
Defines functions prepare_sites calc_sites

Documented in calc_sites prepare_sites

#'Calculate sites for SSN object.
#'@importFrom methods as
#'@import sp
#'@description A vector (points) map 'sites' is derived and several attributes
#'are assigned.
#'@param locid_col character (optional); column name in the sites attribute 
#'  table giving a unique site identifier. If not provided, it is created
#'  automatically (based on the 'cat' field; default).
#'@param pid_col character (optional); column name in the sites attribute table 
#' that distinguishes between repeated measurements at a sampling site, e.g. by 
#' date. If not provided, it is created automatically.
#'@param predictions character vector (optional); names for prediction sites 
#'(loaded with \code{import_data}).
#'@param maxdist integer (optional); maximum snapping distance in map units (see details).
#' Sites farther away from edges will be deleted.
#'@details Steps include:
#'\item{Snap points to derived network (edges). 'dist'
#'gives the distance of the original position to the closest streams segment. 
#'If this is a too large value consider running \code{\link{derive_streams}} again with
#'smaller value for \code{accum_threshold} and/or \code{min_stream_length}.}
#'\item{Save the new point coordinates in NEAR_X and NEAR_Y.}
#'\item{Assign unique 'pid' and 'locID' (needed by the 'SSN' package).}
#'\item{Get 'rid' and 'netID' of the
#'stream segment the site intersects with (from map "edges").}
#'\item{Calculate upstream distance for each point ('upDist').}
#' \item{Calculate distance ratio
#'('ratio') between position of site on edge (distance traveled from lower
#'end of the edge to the site) and the total length of the edge.} }
#'Often, survey sites do not lay exactly on the stream network (due to GPS imprecision,
#'stream representation as lines, derivation of streams from dem, etc.). To
#'assign an exact position of the sites on the network they are moved to the
#'closest stream segment (snapped) using the GRASS function
#' If \code{locid_col} and \code{pid_col} are not provided, 'pid' and 'locID' 
#' are identical, unique numbers. If they are provided, they are created based
#' on these columns (as numbers, not as text). Note that measurements
#' can be joined to the sites at a later step (including multiple parameters and
#' multiple measurements) using \code{\link{merge_sites_measurements}}. 
#' Then, 'pid' is updated accordingly. 
#' 'upDist' is calculated using
#'\href{https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/v.distance.html}{v.distance} with 
#'upload = "to_along" which gives the distance along the stream segment to the next
#'upstream node ('distalong'). 'upDist' is the difference between the 'upDist' 
#' of the edge the point lies on and 'distalong'.
#' The unit for distances (= map units) can be found out using 
#' execGRASS("g.proj", flags = "p").
#'If prediction sites have been created outside of this package they can be 
#'processed here as well. They must have been imported with \code{\link{import_data}}
#'before. Alternatively, prediction sites can be created using
#'@note \code{\link{import_data}}, \code{\link{derive_streams}} and
#'  \code{\link{calc_edges}} must be run before.
