
ROCbands <- function(groc, ...) {

ROCbands.default <- function(groc, method = c("PSN", "JMS", "DEK"), conf.level = 0.95,
                      B = 500, bootstrap.bar = TRUE, alpha1 = NULL, s = 1, a.J = NULL,
                      b.J = NULL, plot.bands = FALSE, plot.var = FALSE, seed = 123, ...){

  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (!is.numeric(conf.level) || length(conf.level) != 1) {
    stop("conf.level should be a number.")
  else if (conf.level > 1 && conf.level <= 100) {
    conf.level <- conf.level/100
  if (conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1) {
    stop("conf.level should be in the unit interval.")
  alpha <- 1 - conf.level
  if (!is.null(alpha1)) {
    if (!is.numeric(alpha1) || length(alpha1) != 1) {
      stop("alpha1 should be a number.")
    else if (alpha1 < 0 | alpha1 > 1) {
      stop("alpha1 should be in the unit interval.")
    else if (alpha1 > alpha) {
      stop("alpha1 should be lower than 1-conf.level.")
  if (!is.numeric(B) || length(B) != 1 || B%%1 != 0 || B <=
      0) {
    stop("B should be a positive integer.")
  if (!is.numeric(s) || length(s) != 1 || s < 0) {
    stop("s should be a non-negative number.")
  side <- groc$side
  controls <- groc$controls
  cases <- groc$cases
  ROC.t <- groc$roc
  Ni <- groc$Ni
  if(is.null(Ni)) Ni <- length(controls)
  grid <- seq(0, 1, 1/Ni)
  # gamma <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
  # sol <- function(side, controls, cases) {
  #   switch(side, right = ecdf(1 - ecdf(controls)(cases))(grid),
  #          left = ecdf(ecdf(controls)(cases))(grid), both = apply(matrix(1 -
  #                                                                          ecdf(1 - ecdf(controls)(cases))(1 - gamma %*%
  #                                                                                                            t(grid)) + ecdf(1 - ecdf(controls)(cases))((1 -
  #                                                                                                                                                          gamma) %*% t(grid)), length(gamma), length(grid)),
  #                                                                 2, max))
  # }
  if (method == "PSN") {
    n <- length(cases)
    m <- length(controls)
    hn <- s * min(n, m)^{
    } * sd(cases)
    hm <- s * min(n, m)^{
    } * sd(controls)
    cases.b <- sapply(1:B, function(b) {
      sample(cases, replace = TRUE) + rnorm(n, 0, hn)
    controls.b <- sapply(1:B, function(b) {
      sample(controls, replace = TRUE) + rnorm(m, 0, hm)
    if (side == "both" && bootstrap.bar == TRUE) {
      cat("Progress bar of bootstrap iterations (B = ",
          B, ")\n", sep = "")
      bar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)
    ROC.B <- sapply(1:B, function(b) {
      if (side == "both" && bootstrap.bar == TRUE) {
        setTxtProgressBar(bar, b)
      # sol(side = side, controls = controls.b[, b], cases = cases.b[, b])
      gROC(c(controls.b[, b], cases.b[, b]), c(rep(0,length(controls.b[, b])), rep(1,length(cases.b[, b]))), side = side, Ni = groc$Ni)$roc
    if (side == "both" && bootstrap.bar == TRUE) {
