# presentation ------------------------------------------------------------
presentation <- R6Class(
inherit = openxml_document,
public = list(
initialize = function( package_dir ) {
presentation_filename <- file.path(package_dir, "ppt", "presentation.xml")
slide_df <- private$get_slide_df()
private$slide_id <- slide_df$id
private$slide_rid <- slide_df$rid
add_slide = function(target){
private$rels_doc$add(id = paste0("rId", private$rels_doc$get_next_id() ),
type = "",
target = target )
rels <- private$rels_doc$get_data()
rid <- rels[rels$target %in% target,"id"]
ids <- private$slide_id
if( length( ids ) < 1 )
new_id <- 256
else new_id <- max(ids) + 1
private$slide_id <- c( private$slide_id, new_id)
private$slide_rid <- c( private$slide_rid, rid)
slide_data = function(){
rel_df <- self$rel_df()
rel_df <- rel_df[, c("id", "target")]
names(rel_df) <- c("slide_rid", "target")
ref <- data.frame(slide_id = private$slide_id,
slide_rid = private$slide_rid,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
base::merge(x = ref, y = rel_df, sort = FALSE,
by = "slide_rid", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
move_slide = function(from, to){
slide_list <- self$slide_data()
ord <- seq_len(nrow(slide_list))
if( from < to ) to <- to+1
ord[ord >= to] <- ord[ord >= to] + 1L
ord[from] <- to
slide_list <- slide_list[order(ord),,drop = FALSE]
private$slide_id <- slide_list$slide_id
private$slide_rid <- slide_list$slide_rid
remove_slide = function(target){
reldf <- self$rel_df()
id <- which( basename(reldf$target) %in% basename(target) )
rid <- reldf$id[id]
private$rels_doc$remove(target = target )
dropid <- which( private$slide_rid %in% rid )
private$slide_id <- private$slide_id[-dropid]
private$slide_rid <- private$slide_rid[-dropid]
private = list(
slide_id = NULL,
slide_rid = NULL,
get_slide_df = function() {
nodes <- xml_find_all(private$doc, "//p:sldIdLst/p:sldId")
id <- as.integer( xml_attr(nodes, "id", ns = xml_ns(private$doc)) )
rid <- xml_attr(nodes, "r:id", ns = xml_ns(private$doc))
data.frame(id = id, rid = rid, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
update_xml = function(){
xml_list <- xml_find_first(private$doc, "//p:sldIdLst")
xml_elt <- paste(
sprintf("<p:sldId id=\"%.0f\" r:id=\"%s\"/>", private$slide_id, private$slide_rid),
collapse = "" )
xml_elt <- paste0("<p:sldIdLst xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\" xmlns:p=\"\">",
xml_elt <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)
if( !inherits(xml_list, "xml_missing")){
xml_replace(xml_list, xml_elt)
} else{ ## needs to be after all MasterIdLst elements. placing it before sldSz seems to be the safest option.
xml_add_sibling(xml_find_first(private$doc, "//p:sldSz"), xml_elt, .where = "before")
# slide master ------------------------------------------------------------
slide_master <- R6Class(
inherit = openxml_document,
public = list(
name = function(){
theme_ <- private$theme_file()
root <- gsub( paste0(self$dir_name(), "$"), "", dirname( private$filename ) )
xml_attr(read_xml(file.path( root,theme_)), "name")
colors = function(){
theme_ <- private$theme_file()
root <- gsub( paste0(self$dir_name(), "$"), "", dirname( private$filename ) )
doc <- read_xml(file.path( root,theme_))
read_theme_colors( doc, self$name() )
xfrm = function(){
nodeset <- xml_find_all( self$get(), as_xpath_content_sel("p:cSld/p:spTree/") )
read_xfrm(nodeset, self$file_name(), self$name())
private = list(
theme_file = function(){
data <- self$rel_df()
theme_file <- data$target[basename(data$type) == "theme"]
file.path( "ppt/theme", basename(theme_file) )
# slide_layout ------------------------------------------------------------
slide_layout <- R6Class(
inherit = openxml_document,
public = list(
get_metadata = function( ){
rels <- self$rel_df()
rels <- rels[basename( rels$type ) == "slideMaster", ]
data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, name = self$name(), filename = self$file_name(), master_file = rels$target)
xfrm = function(){
rels <- self$rel_df()
rels <- rels[basename( rels$type ) == "slideMaster", ]
nodeset <- xml_find_all( self$get(), as_xpath_content_sel("p:cSld/p:spTree/"))
data <- read_xfrm(nodeset, self$file_name(), self$name())
if( nrow(data))
data$master_file <- basename(rels$target)
else data$master_file <- character(0)
write_template = function(new_file){
path <- system.file(package = "officer", "template/slide.xml")
rel_filename <- file.path(
dirname(new_file), "_rels",
paste0(basename(new_file), ".rels") )
newrel <- relationship$new()$add(
id = "rId1", type = "",
target = file.path("../slideLayouts", basename(self$file_name())) )
newrel$write(path = rel_filename)
file.copy(path, to = new_file)
name = function(){
csld <- xml_find_first(self$get(), "//p:cSld")
xml_attr(csld, "name")
# slide ------------------------------------------------------------
slide <- R6Class(
inherit = openxml_document,
public = list(
feed = function( file ) {
slide_info <- private$rels_doc$get_data()
slide_info <- slide_info[basename(slide_info$type) == "slideLayout",]
private$layout_file <- basename( slide_info$target )
set_layout_xfrm = function(xfrm_ref){
private$element_data <- xfrm_ref[xfrm_ref$file == private$layout_file,]
reference_img = function(src, dir_name){
src <- unique( src )
private$rels_doc$add_img(src, root_target = "../media")
dir.create(dir_name, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
file.copy(from = src, to = file.path(dir_name, basename(src)))
reference_slide = function(slide_file){
rel_dat <- private$rels_doc$get_data()
if( !slide_file %in% rel_dat$target ){
next_id <- private$rels_doc$get_next_id()
private$rels_doc$add(id = sprintf("rId%.0f", next_id),
type = "",
target = slide_file )
reference_hyperlink = function(href){
rel_dat <- private$rels_doc$get_data()
if( !href %in% rel_dat$target ){
next_id <- private$rels_doc$get_next_id()
private$rels_doc$add(id = sprintf("rId%.0f", next_id),
type = "",
target = href, target_mode = "External" )
get_xfrm = function(type = NULL, index = 1){
out <- private$element_data
if( !is.null(type) ){
if( type %in% out$type ){
type_matches <- which( out$type == type )
if( index <= length(type_matches) )
id <- type_matches[index]
else stop(type, " can only have ", length(type_matches), " element(s) but index is set to ", index)
} else stop("type ", type, " is not available in the slide layout")
out <- out[id, ]
layout_name = function(){
get_metadata = function( ){
rels <- self$rel_df()
rels <- rels[basename( rels$type ) == "slideLayout", ]
data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, name = self$name(), filename = self$file_name(), layout_file = rels$target)
private = list(
layout_file = NULL,
element_data = NULL
# notesSlide ------------------------------------------------------------
notesSlide <- R6Class(
inherit = openxml_document,
public = list(
feed = function( file ) {
fortify_id = function(){
cnvpr <- xml_find_all(private$doc, "//p:cNvPr")
for(i in seq_along(cnvpr))
xml_attr( cnvpr[[i]], "id") <- i
get_metadata = function( ){
rels <- self$rel_df()
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.