
test_that("writeData() forces evaluation of x (#264)", {
  wbfile <- temp_xlsx()
  op <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  x <- format(123.4)
  df <- data.frame(d = format(123.4))
  df2 <- data.frame(e = x)
  wb <- createWorkbook()
  addWorksheet(wb, "sheet")
  writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 1, data.frame(a = format(123.4)))
  writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 2, data.frame(b = as.character(123.4)))
  writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 3, data.frame(c = "123.4"))
  writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 4, df)
  writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 5, df2)
  saveWorkbook(wb, wbfile)
  out <- read.xlsx(wbfile)
  # Possibly overkill
  with(out, {
    expect_identical(a, b)
    expect_identical(a, c)
    expect_identical(a, d)
    expect_identical(a, e)
    expect_identical(b, c)
    expect_identical(b, d)
    expect_identical(b, e)
    expect_identical(c, d)
    expect_identical(c, e)
    expect_identical(d, e)

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openxlsx documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:47 p.m.