Defines functions .plot.all .plot.each .seq2 .eachval2 .eachval .out2df plot.NMF .updateV_NMF .updateU_NMF .initNMF .eachNMF .checkNMF NMF

Documented in NMF plot.NMF

NMF <- function(X, M=NULL, pseudocount=.Machine$double.eps,
    initU=NULL, initV=NULL, fixU=FALSE, fixV=FALSE,
    L1_U=1e-10, L1_V=1e-10, L2_U=1e-10, L2_V=1e-10, J = 3,
    rank.method=c("all", "ccc", "dispersion", "rss", "evar", "residuals", "sparseness.basis", "sparseness.coef", "sparseness2.basis",  "sparseness2.coef",  "norm.info.gain.basis",  "norm.info.gain.coef",  "singular",  "volume",  "condition"), runtime=30,
    algorithm = c("Frobenius", "KL", "IS", "Pearson", "Hellinger", "Neyman",
        "Alpha", "Beta", "ALS", "PGD", "HALS", "GCD", "Projected", "NHR",
        "DTPP", "Orthogonal", "OrthReg"), Alpha = 1, Beta = 2,
    eta = 1e-04, thr1 = 1e-10, thr2 = 1e-10, tol = 1e-04, num.iter = 100,
    viz = FALSE, figdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE){
    # Argument check
    rank.method <- match.arg(rank.method)
    algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
    .checkNMF(X, M, pseudocount, initU, initV, fixU, fixV,
        L1_U, L1_V, L2_U, L2_V, J, runtime,
        Alpha, Beta, eta, thr1, thr2, tol, num.iter, viz, figdir, verbose)
    if(length(J) != 1){
        cat("Each rank, multiple NMF runs are performed\n")
        out1 <- .lapply_pb(J, function(j){
            # Original data
            out.original <- lapply(seq_len(runtime), function(r){
                try(.eachNMF(X, M, pseudocount, initU, initV, fixU, fixV, L1_U, L1_V,
                    L2_U, L2_V, j, algorithm, Alpha, Beta, eta, thr1, thr2,
                    tol, num.iter, viz, figdir, verbose))
            # Rand data
            out.random <- lapply(seq_len(runtime), function(r){
                try(.eachNMF(.randomize(X), M, pseudocount, initU, initV, fixU, fixV,
                    L1_U, L1_V, L2_U, L2_V,
                    j, algorithm, Alpha, Beta, eta, thr1, thr2,
                    tol, num.iter, viz, figdir, verbose))
            list(out.original=out.original, out.random=out.random)
        names(out1) <- paste0("Rank", J)
        cat("Each rank estimation method\n")
        out2 <- .lapply_pb(J, function(j, other){
            out1 <- other$out1
            rank.method <- other$rank.method
            runtime <- other$runtime
            X <- other$X
            out.original <- eval(parse(text=paste0("out1$Rank", j, "$out.original")))
            out.random <- eval(parse(text=paste0("out1$Rank", j, "$out.random")))
            f <- .flist2[[rank.method]]
            f(out.original, out.random, X, runtime)
        }, other=list(out1=out1, rank.method=rank.method,
            runtime=runtime, X=X))
        names(out2) <- paste0("Rank", J)
        out <- list(U = NULL,
            V = NULL,
            J = J,
            RecError = NULL,
            TrainRecError = NULL,
            TestRecError = NULL,
            RelChange = NULL,
            Trial = out2, Runtime = runtime, RankMethod=rank.method)
        class(out) <- "NMF"
        out1 <- .eachNMF(X, M, pseudocount, initU, initV, fixU, fixV,
            L1_U, L1_V, L2_U, L2_V,
            J, algorithm, Alpha, Beta, eta, thr1, thr2, tol, num.iter,
            viz, figdir, verbose)
        list(U = out1$U,
            V = out1$V,
            J = J,
            RecError = out1$RecError,
            TrainRecError = out1$TrainRecError,
            TestRecError = out1$TestRecError,
            RelChange = out1$RelChange,
            Trial = NULL, Runtime = NULL, RankMethod=NULL)

