efficient for
#' functions without too many minima).
#' The DIRECT and DIRECT-L algorithms start by rescaling the bound constraints
#' to a hypercube, which gives all dimensions equal weight in the search
#' procedure. If your dimensions do not have equal weight, e.g. if you have a
#' ``long and skinny'' search space and your function varies at about the same
#' speed in all directions, it may be better to use unscaled variant of the
#' DIRECT algorithm.
#' The algorithms only handle finite bound constraints which must be provided.
#' The original versions may include some support for arbitrary nonlinear
#' inequality, but this has not been tested.
#' The original versions do not have randomized or unscaled variants, so these
#' options will be disregarded for these versions.
#' @aliases direct directL
#' @param fn objective function that is to be minimized.
#' @param lower,upper lower and upper bound constraints.
#' @param scaled logical; shall the hypercube be scaled before starting.
#' @param randomized logical; shall some randomization be used to decide which
#' dimension to halve next in the case of near-ties.
#' @param original logical; whether to use the original implementation by
#' Gablonsky -- the performance is mostly similar.
#' @param nl.info logical; shall the original NLopt info been shown.
#' @param control list of options, see \code{nl.opts} for help.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the function.
#' @return List with components:
#'   \item{par}{the optimal solution found so far.}
#'   \item{value}{the function value corresponding to \code{par}.}
#'   \item{iter}{number of (outer) iterations, see \code{maxeval}.}
#'   \item{convergence}{integer code indicating successful completion (> 0)
#'   or a possible error number (< 0).}
#'   \item{message}{character string produced by NLopt and giving additional
#'   information.}
#' @export direct
#' @author Hans W. Borchers
#' @note The DIRECT_L algorithm should be tried first.
#' @seealso The \code{dfoptim} package will provide a pure R version of this
#' algorithm.
#' @references D. R. Jones, C. D. Perttunen, and B. E. Stuckmann,
#' ``Lipschitzian optimization without the Lipschitz constant,'' J.
#' Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 79, p. 157 (1993).
#' J. M. Gablonsky and C. T. Kelley, ``A locally-biased form of the DIRECT
#' algorithm," J. Global Optimization, vol. 21 (1), p. 27-37 (2001).
#' @examples
#' ### Minimize the Hartmann6 function
#' hartmann6 <- function(x) {
#'   a <- c(1.0, 1.2, 3.0, 3.2)
#'   A <- matrix(c(10.0,  0.05, 3.0, 17.0,
#'          3.0, 10.0,  3.5,  8.0,
#'           17.0, 17.0,  1.7,  0.05,
#'          3.5,  0.1, 10.0, 10.0,
#'          1.7,  8.0, 17.0,  0.1,
#'          8.0, 14.0,  8.0, 14.0), nrow=4, ncol=6)
#'   B  <- matrix(c(.1312,.2329,.2348,.4047,
#'          .1696,.4135,.1451,.8828,
#'          .5569,.8307,.3522,.8732,
#'          .0124,.3736,.2883,.5743,
#'          .8283,.1004,.3047,.1091,
#'          .5886,.9991,.6650,.0381), nrow=4, ncol=6)
#'   fun <- 0
#'   for (i in 1:4) {
#'     fun <- fun - a[i] * exp(-sum(A[i,] * (x - B[i,]) ^ 2))
#'   }
#'   fun
#' }
#' S <- directL(hartmann6, rep(0, 6), rep(1, 6),
#'        nl.info = TRUE, control = list(xtol_rel = 1e-8, maxeval = 1000))
#' ## Number of Iterations....: 1000
#' ## Termination conditions:  stopval: -Inf
#' ##   xtol_rel: 1e-08,  maxeval: 1000,  ftol_rel: 0,  ftol_abs: 0
#' ## Number of inequality constraints:  0
#' ## Number of equality constraints:  0
#' ## Current value of objective function:  -3.32236800687327
#' ## Current value of controls:
#' ##   0.2016884 0.1500025 0.4768667 0.2753391 0.311648 0.6572931
direct <- function(fn, lower, upper, scaled = TRUE, original = FALSE,
                   nl.info = FALSE, control = list(), ...) {
  opts <- nl.opts(control)
  if (scaled) {
    opts["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_GN_DIRECT"
  } else {
    opts["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_NOSCAL"

  if (original) opts["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT"

  fun <- match.fun(fn)
  fn  <- function(x) fun(x, ...)

  x0 <- (lower + upper) / 2

  S0 <- nloptr(x0,
               eval_f = fn,
               lb = lower,
               ub = upper,
               opts = opts)

  if (nl.info) print(S0)

  list(par = S0$solution, value = S0$objective, iter = S0$iterations,
       convergence = S0$status, message = S0$message)

#' @export directL
#' @rdname direct
directL <- function(fn, lower, upper, randomized = FALSE, original = FALSE,
                    nl.info = FALSE, control = list(), ...) {

  opts <- nl.opts(control)
  if (randomized) {
    opts["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND"
  } else {
    opts["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L"

  if (original)
    opts["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L"

  fun <- match.fun(fn)
  fn  <- function(x) fun(x, ...)

  x0 <- (lower + upper) / 2

  S0 <- nloptr(x0,
               eval_f = fn,
               lb = lower,
               ub = upper,
               opts = opts)

  if (nl.info) print(S0)

  list(par = S0$solution, value = S0$objective, iter = S0$iterations,
       convergence = S0$status, message = S0$message)

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