
compareROCdep <- function(X, D, ...) {

compareROCdep.default <- function(X, D, method=c("general.bootstrap","permutation","auc"), statistic=c("KS","L1","L2","CR","VK","other"), FUN.dist=function(g){max(abs(g))}, side=c("right","left"), Ni=1000, B=500, perm=500, seed=123, h.fun=function(H,x){H*sd(x)*length(x)^{-1/3}}, H=1, plot.roc=TRUE, type='s', lwd=3, lwd.curves=rep(2,ncol(X)), lty=1, lty.curves=rep(1,ncol(X)), col='black', col.curves=rainbow(ncol(X)), cex.lab=1.2, legend=c(sapply(1:ncol(X),function(i){eval(bquote(expression(hat(R)[.(i)](t))))}), expression(hat(R)(t))), legend.position='bottomright', legend.inset=0.03, cex.legend=1, ...){

  # Check if input arguments are correct

  method <- match.arg(method)
  statistic <- match.arg(statistic)
  side <- match.arg(side)
  if(statistic=="VK" && side=="left"){stop("Venkatraman method is implemented only for right side ROC curves.\n")}
  if(statistic=="VK"){method <- "permutation"}

  if(!is.numeric(B) || length(B)!=1 || B%%1!=0 || B <= 0){
    stop("B should be a positive integer.")

  if(!is.numeric(perm) || length(perm)!=1 || perm%%1!=0 || perm <= 0){
    stop("perm should be a positive integer.")

  if(!is.numeric(H) || length(H)!=1 || H < 0){
    stop("H should be a non-negative number.")

  marker.samples <- lapply(1:ncol(X), function(i) X[,i])

  k <- length(marker.samples)

    stop("lwd.curves should have the same length as the number of samples.")

    stop("lty.curves should have the same length as the number of samples.")

    stop("col.curves should have the same length as the number of samples.")

  sample.size <- unique(c(sapply(1:k, function(i){length(marker.samples[[i]])}), length(D)))
  index.na <- c(unlist(lapply(1:k, function(i){which(is.na(marker.samples[[i]]))})), which(is.na(D)))

    stop("Response and all marker vectors should have the same length.")
    marker.samples.matrix <- matrix(unlist(marker.samples), sample.size, k)
      warning("Those subjects with any missing marker or response value have been removed.")
      index.na <- unique(index.na)
      marker.samples.matrix <- marker.samples.matrix[-index.na,]
      D <- D[-index.na]

  samples.check <- lapply(1:k, function(i){

  n.controls <- samples.check[[1]]$n0
  n.cases <- samples.check[[1]]$n1

  if(!is.numeric(Ni) || length(Ni)!=1 || Ni%%1!=0 || Ni <= 0){
    stop("Ni should be a positive integer.")
  }else if(Ni < n.controls){
    warning("It is advisable to consider Ni higher than the number of controls.")

  # ROC curves estimates

  controls.k <- sapply(1:k, function(i){samples.check[[i]]$controls})
  cases.k <- sapply(1:k, function(i){samples.check[[i]]$cases})

  cat("In the considered database there are", n.controls, "controls and", n.cases, "cases.\n")

  grid <- seq(0,1,1/Ni)
  roc.ord <- function(side,controls,cases){
			right = ecdf(1-ecdf(controls)(cases))(grid),
			left = ecdf(ecdf(controls)(cases))(grid)

  ROC.t <- sapply(1:k, function(i){roc.ord(side=side, controls=controls.k[,i], cases=cases.k[,i])})
  ROC <- apply(ROC.t, 1, mean)

    plot(c(0,grid,1), c(0,ROC,1), type=type, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, xlab="False-Positive Rate", ylab="True-Positive Rate", cex.lab=cex.lab, main="ROC curves", col=col, ...)
    axis(1, at=seq(0,1,0.01), labels=F, tck=-0.01)
    axis(1, at=seq(0.1,0.9,0.1), labels=F, tck=-0.02)
    axis(2, at=seq(0,1,0.01), labels=F, tck=-0.01)
    axis(2, at=seq(0.1,0.9,0.1), labels=F, tck=-0.02)
    abline(0, 1, lty=1, col="gray")

    for(i in 1:k){lines(c(0,grid,1), c(0,ROC.t[,i],1), type=type, lwd=lwd.curves[i], lty=lty.curves[i], col=col.curves[i])}
    lines(c(0,grid,1), c(0,ROC,1), type=type, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, col=col)

    legend(legend.position, inset=legend.inset, legend=legend, lwd=c(lwd.curves,lwd), lty=c(lty.curves,lty), col=c(col.curves, col=col), cex=cex.legend)

  if(method!="auc"){	# method = "general.bootstrap","permutation"

    if(statistic!="other"){		# statistic = "KS","L1","L2","CR","VK"

      if(statistic!="CR" && statistic!="VK"){		# statistic = "KS","L1","L2"

        stat.name <- function(statistic){
							KS = cat("Statistic considered: Kolmogorov-Smirnov\n"),
							L1 = cat("Statistic considered: L1 measure\n"),
							L2 = cat("Statistic considered: L2 measure\n"))

