# caption ----
#' @export
#' @title Caption block
#' @description Create a representation of a
#' caption that can be used for cross reference.
#' @param label a scalar character representing label to display
#' @param style paragraph style name
#' @param autonum an object generated with function [run_autonum]
#' @examples
#' library(officer)
#' run_num <- run_autonum(seq_id = "tab", pre_label = "tab. ",
#' bkm = "mtcars_table")
#' caption <- block_caption("mtcars table",
#' style = "Normal",
#' autonum = run_num
#' )
#' doc_1 <- read_docx()
#' doc_1 <- body_add(doc_1, "A title", style = "heading 1")
#' doc_1 <- body_add(doc_1, "Hello world!", style = "Normal")
#' doc_1 <- body_add(doc_1, caption)
#' doc_1 <- body_add(doc_1, mtcars, style = "table_template")
#' print(doc_1, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
#' @family block functions for reporting
block_caption <- function(label, style = NULL, autonum = NULL) {
if (is.null(style)) {
style <- "Normal"
z <- list(
label = label,
autonum = autonum,
style = style
class(z) <- c("block_caption", "block")
#' @export
print.block_caption <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.null(x$autonum)) {
auton <- "[autonum off]"
} else {
auton <- "[autonum on]"
cat("caption ", auton, ": ", x$label, "\n", sep = "")
to_wml_block_caption_officer <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE){
open_tag <- wp_ns_no
if (add_ns) {
open_tag <- wp_ns_yes
autonum <- ""
if (!is.null(x$autonum)) {
autonum <- to_wml(x$autonum)
run_str <- sprintf("<w:r><w:t xml:space=\"preserve\">%s</w:t></w:r>", htmlEscapeCopy(x$label))
run_str <- paste0(autonum, run_str)
out <- sprintf(
"%s<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:stlname=\"%s\"/></w:pPr>%s</w:p>",
open_tag, x$style, run_str
to_wml_block_caption_pandoc <- function(x, bookdown_id = NULL){
if(is.null(x$label)) return("")
autonum <- ""
if (!is.null(x$autonum)) {
autonum <- paste("`", to_wml(x$autonum), "`{=openxml}", sep = "")
run_str <- paste0(autonum, htmlEscapeCopy(x$label))
if (!is.null(x$style)) paste0("\n\n::: {custom-style=\"", x$style, "\"}"),
# "<caption>\n\n",
if (!is.null(bookdown_id)) bookdown_id,
# "\n\n</caption>",
if (!is.null(x$style)) paste0("\n:::\n"),
#' @export
to_wml.block_caption <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, knitting = FALSE, ...) {
to_wml_block_caption_pandoc(x, bookdown_id = list(...)$bookdown_id)
to_wml_block_caption_officer(x, add_ns = add_ns)
# toc ----
#' @export
#' @title Table of content for 'Word'
#' @description Create a representation of a table
#' of content for Word documents.
#' @param level max title level of the table
#' @param style optional. If not NULL, its value is used as style in the
#' document that will be used to build entries of the TOC.
#' @param seq_id optional. If not NULL, its value is used as sequence
#' identifier in the document that will be used to build entries of the
#' TOC. See also [run_autonum()] to specify a sequence identifier.