.checkNMF <- function(X, M, pseudocount, initU, initV, fixU, fixV,
    L1_U, L1_V, L2_U, L2_V, J, runtime,
    Alpha, Beta, eta, thr1, thr2, tol, num.iter, viz, figdir, verbose){
        if(!identical(dim(X), dim(M))){
            stop("Please specify the dimensions of X and M are same")
        .checkZeroNA(X, M, type="matrix")
        if(!identical(nrow(X), nrow(initU))){
            stop("Please specify nrow(X) and nrow(initU) are same")
        if(!identical(ncol(X), nrow(initV))){
            stop("Please specify ncol(X) and nrow(initV) are same")
    if(L1_U < 0){
        stop("Please specify the L1_U that larger than 0")
    if(L1_V < 0){
        stop("Please specify the L1_V that larger than 0")
    if(L2_U < 0){
        stop("Please specify the L2_U that larger than 0")
    if(L2_V < 0){
        stop("Please specify the L2_V that larger than 0")
    if(!is.character(figdir) && !is.null(figdir)){
        stop("Please specify the figdir as a string or NULL")

.eachNMF <- function(X, M, pseudocount, initU, initV, fixU, fixV, L1_U, L1_V, L2_U, L2_V,
    J, algorithm, Alpha, Beta, eta, thr1, thr2,
    tol, num.iter, viz, figdir, verbose) {
    # Initialization of U, V
    int <- .initNMF(X, M, pseudocount, initU, initV, J, thr1, Alpha, Beta, algorithm, verbose)
    X <- int$X
    M <- int$M
    pM <- int$pM
    M_NA <- int$M_NA
    U <- int$U
    V <- int$V
    RecError <- int$RecError
    TrainRecError <- int$TrainRecError
    TestRecError <- int$TestRecError
    RelChange <- int$RelChange
    Alpha <- int$Alpha
    Beta <- int$Beta
    algorithm <- int$algorithm
    iter <- 1
    while ((RecError[iter] > thr1) && (iter <= num.iter)) {
        # Update U, V
        X_bar <- .recMatrix(U, V)
        pre_Error <- .recError(X, X_bar)
        U <- .updateU_NMF(X, pM, U, V, fixU, L1_U, L2_U, J, algorithm,
            Alpha, Beta, eta, thr2, tol)
        V <- .updateV_NMF(X, pM, U, V, fixV, L1_V, L2_V, J, algorithm,
            Alpha, Beta, eta, thr2, tol)
        # After Update U, V
        iter <- iter + 1
        X_bar <- .recMatrix(U, V)
        RecError[iter] <- .recError(X, X_bar)
        TrainRecError[iter] <- .recError((1-M_NA+M)*X, (1-M_NA+M)*X_bar)
        TestRecError[iter] <- .recError((M_NA-M)*X, (M_NA-M)*X_bar)
        RelChange[iter] <- abs(pre_Error - RecError[iter]) / RecError[iter]
        if (viz && !is.null(figdir)) {
            png(filename = paste0(figdir, "/", iter-1, ".png"))
        if (viz && is.null(figdir)) {
        if (verbose) {
            cat(paste0(iter-1, " / ", num.iter, " |Previous Error - Error| / Error = ",
                RelChange[iter], "\n"))
        if (is.nan(RelChange[iter])) {
            stop("NaN is generated. Please run again or change the parameters.\n")
    if (viz && !is.null(figdir)) {
        png(filename = paste0(figdir, "/finish.png"))
        png(filename = paste0(figdir, "/original.png"))
    if (viz && is.null(figdir)) {
    names(RecError) <- c("offset", seq_len(iter-1))
    names(TrainRecError) <- c("offset", seq_len(iter-1))
    names(TestRecError) <- c("offset", seq_len(iter-1))
    names(RelChange) <- c("offset", seq_len(iter-1))

    list(U = U, V = V, RecError = RecError,
        TrainRecError = TrainRecError,
        TestRecError = TestRecError,
        RelChange = RelChange)

.initNMF <- function(X, M, pseudocount, initU, initV, J, thr1, Alpha, Beta, algorithm, verbose){
    # NA mask
    M_NA <- X
    M_NA[] <- 1
    M_NA[which(is.na(X))] <- 0
        M <- M_NA
    pM <- M
    # Pseudo count
    X[which(is.na(X))] <- pseudocount
    X[which(X == 0)] <- pseudocount
    pM[which(pM == 0)] <- pseudocount
        U <- matrix(runif(nrow(X) * J), nrow = nrow(X), ncol = J)
        U <- U * U
        U <- initU
        V <- matrix(runif(ncol(X) * J), nrow = ncol(X), ncol = J)
        V <- V * V
        V <- initV
    RecError = c()
    TrainRecError = c()
    TestRecError = c()
    RelChange = c()
    RecError[1] <- thr1 * 10
    TrainRecError[1] <- thr1 * 10
    TestRecError[1] <- thr1 * 10
    RelChange[1] <- thr1 * 10
    R <- NULL
    if (algorithm == "HALS") {
        R <- X - U %*% t(V)
    if (algorithm == "Frobenius") {
        Beta = 2
        algorithm = "Beta"
    if (algorithm == "KL") {
        Beta = 1
        algorithm = "Beta"
    if (algorithm == "IS") {
        Beta = 0
        algorithm = "Beta"
    if (algorithm == "Pearson") {
        Alpha = 2
        algorithm = "Alpha"
    if (algorithm == "Hellinger") {
        Alpha = 0.5
        algorithm = "Alpha"
    if (algorithm == "Neyman") {
        Alpha = -1
        algorithm = "Alpha"
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Iterative step is running...\n")
    list(X=X, M=M, pM=pM, M_NA=M_NA, U=U, V=V, RecError=RecError,
        TestRecError=TestRecError, RelChange=RelChange,
        Alpha=Alpha, Beta=Beta, algorithm=algorithm)

