
Defines functions ld.f1

Documented in ld.f1

# R program for LD_F1 macro
#   Input:   
#               y: a vector of variable of interest
#               time: a vector of time variable
#               subject: a vector of independent subjects
#   Optional Input:
#               w.pat: pattern for the pattern alternatives
#		time.name: name of the time vector. "Time" is set as default.
#               description: description of the output. Default is set to TRUE (show description)
#		time.order: a vector of time levels specifying the order.
#   Output:
#             list of relative treatment effects, test results, pattern results, covariance matrix
ld.f1 <- function(y, time, subject, w.pat=NULL, time.name="Time", description=TRUE, time.order=NULL,plot.RTE=TRUE,
show.covariance=FALSE, order.warning=TRUE)
#        For model description see Brunner et al. (2002)
#        Author: Mahbub Latif (mlatif@gwdg.de)
#                     Department of Medical Statistics, Goettingen, Germany
#         Version:  01-01
#         Date: December 2, 2002
#        changed multiple option from the macro /mahbub
#        Editied by: Kimihiro Noguchi
#         Version:  01-02
#         Date: August 14, 2009
#        Editied by: Kimihiro Noguchi
#         Version:  01-03
#         Date: December 23, 2009
#    Key Variables:
#                time: time factor
#                t: number of levels of time
#                N: total number of observations + missing observations
#                ind: indicator of whether there exists a missing observation (0=Yes,1=No)
#                Nmiss: total number of missing observations
#                n: total number of subject
#                rankvar: ranks of the variable of interest
#                rankmean: mean rank for each level of time
#                Nobs: total number of observations for each level of time
#                RTE: relative treatment effects
#                Q: Wald-type Statistic
#                pvQ: p-value for the Wald-type Statistic
#                F: Hotelling's T^2 Statistic
#                pvQ: p-value for the Hotelling's T^2 Statistic
#                A: ANOVA-type Statistic
#                pvA: p-value for the ANOVA-type Statistic
#                Tn: Tn statistic for testing equality of marginal distributions for t = 2
#                TnB: Tn statistic for testing equality of marginal distributions for t = 2 
#                     in the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher situation
#                Kn: Kn statistic for testing equality of marginal distributions for t = 2
#                pvN: p-value for the Tn, TnB, or Kn statistic with normal distribution
#                pvT: p-value for the Tn, TnB, or Kn statistic with Student's T distribution

#    check whether the input variables are entered correctly

		stop("At least one of the input parameters (y, time, or subject) is not found.")
		stop("At least one of the input parameters (y, time, or subject) has a different length.")

#    initialize parameters

	   tlevel <- unique(time)
	   slevel <- unique(subject)
	   t <- length(tlevel)
	   s <- length(slevel)
           N <- length(var)

		stop("Number of levels of subject (",s, ") times number of levels of time (",t,") 
		is not equal to the total number of observations (",N,").",sep="")

#    time order vector

		tlevel <- time.order
		tlevel2 <- unique(time)

		if(length(tlevel)!=length(tlevel2))	# if the levels of the order is different from the one in the data
		stop("Length of the time.order vector (",length(tlevel), ") 
		is not equal to the levels of time vector (",length(tlevel2),").",sep="")

		if(mean(sort(tlevel)==sort(tlevel2))!=1)     # if the elements in the time.order is different from the time levels
		stop("Elements in the time.order vector is different from the levels specified in the time vector.",sep="")		

#    sort data


	   for(i in 1:N)
#    relabel the time and subject vectors (to deal with factor variables)


#    calculate attributes of data

        ind <- 1-is.na(var)
        Nmiss <- N-sum(ind)
        n <- length(unique(subject))

#    Output for the number of observations, missing observations, and subject

           rankvar <- rank(var,na.last=TRUE)
           ### Rank Means ### 
           rankvar <- rankvar*ind

#    Calculation of the mean rank for each level of time
               junk1 <- sapply(split(rankvar,factor(time):factor(subject)),sum)
               junk2 <- sapply(split(ind,factor(time):factor(subject)),sum)
               mean.time.subj <- matrix(junk1/junk2, n, t)
               mind <- is.finite(mean.time.subj)
               rankmean <- apply(mean.time.subj,2,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)})

           Nobs <- sapply(split(ind, factor(time)), sum)
           RTE <- (rankmean-.5)/sum(ind)

