tidalCurrent: Tidal Current Dataset

tidalCurrentR Documentation

Tidal Current Dataset


The tidalCurrent dataset contains tidal velocities reported in Foreman's (1978) report (reference 1) on his Fortran code for the analysis of tidal currents and provided in an associated webpage (reference 2). Here, tidalCurrent is data frame containing

  • time a POSIXct time.

  • u the eastward component of velocity in m/s.

  • v the northward component of velocity in m/s.


Dan Kelley (reformatting data provided by Michael Foreman)


The data come from the tide8.dat and tide9.dat files provided at reference 2.


  1. Foreman, M. G. G. "Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction." Pacific Marine Science Report. British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Patricia Bay, 1978.

  2. https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/documents/data-donnees/tidal-marees/tidpack.zip

See Also

Other things related to tides: [[,tidem-method, [[<-,tidem-method, as.tidem(), plot,tidem-method, predict.tidem(), summary,tidem-method, tidedata, tidem-class, tidemAstron(), tidemVuf(), tidem, webtide()


par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
oce.plot.ts(tidalCurrent$time, tidalCurrent$u, ylab = "u [m/s]")
abline(h = 0, col = 2)
oce.plot.ts(tidalCurrent$time, tidalCurrent$v, ylab = "v [m/s]")
abline(h = 0, col = 2)

oce documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:48 a.m.