## ##
## Package: onemap ##
## ##
## File: rcd.R ##
## Contains: rcd ##
## ##
## Written by Gabriel Rodrigues Alves Margarido ##
## copyright (c) 2007-9, Gabriel R A Margarido ##
## ##
## First version: 11/07/2007 ##
## License: GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991) or later ##
## ##
##' Rapid Chain Delineation
##' Implements the marker ordering algorithm \emph{Rapid Chain Delineation}
##' (\cite{Doerge, 1996}).
##' \emph{Rapid Chain Delineation} (\emph{RCD}) is an algorithm for marker
##' ordering in linkage groups. It is not an exhaustive search method and,
##' therefore, is not computationally intensive. However, it does not guarantee
##' that the best order is always found. The only requirement is a matrix with
##' recombination fractions between markers. Next is an excerpt from QTL
##' Cartographer Version 1.17 Manual describing the \emph{RCD} algorithm
##' (\cite{Basten et al., 2005}):
##' \emph{The linkage group is initiated with the pair of markers having the
##' smallest recombination fraction. The remaining markers are placed in a
##' \dQuote{pool} awaiting placement on the map. The linkage group is extended
##' by adding markers from the pool of unlinked markers. Each terminal marker
##' of the linkage group is a candidate for extension of the chain: The
##' unlinked marker that has the smallest recombination fraction with either is
##' added to the chain subject to the provision that the recombination fraction
##' is statistically significant at a prespecified level. This process is
##' repeated as long as markers can be added to the chain.}
##' After determining the order with \emph{RCD}, the final map is constructed
##' using the multipoint approach (function \code{\link[onemap]{map}}).
##' @param input.seq an object of class \code{sequence}.
##' @param LOD minimum LOD-Score threshold used when constructing the pairwise
##' recombination fraction matrix.
##' @param max.rf maximum recombination fraction threshold used as the LOD
##' value above.
##' @param tol tolerance for the C routine, i.e., the value used to evaluate
##' convergence.
##' @param size The center size around which an optimum is to be searched
##' @param overlap The desired overlap between batches
##' @param phase_cores The number of parallel processes to use when estimating
##' the phase of a marker. (Should be no more than 4)
##' @param parallelization.type one of the supported cluster types. This should
#' be either PSOCK (default) or FORK.
#' @param rm_unlinked When some pair of markers do not follow the linkage criteria,
#' if \code{TRUE} one of the markers is removed and rcd is performed again.
#' @param hmm logical defining if the HMM must be applied to estimate multipoint
#' genetic distances
##' @param verbose A logical, if TRUE it output progress status
##' information.
##' @return An object of class \code{sequence}, which is a list containing the
##' following components: \item{seq.num}{a \code{vector} containing the
##' (ordered) indices of markers in the sequence, according to the input file.}
##' \item{seq.phases}{a \code{vector} with the linkage phases between markers
##' in the sequence, in corresponding positions. \code{-1} means that there are
##' no defined linkage phases.} \item{seq.rf}{a \code{vector} with the
##' recombination frequencies between markers in the sequence. \code{-1} means
##' that there are no estimated recombination frequencies.}
##' \item{}{log-likelihood of the corresponding linkage map.}
##' \item{}{name of the object of class \code{onemap} with the raw
##' data.} \item{twopt}{name of the object of class \code{rf_2pts} with the
##' 2-point analyses.}
##' @author Gabriel R A Margarido, \email{}
##' @seealso \code{\link[onemap]{make_seq}}, \code{\link[onemap]{map}}
##' @references Basten, C. J., Weir, B. S. and Zeng, Z.-B. (2005) \emph{QTL
##' Cartographer Version 1.17: A Reference Manual and Tutorial for QTL
##' Mapping}.
##' Doerge, R. W. (1996) Constructing genetic maps by rapid chain delineation.
##' \emph{Journal of Quantitative Trait Loci} 2: 121-132.
##' Mollinari, M., Margarido, G. R. A., Vencovsky, R. and Garcia, A. A. F.
##' (2009) Evaluation of algorithms used to order markers on genetics maps.
##' \emph{Heredity} 103: 494-502.