    X.B <- ROC.B - ROC.t
    sigma.B <- apply(sqrt(n) * X.B, 1, sd)
    sigma.B[sigma.B == 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
    X.B[sigma.B == 0, ] <- .Machine$double.eps
    U.B <- apply(sqrt(n) * X.B/sigma.B, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
    L.B <- apply(sqrt(n) * X.B/sigma.B, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (is.null(alpha1)) {
      c1.v <- sapply(seq(0, alpha, 0.005), function(x) {
        quantile(U.B, na.rm = TRUE, 1 - x)
      c2.v <- sapply(seq(alpha, 0, -0.005), function(x) {
        quantile(L.B, na.rm = TRUE, x)
      pos.min <- which.min(c1.v - c2.v)
      alpha1 <- seq(0, alpha, 0.005)[pos.min]
      alpha2 <- seq(alpha, 0, -0.005)[pos.min]
      c1 <- as.numeric(c1.v[pos.min])
      c2 <- as.numeric(c2.v[pos.min])
      fixed.alpha1 <- FALSE
    else {
      alpha1 <- alpha1
      alpha2 <- alpha - alpha1
      c1.v <- quantile(U.B, na.rm = TRUE, 1 - alpha1)
      c2.v <- quantile(L.B, na.rm = TRUE, alpha2)
      c1 <- as.numeric(c1.v)
      c2 <- as.numeric(c2.v)
      fixed.alpha1 <- TRUE
    L <- ROC.t - c1 * sigma.B/sqrt(n)
    U <- ROC.t - c2 * sigma.B/sqrt(n)
    L[which(L < 0)] <- 0
    U[which(U > 1)] <- 1
    L[which(L > 0.95)] <- 0.95
    U[which(U < 0.05)] <- 0.05
    practical.area <- mean(U[-1] - L[-1] + U[-length(U)] -
    theoretical.area <- (c1 - c2)/sqrt(n) * mean(sigma.B[-1] +
                                                   sigma.B[-Ni - 1], na.rm = TRUE)/2
    if (plot.var) {
      if (plot.bands) {
        par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
      else {
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      plot(grid, sigma.B, type = "l", xlab = "t", ylab = expression(sigma(t)),
           main = expression(Standard ~ deviation ~ of ~
                               X(omega, t) ~ along ~ bootstrap ~ runs), cex.main = 1.2 -
             0.2 * plot.var, font.main = 2)
    else {
      if (plot.bands) {
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    results <- list(method = method, B = B, conf.level = conf.level,
                    ROC.t = ROC.t, s = s, alpha1 = alpha1, alpha2 = alpha2,
                    fixed.alpha1 = fixed.alpha1, c1 = c1, c2 = c2, ROC.B = ROC.B,
                    sd.PSN = sigma.B, practical.area = practical.area,
                    theoretical.area = theoretical.area, L = L, U = U,
                    Ni = groc$Ni, controls = controls, cases = cases)
  else if (method == "JMS") {

    if(is.null(a.J)) a.J <- 1/Ni
    if(is.null(b.J)) b.J <- 1 - 1/Ni

    if (!is.numeric(a.J) || length(a.J) != 1 || a.J < 0 || a.J >
        1) {
      stop("a.J should be a number in the unit interval.")
    if (!is.numeric(b.J) || length(b.J) != 1 || b.J < 0 || b.J >
        1) {
      stop("b.J should be a number in the unit interval.")

    if (side != "right") {
      stop("Jensen et al. method may only be used to right-side ROC curves.")
    if (!any(abs(grid - a.J) < .Machine$double.eps)) {
      stop("a.J value must be stated in function of Ni value.")
    else if (!any(abs(grid - b.J) < .Machine$double.eps)) {
      stop("b.J value must be stated in function of Ni value.")
