
#' Reporting with Pandoc
#' This \code{R5} reference class can hold bunch of elements (text or R objects) from which it tries to create a Pandoc's markdown text file. Exporting the report to several formats (like: PDF, docx, odt etc. - see Pandoc's documentation) is also possible, see examples below.
#' @param ... this is an R5 object without any direct params but it should be documented, right?
#' @export Pandoc
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ## Initialize a new Pandoc object
#' myReport <- Pandoc$new()
#' ## Add author, title and date of document
#' myReport$author <- 'Anonymous'
#' myReport$title  <- 'Demo'
#' ## Or it could be done while initializing
#' myReport <- Pandoc$new('Anonymous', 'Demo')
#' ## Add some free text
#' myReport$add.paragraph('Hello there, this is a really short tutorial!')
#' ## Add maybe a header for later stuff
#' myReport$add.paragraph('# Showing some raw R objects below')
#' ## Adding a short matrix
#' myReport$add(matrix(5,5,5))
#' ## Or a table with even # TODO: caption
#' myReport$add.paragraph('Hello table:')
#' myReport$add(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear))
#' ## Or a "large" data frame which barely fits on a page
#' myReport$add(mtcars)
#' ## And a simple linear model with Anova tables
#' ml <- with(lm(mpg ~ hp + wt), data = mtcars)
#' myReport$add(ml)
#' myReport$add(anova(ml))
#' myReport$add(aov(ml))
#' ## And do some principal component analysis at last
#' myReport$add(prcomp(USArrests))
#' ## Sorry, I did not show how Pandoc deals with plots:
#' myReport$add(plot(1:10)) # TODO: caption
#' ## Want to see the report? Just print it:
#' myReport
#' ## Exporting to PDF (default)
#' myReport$export()
#' ## Or to docx in tempdir:
#' myReport$format <- 'docx'
#' myReport$export(tempfile())
#' ## You do not want to see the generated report after generation?
#' myReport$export(open = FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom methods setRefClass new getGeneric
Pandoc <- setRefClass('Pandoc', fields = list('author' = 'character',
                                              'title' = 'character',
                                              'date' = 'character',
                                              'body' = 'list',
                                              'format' = 'character',
                                              'proc.time' = 'numeric'))

Pandoc$methods(initialize = function(author = 'Anonymous',
                                     title = base::sprintf('%s\'s report', author),
                                     date = base::date(),
                                     format = 'pdf', ...) {

    .self$author    <- author
    .self$title     <- title
    .self$date      <- date
    .self$format    <- format
    .self$proc.time <- 0


Pandoc$methods(add = function(x) {

    timer           <- proc.time()
    res             <- evals(deparse(match.call()[[2]]),
                             env = parent.frame(),
                             graph.name = evalsOptions('graph.name'),
                             graph.dir = evalsOptions('graph.dir'),
                             graph.output = evalsOptions('graph.output'),
                             width = evalsOptions('width'),
                             height = evalsOptions('height'))
    .self$body      <- c(.self$body, res)
    .self$proc.time <- .self$proc.time + as.numeric(proc.time() - timer)[3]


Pandoc$methods(add.paragraph = function(x) .self$body <- c(.self$body, list(list(result = pandoc.p.return(x)))))

Pandoc$methods(show = function(x) {

    ## starting timer for proc.time
    timer  <- proc.time()

    ## show header
    cat(pandoc.header(.self$title, style = 'setext'))
    cat(' written by *', .self$author, '* at *', .self$date, '*\n', sep = '')
    cat('\n', sprintf(' This report holds %s block(s).', length(.self$body)), '\n')

    ## show body (if not empty)
    if (length(.self$body) > 0) {


        lapply(.self$body, function(x) {
            for (m in c('messages', 'warnings', 'errors')) {
                if (!is.null(x$msg[[m]])) {
                    cat('\n**', toupper(sub('s$', '', m)), ':** ', x$msg[[m]], sep = '')

        ## show proc.time
        cat('\nProc. time: ', .self$proc.time + as.numeric(proc.time() - timer)[3], 'seconds. \n\n')

    } else {


Pandoc$methods(export = function(f, ...) {

    if (missing(f)) {
        f <- tempfile('pander-', getwd())
    fp    <- sprintf('%s.md', f)
    timer <- proc.time()

    ## create pandoc file
    cat(pandoc.title.return(.self$title, .self$author, .self$date), file = fp)
           function(x) cat(paste(capture.output(pander(x$result)), collapse = '\n'), file = fp, append = TRUE))

    ## convert
    fe <- Pandoc.convert(fp, format = .self$format, proc.time = as.numeric(proc.time() - timer)[3], ...)

    ## return
    cat('\nExported to *', f, '.[md|', format, ']* under ',
        .self$proc.time + as.numeric(proc.time() - timer)[3], ' seconds.\n\n', sep = '')



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pander documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:39 p.m.