
Defines functions ph_with.xml_document xml_to_slide ph_with.empty_content ph_with.fpar ph_with.external_img ph_with.plot_instr ph_with.gg ph_with.data.frame ph_with.unordered_list ph_with.block_list ph_with.factor ph_with.numeric ph_with.character ph_with

Documented in ph_with ph_with.block_list ph_with.character ph_with.data.frame ph_with.empty_content ph_with.external_img ph_with.factor ph_with.fpar ph_with.gg ph_with.numeric ph_with.plot_instr ph_with.unordered_list ph_with.xml_document

#' @export
#' @title Add objects on the current slide
#' @description add object into a new shape in the current slide. This
#' function is able to add all supported outputs to a presentation. See
#' section **Methods (by class)** to see supported outputs.
#' @param x an rpptx object
#' @param value object to add as a new shape. Supported objects
#' are vectors, data.frame, graphics, block of formatted paragraphs,
#' unordered list of formatted paragraphs,
#' pretty tables with package flextable, editable graphics with
#' package rvg, 'Microsoft' charts with package mschart.
#' @param location a placeholder location object.
#' It will be used to specify the location of the new shape. This location
#' can be defined with a call to one of the ph_location functions. See
#' section \code{"see also"}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. When
#' adding a `ggplot` object or `plot_instr`, these arguments will be used
#' by png function.
#' @examples
#' # this name will be used to print the file
#' # change it to "youfile.pptx" to write the pptx
#' # file in your working directory.
#' fileout <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")
#' doc_1 <- read_pptx()
#' sz <- slide_size(doc_1)
#' # add text and a table ----
#' doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1, layout = "Two Content", master = "Office Theme")
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'   x = doc_1, value = c("Table cars"),
#'   location = ph_location_type(type = "title")
#' )
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'   x = doc_1, value = names(cars),
#'   location = ph_location_left()
#' )
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'   x = doc_1, value = cars,
#'   location = ph_location_right()
#' )
#' # add a base plot ----
#' anyplot <- plot_instr(code = {
#'   col <- c(
#'     "#440154FF", "#443A83FF", "#31688EFF",
#'     "#21908CFF", "#35B779FF", "#8FD744FF", "#FDE725FF"
#'   )
#'   barplot(1:7, col = col, yaxt = "n")
#' })
#' doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(doc_1, anyplot,
#'   location = ph_location_fullsize(),
#'   bg = "#006699"
#' )
#' # add a ggplot2 plot ----
#' if (require("ggplot2")) {
#'   doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
#'   gg_plot <- ggplot(data = iris) +
#'     geom_point(
#'       mapping = aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length),
#'       size = 3
#'     ) +
#'     theme_minimal()
#'   doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'     x = doc_1, value = gg_plot,
#'     location = ph_location_type(type = "body"),
#'     bg = "transparent"
#'   )
#'   doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'     x = doc_1, value = "graphic title",
#'     location = ph_location_type(type = "title")
#'   )
#' }
#' # add a external images ----
#' doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1,
#'   layout = "Title and Content",
#'   master = "Office Theme"
#' )
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'   x = doc_1, value = empty_content(),
#'   location = ph_location(
#'     left = 0, top = 0,
#'     width = sz$width, height = sz$height, bg = "black"
#'   )
#' )
#' svg_file <- file.path(R.home(component = "doc"), "html/Rlogo.svg")
#' if (require("rsvg")) {
#'   doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'     x = doc_1, value = "External images",
#'     location = ph_location_type(type = "title")
#'   )
#'   doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'     x = doc_1, external_img(svg_file, 100 / 72, 76 / 72),
#'     location = ph_location_right(), use_loc_size = FALSE
#'   )
#'   doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'     x = doc_1, external_img(svg_file),
#'     location = ph_location_left(),
#'     use_loc_size = TRUE
#'   )
#' }
#' # add a block_list ----
#' dummy_text <- readLines(system.file(
#'   package = "officer",
#'   "doc_examples/text.txt"
#' ))
#' fp_1 <- fp_text(bold = TRUE, color = "pink", font.size = 0)
#' fp_2 <- fp_text(bold = TRUE, font.size = 0)
#' fp_3 <- fp_text(italic = TRUE, color = "red", font.size = 0)
#' bl <- block_list(
#'   fpar(ftext("hello world", fp_1)),
#'   fpar(
#'     ftext("hello", fp_2),
#'     ftext("hello", fp_3)
#'   ),
#'   dummy_text
#' )
#' doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'   x = doc_1, value = bl,
#'   location = ph_location_type(type = "body")
#' )
#' # fpar ------
#' fpt <- fp_text(
#'   bold = TRUE, font.family = "Bradley Hand",
#'   font.size = 150, color = "#F5595B"
#' )
#' hw <- fpar(
#'   ftext("hello ", fpt),
#'   hyperlink_ftext(
#'     href = "https://cran.r-project.org/index.html",
#'     text = "cran", prop = fpt
#'   )
#' )
#' doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'   x = doc_1, value = hw,
#'   location = ph_location_type(type = "body")
#' )
#' # unordered_list ----
#' ul <- unordered_list(
#'   level_list = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1),
#'   str_list = c("Level1", "Level2", "Level2", "Level3", "Level3", "Level1"),
#'   style = fp_text(color = "red", font.size = 0)
#' )
#' doc_1 <- add_slide(doc_1)
#' doc_1 <- ph_with(
#'   x = doc_1, value = ul,
#'   location = ph_location_type()
#' )
#' print(doc_1, target = fileout)
#' @seealso [ph_location_type], [ph_location], [ph_location_label],
#' [ph_location_left], [ph_location_right], [ph_location_fullsize],
#' [ph_location_template]
#' @section Illustrations:
#' \if{html}{\figure{ph_with_doc_1.png}{options: width=80\%}}
ph_with <- function(x, value, location, ...) {
  UseMethod("ph_with", value)