#' @param separator optional. Some configurations need "," (i.e. from Canada) separator instead of ";"
#' @examples
#' block_toc(level = 2)
#' block_toc(style = "Table Caption")
#' @family block functions for reporting
block_toc <- function(level = 3, style = NULL, seq_id = NULL, separator = ";") {
z <- list(
level = level, style = style, seq_id = seq_id, separator = separator
class(z) <- c("block_toc", "block")
#' @export
print.block_toc <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.null(x$style) && is.null(x$seq_id)) {
cat("TOC - max level: ", x$level, "\n", sep = "")
} else if (!is.null(x$style)) {
cat("TOC for style: ", x$style, "\n", sep = "")
} else if (!is.null(x$seq_id)) {
cat("TOC for seq identifier: ", x$seq_id, "\n", sep = "")
#' @export
to_wml.block_toc <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
open_tag <- wp_ns_no
if (add_ns) {
open_tag <- wp_ns_yes
if(is.null(x$style) && is.null(x$seq_id)) {
out <- paste0(
field = sprintf(
"TOC \\o \"1-%.0f\" \\h \\z \\u",
} else if(!is.null(x$style)) {
out <- paste0(
field = sprintf(
"TOC \\h \\z \\t \"%s%s1\"",
x$style, x$separator
} else if(!is.null(x$seq_id)) {
out <- paste0(
field = sprintf("TOC \\h \\z \\c \"%s\"", x$seq_id)
# pour_docx ----
#' @export
#' @title External Word document placeholder
#' @description Pour the content of a docx file in the resulting docx
#' from an 'R Markdown' document.
#' @param file external docx file path
#' @examples
#' library(officer)
#' docx <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
#' doc <- read_docx()
#' doc <- body_add(doc, iris[1:20,], style = "table_template")
#' print(doc, target = docx)
#' target <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
#' doc_1 <- read_docx()
#' doc_1 <- body_add(doc_1, block_pour_docx(docx))
#' print(doc_1, target = target)
#' @family block functions for reporting
block_pour_docx <- function(file){
stop("file {", file, "} does not exist.", call. = FALSE)
if(!grepl("\\.docx$", file, = TRUE)){
stop("file {", file, "} is not a docx file.", call. = FALSE)
if(grepl("&", file, = TRUE)){
stop("file path {", file, "} contains '&', please rename your file.", call. = FALSE)
if(grepl(" ", basename(file), = TRUE)){
stop("file path {", basename(file), "} contains ' ', please rename your file.", call. = FALSE)
z <- list(file = file)
class(z) <- c("block_pour_docx", "block")
#' @export
print.block_pour_docx <- function(x, ...) {
cat("Pour docx: ", x$file, "\n", sep = "")
#' @export
to_wml.block_pour_docx <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
ns_str <- ""
if (add_ns) {
ns_str <- "xmlns:w=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\" "
out <- paste0("<w:altChunk ", ns_str,
"r:id=\"", x$file, "\"/>")
# section ----
#' @export
#' @title Section for 'Word'
#' @description Create a representation of a section.
#' A section affects preceding paragraphs or tables; i.e.
#' a section starts at the end of the previous section (or the beginning of
#' the document if no preceding section exists), and stops where the
#' section is declared.
#' When a new landscape section is needed, it is recommended to add a block_section
#' with `type = "continuous"`, to add the content to be appened in the new section
#' and finally to add a block_section with `page_size = page_size(orient = "landscape")`.
#' @param property section properties defined with function [prop_section]
#' @examples
#' ps <- prop_section(
#' page_size = page_size(orient = "landscape"),
#' page_margins = page_mar(top = 2),
#' type = "continuous"
#' )
#' block_section(ps)
#' @family block functions for reporting
block_section <- function(property) {
z <- list(
property = property
class(z) <- c("block_section", "block")
#' @export
print.block_section <- function(x, ...) {
cat("----- end of section: ", "\n", sep = "")
#' @export
to_wml.block_section <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
open_tag <- wp_ns_no
if (add_ns) {
open_tag <- wp_ns_yes
out <- paste0(open_tag,
# table properties ----
#' @export
#' @title Table conditional formatting
#' @description Tables can be conditionally formatted based on few properties as
#' whether the content is in the first row, last row, first column, or last
#' column, or whether the rows or columns are to be banded.
#' @param first_row,last_row apply or remove formatting from the first or last row in the table.
#' @param first_column,last_column apply or remove formatting from the first or last column in the table.
#' @param no_hband,no_vband don't display odd and even rows or columns with
#' alternating shading for ease of reading.
#' @note
#' You must define a format for first_row, first_column and other properties
#' if you need to use them. The format is defined in a docx template.
