
Defines functions polarDiff

Documented in polarDiff

#' Polar plots considering changes in concentrations between two time periods
#' This function provides a way of showing the differences in concentrations
#' between two time periods as a polar plot. There are several uses of this
#' function, but the most common will be to see how source(s) may have changed
#' between two periods.
#' While the function is primarily intended to compare two time periods at the
#' same location, it can be used for any two data sets that contain the same
#' pollutant. For example, data from two sites that are close to one another, or
#' two co-located instruments.
#' The analysis works by calculating the polar plot surface for the
#' \code{before} and \code{after} periods and then subtracting the \code{before}
#' surface from the \code{after} surface.
#' @inheritParams polarPlot
#' @param before A data frame that represents the "before" case. See
#'   [polarPlot()] for details of different input requirements.
#' @param after A data frame that represents the "after" case. See [polarPlot()]
#'   for details of different input requirements.
#' @inheritDotParams polarPlot -pollutant -x -limits -plot
#' @family polar directional analysis functions
#' @return an [openair][openair-package] plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' before_data <- selectByDate(mydata, year = 2002)
#' after_data <- selectByDate(mydata, year = 2003)
#' polarDiff(before_data, after_data, pollutant = "no2")
#' # with some options
#' polarDiff(before_data, after_data, pollutant = "no2", cols = "RdYlBu", limits = c(-20, 20))
#' }
polarDiff <- function(
    pollutant = "nox",
    x = "ws",
    limits = NULL,
    plot = TRUE,
) {
  if (is.null(limits)){
    limits <- NA

  # extra args setup
  Args <- list(...)
  # variables needed, check for York regression where x and y error needed
  if (all(c("x_error", "y_error") %in% names(Args))) {
    vars <- c(x, "wd", pollutant, Args$x_error, Args$y_error)
  } else {
    vars <- c(x, "wd", pollutant)

  # check variables exists
  before <- checkPrep(before, vars,
                      "default", remove.calm = FALSE)

  after <- checkPrep(after, vars,
                     "default", remove.calm = FALSE)

  # need to pass on use limits only to final plot
  Args$new_limits <- limits
  Args$limits <- NA

  before <- mutate(before, period = "before")
  after <- mutate(after, period = "after")

  all_data <- bind_rows(before, after)

  polar_plt <- polarPlot(all_data,
                         pollutant = pollutant,
                         x = x,
                         type = "period",
                         plot = FALSE,
  if (length(pollutant > 1))
    pollutant <- paste(pollutant, collapse = "_")

  polar_data <- pivot_wider(polar_plt$data,
                            id_cols = u:v,
                            names_from = period,
                            values_from = z) %>%
    mutate({{ pollutant }} := after - before,
           {{ x }} := (u ^ 2 + v ^ 2) ^ 0.5,
           wd = 180 * atan2(u, v) / pi,
           wd = ifelse(wd < 0, wd + 360, wd))

  # other arguments
  # colours
  Args$cols <- if ("cols" %in% names(Args)) {
  } else {
    c("#002F70", "#3167BB", "#879FDB", "#C8D2F1", "#F6F6F6",
      "#F4C8C8", "#DA8A8B", "#AE4647", "#5F1415")

  # limits
  lims_adj <- pretty(seq(0, max(abs(polar_data[[pollutant]]), na.rm = TRUE), 5))
  lims_adj <- lims_adj[length(lims_adj) - 1]

  Args$limits <- if (is.na(Args$new_limits[1])) {
    c(-lims_adj, lims_adj)
  } else {

  # key (for openairmaps)
  Args$key <- if ("key" %in% names(Args)) {
  } else {

  # par settings (for openairmaps)
  Args$par.settings <- if ("par.settings" %in% names(Args)) {
  } else {
    list(axis.line = list(col = "black"))

  # alpha (for openairmaps
  Args$alpha <- if ("alpha" %in% names(Args)) {
  } else {

  # final plot
  plt <-
    polarPlot(polar_data, pollutant = pollutant,
              x = x, plot = plot,
              cols = Args$cols,
              limits = Args$limits,
              force.positive = FALSE,
              alpha = Args$alpha,
              key = Args$key,
              par.settings = Args$par.settings)

  # return
  output <- list(plot = plt$plot, data = polar_data, call = match.call())


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openair documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:07 a.m.