#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add a character vector to a new shape on the
#' current slide, values will be added as paragraphs.
ph_with.character <- function(x, value, location, ...) {
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)

  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)
  new_ph <- shape_properties_tags(
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = location$width, height = location$height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln, geom = location$geom

  pars <- paste0("<a:p><a:r><a:rPr/><a:t>", htmlEscapeCopy(value), "</a:t></a:r></a:p>", collapse = "")
  xml_elt <- paste0(
    psp_ns_yes, new_ph,
    pars, "</p:txBody></p:sp>"

  node <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)

  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), node)

#' @export
#' @param format_fun format function for non character vectors
#' @describeIn ph_with add a numeric vector to a new shape on the
#' current slide, values will be be first formatted then
#' added as paragraphs.
ph_with.numeric <- function(x, value, location, format_fun = format, ...) {
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  value <- format_fun(value, ...)
  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)

  new_ph <- shape_properties_tags(
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = location$width, height = location$height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln, geom = location$geom

  pars <- paste0("<a:p><a:r><a:rPr/><a:t>", htmlEscapeCopy(value), "</a:t></a:r></a:p>", collapse = "")
  xml_elt <- paste0(
    psp_ns_yes, new_ph,
    pars, "</p:txBody></p:sp>"
  node <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)

  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), node)

#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add a factor vector to a new shape on the
#' current slide, values will be be converted as character and then
#' added as paragraphs.
ph_with.factor <- function(x, value, location, ...) {
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  value <- as.character(value)
  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)

  new_ph <- shape_properties_tags(
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = location$width, height = location$height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln, geom = location$geom

  pars <- paste0("<a:p><a:r><a:rPr/><a:t>", htmlEscapeCopy(value), "</a:t></a:r></a:p>", collapse = "")
  xml_elt <- paste0(
    psp_ns_yes, new_ph,
    pars, "</p:txBody></p:sp>"
  node <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)

  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), node)
#' @export
#' @rdname ph_with
ph_with.logical <- ph_with.numeric

#' @export
#' @param level_list The list of levels for hierarchy structure as integer values.
#' If used the object is formated as an unordered list. If 1 and 2,
#' item 1 level will be 1, item 2 level will be 2.
#' @describeIn ph_with add a \code{\link{block_list}} made
#' of \code{\link{fpar}} to a new shape on the current slide.
ph_with.block_list <- function(x, value, location, level_list = integer(0), ...) {
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)

  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)

  pars <- sapply(value, to_pml)

  if (length(level_list) > 0) {
    pars <- gsub("<a:buNone/>", "", pars, fixed = TRUE)

    level_values <- rep(1L, length(pars))
    level_values[] <- level_list
    level_values <- level_values - 1L

    lvl <- sprintf(" lvl=\"%.0f\"", level_values)
    lvl <- paste0("<a:pPr", ifelse(level_values > 0, lvl, ""), "/>")

    pars <- mapply(
      function(par, lvl) {
        paste0(par[1], lvl, par[2])
      }, strsplit(pars, split = "<a:pPr(.*)</a:pPr>"), lvl,
    pars <- unlist(pars)

  pars <- paste0(pars, collapse = "")

  new_ph <- shape_properties_tags(
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = location$width, height = location$height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln, geom = location$geom

  xml_elt <- paste0(
    psp_ns_yes, new_ph,
    pars, "</p:txBody></p:sp>"

  node <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)