#    Output for the description of the model and tests

	   model.name<-"LD F1 Model"

           cat(" Total number of observations: ",sum(ind),"\n") 
           cat(" Total number of subjects:  " , n,"\n")
           cat(" Total number of missing observations: ",Nmiss,"\n") 
           cat("\n Class level information ")
           cat("\n ----------------------- \n")
           cat(" Levels of factor:   ", t,"\n")
           cat("\n Abbreviations ")
           cat("\n ----------------------- \n")
           cat(" RankMeans = Rank means\n")
           cat(" Nobs = Number of observations\n")
           cat(" RTE = Relative treatment effect\n")
           cat(" Wald.test = Wald-type test statistic\n")
           cat(" Hotelling.test = Hotelling's F (T^2) test statistic\n")
           cat(" ANOVA.test = ANOVA-type test statistic\n")
           cat(" two.sample.test = Two-sample test statistic (if no observation missing) \n")
           cat(" two.sample.bf.test = Two-sample test statistic for Behrens-Fisher situation (if no observation missing) \n")
           cat(" N = Standard Normal Distribution N(0,1)\n")
           cat(" T = Student's T distribution with", n-1, "degrees of freedom\n")
            pattern.string<-"no pattern specified"
           cat(" pattern.test = Test against patterned alternatives (",pattern.string,")","\n")
           cat(" covariance = Covariance matrix","\n")
           cat(" Note: The description output above will disappear by setting description=FALSE in the input. See the help file for details.","\n\n")
           cat(" LD F1 Model ") 
           cat("\n ----------------------- \n")
           cat(" Check that the order of the time level is correct.\n") 
           cat(" Time level:  " , paste(tlevel),"\n")
           cat(" If the order is not correct, specify the correct order in time.order.\n\n")
           for(i in 1:ulength)

           out <- data.frame(RankMeans=rankmean,Nobs,RTE)

# Program for covariance matrix for LD_F1 macro
#    Input:
#                   t : Number of time points
#                   n: Number of subjects
#                   mvar: matrix of order n x t of the variable of interest
#                   mind: matrix of order n x t of the missing indicators  
#                   rmean: rankmeans for each time pont
#    For missing completely at random observation, see 7.2.8.

covr <- function(mvar, mind, rmean, t){
      V <- matrix(0, t, t)
      lam <- apply(mind,2,sum)
       for(i in 1:t)
        V[i,i] <- t(mind)[i,]%*%((mvar[,i]-rmean[i])^2)/(lam[i]*(lam[i]-1))
        if( i<t)
         j <- i+1	
         for(j in (i+1):t)
          Lam <- t(mind)[i,]%*%mind[,j]
          K <- (lam[i]-1)*(lam[j]-1)+Lam-1
          V[i,j] <- (1/K)*(t(mind)[i,]*t(mind)[j,])%*%((mvar[,i]-rmean[i])*(mvar[,j]-rmean[j]))   
          V[j,i] <- V[i,j]

           ### covariance matrix ####
	       V <- (n/(sum(ind)^2))*covr(mean.time.subj,mind,rankmean,t)

           ### initializing test variables ####
	       wald.test <- NULL
	       hotelling.test <- NULL
	       anova.test <- NULL
               two.sample.test <- NULL
               two.sample.bf.test <- NULL
               pattern.test <- NULL
           # IF t > 1, where t is the number of levels of time, the following output will be produced  
           if(t > 1){	

	       #### Wald test ####
	       C <- diag(t)-matrix(1/t,t,t)
	       CVC <- C%*%V%*%C
	       p <- matrix(RTE,t,1)
	       cp <- C%*%p
	       Q <- n*t(cp)%*%ginv(CVC)%*%cp 
	       dfq <- sum(diag(CVC%*%ginv(CVC)))
	       if((!is.na(Q))&&(!is.na(dfq))&&(Q > 0)&&(dfq > 0)) pvQ <- pchisq(Q, dfq,lower.tail=FALSE)
	       else pvQ<-NA
	       wald.test <- data.frame(Statistic=Q, df=dfq, P.value=pvQ)
	       colnames(wald.test) <- c("Statistic", "df", "p-value")
               rownames(wald.test) <- time.name

	       ##### Hotelling T^2 ###
	       F <- Q*(n-t+1)/((t-1)*(n-1))
	       dff1 <- t -1
	       dff2 <- n-t+1
               if((!is.na(F))&&(!is.na(dff1))&&(!is.na(dff2))&&(F > 0)&&(dff1 > 0)&&(dff2 > 0)) 
	       	pvF <- pf(F, dff1, dff2,lower.tail=FALSE)
	       	hotelling.test <- data.frame(Statistic=F, df1=dff1, df2=dff2, P.value=pvF)
	       	colnames(hotelling.test) <- c("Statistic", "df1", "df2", "p-value")
               	rownames(hotelling.test) <- time.name