.updateU_NMF <- function(X, pM, U, V, fixU, L1_U, L2_U, J, algorithm, Alpha, Beta, eta, thr2, tol){
        if(algorithm == "ALS"){
            U <- .positive(X %*% ginv(t(V)))
        if(algorithm == "PGD"){
            U <- .positive(U - eta * (-2 * (pM * X) %*% V +
                2 * (pM * U %*% t(V)) %*% V), thr2)
        if(algorithm == "Alpha"){
            numer <- (((pM * X)/(pM * U %*% t(V)))^Alpha %*% V)
            denom <- (matrix(1, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = 1) %*%
            U <- U * (numer / denom)^(1/Alpha)
        if(algorithm == "Beta"){
            numer <- ((pM * U %*% t(V))^(Beta - 2) * (pM * X)) %*% V
            denom <- (pM * U %*% t(V) )^(Beta - 1) %*% V + L1_U + L2_U * U
            U <- U * (numer / denom)^.rho(Beta)
        if(algorithm == "HALS"){
            A <- X %*% V
            B <- t(V) %*% V
            for (j in 1:J) {
                U[, j] <- .positive(A[, j] - U %*% B[, j] + U[,
                  j] * B[j, j], thr2)
                U[, j] <- U[, j]/norm(as.matrix(U[, j]), "F")
        if(algorithm == "GCD"){
            U <- U + .doiter(U, V, X, tol = tol, J)
        if(algorithm == "Projected"){
            pX <- pM * X
            numer <- pX %*% t(pX) %*% U
            denom_1 <- U %*% t(U) %*% pX %*% t(pX) %*% U
            denom_2 <- pX %*% t(pX) %*% U %*% t(U) %*% U
            U <- U * (numer / (denom_1 + denom_2))
        if(algorithm == "NHR"){
            pX <- pM * X
            numer <- pX %*% t(pX) %*% U
            denom <- U %*% t(U) %*% pX %*% t(pX) %*% U
            U <- U * (numer / denom)
        if(algorithm == "DTPP"){
            pX <- pM * X
            numer <- pX %*% V
            denom <- U %*% t(U) %*% pX %*% V
            U <- U * sqrt(numer / denom)
        if(algorithm == "Orthogonal"){
            pX <- pM * X
            numer <- pX %*% V
            denom <- (pM * (U %*% t(V))) %*% t(pX) %*% U
            U <- U * (numer / denom)
        if(algorithm == "OrthReg"){
            pX <- pM * X
            numer <- pX %*% V + L2_U * U
            denom <- U %*% t(V) %*% V + 2 * L2_U * U %*% t(U) %*% U
            U <- U * sqrt(numer / denom)