  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), node)

#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add a \code{\link{unordered_list}} made
#' of \code{\link{fpar}} to a new shape on the current slide.
ph_with.unordered_list <- function(x, value, location, ...) {
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)

  p <- to_pml(value)

  new_ph <- shape_properties_tags(
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = location$width, height = location$height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln, geom = location$geom

  xml_elt <- paste0(
    psp_ns_yes, new_ph,
    "<p:txBody><a:bodyPr/><a:lstStyle/>", p, "</p:txBody></p:sp>"
  node <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)
  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), node)

#' @export
#' @param header display header if TRUE
#' @param tcf conditional formatting settings defined by [table_conditional_formatting()]
#' @param alignment alignment for each columns, 'l' for left, 'r' for right
#' and 'c' for center. Default to NULL.
#' @describeIn ph_with add a data.frame to a new shape on the current slide with
#' function [block_table()]. Use package \code{flextable} instead for more
#' advanced formattings.
ph_with.data.frame <- function(x, value, location, header = TRUE,
                               tcf = table_conditional_formatting(),
                               alignment = NULL,
                               ...) {
  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)

  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  style_id <- x$table_styles$def[1]

  pt <- prop_table(
    style = style_id, layout = table_layout(),
    width = table_width(),
    tcf = tcf

  bt <- block_table(x = value, header = header, properties = pt, alignment = alignment)

  xml_elt <- to_pml(
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = location$width, height = location$height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln, geom = location$geom

  value <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)
  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), value)

#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add a ggplot object to a new shape on the
#' current slide. Use package \code{rvg} for more advanced graphical features.
#' @param res resolution of the png image in ppi
#' @param alt_text Alt-text for screen-readers. Defaults to `""`. If `""` or `NULL`
#'    an alt text added with `ggplot2::labs(alt = ...)` will be used if any.
#' @param scale Multiplicative scaling factor, same as in ggsave
ph_with.gg <- function(x, value, location, res = 300, alt_text = "", scale = 1, ...) {
  location_ <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2")) {
    stop("package ggplot2 is required to use this function")

  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  width <- location_$width
  height <- location_$height

  stopifnot(inherits(value, "gg"))
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  agg_png(filename = file, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = res, scaling = scale, background = "transparent", ...)

  if (is.null(alt_text) || alt_text == "") {
    alt_text <- ggplot2::get_alt_text(value)
    if (is.null(alt_text)) alt_text <- ""

  ext_img <- external_img(file, width = width, height = height, alt = alt_text)

  ph_with(x, ext_img, location = location)

#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add an R plot to a new shape on the
#' current slide. Use package \code{rvg} for more advanced graphical features.
ph_with.plot_instr <- function(x, value, location, res = 300, ...) {
  location_ <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)
  width <- location_$width
  height <- location_$height

  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

  dirname <- tempfile()
  filename <- paste(dirname, "/plot%03d.png", sep = "")
  agg_png(filename = filename, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = res, scaling = 1, background = "transparent", ...)

    finally = {
  file <- list.files(dirname, full.names = TRUE)
  on.exit(unlink(dirname, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE))

  if (length(file) > 1) {
    stop(length(file), " files have been produced. Multiple plot are not supported")

  ext_img <- external_img(file, width = width, height = height)
  ph_with(x, ext_img, location = location)

#' @export
#' @param use_loc_size if set to FALSE, external_img width and height will
#' be used.
#' @describeIn ph_with add a \code{\link{external_img}} to a new shape
#' on the current slide.
#' When value is a external_img object, image will be copied
#' into the PowerPoint presentation. The width and height
#' specified in call to \code{external_img} will be
#' ignored, their values will be those of the location,
#' unless use_loc_size is set to FALSE.
ph_with.external_img <- function(x, value, location, use_loc_size = TRUE, ...) {
  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)

  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)

  if (!use_loc_size) {
    location$width <- attr(value, "dims")$width
    location$height <- attr(value, "dims")$height
  width <- location$width
  height <- location$height

  xml_str <- to_pml(
    x = value,
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = width, height = height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln

  value <- as_xml_document(xml_str)
  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), value)