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
##' #outcross example
##' data(onemap_example_out)
##' twopt <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out)
##' all_mark <- make_seq(twopt,"all")
##' groups <- group(all_mark)
##' LG1 <- make_seq(groups,1)
##' LG1.rcd <- rcd(LG1, hmm = FALSE)
##' #F2 example
##' data(onemap_example_f2)
##' twopt <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_f2)
##' all_mark <- make_seq(twopt,"all")
##' groups <- group(all_mark)
##' LG1 <- make_seq(groups,1)
##' LG1.rcd <- rcd(LG1, hmm = FALSE)
##' LG1.rcd
##' }
rcd <-function(input.seq, LOD=0, max.rf=0.5, tol=10E-5,
rm_unlinked= TRUE,
size = NULL,
overlap = NULL,
phase_cores = 1, hmm=TRUE, parallelization.type = "PSOCK", verbose=TRUE)
## checking for correct object
if(!inherits(input.seq,"sequence")) stop(deparse(substitute(input.seq))," is
not an object of class 'sequence'")
n.mrk <- length(input.seq$seq.num)
## create reconmbination fraction matrix
r<-get_mat_rf_out(input.seq, LOD=FALSE, max.rf=max.rf, min.LOD=LOD)
r<-get_mat_rf_in(input.seq, LOD=FALSE, max.rf=max.rf, min.LOD=LOD)
## x defines the non-positioned markers
x <- 1:n.mrk
## the group starts with the closest two markers
i <- which(r==r[which.min(r)])
i <- i[sample(length(i),1)]
## 'first' and 'last' are the markers on the edges of the ordered group
first <- ceiling(i/n.mrk)
last <- i-((first-1)*n.mrk)
## the two markers are set next to each other
order <- c(first,last)
## markers already ordered are marked as NaN
x[first] <- NA
x[last] <- NA
## extending the chain
while (length(order) < n.mrk) {
## get the markers closest to the left end of the group
j <- which(r[first,][x]==r[first,which.min(r[first,][x])])
## randomly choose one of them
if (length(j) > 1) j <- j[sample(length(j),1)]
## get the markers closest to the right end of the group
k <- which(r[last,][x]==r[last,which.min(r[last,][x])])
## randomly choose one of them
if (length(k) > 1) k <- k[sample(length(k),1)]
if (r[first,j] < r[last,k]) { ## place a marker at the left side
order <- c(j,order)
x[j] <- NA
first <- j
else if (r[first,j] > r[last,k]) { ## or at the right side
order <- c(order,k)
x[k] <- NA
last <- k }
else { ## if the distance is the same, randomly choose one side
rand <- sample(2,1)
if (rand==1) { order <- c(j,order); x[j] <- NA; first <- j }
else { order <- c(order,k); x[k] <- NA; last <- k }
## end of chain
if(verbose) cat("\norder obtained using RCD algorithm:\n\n", input.seq$seq.num[avoid_reverse(order)], "\n\ncalculating multipoint map using tol = ", tol, ".\n\n")
if(phase_cores == 1 | inherits(input.seq$, c("backcross", "riself", "risib"))){
rcd.hmm <- map(make_seq(input.seq$twopt,input.seq$seq.num[avoid_reverse(order)],
rm_unlinked = rm_unlinked, parallelization.type = parallelization.type)
} else{
if(is.null(size) | is.null(overlap)){
stop("If you want to parallelize the HMM in multiple cores (phase_cores != 1)
you must also define `size` and `overlap` arguments.")
} else {
rcd.hmm <- map_overlapping_batches(make_seq(input.seq$twopt,input.seq$seq.num[avoid_reverse(order)],
size = size, overlap = overlap,
phase_cores = phase_cores,
rm_unlinked = rm_unlinked,
parallelization.type = parallelization.type)
if(!is.list(rcd.hmm)) {
new.seq <- make_seq(input.seq$twopt, rcd.hmm)
rcd.hmm <- rcd(input.seq = new.seq,
max.rf=max.rf, tol=tol,
rm_unlinked= rm_unlinked,
size = size,
overlap = overlap,
phase_cores = phase_cores, parallelization.type = parallelization.type)
} else {
rcd.seq <- make_seq(input.seq$twopt,input.seq$seq.num[avoid_reverse(order)],
## end of file
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