funs.vartct: Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III...

funs.vartctR Documentation

Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs


Three functions: var.tctI, var.tctIII, and var.tctIV.

These functions return the variances of T_{ij} values for i,j=1,\ldots,k in the TCT in matrix form which is of the same dimension as TCT for types I, III and IV tests. The argument covN must be the covariance between N_{ij} values which are obtained from the NNCT by row-wise vectorization. These variances are valid under RL or conditional on Q and R under CSR.

See also (\insertCiteceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textualnnspat).


var.tctI(ct, covN)

var.tctIII(ct, covN)

var.tctIV(ct, covN)



A nearest neighbor contingency table


The k^2 \times k^2 covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized cell counts of NNCT, ct.


Each of these functions returns a matrix of same dimension as, ct, whose entries are the variances of the entries in the TCT for the corresponding type of cell-specific test. The row and column names are inherited from ct.



See Also

var.tct and var.nnct

nnspat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.