    n <- length(cases)
    m <- length(controls)
    p <- grid[(which(abs(grid - a.J) < .Machine$double.eps) +
                 1):(which(abs(grid - b.J) < .Machine$double.eps) -
    naiveROC <- ecdf(1 - ecdf(controls)(cases))(p)
    Sp.step <- which(!duplicated(naiveROC))
    l.Sp.step <- length(Sp.step)
    smoothedROC1 <- (naiveROC[Sp.step[-l.Sp.step]] + naiveROC[Sp.step[-1]])/2
    smoothedROC2 <- naiveROC[Sp.step[-1]]
    smoothedROC <- c(naiveROC[Sp.step[1]]/2, as.vector(rbind(smoothedROC1,
    Sp.smoothedROC <- c(Sp.step[1], as.vector(rbind(Sp.step[-l.Sp.step],
                                                    (Sp.step[-l.Sp.step] + Sp.step[-1])/2)))
    smoothROC <- approxfun(c(0, p[Sp.smoothedROC], 1), c(0,
                                                         smoothedROC, 1))
    f.controls <- approxfun(c(-1/.Machine$double.eps, density(controls)$x,
                              1/.Machine$double.eps), c(0, density(controls)$y,
    f.cases <- approxfun(c(-1/.Machine$double.eps, density(cases)$x,
                           1/.Machine$double.eps), c(0, density(cases)$y, 0))
    F.controls <- ecdf(controls)
    F.cases <- ecdf(cases)
    lambda <- m/(n + m)
    C1 <- quantile(controls, 1 - p)
    C2 <- f.cases(C1)
    C3 <- f.controls(C1)
    C4 <- C2/C3
    C5 <- F.cases(C1)
    Var <- 1/lambda * C4^2 * p * (1 - p) + 1/(1 - lambda) *
      C5 * (1 - C5)
    Stand.Psi <- sapply(1:B, function(b) {
      B1.b <- as.vector(sde::BBridge(x = 0, y = 0, t0 = 0,
                                     T = 1, N = Ni))
      B2.b <- as.vector(sde::BBridge(x = 0, y = 0, t0 = 0,
                                     T = 1, N = Ni))
      B1 <- approxfun(grid, B1.b)
      B2 <- approxfun(grid, B2.b)
      Psi <- sqrt(1/lambda) * C4 * B1(1 - p) + sqrt(1/(1 -
                                                         lambda)) * B2(C5)
      Stand.Psi <- abs(Psi)/sqrt(Var)
    Extremum <- apply(Stand.Psi, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
    K.alpha <- quantile(Extremum, 1 - alpha/2)
    smoothROC.p <- smoothROC(p)
    U <- smoothROC.p + K.alpha * sqrt(Var/(n + m))
    L <- smoothROC.p - K.alpha * sqrt(Var/(n + m))
    L[which(L < 0)] <- 0
    U[which(U > 1)] <- 1
    practical.area <- mean(U[-1] - L[-1] + U[-length(U)] -
    if (plot.var) {
      if (plot.bands) {
        par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
      else {
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      plot(p, Var, type = "l", xlab = "t", ylab = expression(sigma^{
      } ~ (t)), main = expression(Variance ~ of ~ R(omega,
                                                    t)), cex.main = 1.2 - 0.2 * (plot.var), font.main = 2)
    else {
      if (plot.bands) {
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    results <- list(method = method, B = B, conf.level = conf.level,
                    ROC.t = ROC.t, a.J = a.J, b.J = b.J, p = p, smoothROC.p = smoothROC.p,
                    K.alpha = K.alpha, var.JMS = Var, practical.area = practical.area,
                    L = L, U = U, Ni = groc$Ni, controls = controls, cases = cases)
  else if (method == "DEK") {
    if (side != "right") {
      stop("Demidenko method may only be used to right-side ROC curves.")
