
Defines functions read.xlsx.Workbook

#' @export
read.xlsx.Workbook <- function(xlsxFile,
                               sheet = 1,
                               startRow = 1,
                               colNames = TRUE,
                               rowNames = FALSE,
                               detectDates = FALSE,
                               skipEmptyRows = TRUE,
                               skipEmptyCols = TRUE,
                               rows = NULL,
                               cols = NULL,
                               check.names = FALSE,
                               sep.names = ".",
                               namedRegion = NULL,
                               na.strings = "NA",
                               fillMergedCells = FALSE) {

  ## Validate inputs and get files
  if (!is.logical(colNames)) {
    stop("colNames must be TRUE/FALSE.")

  if (!is.logical(rowNames)) {
    stop("rowNames must be TRUE/FALSE.")

  if (!is.logical(detectDates)) {
    stop("detectDates must be TRUE/FALSE.")

  if (!is.logical(skipEmptyRows)) {
    stop("skipEmptyRows must be TRUE/FALSE.")

  if (!is.logical(check.names)) {
    stop("check.names must be TRUE/FALSE.")

  if (!is.character(sep.names) || nchar(sep.names) != 1) {
    stop("sep.names must be a character and only one.")

  if (length(sheet) != 1) {
    stop("sheet must be of length 1.")

  ## Named region logic
  reading_named_region <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(namedRegion)) {
    dn <- xlsxFile$workbook$definedNames
    if (length(dn) == 0) {
      warning("Workbook has no named regions.")

    dn_names <- replaceXMLEntities(regmatches(dn, regexpr('(?<=name=")[^"]+', dn, perl = TRUE)))
    ind <- tolower(dn_names) == tolower(namedRegion)
    if (!any(ind)) {
      stop(sprintf("Region '%s' not found!", namedRegion))

    ## pull out first node value
    dn <- dn[ind]
    region <- regmatches(dn, regexpr("(?<=>)[^\\<]+", dn, perl = TRUE))
    sheet <- names(xlsxFile)[sapply(names(xlsxFile), function(x) grepl(x, dn))]
    if (length(sheet) > 1) {
      sheet <- sheet[which.max(nchar(sheet))]

    region <- gsub("[^A-Z0-9:]", "", gsub(sheet, "", region, fixed = TRUE))

    if (grepl(":", region, fixed = TRUE)) {
      cols <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(region, split = ":", fixed = TRUE), convertFromExcelRef))
      rows <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(region, split = ":", fixed = TRUE), function(x) as.integer(gsub("[A-Z]", "", x))))

      cols <- seq(from = cols[1], to = cols[2], by = 1)
      rows <- seq(from = rows[1], to = rows[2], by = 1)
    } else {
      cols <- convertFromExcelRef(region)
      rows <- as.integer(gsub("[A-Z]", "", region, perl = TRUE))
    startRow <- 1
    reading_named_region <- TRUE
    named_region_rows <- rows

  if (is.null(rows)) {
    rows <- NA
  } else if (length(rows) > 1) {
    rows <- as.integer(sort(rows))

  ## check startRow
  if (!is.null(startRow)) {
    if (length(startRow) > 1) {
      stop("startRow must have length 1.")

  ## create temp dir and unzip
  nSheets <- length(xlsxFile$worksheets)
  if (nSheets == 0) {
    stop("Workbook has no worksheets")

  ## get workbook names
  sheetNames <- xlsxFile$sheet_names

  if ("character" %in% class(sheet)) {
    sheetNames <- replaceXMLEntities(sheetNames)
    if (!sheet %in% sheetNames) {
      stop(sprintf('Cannot find sheet named "%s"', sheet))
    sheet <- which(sheetNames == sheet)
  } else {
    sheet <- sheet
    if (sheet > nSheets) {
      stop(sprintf("sheet %s does not exist.", sheet))

  ## read in sharedStrings
  sharedStrings <- paste(unlist(xlsxFile$sharedStrings), collapse = "\n")
  if (length(sharedStrings) > 0) {
    sharedStrings <- getSharedStringsFromFile(sharedStringsFile = sharedStrings, isFile = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(na.strings)) {
      sharedStrings[sharedStrings %in% na.strings] <- NA

  ## read in worksheet and get cells with a value node, skip emptyStrs cells
  sheet_data <- xlsxFile$worksheets[[sheet]]$sheet_data

  ## What data to read

  keep <- rep.int(TRUE, length(sheet_data$rows))
  if (!is.na(rows[1])) {
    keep <- keep & (sheet_data$rows %in% rows)

  if (!is.null(cols[1])) {
    keep <- keep & (sheet_data$cols %in% cols)

  if (startRow > 1) {
    keep <- keep & (sheet_data$rows >= startRow)

  ## error cells
  keep <- keep & (sheet_data$t != 4 & !is.na(sheet_data$t) & !is.na(sheet_data$v)) ## "e" or missing
  if (any(is.na(sharedStrings))) {
    keep[(sheet_data$t %in% 1 & (sheet_data$v %in% as.character(which(is.na(sharedStrings)) - 1L)))] <- FALSE

  ## End what data to read

  rows <- sheet_data$rows[keep]
  cols <- sheet_data$cols[keep]
  v <- sheet_data$v[keep]
  t <- sheet_data$t[keep]

  if (length(v) == 0) {
    warning("No data found on worksheet.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(rows)) {
    warning("No data found on worksheet.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (skipEmptyRows) {
      nRows <- length(unique(rows))
    } else if (reading_named_region) {
      nRows <- max(named_region_rows) - min(named_region_rows) + 1
    } else {
      nRows <- max(rows) - min(rows) + 1

