## ##
## Package: onemap ##
## ##
## File: rf_2pts.R ##
## Contains: rf_2pts, print.rf_2pts ##
## ##
## Written by Gabriel Rodrigues Alves Margarido and Marcelo Mollinari ##
## with minor changes by Cristiane Taniguti
## copyright (c) 2007-15, Gabriel R A Margarido and Marcelo Mollinari ##
## ##
## First version: 11/07/2007 ##
## License: GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991) or later ##
## ##
## Function to perform two-point analyses for all markers in a data set
##' Two-point analysis between genetic markers
##' Performs the two-point (pairwise) analysis proposed by \cite{Wu et al.
##' (2002)} between all pairs of markers.
##' For \code{n} markers, there are \deqn{\frac{n(n-1)}{2}}{n*(n-1)/2} pairs of
##' markers to be analyzed. Therefore, completion of the two-point analyses can
##' take a long time.
##'@importFrom methods is
##' @aliases rf_2pts
##' @param input.obj an object of class \code{onemap}.
##' @param LOD minimum LOD Score to declare linkage (defaults to \code{3}).
##' @param max.rf maximum recombination fraction to declare linkage (defaults
##' to \code{0.50}).
##' @param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE}, current progress is shown; if
##' \code{FALSE}, no output is produced.
##' @param rm_mks logical. If \code{TRUE} the algorithm will remove the markers for which it found numerical
##' problems to calculates the recombination fraction. The numerical problems can happens because of excess of
##' missing data or segregation deviation.
##' @return An object of class \code{rf_2pts}, which is a list containing the
##' following components: \item{n.mar}{total number of markers.} \item{LOD}{minimum LOD Score to declare
##' linkage.} \item{max.rf}{maximum recombination fraction to declare linkage.}
##' \item{input}{the name of the input file.} \item{analysis}{an array with the
##' complete results of the two-point analysis for each pair of markers.}
##' @note The thresholds used for \code{LOD} and \code{max.rf} will be used in
##' subsequent analyses, but can be overriden.
##' @author Gabriel R A Margarido \email{} and Marcelo Mollinari \email{}
##' @references Wu, R., Ma, C.-X., Painter, I. and Zeng, Z.-B. (2002)
##' Simultaneous maximum likelihood estimation of linkage and linkage phases in
##' outcrossing species. \emph{Theoretical Population Biology} 61: 349-363.
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
##' data(onemap_example_out)
##' twopts <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out,LOD=3,max.rf=0.5) # perform two-point analyses
##' twopts
##' print(twopts,c("M1","M2")) # detailed results for markers 1 and 2
##' }
rf_2pts <- function(input.obj, LOD=3, max.rf=0.50, verbose = TRUE, rm_mks = FALSE) {
## checking for correct object
if(!inherits(input.obj, c("onemap", "outcross", "f2", "backcross", "riself", "risib")))
stop(deparse(substitute(input.obj))," is not an object of class 'onemap'.")
if (input.obj$n.mar<2) stop("there must be at least two markers to proceed with analysis")
## creating variables (result storage and progress output)
r<- est_rf_out(geno = input.obj$geno, seg_type = input.obj$segr.type.num, nind = input.obj$n.ind, verbose = verbose)
else if(inherits(input.obj, "f2"))
r<-est_rf_out(geno = input.obj$geno, seg_type = input.obj$segr.type.num, nind = input.obj$n.ind, verbose = verbose)
else if(inherits(input.obj,"backcross"))
r<- est_rf_bc(geno = input.obj$geno, nind = input.obj$n.ind, type=0, verbose = verbose)
else if(inherits(input.obj,"riself"))
r<-est_rf_bc(geno = input.obj$geno, nind = input.obj$n.ind, type=1, verbose = verbose)
else if(inherits(input.obj, "risib"))
r<-est_rf_bc(geno = input.obj$geno, nind = input.obj$n.ind, type=2, verbose = verbose)
# The recombination matrix should not have NA or NaN
if(anyNA(r, recursive = T)) {
mks_rm <- unlist(sapply(r, function(x) rownames(which(, arr.ind = T))))
} else {
which(apply(r, 2, function(x) all(
mks_rm <- unique(rownames(which(,arr.ind = T)))
if(length(mks_rm) == input.obj$n.mar){
stop("Check if all markers have at least one genotype information or if they have segregation pattern deviation.
We suggest filter_missing function to avoid excess of missing data and test_segregation.")
message("Recombination fraction for ", length(mks_rm), " markers could not be estimated. They were removed from analysis. Check if these markers have at least one genotype information or if they have segregation pattern deviation. We suggest filter_missing function to avoid excess of missing data and test_segregation.")
mks_rm_num <- which(colnames(input.obj$geno) %in% mks_rm)
mks_num <- which(!colnames(input.obj$geno) %in% mks_rm)
input.obj$geno <- input.obj$geno[,-mks_rm_num]
input.obj$segr.type.num <- input.obj$segr.type.num[-mks_rm_num]
input.obj$segr.type <- input.obj$segr.type[-mks_rm_num]
input.obj$CHROM <- input.obj$CHROM[-mks_rm_num]
input.obj$POS <- input.obj$POS[-mks_rm_num]
input.obj$n.mar <- length(input.obj$segr.type)
input.obj$error <- input.obj$error[mks_num + rep(c(0:(input.obj$n.ind-1))*input.obj$n.mar, each=length(mks_num)),]
twopts <- rf_2pts(input.obj, LOD=LOD, max.rf=max.rf, verbose = verbose)
} else
message("We could not estimate all recombination fraction. Check if these markers have at least one genotype information or if they have segregation pattern deviation. We suggest filter_missing function to avoid excess of missing data, test_segregation and rm_mks argument.")
structure(list( input.obj, n.mar=input.obj$n.mar, LOD=LOD, max.rf=max.rf,
input=input.obj$input, CHROM = input.obj$CHROM, POS= input.obj$POS, analysis=r),
class = c("rf_2pts", class(input.obj)[2]))
##' Print method for object class 'rf_2pts'
##' It shows the linkage groups as well as the unlinked markers.
