
context("Images and Tables.")

test_that("Images and Tables - reordering and removing", {
  if (FALSE) {
    options("stringsAsFactors" = FALSE)
    tempFile <- temp_xlsx("break")

    getPlot <- function(i) {
      n <- 5000
      plot(1:n, rnorm(n))
      title(main = sprintf("Plot for Sheet: %s", i))

    df1 <- iris[1:5, 1:4]
    df2 <- mtcars

    df3 <- data.frame(
      "Date" = Sys.Date() - 0:10,
      "Logical" = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1, replace = TRUE),
      "Currency" = as.numeric(-5:5) * 100,
      "Accounting" = as.numeric(-5:5),
      "hLink" = "https://CRAN.R-project.org/",
      "Percentage" = seq(-5, 5, length.out = 11),
      "TinyNumber" = runif(11) / 1E9, stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    df3U <- df3

    class(df3$Currency) <- "currency"
    class(df3$Accounting) <- "accounting"
    class(df3$hLink) <- "hyperlink"
    class(df3$Percentage) <- "percentage"
    class(df3$TinyNumber) <- "scientific"

    df4 <- data.frame("X" = 1:10000, "Y" = sample(LETTERS, size = 10000, replace = TRUE))
    df5 <- USJudgeRatings

    hs <- createStyle(fontColour = "blue", textRotation = 45)

    wb <- createWorkbook()
    expect_equal(names(wb), character(0))

    addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = "Sheet 1", gridLines = FALSE, tabColour = "red", zoom = 75)
    writeDataTable(wb, sheet = 1, x = df1, startCol = 7, startRow = 10, tableName = "Sheet1Table1")
    expect_equal(names(wb), "Sheet 1")

    addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Sheet 2", tabColour = "purple")
    writeDataTable(wb, sheet = "Sheet 2", x = df2, startCol = 2, startRow = 2, rowNames = TRUE)
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2"))

    addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Sheet 3", tabColour = "green")
    writeDataTable(wb, sheet = 3, x = df3, startCol = 1, startRow = 1)
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", "Sheet 3"))

    addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Sheet 4", tabColour = "orange")
    writeDataTable(wb, sheet = 4, x = df4)
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", "Sheet 3", "Sheet 4"))

    addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Sheet 5", tabColour = "yellow")
    writeData(wb, sheet = "Sheet 5", x = df5, rowNames = TRUE)
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", "Sheet 3", "Sheet 4", "Sheet 5"))

    worksheetOrder(wb) <- c(1, 3, 5, 4, 2)
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", "Sheet 3", "Sheet 4", "Sheet 5"))

    ## save and load 1
    saveWorkbook(wb, file = tempFile, overwrite = TRUE)

    wb <- loadWorkbook(tempFile)
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 3", "Sheet 5", "Sheet 4", "Sheet 2"))

    expect_equal(df1, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = 1))
    expect_equal(df1, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = "Sheet 1"))
    expect_equal(df1, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = 1))
    expect_equal(df1, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = "Sheet 1"))

    expect_equal(df3U, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = 2, detectDates = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df3U, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = "Sheet 3", detectDates = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df3U, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = 2, detectDates = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df3U, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = "Sheet 3", detectDates = TRUE))

    expect_equal(df5, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = 3, rowNames = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df5, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = "Sheet 5", rowNames = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df5, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = 3, rowNames = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df5, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = "Sheet 5", rowNames = TRUE))

    expect_equal(df4, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = 4))
    expect_equal(df4, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = "Sheet 4"))
    expect_equal(df4, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = 4))
    expect_equal(df4, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = "Sheet 4"))

    expect_equal(df2, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = 5, rowNames = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df2, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = "Sheet 2", rowNames = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df2, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = 5, rowNames = TRUE))
    expect_equal(df2, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = "Sheet 2", rowNames = TRUE))

    ## remove "Sheet 5" by index (3)
    removeWorksheet(wb, sheet = 3)
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 3", "Sheet 4", "Sheet 2"))

    ## remove sheet "Sheet 4"
    removeWorksheet(wb, sheet = "Sheet 4")
    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 3", "Sheet 2"))

    ## Introduce some images
    insertPlot(wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet 1", startCol = 14, startRow = 3)

    insertPlot(wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet 2", startCol = 14, startRow = 3)

    insertPlot(wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet 3", startCol = 14, startRow = 3)

    expect_true(any(grepl("image1", wb$drawings_rels[[1]])))
    expect_true(any(grepl("image3", wb$drawings_rels[[2]])))
    expect_true(any(grepl("image2", wb$drawings_rels[[3]])))

    ## put back to original order
    worksheetOrder(wb) <- c(1, 3, 2)
    saveWorkbook(wb, file = tempFile, overwrite = TRUE)

    wb <- loadWorkbook(file = tempFile)

    ## drawings added in order
    expect_true(any(grepl("image1", wb$drawings_rels[[1]])))
    expect_true(any(grepl("image2", wb$drawings_rels[[2]])))
    expect_true(any(grepl("image3", wb$drawings_rels[[3]])))

    ## Introduce some more images
    insertPlot(wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet 1", startCol = 14, startRow = 25)

    insertPlot(wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet 2", startCol = 14, startRow = 25)

    insertPlot(wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet 3", startCol = 14, startRow = 25)

    saveWorkbook(wb, file = tempFile, overwrite = TRUE)
    wb <- loadWorkbook(tempFile)

    worksheetOrder(wb) <- c(3, 2, 1)
    saveWorkbook(wb, file = tempFile, overwrite = TRUE)
    wb <- loadWorkbook(tempFile)

    hl <- rep("https://google.com.au", 5)
    names(hl) <- sprintf("Link to google %s", 1:5)
    class(hl) <- "hyperlink"
    writeData(wb, "Sheet 1", hl)

    ## Add in some column widths

    setColWidths(wb, sheet = 1, cols = 1:50, widths = "auto")
    worksheetOrder(wb) <- c(3, 2, 1)
    removeWorksheet(wb, sheet = "Sheet 2")

    saveWorkbook(wb, file = tempFile, overwrite = TRUE)
    wb <- loadWorkbook(tempFile)

    expect_equal(names(wb), c("Sheet 1", "Sheet 3"))
    expect_equal(df1, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = 1, startRow = 10))
    expect_equal(df3U, read.xlsx(tempFile, sheet = 2, detectDates = TRUE))

    expect_equal(df1, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = 1, startRow = 10))
    expect_equal(df3U, read.xlsx(wb, sheet = 2, detectDates = TRUE))

    unlink(tempFile, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

test_that("setColWidths() should support zero-length cols", {
  file <- temp_xlsx()
  on.exit(unlink(file), add = TRUE)
  wb <- createWorkbook()
  ws <- addWorksheet(wb, "empty")
  tbl <- data.frame(A = 1:3)
  writeData(wb, ws, tbl)
  setColWidths(wb, ws, integer(0L), widths = 12)
  saveWorkbook(wb, file)
  x <- readWorkbook(file)
  expect_equal(x, tbl)

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openxlsx documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:56 p.m.