#' @examples
#' table_conditional_formatting(first_row = TRUE, first_column = TRUE)
#' @family functions for table definition
table_conditional_formatting <- function(
first_row = TRUE, first_column = FALSE,
last_row = FALSE, last_column = FALSE,
no_hband = FALSE, no_vband = TRUE){
z <- list(first_row = first_row, first_column = first_column,
last_row = last_row, last_column = last_column,
no_hband = no_hband, no_vband = no_vband)
class(z) <- c("table_conditional_formatting")
#' @export
to_wml.table_conditional_formatting <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
paste0("<w:tblLook w:firstRow=\"", as.integer(x$first_row),
"\" w:lastRow=\"", as.integer(x$last_row),
"\" w:firstColumn=\"", as.integer(x$first_column),
"\" w:lastColumn=\"", as.integer(x$last_column),
"\" w:noHBand=\"", as.integer(x$no_hband),
"\" w:noVBand=\"", as.integer(x$no_vband), "\"/>")
#' @export
to_pml.table_conditional_formatting <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...){
expr_ <- paste0(" firstRow=\"%.0f\" lastRow=\"%.0f\"",
" firstColumn=\"%.0f\" lastColumn=\"%.0f\"",
" bandRow=\"%.0f\" bandCol=\"%.0f\""
x$first_row, x$last_row,
x$first_column, x$last_column,
!x$no_hband, !x$no_vband)
table_layout_types <- c("autofit", "fixed")
#' @export
#' @title Algorithm for table layout
#' @description When a table is displayed in a document, it can
#' either be displayed using a fixed width or autofit layout algorithm:
#' * fixed: uses fixed widths for columns. The width of the table is not
#' changed regardless of the contents of the cells.
#' * autofit: uses the contents of each cell and the table width to
#' determine the final column widths.
#' @param type 'autofit' or 'fixed' algorithm. Default to 'autofit'.
#' @family functions for table definition
table_layout <- function(type = "autofit"){
if(!type %in% table_layout_types){
stop("type must be one of ", paste(table_layout_types, collapse = ", "), ".")
z <- list(type = type)
class(z) <- "table_layout"
#' @export
to_wml.table_layout <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
sprintf("<w:tblLayout w:type=\"%s\"/>", x$type)
table_layout_width_units <- c("in", "pct")
#' @export
#' @title Preferred width for a table
#' @description Define the preferred width for a table.
#' @section Word:
#' All widths in a table are considered preferred because widths of
#' columns can conflict and the table layout rules can require a
#' preference to be overridden.
#' @param width value of the preferred width of the table.
#' @param unit unit of the width. Possible values are 'in' (inches) and 'pct' (percent)
#' @family functions for table definition
table_width <- function(width = 1, unit = "pct"){
if(!unit %in% table_layout_width_units){
stop("unit must be one of ", paste(table_layout_width_units, collapse = ", "), ".")
z <- list(width = width, unit = unit)
class(z) <- "table_width"
#' @export
to_wml.table_width <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
if(x$unit %in% "pct"){
tbl_width <- sprintf("<w:tblW w:type=\"pct\" w:w=\"%.0f\"/>",
x$width * 5000)
} else {
tbl_width <- sprintf("<w:tblW w:type=\"dxa\" w:w=\"%.0f\"/>",
x$width * 1440)
#' @export
#' @title Column widths of a table
#' @description The function defines the size of each column of a table.
#' @param widths Column widths expressed in inches.
#' @family functions for table definition
table_colwidths <- function(widths = NULL){
z <- list(widths = widths)
class(z) <- "table_colwidths"
#' @export
#' @title Paragraph styles for columns
#' @description The function defines the paragraph styles for columns.
#' @param stylenames a named character vector, names are column names, values are
#' paragraph styles associated with each column. If a column is not
#' specified, default value 'Normal' is used.
#' Another form is as a named list, the list names are the styles
#' and the contents are column names to be formatted with the
#' corresponding style.
