gamesdata: This is data to be included in the package

Description Source Examples


Data used in the LREC paper on the 2016 eurogames tweets. Includes a column with the counts of numbers of tweets. The columns present in the matrix at the three sentiment scores: "neg", "neu", and "pos".




Example output

	---- ~~~~~~~~~

> # demo to show results from Eurogames 2016
> data("eurogames2016")

> #######################################################################
> findCPdemo <- function(oCPD,buffer=10,k=NULL) {
+   if(buffer > length(oCPD$max)) stop("buffer must be less than the number of data points")
+   max <- oCPD$max
+   imax <- vector("numeric",length(max))
+   for(i in 1:length(max)) imax[i] <- i - max[i]
+   changes <- sort(unique(imax))
+   while(any(diff(changes)<=buffer)){
+     changes[c(k1 <- which(diff(changes)<=buffer),k2 <- k1 + 1)]
+     for(i in 1:length(k1)){
+       tiedpair <- c(k1[i],k2[i])
+       tiedrun <- which(imax == changes[tiedpair[1]] | imax == changes[tiedpair[2]])
+       v1 <- min(changes[tiedpair[1]],changes[tiedpair[2]])
+       v2 <- max(changes[tiedpair[1]],changes[tiedpair[2]])
+       difference <- v2 - v1
+       minran <- v1 - ceiling(buffer / 2) + ceiling(difference / 2)
+       maxran <- v2 + ceiling(buffer / 2) - ceiling(difference / 2)
+       tiedrun <- tiedrun[tiedrun > maxran]
+       runProbs <- sapply(minran:maxran,
+                          function(val) return(sum(diag(oCPD$R[tiedrun-val,tiedrun]))))
+       imax[which(imax == changes[tiedpair[1]] | imax == changes[tiedpair[2]])]  <-  minran + which.max(runProbs) - 1
+     }
+     changes <- sort(unique(imax))
+   }
+   if (length(changes)>2){
+     changes<-changes[2:(length(changes)-1)]
+   }else{changes<-vector(mode="numeric", length=0)}
+   if(!is.null(k)){
+     if(length(changes)>k) {
+       oCPD$postprob<-oCPD$postprob[2:(length(oCPD$postprob)-1)]
+       changes<-changes[order(oCPD$postprob[c(changes)], decreasing=TRUE)[1:k]]
+       changes<-sort(changes, decreasing=FALSE)
+     }
+   }
+   return(changes)
+ }

> #######################################################################
> # run online cpd on the eurogames data to get out fscores
> nGames<- nrow(gamesdata)

> fscores<- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = nGames))

> rownames(fscores)<- rownames(gamesdata)

> colnames(fscores)<- c("findCP", "fullCPlist")

> breakslist<- NULL

> demogames<-c(which(rownames(gamesdata)=="WalBel")) # change to name of any game

> for(game in demogames){
+   print(paste("Game: ", rownames(gamesdata)[game]))
+   gamedata<- gamesdata$data[[game]]
+   gameocpd<- onlineCPD(gamedata, getR = TRUE, optionalOutputs = FALSE,
+                        truncRlim = 0, multivariate = TRUE,
+                        hazard_func = function(x,lambda){const_hazard(x, lambda=2000)})
+   gamecps<- findCPdemo(gameocpd, buffer = 2)[-1]+1
+   # get the fscore from this data
+   truegamecps<- gamesdata$trueCPs[[game]]
+   evalWindow<-12
+   # fPerformance Function
+   eventIndex<- truegamecps
+   detectedEvent<- list(gamecps, gameocpd$changepoint_lists$colmaxes[[1]][-1])#,baselineSpaced)
+   eventWindow<- evalWindow
+   # begin Fperformance function ===========================================================
+   fs<- NULL
+   ps<-NULL
+   rs<-NULL
+   # compute results with four different approaches
+   for (l in 1:length(detectedEvent)){
+     if (length(detectedEvent[[l]]) > 0){
+       timeDiff <- matrix(nrow = length(detectedEvent[[l]]), ncol = length(eventIndex))
+       for (i in 1:length(detectedEvent[[l]])) {
+         for (j in 1:length(eventIndex)) {
+           timeDiff[i,j] <- abs(detectedEvent[[l]][i]-eventIndex[j])
+         }
+       }
+       detections <- length(detectedEvent[[l]])
+       references <- length(eventIndex)
+       matches <- 0
+       while (nrow(timeDiff) > 0 && ncol(timeDiff) > 0){
+         if (min(timeDiff) <= eventWindow) {
+           candidates <- which(timeDiff <= eventWindow, arr.ind = TRUE)
+           timeDiff <- timeDiff[-candidates[,1][1], -candidates[,2][1] , drop = FALSE]
+           matches <- matches + 1
+         } else break
+       }
+       precision <- matches / detections
+       recall <- matches / references
+       if (precision > 0) {
+         Fscore <- (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
+       } else{
+         Fscore <- 0
+       }
+     } else{
+       precision <- NaN; recall <- NaN; Fscore <- NaN
+     }
+     fs<-c(fs, Fscore)
+     ps<-c(ps, precision)
+     rs<-c(rs, recall)
+   }
+   fsmat<- t(as.matrix(fs))
+   colnames(fsmat)<- colnames(fscores)
+   print(fsmat)
+   fscores[game,]<-fs
+   breakslist<- c(breakslist, list(detectedEvent))
+ }
[1] "Game:  WalBel"
        findCP fullCPlist
[1,] 0.3703704        0.4

> remove_games<- (rownames(gamesdata)!=("SpaTur"))&(rownames(gamesdata)!=("SweBel"))

> avgFs<- colSums(fscores[remove_games,])/(sum(remove_games))

> full_results<- rbind(fscores, as.vector(c(avgFs)))

> rownames(full_results)[nGames+1]<- "Average"

> #print("************FULL RESULTS**************")
> #print(full_results[remove_games,]) # print out results

ocp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:46 a.m.