.updateV_NMF <- function(X, pM, U, V, fixV, L1_V, L2_V, J, algorithm, Alpha, Beta, eta, thr2, tol){
        if(algorithm == "ALS"){
            V <- .positive(t(X) %*% ginv(t(U)))
        if(algorithm == "PGD"){
            V <- .positive(V - eta * (-2 * t(pM * X) %*% U +
                2 * (t(pM) * V %*% t(U)) %*% U), thr2)
        if(algorithm == "Alpha"){
            numer <- (t((pM * X)/(pM * U %*% t(V)))^Alpha %*% U)
            denom <- (matrix(1, nrow = ncol(X), ncol = 1) %*%
            V <- V * (numer / denom)^(1/Alpha)
        if(algorithm == "Beta"){
            numer <- t((pM * U %*% t(V))^(Beta - 2) * (pM * X)) %*% U
            denom <- t((pM * U %*% t(V))^(Beta - 1)) %*% U + L1_V + L2_V * V
            V <- V * (numer / denom)^.rho(Beta)
        if(algorithm == "HALS"){
            C <- t(X) %*% U
            D <- t(U) %*% U
            for (j in 1:J) {
                V[, j] <- .positive(C[, j] - V %*% D[, j] + V[,
                  j] * D[j, j], thr2)
        if(algorithm == "GCD"){
            V <- V + .doiter(V, U, t(X), tol = tol, J)
        if(algorithm %in% c("Projected", "NHR")){
            pX <- pM * X
            V <- t(pX) %*% U
        if(algorithm %in% c("DTPP", "Orthogonal")){
            pX <- pM * X
            numer <- t(U) %*% pX
            denom <- t(U) %*% (pM * (U %*% t(V)))
            V <- t(t(V) * numer / denom)
        if(algorithm == "OrthReg"){
            pX <- pM * X
            numer <- t(pX) %*% U
            denom <- V %*% t(U) %*% U
            V <- V * sqrt(numer / denom)

plot.NMF <- function(x, ...){
    rank.method <- x$RankMethod
        if(rank.method == "all"){

.out2df <- function(object, type){
    J <- object$J
    Runtime <- object$Runtime
    # for .plot.each
    if(type == "each"){
        df <- data.frame(
                Rank=.seq2(J, Runtime),
                .eachval(object, J, Runtime))
    # for .plot.all
    if(type == "all"){
        df <- data.frame(
                Rank=.seq2(J, Runtime),
                .eachval2(object, .all.method, J, Runtime)

.eachval <- function(object, J, Runtime){
    oval <- unlist(lapply(J, function(j){
                        eval(parse(text=paste0("object$Trial$Rank", j, "$original")))
    rval <- unlist(lapply(J, function(j){
                        eval(parse(text=paste0("object$Trial$Rank", j, "$random")))
    if(length(oval) == length(J)){
        oval <- .seq2(oval, Runtime)
        rval <- .seq2(rval, Runtime)
        Value=c(oval, rval),
        Type=.seq2(c("original", "random"),

.eachval2 <- function(object, Method, J, Runtime){
    oval <- unlist(lapply(Method, function(m){
        val <- unlist(lapply(J, function(j){
                            eval(parse(text=paste0("object$Trial$Rank", j, "$", m, "$original")))}))
        if(length(val) == length(J)){
            val <- .seq2(val, Runtime)
    rval <- unlist(lapply(Method, function(m){
        val <- unlist(lapply(J, function(j){
                            eval(parse(text=paste0("object$Trial$Rank", j, "$", m, "$random")))}))
        if(length(val) == length(J)){
            val <- .seq2(val, Runtime)
    data.frame(Value=c(oval, rval),
        Type=.seq2(c("original", "random"),
        Method=rep(.seq2(Method, length(J)*Runtime), 2))

.all.method <- c("ccc", "dispersion", "rss", "evar", "residuals", "sparseness.basis", "sparseness.coef", "sparseness2.basis", "sparseness2.coef", "norm.info.gain.basis", "norm.info.gain.coef", "singular", "volume", "condition")

.seq2 <- function(J, Runtime){
    unlist(lapply(J, function(j, r){
        rep(j, r)
    }, r=Runtime))

# 1. Line plot
.plot.each <- function(object){
    BestRank <- object$BestRank
    Rank <- NULL
    Value <- NULL
    Type <- NULL
    df <- .out2df(object, type="each")
    df <- df[which(!is.na(df$Value)), ]
    g <- ggplot(df, aes(Rank, Value, group=Type , colour=Type))
    g <- g + geom_point()
    g <- g + stat_summary(fun = "mean", geom="line", linewidth = 2)
    g <- g + stat_summary(fun.data = mean_se, geom="errorbar")
    g <- g + geom_vline(xintercept=BestRank, linetype="dashed")

# 2. Panel plot <2*7>
.plot.all <- function(object){
    BestRank <- object$BestRank
    Rank <- NULL
    Value <- NULL
    Type <- NULL
    df <- .out2df(object, type="all")
    df <- df[which(!is.na(df$Value)), ]
    g <- ggplot(df, aes(Rank, Value, group=Type , colour=Type))
    g <- g + geom_point()
    g <- g + stat_summary(fun = "mean", geom="line", linewidth = 0.5)
    g <- g + stat_summary(fun.data = mean_se, geom="errorbar")
    g <- g + geom_vline(xintercept=BestRank, linetype="dashed")
    g <- g + facet_wrap(~Method, scales="free", nrow=2)

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