#' @family functions for table definition
#' @examples
#' library(officer)
#' stylenames <- c(
#' vs = "centered", am = "centered",
#' gear = "centered", carb = "centered"
#' )
#' doc_1 <- read_docx()
#' doc_1 <- body_add_table(doc_1,
#' value = mtcars, style = "table_template",
#' stylenames = table_stylenames(stylenames = stylenames)
#' )
#' print(doc_1, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
#' stylenames <- list(
#' "centered" = c("vs", "am", "gear", "carb")
#' )
#' doc_2 <- read_docx()
#' doc_2 <- body_add_table(doc_2,
#' value = mtcars, style = "table_template",
#' stylenames = table_stylenames(stylenames = stylenames)
#' )
#' print(doc_2, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
table_stylenames <- function(stylenames = list()){
if( length(stylenames) > 0 && is.null(attr(stylenames, "names")) ){
stop("stylenames should have names")
if( length(stylenames) > 0 && is.list(stylenames) ){
.l <- vapply(stylenames, length, FUN.VALUE = 0L)
zz <- inverse.rle(
lengths = .l,
values = names(stylenames)),
class = "rle")
names(zz) <- as.character(unlist(stylenames))
stylenames <- as.list(zz)
} else if(is.character(stylenames)){
stylenames <- as.list(stylenames)
z <- list(stylenames = stylenames)
class(z) <- "table_stylenames"
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
to_wml.table_stylenames <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, dat, ...) {
stylenames <- rep("Normal", ncol(dat))
names(stylenames) <- colnames(dat)
stylenames <- as.list(stylenames)
# restrict to only existing cols
x$stylenames <- x$stylenames[names(x$stylenames) %in% colnames(dat)]
stylenames <- modifyList(stylenames, val = x$stylenames)
stylenames <- lapply(stylenames, function(x){
sprintf("<w:pStyle w:stlname=\"%s\"/>", x)
#' @export
to_wml.table_colwidths <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
if(length(x$widths) < 1) return("")
grid_col_str <- sprintf("<w:gridCol w:w=\"%.0f\"/>", x$widths * 1440)
grid_col_str <- paste(grid_col_str, collapse = "")
paste0("<w:tblGrid>", grid_col_str, "</w:tblGrid>")
#' @export
#' @title Table properties
#' @description Define table properties such as fixed or autofit layout,
#' table width in the document, eventually column widths.
#' @param style table style to be used to format table
#' @param layout layout defined by [table_layout()],
#' @param width table width in the document defined by [table_width()]
#' @param stylenames columns styles defined by [table_stylenames()]
#' @param colwidths column widths defined by [table_colwidths()]
#' @param align table alignment (one of left, center or right)
#' @param tcf conditional formatting settings defined by [table_conditional_formatting()]
#' @param word_title alternative text for Word table (used as title of the table)
#' @param word_description alternative text for Word table (used as description of the table)
#' @examples
#' prop_table()
#' to_wml(prop_table())
#' @family functions for table definition
prop_table <- function(style = NA_character_, layout = table_layout(),
width = table_width(),
stylenames = table_stylenames(),
colwidths = table_colwidths(),
tcf = table_conditional_formatting(),
align = "center",
word_title = NULL,
word_description = NULL){
z <- list(
style = style,
layout = layout,
width = width,
colsizes = colwidths,
stylenames = stylenames,
tcf = tcf, align = align,
word_title = word_title,
word_description = word_description
class(z) <- c("prop_table")
#' @export
to_wml.prop_table <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, base_document = NULL, ...) {
