ctd_aml.csv.gz: Sample ctd File in aml Format

ctd_aml.csv.gzR Documentation

Sample ctd File in aml Format


This file may be read with read.ctd.aml(). It is based on a file donated by Ashley Stanek, which was shortened to just 50 points for inclusion in oce, and which had some identifying information (serial number, IP address, and WEP code) zeroed-out.

See Also

Other raw datasets: CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gz, adp_rdi.000, ctd.cnv.gz, d200321-001.ctd.gz, d201211_0011.cnv.gz, xbt.edf

Other things related to ctd data: CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gz, [[,ctd-method, [[<-,ctd-method, as.ctd(), cnvName2oceName(), ctd-class, ctd.cnv.gz, ctdDecimate(), ctdFindProfilesRBR(), ctdFindProfiles(), ctdRaw, ctdRepair(), ctdTrim(), ctd, d200321-001.ctd.gz, d201211_0011.cnv.gz, handleFlags,ctd-method, initialize,ctd-method, initializeFlagScheme,ctd-method, oceNames2whpNames(), oceUnits2whpUnits(), plot,ctd-method, plotProfile(), plotScan(), plotTS(), read.ctd.aml(), read.ctd.itp(), read.ctd.odf(), read.ctd.odv(), read.ctd.saiv(), read.ctd.sbe(), read.ctd.ssda(), read.ctd.woce.other(), read.ctd.woce(), read.ctd(), setFlags,ctd-method, subset,ctd-method, summary,ctd-method, woceNames2oceNames(), woceUnit2oceUnit(), write.ctd()


ctd <- read.ctd.aml(system.file("extdata", "ctd_aml.csv.gz", package="oce"))

oce documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:48 a.m.