  ## get references for string cells
  string_refs <- which(t == 2 | t == 1) ## "b" or "s"
  if (length(string_refs) == 0) {
    string_refs <- -1L

  ## get Refs for boolean
  bool_refs <- which(t == 2) ## "b"
  if (length(bool_refs) == 0) {
    bool_refs <- -1L

  if (bool_refs[1] != -1L) {
    false_ind <- which(sharedStrings == "FALSE") - 1L
    if (length(false_ind) == 0) {
      false_ind <- length(sharedStrings)
      sharedStrings <- c(sharedStrings, "FALSE")

    true_ind <- which(sharedStrings == "TRUE") - 1L
    if (length(true_ind) == 0) {
      true_ind <- length(sharedStrings)
      sharedStrings <- c(sharedStrings, "TRUE")

    logical_vals <- v[bool_refs]
    logical_vals[logical_vals == "0"] <- false_ind[1]
    logical_vals[logical_vals == "1"] <- true_ind[1]
    v[bool_refs] <- logical_vals


  ## If any t="str" exist, add v to sharedStrings and replace v with newSharedStringsInd
  str_inds <- which(t %in% c(3, 5)) ## "str" or "inlineStr"
  if (length(str_inds) > 0) {
    unique_strs <- unique(v[str_inds])
    unique_strs[unique_strs == "#N/A"] <- NA

    ## Match references of "str" cells to r
    new_shared_string_inds <- length(sharedStrings):(length(sharedStrings) + length(unique_strs) - 1L)

    ## replace strings in v with reference to sharedStrings, (now can convert v to numeric)
    v[str_inds] <- new_shared_string_inds[match(v[str_inds], unique_strs)]

    ## append new strings to sharedStrings
    sharedStrings <- c(sharedStrings, unique_strs)
    if (string_refs[1] == -1L) {
      string_refs <- str_inds
    } else {
      string_refs <- sort(c(string_refs, str_inds))

  ## Now safe to convert v to numeric
  vn <- as.numeric(v)

  ## Using -1 as a flag for no strings
  if (length(sharedStrings) == 0 || string_refs[1] == -1L) {
    string_refs <- as.integer(NA)
  } else {

    ## set encoding of sharedStrings &  replace values in v with string values
    Encoding(sharedStrings) <- "UTF-8"
    v[string_refs] <- sharedStrings[vn[string_refs] + 1L]

    ## any NA sharedStrings - remove
    v_na <- which(is.na(v))
    if (length(v_na) > 0) {
      string_refs <- setdiff(string_refs, v_na)

  ## date detection
  origin <- 25569L
  isDate <- as.logical(NA)

  if (detectDates) {

    ## get date origin
    if (length(xlsxFile$workbook$workbookPr) > 0) {
      if (grepl('date1904="1"|date1904="true"', xlsxFile$workbook$workbookPr, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        origin <- 24107L

    sO <- xlsxFile$styleObjects
    sO <- sO[unlist(lapply(sO, "[[", "sheet")) == sheetNames[sheet]]

    styles <- lapply(sO, function(x) {
      fc <- x[["style"]][["numFmt"]]$formatCode
      if (is.null(fc)) {
        fc <- x[["style"]][["numFmt"]]$numFmtId

    sO <- sO[sapply(styles, length) > 0]
    format_codes <- unlist(lapply(sO, function(x) {
      fc <- x[["style"]][["numFmt"]]$formatCode
      if (is.null(fc)) {
        fc <- x[["style"]][["numFmt"]]$numFmtId

    # dateIds <- NULL variable not used
    if (length(format_codes) > 0) {

      ## this regex defines what "looks" like a date
      format_codes <- gsub(".*(?<=\\])|@", "", format_codes, perl = TRUE)
      sO <- sO[(!grepl("[^mdyhsapAMP[:punct:] ]", format_codes) & nchar(format_codes > 3)) | format_codes == 14]

    if (length(sO) > 0) {
      style_rows <- unlist(lapply(sO, "[[", "rows"))
      style_cols <- unlist(lapply(sO, "[[", "cols"))
      isDate <- pair_rc(rows, cols) %in% pair_rc(style_rows, style_cols)

      ## check numbers are also integers
      not_an_integer <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(v[isDate]))
      not_an_integer <- (not_an_integer %% 1L != 0) | is.na(not_an_integer)
      isDate[not_an_integer] <- FALSE

      ## perform int to date to character convertsion (way too slow)
      v[isDate] <- format(as.Date(as.integer(v[isDate]) - origin, origin = "1970-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d")
  } ## end of detectDates

  ## Build data.frame
  m <- read_workbook(
    cols_in = cols,
    rows_in = rows,
    v = v,
    string_inds = string_refs,
    is_date = isDate,
    hasColNames = colNames,
    hasSepNames = sep.names,
    skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows,
    skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols,
    nRows = nRows,
    clean_names = clean_names

  if (colNames && check.names) {
    colnames(m) <- make.names(colnames(m), unique = TRUE)

  if (rowNames) {
    rownames(m) <- m[[1]]
    m[[1]] <- NULL


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openxlsx documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:56 p.m.