        FUN.dist.stat <- function(statistic,g){
							KS = max(abs(g)),
							L1 = mean(abs(g)),
							L2 = mean(g^2))
        FUN.dist <- function(g){FUN.dist.stat(statistic=statistic, g)}

        stat <- sum(sapply(1:k,function(i){FUN.dist(g=sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.t[,i] - ROC))}))


        if(statistic=="CR"){		# statistic = "CR"

          cat("Statistic considered: Cramer-Von Mises\n")

          FUN.dist.CR <- function(g,h){sum(g[-length(g)]^2*(h[-1]-h[-length(h)]))}
          stat <- sum(sapply(1:k,function(i){FUN.dist.CR(g=sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.t[,i] - ROC), h=ROC)}))

        }else{		# statistic = "VK"

          cat("Statistic considered: Venkatraman\n")

          X.k <- rbind(controls.k, cases.k)
          X.rank <- apply(X.k, 2, rank, ties.method='first')
          controls.rank <- X.rank[1:n.controls,]
          cases.rank <- X.rank[(n.controls+1):(n.controls+n.cases),]

          stat.i.j <- lapply(1:(k-1), function(i){sapply((i+1):k,function(j){
            total.errors.x <- c(sapply(1:(n.controls+n.cases-1), function(l){sum(cases.rank[,i]<=l) + sum(controls.rank[,i]>l)}), n.cases)
            total.errors.y <- c(sapply(1:(n.controls+n.cases-1), function(l){sum(cases.rank[,j]<=l) + sum(controls.rank[,j]>l)}), n.cases)
            E0 <- sum(abs(total.errors.y - total.errors.x))
          stat <- sum(unlist(stat.i.j))

  	}else{	# statistic = "other"

  		stat <- sum(sapply(1:k,function(i){FUN.dist(sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.t[,i] - ROC))}))


  	if(method=="general.bootstrap"){	# method = "general.bootstrap"

  		cat("Method considered: General bootstrap (Martinez-Camblor and Corral, 2012)\n")

  		boot.cons <- function(H,X){
  		  sapply(1:k, function(i){
  		    h <- h.fun(H,X[,i])

  		cat('\nProgress bar: Estimation of ROC curve in bootstrap iterations (B = ', B,')\n',sep='')
  		bar1 <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)
  		ROC.i.b <- lapply(1:B, function(b){
  		  setTxtProgressBar(bar1, b)
  		  controls.b <- controls.k[sample(1:n.controls, replace=TRUE),] + boot.cons(H=H, X=controls.k)
  		  cases.b <- cases.k[sample(1:n.cases, replace=TRUE),] + boot.cons(H=H, X=cases.k)
  		  sapply(1:k, function(i){roc.ord(side=side, controls=controls.b[,i], cases=cases.b[,i])})

  		ROC.i <- sapply(1:k, function(i){
  		  ROC.i.boot <- sapply(1:B, function(b){ROC.i.b[[b]][,i]})
  		  apply(ROC.i.boot, 1, mean)

  		cat('Progress bar: Estimation of statistic value in bootstrap iterations (B = ',B,')\n',sep='')
  		bar2 <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)
  		stat.boot <- sapply(1:B,function(b){
  		    setTxtProgressBar(bar2, b)
  		    if(statistic!="CR"){	# statistic = "KS","L1","L2","other"

  		        g.i.j <- sapply(1:k, function(j){((i==j)-1/k)*sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.i.b[[b]][,j] - ROC.i[,j])})

  		    }else{	# statistic = "CR"

  		      ROC.b <- apply(ROC.i.b[[b]], 1, mean)
  	  	    sum(sapply(1:k,function(i){FUN.dist.CR(g=sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.i.b[[b]][,i] - ROC.t[,i]), h=ROC.b)})) - k*(FUN.dist.CR(g=sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.b - ROC), h=ROC.b))


  		p.value <- mean(stat.boot >= stat)

  		cat("\nTest output:\n")
  		cat("Null hypothesis: The ", k, "considered ROC curves (paired) are equal.\n")
  		cat("Statistic value = ", stat,'\t\t',"p-value = ", p.value,'\n')

  		list(n.controls=n.controls, n.cases=n.cases, controls.k=controls.k, cases.k=cases.k, statistic=stat, stat.boot=stat.boot, p.value=p.value)