	       ###### ANOVA type #####
	       T <- C%*%ginv(C%*%C)%*%C
	       f <- (sum(diag(T%*%V)))^2/sum(diag(T%*%V%*%T%*%V))
	       A <- n*t(p)%*%T%*%p/sum(diag(T%*%V))
	       if((!is.na(A))&&(!is.na(f))&&(A > 0)&&(f > 0)) pvA <-pchisq(A*f, f,lower.tail=FALSE)
	       else pvA <- NA
	       anova.test <- data.frame(Statistic=A, df=f, P.value=pvA)
	       colnames(anova.test) <- c("Statistic", "df", "p-value")
               rownames(anova.test) <- time.name

            # IF t = 2, where t is the number of levels of time, and there is no missing observation, 
            # the following output will be produced         
            if(t==2 && Nmiss==0) {
               # See 7.1.1
               mat.var <- sapply(split(rankvar, time),matrix)
               mean.var <- apply(mat.var, 2, mean)
               junk <- t(t(mat.var) - mean.var)
               # equation 7.1
               Sn2 <- sum(((apply(junk,1,diff))^2))/(n-1)
               # equation 7.2 
               Tn <- sqrt(n)*(mean.var[2] - mean.var[1])/sqrt(Sn2)
               pvN <- 2*(pnorm(abs(Tn),lower.tail=FALSE))
               pvT <- 2*(pt(abs(Tn), (n-1),lower.tail=FALSE))
               two.sample.test <- data.frame(Statistics=Tn, NN=pvN, df=n-1, tt=pvT)
               colnames(two.sample.test) <- c("Statistic", "p-value(N)", "df", "p-value(T)")
               rownames(two.sample.test) <- time.name
               # Behrens-Fisher Situation (See 7.1.3)
               mat.var.rank <- apply(sapply(split(var, time), rank),1,diff)   
               Sn2B <- sum((apply(junk,1,diff) - mat.var.rank)^2)/(n-1)
               TnB <- sqrt(n)*(mean.var[2] - mean.var[1])/(2*sqrt(Sn2B))
               pvN <- 2*(pnorm(abs(TnB),lower.tail=FALSE))
               pvT <- 2*(pt(abs(TnB),(n-1),lower.tail=FALSE))
               #out.test <- rbind(out.test, c(TnB,pvN,pvT))
               nn <- c("H_0^F (F1=F2)", "H_0^p (p1=p2)")
               #out.test <- data.frame(out.test, row.names=nn)
               two.sample.bf.test <- data.frame(Statistics=TnB, NN=pvN, df=n-1, tt=pvT)
               colnames(two.sample.bf.test) <- c("Statistic", "p-value(N)", "df","p-value(T)")
               rownames(two.sample.bf.test) <- time.name   

            #### Patterned Alternatives #####
               # See 5.6
	       C <- diag(t)-matrix(1/t,t,t)
	       CVC <- C%*%V%*%C
	       p <- matrix(RTE,t,1)
	       cp <- C%*%p
               junk <- matrix(w.pat,t,1)
               sigma2 <- t(junk)%*%CVC%*%junk 
               Kn <- round(sqrt(n)*t(junk)%*%cp/sqrt(sigma2),Inf)	
               pvN <- pnorm(Kn,lower.tail=FALSE)
               pvT <- pt(Kn, n-1,lower.tail=FALSE)
               pattern.test <- data.frame(Statistics=Kn, NN=pvN, df=n-1, tt=pvT)
               colnames(pattern.test) <- c("Statistic", "p-value(N)", "df","p-value(T)")
               rownames(pattern.test) <- time.name
            else pattern <- NULL

	    if(qr(V)$rank < t) SING.COV <- TRUE
		cat("\n Warning(s):\n")
		cat(" The covariance matrix is singular. \n")

       if (show.covariance == FALSE) {
        V <- NULL

            ## OUTPUT ##
            out.ld.f1 <- list(RTE=out,Wald.test=wald.test, Hotelling.test=hotelling.test, 
            ANOVA.test=anova.test, two.sample.test=two.sample.test, two.sample.BF.test=two.sample.bf.test, 
            pattern.test=pattern.test, covariance=V, model.name=model.name) 
             if (plot.RTE == TRUE) {
        kk <- 1:t
        ptg <- expression(p[i])
        plot(kk, out[, 3], pch = 10, type = "b", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 
            1), xaxt = "n", xlab = time.name, ylab = ptg, cex.lab = 1.5)
        axis(1, at = kk, labels = SOURCE)
        title(main = paste("Relative Effects"))


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