##' @aliases print.rf_2pts
##' @param x an object of class \code{rf_2pts}.
##' @param mrk a vector containing a pair of markers, so detailed
##' results of the two-point analysis will be printed for them.
##' Can be numeric or character strings indicating the
##' numbers/names corresponding to any markers in the input file.
##' @param ... further arguments, passed to other methods. Currently ignored.
##' @return \code{NULL}
##' @keywords internal
##' @method print rf_2pts
##' @export
print.rf_2pts <- function(x, mrk=NULL,...) {
## checking for correct object
if(!inherits(x, "rf_2pts"))
stop(deparse(substitute(x))," is not an object of class 'rf_2pts'")
if (any(is.null(mrk))) {
## printing a brief summary
cat(" This is an object of class 'rf_2pts'\n")
cat("\n Criteria: LOD =", x$LOD, ", Maximum recombination fraction =",
x$max.rf, "\n")
cat("\n This object is too complex to print\n")
cat(" Type 'print(object, c(mrk1=marker, mrk2=marker))' to see\n")
cat(" the analysis for two markers\n")
cat(" mrk1 and mrk2 can be the names or numbers of both markers\n")
else {
## printing detailed results for two markers
## checking if markers exist and converting character to numeric
stop(deparse(substitute(mrk))," must be a pair of markers")
if(inherits(x, "backcross") || inherits(x, "risib") || inherits(x, "riself"))
if (is.character(mrk[1]) && is.character(mrk[2])) {
mrk[1]<-match(mrk[1], colnames(x$analysis))
mrk[2]<-match(mrk[2], colnames(x$analysis))
if ([1])) stop("marker ", mrk1name, " not found")
if ([2])) stop("marker ", mrk2name, " not found")
else if(is.numeric(mrk[1]) && is.numeric(mrk[2]))
if(mrk[1] > nrow(x$analysis)) stop("marker ", mrk[1], " not found: marker number out of bounds")
if(mrk[2] > nrow(x$analysis)) stop("marker ", mrk[2], " not found: marker number out of bounds")
else stop("'mrk1' and 'mrk2' must be of the same type \"numeric\" or \"character\"")
cat(" Results of the 2-point analysis for markers:", colnames(x$analysis)[mrk[1]],
"and", colnames(x$analysis)[mrk[2]], "\n")
## results found
cat(" Criteria: LOD = ", x$LOD, ", Maximum recombination fraction = ",
x$max.rf, "\n\n")
## do not print anything for the same marker
if(mrk[1] == mrk[2]) stop("mrk1 and mrk2 are the same")
## results of the two-point analysis
if (mrk[1] > mrk[2]){
output<-c(r, LOD)
else if(inherits(x, "outcross") || inherits(x,"f2"))
if (is.character(mrk[1]) && is.character(mrk[2])) {
mrk[1]<-match(mrk[1], colnames(x$analysis[[1]]))
mrk[2]<-match(mrk[2], colnames(x$analysis[[1]]))
if ([1])) stop("marker ", mrk1name, " not found")
if ([2])) stop("marker ", mrk2name, " not found")
else if(is.numeric(mrk[1]) && is.numeric(mrk[2]))
if(mrk[1] > nrow(x$analysis[[1]])) stop("marker ", mrk[1], " not found: marker number out of bounds")
if(mrk[2] > nrow(x$analysis[[1]])) stop("marker ", mrk[2], " not found: marker number out of bounds")
else stop("'mrk1' and 'mrk2' must be of the same type \"numeric\" or \"character\"")
cat(" Results of the 2-point analysis for markers:", colnames(x$analysis[[1]])[mrk[1]],
"and", colnames(x$analysis[[1]])[mrk[2]], "\n")
## results found
cat(" Criteria: LOD = ", x$LOD, ", Maximum recombination fraction = ",
x$max.rf, "\n\n")
## do not print anything for the same marker
if(mrk[1] == mrk[2]) stop("mrk1 and mrk2 are the same")
## results of the two-point analysis
if (mrk[1] > mrk[2]){
for(i in 1:4)
for(i in 1:4)
output<-rbind(output, c(x$analysis[[i]][mrk[2],mrk[1]],
dimnames(output)<-list(c("CC", "CR", "RC", "RR"), c("rf","LOD"))
##get twopt information for a given pair of markers
get_twopt_info<-function(twopt, small, big)
if(inherits(twopt, "outcross"))
return(t(sapply(twopt$analysis, function(x,i,j) c(x[j,i], x[i,j]), i=small, j=big)))
return(matrix(c(twopt$analysis[big,small], twopt$analysis[small,big]), ncol=2))
## end of file
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