
Defines functions openxlsx_resetOp check_openxlsx_op openxlsx_setOp openxlsx_getOp

Documented in openxlsx_getOp openxlsx_setOp

#' xlsx reading, writing and editing.
#' openxlsx simplifies the the process of writing and styling Excel xlsx files from R
#' and removes the dependency on Java.
#' @name openxlsx
#' @docType package
#' @useDynLib openxlsx, .registration=TRUE
#' @importFrom zip zipr
#' @importFrom utils download.file head menu unzip
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{`vignette("Introduction", package = "openxlsx")`}
#'    \item{`vignette("formatting", package = "openxlsx")`}
#'    \item{[writeData()]}
#'    \item{[writeDataTable()]}
#'    \item{[write.xlsx()]}
#'    \item{[read.xlsx()]}
#'    \item{[op.openxlsx()]}
#'   }
#' for examples
#' @details
#' The openxlsx package uses global options, most to simplify formatting.  These
#'   are stored in the `op.openxlsx` object.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{openxlsx.bandedCols}{FALSE}
#'  \item{openxlsx.bandedRows}{TRUE}
#'  \item{openxlsx.borderColour}{"black"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.borders}{"none"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.borderStyle}{"thin"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.compressionLevel}{"9"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.creator}{""}
#'  \item{openxlsx.dateFormat}{"mm/dd/yyyy"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.datetimeFormat}{"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.headerStyle}{NULL}
#'  \item{openxlsx.keepNA}{FALSE}
#'  \item{openxlsx.na.string}{NULL}
#'  \item{openxlsx.numFmt}{NULL}
#'  \item{openxlsx.orientation}{"portrait"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.paperSize}{9}
#'  \item{openxlsx.tabColour}{"TableStyleLight9"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.tableStyle}{"TableStyleLight9"}
#'  \item{openxlsx.withFilter}{NA Whether to write data with or without a 
#'  filter. If NA will make filters with `writeDataTable` and will not for
#'  `writeData`}
#' }
#' See the Formatting vignette for examples.
#' Additional options

#' openxlsx Options
#' See and get the openxlsx options
#' @details
#' `openxlsx_getOp()` retrieves the `"openxlsx"` options found in
#'   `op.openxlsx`.  If none are set (currently `NULL`) retrieves the 
#'   default option from `op.openxlsx`.  This will also check that the
#'   intended option is a standard option (listed in `op.openxlsx`) and
#'    will provide a warning otherwise.
#' `openxlsx_setOp()` is a safer way to set an option as it will first
#'   check that the option is a standard option (as above) before setting.
#' @examples
#' openxlsx_getOp("borders")
#' op.openxlsx[["openxlsx.borders"]]
#' @export
#' @name openxlsx_options
op.openxlsx <- list(
  openxlsx.bandedCols       = FALSE,
  openxlsx.bandedRows       = TRUE,
  openxlsx.borderColour     = "black",
  openxlsx.borders          = NULL,
  openxlsx.borderStyle      = "thin",
  # Where is compressionLevel called?
  openxlsx.compressionLevel = 9,
  openxlsx.creator          = "",
  openxlsx.dateFormat       = "mm/dd/yyyy",
  openxlsx.datetimeFormat   = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss",
  openxlsx.hdpi             = 300,
  openxlsx.header           = NULL,
  openxlsx.headerStyle      = NULL,
  openxlsx.firstColumn      = NULL,
  openxlsx.firstFooter      = NULL,
  openxlsx.firstHeader      = NULL,
  openxlsx.footer           = NULL,
  openxlsx.evenFooter       = NULL,
  openxlsx.evenHeader       = NULL,
  openxlsx.gridLines        = TRUE,
  openxlsx.keepNA           = FALSE,
  openxlsx.lastColumn       = NULL,
  openxlsx.na.string        = NULL,
  openxlsx.maxWidth         = 250,
  openxlsx.minWidth         = 3,
  openxlsx.numFmt           = "GENERAL",
  openxlsx.oddFooter        = NULL,
  openxlsx.oddHeader        = NULL,
  openxlsx.orientation      = "portrait",
  openxlsx.paperSize        = 9,
  openxlsx.showGridLines    = NA,
  openxlsx.tabColour        = NULL,
  openxlsx.tableStyle       = "TableStyleLight9",
  openxlsx.vdpi             = 300,
  openxlsx.withFilter       = NULL

#' @param x An option name (`"openxlsx."` prefix optional)
#' @param default A default value if `NULL`
#' @rdname openxlsx_options
#' @export
openxlsx_getOp <- function(x, default = NULL) {
  if (length(x) != 1L || length(default) > 1L) {
   stop("x must be length 1 and default NULL or length 1", call. = FALSE)
  x <- check_openxlsx_op(x)
  getOption(x, op.openxlsx[[x]]) %||% default

#' @param value The new value for the option (optional if x is a named list)
#' @rdname openxlsx_options
#' @export
openxlsx_setOp <- function(x, value) {
  if (is.list(x)) {
    if (is.null(names(x))) {
      stop("x cannot be an unnamed list", call. = FALSE)
    return(invisible(mapply(openxlsx_setOp, x = names(x), value = x)))
  value <- as.list(value)
  names(value) <- check_openxlsx_op(x)

check_openxlsx_op <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) != 1L || !is.character(x)) {
    stop("option must be a character vector of length 1", call. = FALSE)
  if (!grepl("^openxlsx[.]", x)) {
    x <- paste0("openxlsx.", x)
  if (!x %in% names(op.openxlsx)) {
      x, " is not a standard openxlsx option\nCheck spelling",
      call. = FALSE

openxlsx_resetOp <- function() {

Try the openxlsx package in your browser

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openxlsx documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:47 p.m.