style <- NA_character_
if(!is.null(x$style) && !$style)){
if (is.null(x$style) && !is.null(base_document$default_styles$table)) {
style <- base_document$default_styles$table
} else {
style <- x$style
tbl_layout <- to_wml(x$layout, add_ns= add_ns)
width <- ""
if(!is.null(x$width) && "autofit" %in% x$layout$type)
width <- to_wml(x$width, add_ns= add_ns)
colwidths <- to_wml(x$colsizes, add_ns= add_ns)
tcf <- to_wml(x$tcf, add_ns= add_ns)
if(!is.null(x$word_title)) paste0("<w:tblCaption w:val=\"", htmlEscapeCopy(x$word_title), "\"/>"),
if(!is.null(x$word_description)) paste0("<w:tblDescription w:val=\"", htmlEscapeCopy(x$word_description), "\"/>"),
if(! paste0("<w:tblStyle w:stlname=\"", style, "\"/>"),
sprintf( "<w:jc w:val=\"%s\"/>", x$align ),
width, tcf,
if(x$layout$type %in% "fixed") colwidths
# table ----
table_docx <- function(x, header, style_id,
properties, alignment = NULL, add_ns = FALSE,
base_document = base_document) {
open_tag <- tbl_ns_no
if (add_ns) {
open_tag <- tbl_ns_yes
str <- paste0(
to_wml(properties, add_ns = add_ns, base_document = base_document)
stylenames <- to_wml(properties$stylenames, base_document = base_document, dat = x)
stylenames <- unlist(stylenames)
stylenames <- as.character(stylenames)
alignment <- rep("", ncol(x))
} else{
alignment <- match.arg(alignment, c("left", "right", "center"), several.ok = TRUE )
if(length(alignment) < ncol(x)){
alignment <- rep(alignment, length.out = ncol(x) )
alignment <- sprintf("<w:jc w:val=\"%s\"/>", alignment)
header_str <- character(length = 0L)
if (header) {
header_str <- paste0(
sprintf("<w:pPr>%s%s</w:pPr>", stylenames, alignment),
collapse = ""
as_tc <- function(x, align, stylenames) {
sprintf("<w:pPr>%s%s</w:pPr>", stylenames, align),
z <- mapply(as_tc, x, alignment, stylenames, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
z <-, z)
z <- paste0("<w:tr>", z, "</w:tr>", collapse = "")
paste0(str, header_str, z, "</w:tbl>")
table_pptx <- function(x, style_id, col_width, row_height,
tcf, header = TRUE, alignment = NULL ){
str <- paste0("<a:tbl>",
sprintf("<a:tblPr %s>", to_pml(tcf)),
sprintf("<a:tableStyleId>%s</a:tableStyleId>", style_id),
paste0(sprintf("<a:gridCol w=\"%.0f\"/>",
rep(col_width, length(x))),
collapse = ""),
as_tc <- function(x, align) {
"<a:pPr algn=\"", align, "\"/>",
alignment <- rep("r", ncol(x))
} else{
alignment <- match.arg(alignment, c("l", "r", "ctr"), several.ok = TRUE )
header_str <- character(length = 0L)
if( header ){
header_str <- paste0(
sprintf("<a:tr h=\"%.0f\">", row_height),
paste0(as_tc(colnames(x), align = alignment), collapse = ""),
z <- mapply(as_tc, x, alignment, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
z <-, z)
z <- paste0(sprintf("<a:tr h=\"%.0f\">", row_height), z, "</a:tr>", collapse = "")
z <- paste0(str, header_str, z, "</a:tbl>")
z <- paste0(
"<a:graphicData uri=\"\">",
z, "</a:graphicData>", "</a:graphic>")
#' @export
#' @title Table block
#' @description Create a representation of a table
#' @param x a data.frame to add as a table
#' @param header display header if TRUE
#' @param properties table properties, see [prop_table()].
#' Table properties are not handled identically between Word and PowerPoint
#' output format. They are fully supported with Word but for PowerPoint (which
#' does not handle as many things as Word for tables), only conditional
#' formatting properties are supported.
#' @param alignment alignment for each columns, 'l' for left, 'r' for right
#' and 'c' for center. Default to NULL.