#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add an \code{\link{fpar}} to a new shape
#' on the current slide as a single paragraph in a \code{\link{block_list}}.
ph_with.fpar <- function(x, value, location, ...) {
  ph_with.block_list(x, value = block_list(value), location = location)


#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add an \code{\link{empty_content}} to a new shape
#' on the current slide.
ph_with.empty_content <- function(x, value, location, ...) {
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)

  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)
  new_ph <- shape_properties_tags(
    left = location$left, top = location$top,
    width = location$width, height = location$height,
    label = location$ph_label, ph = location$ph,
    rot = location$rotation, bg = location$bg,
    ln = location$ln, geom = location$geom

  if (is.na(location$fld_id)) {
    xml_elt <- paste0(psp_ns_yes, new_ph, "</p:sp>")
  } else {
    pars <- paste0("<a:p><a:fld id=\"", location$fld_id, "\" type = \"", location$fld_type, "\"><a:rPr/><a:t>", x$cursor, "</a:t></a:fld></a:p>", collapse = "")
    xml_elt <- sprintf(paste0(
      psp_ns_yes, new_ph,
      pars, "</p:txBody></p:sp>"
  node <- as_xml_document(xml_elt)

  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), node)

xml_to_slide <- function(slide, location, value, package_dir) {
  node <- xml_find_first(value, as_xpath_content_sel("//"))
  if (xml_name(node) == "grpSp") {
    node_sppr <- xml_child(node, "p:grpSpPr")
    node_xfrm <- xml_child(node, "p:grpSpPr/a:xfrm")
    node_name <- xml_child(node, "p:nvGrpSpPr/p:cNvPr")
  } else if (xml_name(node) == "graphicFrame") {
    node_xfrm <- xml_child(node, "p:xfrm")
    node_name <- xml_child(node, "p:nvGraphicFramePr/p:cNvPr")
    node_sppr <- xml_missing()
  } else if (xml_name(node) == "pic") {
    node_sppr <- xml_child(node, "p:spPr")
    node_xfrm <- xml_child(node, "p:spPr/a:xfrm")
    node_name <- xml_child(node, "p:nvPicPr/p:cNvPr")
  } else if (xml_name(node) == "sp") {
    node_sppr <- xml_child(node, "p:spPr")
    node_xfrm <- xml_child(node, "p:spPr/a:xfrm")
    node_name <- xml_child(node, "p:nvSpPr/p:cNvPr")
  } else {
    node_xfrm <- xml_missing()
    node_name <- xml_missing()
    node_sppr <- xml_missing()

  if (!inherits(node_name, "xml_missing")) {
    xml_attr(node_name, "name") <- location$ph_label

  if (!inherits(node_xfrm, "xml_missing")) {
    off <- xml_child(node_xfrm, "a:off")
    ext <- xml_child(node_xfrm, "a:ext")
    chOff <- xml_child(node_xfrm, "a:chOff")
    chExt <- xml_child(node_xfrm, "a:chExt")
    xml_attr(off, "x") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$left * 914400)
    xml_attr(off, "y") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$top * 914400)
    xml_attr(ext, "cx") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$width * 914400)
    xml_attr(ext, "cy") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$height * 914400)
    xml_attr(chOff, "x") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$left * 914400)
    xml_attr(chOff, "y") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$top * 914400)
    xml_attr(chExt, "cx") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$width * 914400)
    xml_attr(chExt, "cy") <- sprintf("%.0f", location$height * 914400)

    # add location$rotation to cNvPr:name
    if (!is.null(location$rotation) &&
      is.finite(location$rotation) &&
      is.numeric(location$rotation)) {
      xml_attr(node_xfrm, "rot") <- sprintf("%.0f", -location$rotation * 60000)

  if (!inherits(node_sppr, "xml_missing")) {
    # add location$bg to SpPr
    if (!is.null(location$bg)) {
      bg_str <- solid_fill_pml(location$bg)
      xml_add_child(node_sppr, as_xml_document(bg_str))

#' @export
#' @describeIn ph_with add an xml_document object to a new shape on the
#' current slide. This function is to be used to add custom openxml code.
ph_with.xml_document <- function(x, value, location, ...) {
  slide <- x$slide$get_slide(x$cursor)

  location <- fortify_location(location, doc = x)

  xml_to_slide(slide, location, value, x$package_dir)

  xml_add_child(xml_find_first(slide$get(), "//p:spTree"), value)

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officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.