    superior.band.index <- function(xy) {
      i <- order(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], decreasing = FALSE)
      y <- xy[i, 2]
      frontier <- which(cummax(y) <= y)
      y.0 <- y[frontier]
      frontier <- frontier[c(TRUE, y.0[-1] != y.0[-length(y.0)])]
    inferior.band.index <- function(xy) {
      i <- order(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], decreasing = TRUE)
      y <- xy[i, 2]
      frontier <- which(cummin(y) >= y)
      y.0 <- y[frontier]
      frontier <- frontier[c(TRUE, y.0[-1] != y.0[-length(y.0)])]
    n <- length(cases)
    m <- length(controls)
    m0 <- mean(controls)
    m1 <- mean(cases)
    s0 <- sd(controls)
    s1 <- sd(cases)
    lambda <- 1 - alpha
    Gamma <- function(c, mu, s) {
      (mu - c)/s
    points <- seq(min((density(c(controls, cases)))$x), max((density(c(controls,
                                                                       cases)))$x), length.out = 5000)
    l <- length(points)
    x <- matrix(rep(0, 2 * l), l, 2)
    y <- matrix(rep(0, 2 * l), l, 2)
    U <- matrix(rep(0, 2 * l), l, 2)
    V <- matrix(rep(0, 2 * l), l, 2)
    G0 <- matrix(rep(0, 2 * l), l, 2)
    G1 <- matrix(rep(0, 2 * l), l, 2)
    for (i in 2:(l - 1)) {
      c <- points[i]
      g0 <- Gamma(c, m0, s0)
      g1 <- Gamma(c, m1, s1)
      G0[i, ] <- g0
      G1[i, ] <- g1
      A0 <- 1/(1/m + g0^2/(2 * (m - 1)))
      A1 <- 1/(1/n + g1^2/(2 * (n - 1)))
      B0 <- A0/s0
      B1 <- A1/s1
      D0 <- g0 * A0^2/(s0 * (m - 1))
      D1 <- g1 * A1^2/(s1 * (n - 1))
      q <- qchisq(lambda, 2)
      p0 <- -B0^2 * A0 * q + D0^2 * q^2
      p1 <- -2 * A0 * D0 * B1 * q
      p2 <- A0 * A1 * B0^2 + 2 * D0 * A0 * D1 * q + B1^2 *
        A0^2 - 2 * D0^2 * A1 * q
      p3 <- 2 * D0 * A0 * A1 * B1 - 2 * A0^2 * D1 * B1
      p4 <- A1^2 * D0^2 - 2 * D0 * D1 * A0 * A1 + A0^2 *
      nu <- polyroot(c(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4))
      v <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(nu[abs(Im(nu)) <
      u <- ((A0 * D1 - D0 * A1) * v^2 - A0 * B1 * v - D0 *
              q)/(A0 * B0)
      V[i, ] <- v
      U[i, ] <- u
      x[i, ] <- sort(u + g0)
      y[i, ] <- sort(v + g1)
    U <- U[-c(1, l), ]
    V <- V[-c(1, l), ]
    x <- x[-c(1, l), ]
    y <- y[-c(1, l), ]
    G0 <- G0[-c(1, l), ]
    G1 <- G1[-c(1, l), ]
    extremes1.matrix <- t(rbind(pnorm(as.vector(t(G0))),
    extremes2.matrix <- t(rbind(pnorm(as.vector(t(x))), pnorm(as.vector(t(G1)))))
    extremes.matrix <- rbind(extremes1.matrix, extremes2.matrix)
    sup.index <- superior.band.index(extremes.matrix)
    superior.band.points <- rbind(c(0, 0), extremes.matrix[sup.index,
                                                           , drop = FALSE], c(1, 1))
    inf.index <- inferior.band.index(extremes.matrix)
    inferior.band.points <- rbind(c(1, 1), extremes.matrix[inf.index,
                                                           , drop = FALSE], c(0, 0))
    inferior.band <- approxfun(inferior.band.points)
    L <- inferior.band(grid)
    superior.band <- approxfun(superior.band.points)
    U <- superior.band(grid)
    practical.area <- mean(U[-1] - L[-1] + U[-length(U)] -
    if (plot.bands) {
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    results <- list(method = method, conf.level = conf.level,
                    DEK.fpr = pnorm(G0), DEK.tpr = pnorm(G1), practical.area = practical.area,
                    L = L, U = U, Ni = groc$Ni, ROC.t = ROC.t, x = x, y = y,
                    inferior.band.points = inferior.band.points, superior.band.points = superior.band.points,
                    controls = controls, cases = cases)
  attr(results, "class") <- "rocbands"
  if (plot.bands) {
    plot(results, cex.lab = 1.2)

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