  	}else{	# method = "permutation"

  		cat("Method considered: Permutation (Venkatraman and Begg, 1996)\n")

  		cat('\nProgress bar: Estimation of statistic value in permutation iterations (perm = ', perm,')\n',sep='')
  		bar1 <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = perm, style = 3)
  		stat.perm <- sapply(1:perm, function(b){

  		    setTxtProgressBar(bar1, b)
  				X.k <- rbind(controls.k, cases.k)
  				X.rank <- apply(X.k, 2, rank, ties.method='first')
  				X.perm <- apply(t(apply(X.rank, 1, sample)), 2, rank, ties.method='random')
  				controls.b <- X.perm[1:n.controls,]
  				cases.b <- X.perm[(n.controls+1):(n.controls+n.cases),]
  				ROC.i.b <- sapply(1:k, function(i){roc.ord(side=side, controls=controls.b[,i], cases=cases.b[,i])})
  				ROC.b <- apply(ROC.i.b, 1, mean)

  				if(statistic!="CR" && statistic!="VK"){	# statistic = "KS","L1","L2","other"

  				  sum(sapply(1:k,function(i){FUN.dist(sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.i.b[,i] - ROC.b))}))


  				  if(statistic=="CR"){	# statistic = "CR"

  				    sum(sapply(1:k,function(i){FUN.dist.CR(g=sqrt(n.cases)*(ROC.i.b[,i] - ROC.b), h=ROC.b)}))

  				  }else{	# statistic = "VK"

  						stat.i.j.b <- lapply(1:(k-1), function(i){sapply((i+1):k,function(j){
  						    total.errors.x <- c(sapply(1:(n.controls+n.cases-1), function(l){sum(cases.b[,i]<=l) + sum(controls.b[,i]>l)}), n.cases)
  						    total.errors.y <- c(sapply(1:(n.controls+n.cases-1), function(l){sum(cases.b[,j]<=l) + sum(controls.b[,j]>l)}), n.cases)
  						    E0 <- sum(abs(total.errors.y - total.errors.x))



  		p.value <- mean(stat.perm >= stat)

  		cat("\nTest output:\n")
  		cat("Null hypothesis: The ", k, "considered ROC curves (paired) are equal.\n")
  		cat("Statistic value = ", stat,'\t\t',"p-value = ", p.value,'\n')

  		list(n.controls=n.controls, n.cases=n.cases, controls.k=controls.k, cases.k=cases.k, statistic=stat, stat.perm=stat.perm, p.value=p.value)


  }else{	# method = "auc"

    cat("Method considered: AUC comparison (DeLong, DeLong and Clarke-Pearson, 1988)\n")

  	cat('\nProgress bar: Estimation of statistic value in each variable (k = ', k,')\n',sep='')
  	bar1 <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = k, style = 3)
  	kernel.auc <- function(v){
    	    ifelse(isTRUE(all.equal(v[1],v[2])), 1/2, ifelse(v[2]<v[1], 1, 0))
    	    ifelse(isTRUE(all.equal(v[1],v[2])), 1/2, ifelse(v[2]>v[1], 1, 0))
  	kernel.pairs <- sapply(1:k,function(i){
  	  setTxtProgressBar(bar1, i)
  	stat <- 1/(n.cases*n.controls)*apply(kernel.pairs, 2, sum)

  	X.component <- 1/n.controls*sapply(1:k,function(c){
  	Y.component <- 1/n.cases*sapply(1:k,function(c){
  	dif.X.comp <- t(X.component)-matrix(rep(stat,n.cases),k,n.cases)
  	dif.Y.comp <- t(Y.component)-matrix(rep(stat,n.controls),k,n.controls)
  	S10 <- 1/(n.cases-1)*dif.X.comp%*%t(dif.X.comp)
  	S01 <- 1/(n.controls-1)*dif.Y.comp%*%t(dif.Y.comp)
  	S <- 1/n.cases*S10 + 1/n.controls*S01
  	L <- matrix((diag(k) + cbind(rep(0,k), -diag(k))[,1:k])[1:(k-1),], k-1, k)
  	M <- L%*%S%*%t(L)

  	stat.test <- stat%*%t(L)%*%solve(M)%*%L%*%as.matrix(stat)
  	p.value <- round(1-pchisq(stat.test, qr(M)$rank), 4)

  	cat("\nTest output:\n")
  	cat("Null hypothesis: The ", k, "considered ROC curves (paired) are equal.\n")
  	cat("Statistic value = ", stat.test,'\t\t',"p-value = ", p.value,'\n')

  	list(n.controls=n.controls, n.cases=n.cases, controls.k=controls.k, cases.k=cases.k, statistic=stat, test.statistic=stat.test, p.value=p.value)



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