#' @examples
#' block_table(x = head(iris))
#' block_table(x = mtcars, header = TRUE,
#' properties = prop_table(
#' tcf = table_conditional_formatting(
#' first_row = TRUE, first_column = TRUE)
#' ))
#' @family block functions for reporting
#' @seealso [prop_table()]
block_table <- function(x, header = TRUE, properties = prop_table(), alignment = NULL) {
if(inherits(x, "tbl_df"))
x <-
x, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
z <- list(
x = x,
header = header,
properties = properties,
alignment = alignment
class(z) <- c("block_table", "block")
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils str
print.block_table <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
to_wml.block_table <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, base_document = NULL, ...) {
value <- characterise_df(x$x)
out <- table_docx(
x = value, header = x$header,
properties = x$properties,
alignment = x$alignment,
base_document = base_document,
add_ns = add_ns
#' @export
to_pml.block_table <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE,
left = 0, top = 0, width = 3, height = 3,
bg = "transparent", rot = 0, label = "", ph = "<p:ph/>", ...){
if( !is.null(bg) && !is.color( bg ) )
stop("bg must be a valid color.", call. = FALSE )
bg_str <- solid_fill_pml(bg)
xfrm_str <- p_xfrm_str(left = left, top = top, width = width, height = height, rot = rot)
if( is.null(ph) ||{
ph = "<p:ph/>"
value <- characterise_df(x$x)
value_str <- table_pptx(value, style_id = x$properties$style,
alignment = x$alignment,
col_width = as.integer((width/ncol(x$x))*914400),
row_height = as.integer((height/nrow(x$x))*914400),
tcf = x$properties$tcf,
header = x$header )
id <- uuid_generate()
str <- paste0("<p:graphicFrame xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\" xmlns:p=\"\">",
sprintf("<p:cNvPr id=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"/>", id, label),
"<p:cNvGraphicFramePr><a:graphicFrameLocks noGrp=\"1\"/></p:cNvGraphicFramePr>",
sprintf("<p:nvPr>%s</p:nvPr>", ph),
# fpar ----
#' @export
#' @title Formatted paragraph
#' @description Create a paragraph representation by concatenating
#' formatted text or images. The result can be inserted in a Word document
#' or a PowerPoint presentation and can also be inserted in a [block_list()]
#' call.
#' All its arguments will be concatenated to create a paragraph where chunks of
#' text and images are associated with formatting properties.
#' \code{fpar} supports [ftext()], [external_img()], \code{run_*} functions
#' (i.e. [run_autonum()], [run_word_field()]) when output is Word, and simple strings.
#' Default text and paragraph formatting properties can also be modified
#' with function `update()`.
#' @param ... cot objects ([ftext()], [external_img()])
#' @param fp_p paragraph formatting properties, see [fp_par()]
#' @param fp_t default text formatting properties. This is used as
#' text formatting properties when simple text is provided as argument,
#' see [fp_text()].
#' @param values a list of cot objects. If provided, argument \code{...} will be ignored.
#' @param object fpar object
#' @examples
#' fpar(ftext("hello", shortcuts$fp_bold()))
#' # mix text and image -----
#' img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
#' bold_face <- shortcuts$fp_bold(font.size = 12)
#' bold_redface <- update(bold_face, color = "red")
#' fpar_1 <- fpar(
#' "Hello World, ",
#' ftext("how ", prop = bold_redface ),
#' external_img(src = img.file, height = 1.06/2, width = 1.39/2),
#' ftext(" you?", prop = bold_face ) )
#' fpar_1
#' img_in_par <- fpar(
#' external_img(src = img.file, height = 1.06/2, width = 1.39/2),
#' fp_p = fp_par(text.align = "center") )
#' @family block functions for reporting
#' @seealso [block_list()], [body_add_fpar()], [ph_with()]
fpar <- function( ..., fp_p = fp_par(), fp_t = fp_text_lite(), values = NULL) {
out <- list()
if( is.null(values)){
values <- list(...)