#'@author Mira Kattwinkel \email{mira.kattwinkel@@gmx.net}, Eduard Szoecs, 
#' \email{eduardszoecs@@gmail.com}, 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # Initiate and setup GRASS
#' dem_path <- system.file("extdata", "nc", "elev_ned_30m.tif", package = "openSTARS")
#' if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
#'   grass_program_path = "c:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 7.6"
#'   } else {
#'   grass_program_path = "/usr/lib/grass78/"
#'   }
#' setup_grass_environment(dem = dem_path, 
#'                         gisBase = grass_program_path,      
#'                         remove_GISRC = TRUE,
#'                         override = TRUE
#'                         )
#' gmeta()
#' # Load files into GRASS
#' dem_path <- system.file("extdata", "nc", "elev_ned_30m.tif", package = "openSTARS")
#' sites_path <- system.file("extdata", "nc", "sites_nc.shp", package = "openSTARS")
#' import_data(dem = dem_path, sites = sites_path)
#' # Derive streams from DEM
#' derive_streams(burn = 0, accum_threshold = 700, condition = TRUE, clean = TRUE)
#' # Check and correct complex confluences (there are no complex confluences in this
#' # example date set; set accum_threshold in derive_streams to a smaller value
#' # to create complex confluences)
#' cj <- check_compl_confluences()
#' if(cj){
#'   correct_compl_confluences()
#' }
#' # Prepare edges
#' calc_edges()
#' # Prepare site
#' calc_sites()
#' # Plot data
#' library(sp)
#' dem <- readRAST('dem', ignore.stderr = TRUE, plugin = FALSE)
#' edges <- readVECT('edges', ignore.stderr = TRUE)
#' sites <- readVECT('sites', ignore.stderr = TRUE)
#' sites_o <- readVECT('sites_o', ignore.stderr = TRUE)
#' plot(dem, col = terrain.colors(20),axes = TRUE)
#' lines(edges, col = 'blue')
#' points(sites, pch = 4)
#' points(sites_o, pch = 1)
#' legend("topright", pch = c(1, 4), legend = c("original", "corrected"))

calc_sites <- function(locid_col = NULL, pid_col = NULL, predictions = NULL, maxdist = NULL) {
  vect <- execGRASS("g.list",
                    parameters = list(
                      type = "vect"
                    intern = TRUE)
  rast <- execGRASS("g.list",
                    parameters = list(
                      type = "rast"
                    intern = TRUE)
  if (!"sites_o" %in% vect)
    stop("Sites not found. Did you run import_data()?")
  if (!"edges" %in% vect)
    stop("Edges not found. Did you run calc_edges()?")
      stop("'predictions' must be the name of the predictions sites in the GRASS DB imported with import_data() (usually 'preds_o').")
    i <- grep("_o$",predictions)
    if(length(i) > 0){
      predictions[-i] <- paste0(predictions[-i],"_o")
    } else
      predictions <- paste0(predictions,"_o")     
    if (any(!predictions %in% vect))
      stop("Prediction sites not found. Did you run import_data() on them?")
  site_maps <- c("sites", predictions)
  site_maps <- sub("_o$","", site_maps)
  s <- sapply(site_maps, prepare_sites, locid_c = locid_col, pid_c = pid_col, maxdist = maxdist)
            map = "sites",
            columns = "cat_edge")

#' Snap sites to streams and calculate attributes
#' @param sites_map character; name of sites map (observation or prediction sites)
#' as created by \code{import_data}.
#' @param locid_c character (optional); column name in the sites attribute 
#'  table giving a unique site identifier. 
#'@param pid_c character (optional); column name in the sites attribute table 
#' that distinguishes between repeated measurements at a sampling site.
#'@param maxdist integer (optional); maximum snapping distance. Sites farther away
#'from edges will be deleted.
#' @details 
#' This function is called by \code{calc_sites} and should not be called directly.
#' Sites are snapped to the streams and upstream distance is calculated.
prepare_sites <- function(sites_map, locid_c = NULL, pid_c = NULL, maxdist = NULL){
            flags = c("overwrite", "quiet"),
            parameters = list(
              vector = paste0(paste0(sites_map,"_o"), ",",sites_map)))
  message(paste0("Preparing sites '", sites_map, "' ..."))
  # Snap sites to streams --------
  message("Snapping sites to streams ...")
