#' Get Honest Predictions
#' get honest prediction, i.e. fitted values for in sample data
#' (train and honest sample) based on the honest sample
#' @param forest estimated forest object of type ranger
#' @param honest_data honest dataframe
#' @param train_data train dataframe
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @import ranger
#' @return vector of honest forest predictions
#' @keywords internal
get_honest <- function(forest, honest_data, train_data) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# get terminal nodes for the honest sample, i.e. run honest sample through forest
honest_leaves <- predict(forest, honest_data, type = "terminalNodes")$predictions
train_leaves <- predict(forest, train_data, type = "terminalNodes")$predictions
# filter out unique leaves for each tree
unique_leaves <- apply(honest_leaves, 2, unique)
unique_leaves_train <- apply(train_leaves, 2, unique)
# get honest outcomes
honest_y <- as.numeric(honest_data[, 1])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Rcpp implementation
honest_fitted_values <- as.matrix(get_honest_C(unique_leaves, honest_y, honest_leaves, train_leaves))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# combine the two into a complete dataset (first honest rownames, then train rownames)
rownames(honest_fitted_values) <- c(rownames(honest_data), rownames(train_data)) # put original rownames in
# order according to rownames
forest_fitted_values <- honest_fitted_values[order(as.numeric(row.names(honest_fitted_values))), ]
# put it into output
output <- as.numeric(forest_fitted_values)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# return the output
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Predict Honest Predictions
#' predict honest prediction for out of sample data
#' based on the honest sample
#' @param forest estimated forest object of type ranger
#' @param honest_data honest dataframe
#' @param test_data test dataframe
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @return vector of honest forest predictions
#' @keywords internal
predict_honest <- function(forest, honest_data, test_data) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# get terminal nodes for the honest sample, i.e. run honest sample through forest
honest_leaves <- predict(forest, honest_data, type = "terminalNodes")$predictions
test_leaves <- predict(forest, test_data, type = "terminalNodes")$predictions
# filter out unique leaves for each tree
unique_leaves <- apply(honest_leaves, 2, unique)
# take honest outcomes
honest_y <- as.numeric(honest_data[, 1])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# new Rcpp prediction
honest_pred <- pred_honest_C(unique_leaves, honest_y, honest_leaves, test_leaves)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# put it into output
output <- as.numeric(honest_pred)
# return the output
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' honest sample split
#' Creates honest sample split by randomly selecting prespecified share of observations
#' to belong to honest sample and to training sample
#' @param data dataframe or matrix of features and outcomes to be split honestly
#' @param honesty.fraction share of sample to belong to honesty sample
#' @param orf logical, if honest split should be done for orf or not
#' @return named list of honest and training sample
#' @keywords internal
honest_split <- function(data, honesty.fraction, orf) {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# get number of observations in total
n <- nrow(data)
if (orf == TRUE) {
# initiate repeat indicator
rep_idx <- 1
# repeat until optimal honesty split is found (optimal in a sense that all outcome categories are represented in both samples)
# randomize indices for train and honest sample (take care of uneven numbers with floor and ceiling)
ind <- sample(c(rep(0, ceiling((1-honesty.fraction)*n)), rep(1, floor(honesty.fraction*n))))
# indicator for which observations go into train and honest set
honesty_i <- which(ind == 1)
# separate training set
train <- data[-honesty_i, ]
# separate honest set
honest <- data[honesty_i, ]
# check if in both data sets all outcome categories are represented or if too many tries have been done
if(all(sort(unique(train[, 1])) == sort(unique(honest[, 1]))) | rep_idx == 10){
# repeat indicator
rep_idx <- rep_idx + 1
# check if the above procedure was succesful
if (all(sort(unique(train[, 1])) != sort(unique(honest[, 1])))) {
stop("At least one of the categories of the input matrix Y contains too few observations.
This prevents an optimal honesty split. Consider recoding your outcome into less categories or set honesty = FALSE.")
} else {
# for classical regression forest the above condition is not binding
# randomize indices for train and honest sample (take care of uneven numbers with floor and ceiling)
ind <- sample(c(rep(0, ceiling((1-honesty.fraction)*n)), rep(1, floor(honesty.fraction*n))))
# indicator for which observations go into train and honest set
honesty_i <- which(ind == 1)
# separate training set
train <- data[-honesty_i, ]
# separate honest set
honest <- data[honesty_i, ]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# put it into output
output <- list(train, honest)
# set names
names(output) <- c("trainData", "honestData")
# return output
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
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