out$chunks <- values
out$fp_p <- fp_p
out$fp_t <- fp_t
class(out) <- c("fpar", "block")
#' @export
#' @rdname fpar
#' @importFrom stats update
update.fpar <- function (object, fp_p = NULL, fp_t = NULL, ...){
object$fp_p <- fp_p
object$fp_t <- fp_t
fortify_fpar <- function(x){
lapply(x$chunks, function(chk) {
if( !inherits(chk, c("cot", "run")) ){
chk <- ftext(text = format(chk), prop = x$fp_t )
#' @export <- function( x, ...){
chks <- fortify_fpar(x)
chks <- chks[sapply(chks, function(x) inherits(x, "ftext"))]
chks <- mapply(function(x){
data.frame(value = x$value, size = x$pr$font.size,
bold = x$pr$bold, italic = x$pr$italic, = x$pr$, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
}, chks, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#' @export
to_wml.fpar <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, style_id = NULL, ...) {
open_tag <- wp_ns_no
if (add_ns) {
open_tag <- wp_ns_yes
par_style <- ppr_wml(x$fp_p)
} else par_style <- paste0(
"<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val=\"", style_id, "\"/></w:pPr>")
chks <- fortify_fpar(x)
z <- lapply(chks, to_wml)
z$collapse <- ""
z <-, z)
paste0(open_tag, par_style, z, "</w:p>")
#' @export
to_pml.fpar <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
open_tag <- ap_ns_no
if (add_ns) {
open_tag <- ap_ns_yes
par_style <- ppr_pml(x$fp_p)
chks <- fortify_fpar(x)
z <- lapply(chks, to_pml)
z$collapse <- ""
z <-, z)
paste0(open_tag, par_style, z, "</a:p>")
#' @export
to_html.fpar <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
par_style <- ppr_css(x$fp_p)
chks <- fortify_fpar(x)
z <- lapply(chks, to_html)
z$collapse <- ""
z <-, z)
sprintf("<p style=\"%s\">%s</p>", par_style, z)
# block_list -----
#' @export
#' @title List of blocks
#' @description A list of blocks can be used to gather
#' several blocks (paragraphs, tables, ...) into a single
#' object. The result can be added into a Word document or a
#' PowerPoint presentation.
#' @param ... a list of blocks. When output is only for
#' Word, objects of class [external_img()] can
#' also be used in fpar construction to mix text and images
#' in a single paragraph. Supported objects are:
#' [block_caption()], [block_pour_docx()], [block_section()],
#' [block_table()], [block_toc()], [fpar()], [plot_instr()].
#' @examples
#' # block list ------
#' img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
#' fpt_blue_bold <- fp_text(color = "#006699", bold = TRUE)
#' fpt_red_italic <- fp_text(color = "#C32900", italic = TRUE)
#' ## This can be only be used in a MS word output as pptx does
#' ## not support paragraphs made of text and images.
#' ## (actually it can be used but image will not appear in the
#' ## pptx output)
#' value <- block_list(
#' fpar(ftext("hello world", fpt_blue_bold)),
#' fpar(ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ",
#' ftext("world", fpt_red_italic)),
#' fpar(
#' ftext("hello world", fpt_red_italic),
#' external_img(
#' src = img.file, height = 1.06, width = 1.39)))
#' value
#' doc <- read_docx()
#' doc <- body_add(doc, value)
#' print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
#' value <- block_list(
#' fpar(ftext("hello world", fpt_blue_bold)),
#' fpar(ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ",
#' ftext("world", fpt_red_italic)),
#' fpar(
#' ftext("blah blah blah", fpt_red_italic)))
#' value
#' doc <- read_pptx()
#' doc <- add_slide(doc)
#' doc <- ph_with(doc, value, location = ph_location_type(type = "body"))
#' print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".pptx"))
#' @seealso [ph_with()], [body_add_blocks()], [fpar()]
#' @family block functions for reporting
block_list <- function(...){
x <- list(...)
z <- list()
for(i in x){
if(inherits(i, "block")) {
z <- append(z, list(i))
} else if(inherits(i, "flextable")){
z <- append(z, list(i))
} else if(is.character(i)){
z <- append(z, lapply(i, fpar))
class(z) <- c("block_list", "block")
#' @export
to_wml.block_list <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
out <- character(length(x))
for(i in seq_along(x) ){
out[i] <- to_wml(x[[i]], add_ns = add_ns)
paste0(out, collapse = "")
#' @export
to_pml.block_list <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
pars <- sapply(x, to_pml)
pars <- paste0(pars, collapse = "")
#' @export
to_html.block_list <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
str <- vapply(x, to_html, NA_character_)
paste0(str, collapse = "")
# unordered list ----
#' @export
#' @title Unordered list
#' @description unordered list of text for PowerPoint
#' presentations. Each text is associated with
#' a hierarchy level.