  # add 5 columns holding: stream, distance and coordinates of nearest streams
  # drop columns if they are in sites
  cnames <- execGRASS("db.columns", flags = "quiet",
                      parameters = list(
                        table = sites_map
                      ), intern = TRUE)
  if(any(i <- which(c("cat_edge","str_edge","dist","NEAR_X", "NEAR_Y") %in% cnames))){
    execGRASS("v.db.dropcolumn", flags = "quiet",
              map = "sites",
              columns = paste0(c("cat_edge","str_edge","dist","NEAR_X", "NEAR_Y")[i], collapse = ","))
            parameters = list(
              map = sites_map,
              columns = "cat_edge int,str_edge int,dist double precision,NEAR_X double precision,NEAR_Y double precision"
  # calc distance
  # MiKatt: additionally get cat of nearest edge for later joining of netID and rid
            flags = c("overwrite", "quiet"),
            parameters = list(from = sites_map,
                              to = "edges",
                              #output = "connectors",
                              upload = "cat,dist,to_x,to_y",
                              column = "cat_edge,dist,NEAR_X,NEAR_Y"))
  #! This is in R faster than in GRASS!? (which has to write to hard-drive)
  #! Other possibilities in GRASS to change coordinates?
  #! use r.stream.snap alternatively?
  sites <- readVECT(sites_map, type = "point", ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  proj4 <- proj4string(sites)
  sites <-  as(sites, "data.frame")
  sp::coordinates(sites) <-  ~ NEAR_X + NEAR_Y
  proj4string(sites) <- proj4
  names(sites)[names(sites) %in% c( "coords.x1", "coords.x2")] <- c("NEAR_X", "NEAR_Y")
  sites$cat_ <- NULL
  # MiKatt v.in.ascii reads x and y as INTEGER!
  # cnames <- execGRASS("db.columns", flags = "quiet",
  #                     parameters = list(
  #                       table = sites_map
  #                     ), intern = TRUE)
  # execGRASS("v.db.select", flags = c("f", "quiet", "overwrite"),
  #           parameters = list(
  #             map = sites_map,
  #             columns = paste0(cnames, collapse = ","),
  #             file = file.path(tempdir(), "new_sites.txt")
  #           ))
  # execGRASS("v.in.ascii", flags =c("quiet", "overwrite"),
  #           parameters = list(
  #             input = file.path(tempdir(), "new_sites.txt"),
  #             output = sites_map,
  #             format = "standard",
  #             x = which(cnames == "NEAR_X"),
  #             y = which(cnames == "NEAR_Y"),
  #             cat = which(cnames == "cat")
  #           )) 
  # .... execGRASS("v.db.select", flags = c("c"),
  #           parameters = list(
  #             map = sites_map,
  #             column = "distance"
  #           ), intern = TRUE)
  # get actual maximum snapping distance
  mdist <- max(sites@data$dist)
  #message(writeLines(strwrap(paste("Maximum snapping distance found:", round(mdist,3), "m"), width = 80)), appendLF = FALSE)
  message(paste("Maximum snapping distance found:", round(mdist,3), "m"))
  # compare to given one
    if(mdist > maxdist){
      i <- which(sites@data$dist >= maxdist)
      sites <- sites[-i,]
      #message(writeLines(strwrap(paste0("There were ", length(i), " sites with snapping distance > maxdist (", maxdist," m). Sites were deleted."),
      #        width = 80)))
      message(paste0("There were ", length(i), " sites with snapping distance > maxdist (", maxdist," m). Sites were deleted."))
  ### Setting pid -----------
  # MiKatt: pid is for "repeated measurements at a singel location" 
  #         (Peterson & Ver Hoef, 2014: Stars: An ArcGIS Toolset Used to 
  #         Calculate the Spatial Information Neede to Fit SPatial Statistical 
  #         Models to Stream Network Data, p. 13)
  #         Hence locID = pid is ok if there are not repeated measurements
  #         otherwise assign seperatelly
  # MiKatt: Also keep user defined site IDs / site names
  # Here && in if clause to first check is.null
  message("Setting pid and locID ...")
  if(!is.null(locid_c) && locid_c %in% colnames(sites@data) ){
    sites@data$locID <- as.numeric(as.factor(sites@data[,locid_c]))
  } else {  
    sites@data$locID <- sites@data$cat
  if(!is.null(pid_c) && pid_c %in% colnames(sites@data)){
    sites@data$pid <- as.numeric(as.factor(sites@data[,pid_c]))
  } else {
    sites@data$pid <- sites@data$locID
  i <- which(colnames(sites@data) %in% c("cat", "cat_"))
  sites@data <- sites@data[,-i]
  # 20180219: override projection check
  writeVECT(sites, vname = sites_map,
            v.in.ogr_flags = c("overwrite", "quiet", "o"),
            ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  # Set netID and rid from network ---------
  message("Assigning netID and rid ...")
  # MiKatt: This seems to be faster
            flags = c("quiet"),
            parameters = list(map = sites_map,
                              columns = "netID int, rid int"))
            parameters = list(
              sql=paste0('UPDATE ', sites_map, ' SET rid=(SELECT rid FROM edges WHERE ', sites_map, '.cat_edge=edges.cat)')
            parameters = list(
              sql=paste0('UPDATE ', sites_map, ' SET netID=(SELECT netID FROM edges WHERE ', sites_map, '.cat_edge=edges.cat)')
            parameters = list(
              sql=paste0('UPDATE ', sites_map, ' SET str_edge=(SELECT stream FROM edges WHERE ', sites_map, '.cat_edge=edges.cat)')
  # Calculate upDist ---------
  # MiKatt: Distance of every raster cell from the outlet
  message("Calculating upDist ...")
  ## MiKatt was not exact enough, results in identical upDist if two points lay
  ##        in the same raster cell
  # execGRASS("r.stream.distance",
  #           flags = c("overwrite", "quiet", "o"),
  #           parameters = list(
  #             stream_rast = "streams_r",
  #             direction = "dirs",
  #             method = "downstream",
  #             distance = "upDist"
  #           ))
  # execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn",
  #           parameters = list(map = sites_map,
  #                             columns = "upDist double"))
  # execGRASS("v.what.rast",
  #           flags = c("quiet"),
  #           parameters = list(
  #             map = sites_map,
  #             raster = "upDist",
  #             column = "upDist"
  #           ))
  # execGRASS("v.db.update", flags = c("quiet"),
  #           parameters = list(
  #             map = sites_map,
  #             column = "upDist",
  #             value = "round(upDist, 2)"
  #           ))
  # Calculate ratio = distance from lower end of edge to site / length edge
  # message("Calculating distance ratio...\n")
  # execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn",
  #           flags = c("quiet"),
  #           parameters = list(
  #             map = sites_map,
  #             columns = "ratio double precision"
  #           ))
  # sql_str <- paste0('UPDATE ', sites_map, ' SET ratio=1-',
  #                   'round((((SELECT upDist FROM edges WHERE edges.cat=', sites_map, '.cat_edge)-upDist)),2)/',
  #                   '(SELECT Length FROM edges WHERE edges.cat=', sites_map, '.cat_edge)')
  # execGRASS("db.execute",
  #           parameters = list(
  #             sql=sql_str
  #           )) 
  # ### 
            parameters = list(map = sites_map,
                              columns = "upDist double precision, distalong double precision"))
  execGRASS("v.distance", flags = c("quiet"),
            parameters =list(
              from = sites_map,
              to = "edges",
              to_type = "line",
              upload = "to_along",
              column = "distalong"
  sql_str <- paste0('UPDATE ', sites_map, ' SET upDist=',
                    'round(((SELECT upDist FROM edges WHERE edges.cat=', 
                    sites_map, '.cat_edge)-distalong),2)')
            parameters = list(
            flags = c("quiet"),
            parameters = list(
              map = sites_map,
              columns = "ratio double precision"
  sql_str <- paste0('UPDATE ', sites_map, ' SET ratio=1-',
                    '(SELECT Length FROM edges WHERE edges.cat=', sites_map, '.cat_edge)')
            parameters = list(
  try(unlink("temp.txt"), silent = TRUE)

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openSTARS documentation built on Feb. 4, 2022, 5:08 p.m.