#' @param str_list list of strings to be included in the object
#' @param level_list list of levels for hierarchy structure. Use
#' 0 for 'no bullet', 1 for level 1, 2 for level 2 and so on.
#' @param style text style, a \code{fp_text} object list or a
#' single \code{fp_text} objects. Use \code{fp_text(font.size = 0, ...)} to
#' inherit from default sizes of the presentation.
#' @examples
#' unordered_list(
#' level_list = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1),
#' str_list = c("Level1", "Level2", "Level2", "Level3", "Level3", "Level1"),
#' style = fp_text(color = "red", font.size = 0) )
#' unordered_list(
#' level_list = c(1, 2, 1),
#' str_list = c("Level1", "Level2", "Level1"),
#' style = list(
#' fp_text(color = "red", font.size = 0),
#' fp_text(color = "pink", font.size = 0),
#' fp_text(color = "orange", font.size = 0)
#' ))
#' @seealso \code{\link{ph_with}}
#' @family block functions for reporting
unordered_list <- function(str_list = character(0), level_list = integer(0), style = NULL){
if (length(str_list) != length(level_list) & length(str_list) > 0) {
stop("str_list and level_list have different lenghts.")
if( !is.null(style)){
if( inherits(style, "fp_text") )
style <- lapply(seq_len(length(str_list)), function(x) style )
x <- list(
str = str_list,
lvl = level_list,
style = style
class(x) <- "unordered_list"
#' @export
#' @noRd
print.unordered_list <- function(x, ...){
print(data.frame(str = x$str,
lvl = x$lvl,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' @export
to_pml.unordered_list <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
open_tag <- ap_ns_no
if (add_ns) {
open_tag <- ap_ns_yes
if( !is.null(x$style)){
style_str <- sapply(x$style, format, type = "pml")
style_str <- rep_len(style_str, length.out = length(x$str))
} else style_str <- rep("<a:rPr/>", length(x$str))
tmpl <- "%s<a:pPr%s>%s</a:pPr><a:r>%s<a:t>%s</a:t></a:r></a:p>"
lvl <- sprintf(" lvl=\"%.0f\"", x$lvl - 1)
lvl <- ifelse(x$lvl > 1, lvl, "")
bu_none <- ifelse(x$lvl < 1, "<a:buNone/>", "")
p <- sprintf(tmpl, open_tag, lvl, bu_none, style_str, htmlEscapeCopy(x$str) )
p <- paste(p, collapse = "")
# plot_instr -----
#' @title Wrap plot instructions for png plotting in Powerpoint or Word
#' @description A simple wrapper to capture
#' plot instructions that will be executed and copied in a document. It produces
#' an object of class 'plot_instr' with a corresponding method [ph_with()] and
#' [body_add_plot()].
#' The function enable usage of any R plot with argument `code`. Wrap your code
#' between curly bracket if more than a single expression.
#' @param code plotting instructions
#' @examples
#' # plot_instr demo ----
#' anyplot <- plot_instr(code = {
#' barplot(1:5, col = 2:6)
#' })
#' doc <- read_docx()
#' doc <- body_add(doc, anyplot, width = 5, height = 4)
#' print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
#' doc <- read_pptx()
#' doc <- add_slide(doc)
#' doc <- ph_with(
#' doc, anyplot,
#' location = ph_location_fullsize(),
#' bg = "#00000066", pointsize = 12)
#' print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".pptx"))
#' @export
#' @import graphics
#' @seealso [ph_with()], [body_add_plot()]
#' @family block functions for reporting
plot_instr <- function(code) {
out <- list()
out$code <- substitute(code)
class(out) <- "plot_instr"
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