#' @title Estimate first differences models using GLS
#' @description The function fits first difference models using GLS estimation.
#' @inheritParams asym
#' @references
#' Allison, P. D. (2019). Asymmetric fixed-effects models for panel data.
#' *Socius*, *5*, 1-12.
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("clubSandwich")) {
#' data("teen_poverty")
#' # Convert to long format
#' teen <- long_panel(teen_poverty, begin = 1, end = 5)
#' model <- fdm(hours ~ lag(pov) + spouse, data = teen)
#' summary(model)
#' }
#' @rdname fdm
#' @export
fdm <- function(formula, data, id = NULL, wave = NULL, use.wave = FALSE,
min.waves = 1,
variance = c("toeplitz-1", "constrained", "unconstrained"),
error.type = c("CR2", "CR1S"), ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("nlme")) need_package("nlme")
if (!requireNamespace("clubSandwich")) need_package("clubSandwich")
the_call <-
the_env <- parent.frame()
formula <- Formula::Formula(formula)
# Send to helper function for data prep
prepped <- diff_data(formula = formula, data = data, id = id,
wave = wave, min.waves = min.waves,
weights = NULL, use.wave = use.wave, escape = TRUE)
e <- prepped$e
pf <- prepped$pf
data <- e$data
wave <- prepped$wave
id <- prepped$id
dv <- prepped$dv
# Use helper function to generate formula to pass to lme4
fin_formula <- as.formula(e$fin_formula)
if (!is.null(pf$constants)) {
constants <- paste(pf$constants, collapse = " - ")
up_form <- as.formula(paste(". ~ . -", constants))
fin_formula <- update(fin_formula, up_form)
if (variance[1] == "unconstrained") {
cor_form <- as.formula(paste("~ 1 |", id))
var_form <- as.formula(paste("~ 1 |", wave))
corr <- nlme::corSymm(form = cor_form) # unstructured covariance
weights <- nlme::varIdent(form = var_form)
} else if (variance[1] == "constrained") {
cor_form <- as.formula(paste(" ~ 1 |", id))
corr <- nlme::corARMA(value = -.9999, form = cor_form, p = 0, q = 1,
fixed = TRUE)
weights <- NULL
} else if (variance[1] == "toeplitz-1") {
cor_form <- as.formula(paste(" ~ 1 |", id))
corr <- nlme::corARMA(form = cor_form, p = 0, q = 1)
weights <- NULL
gls_mod <- nlme::gls(fin_formula, data =,
na.action = na.omit,
correlation = corr, weights = weights)
gls_mod$call$model <- substitute(fin_formula)
# gls_mod$call <- gls_mod$call[names(gls_mod$call) %not% "data"]
the_vcov <- vcov_CR(gls_mod, cluster = data[[id]], type = error.type[1],
data = data)
coef_table <- clubSandwich::coef_test(gls_mod, vcov = the_vcov,
test = "naive-t", cluster = data[[id]])
coef_table <-[c("beta","SE","tstat","p_t")])
if ("tstat" %nin% names(coef_table)) { # old version of clubSandwich
names(coef_table) <- c("estimate", "std.error", "p.value")
coef_table["statistic"] <- coef_table$estimate / coef_table$std.error
} else {
names(coef_table) <- c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")
coef_table["term"] <- rownames(coef_table)
mod_info <- list(dv = dv, min.wave = prepped$minwave,
max.wave = prepped$maxwave,
num_distinct = prepped$num_distinct,
AIC = AIC(gls_mod), BIC = BIC(gls_mod),
variance = variance[1], errors = error.type[1])
gls_mod$mod_info <- mod_info
gls_mod$coef_table <- coef_table
colnames(the_vcov) <- rownames(coef_table)
rownames(the_vcov) <- rownames(coef_table)
gls_mod$vcov <- the_vcov
# Make it a fdm object
class(gls_mod) <- c("fdm", "gls")
#' @export
summary.fdm <- function(object, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if ("digits" %in% names(dots)) {
digits <- dots$digits
} else {
digits <- getOption("jtools-digits", 2)
x <- object
mod_fit <- paste0(bold("MODEL FIT:\n"),
italic("AIC = "), round(x$mod_info$AIC, digits),
italic(", BIC = "), round(x$mod_info$BIC, digits), "\n")
if (x$mod_info$variance == "toeplitz-1") {
corstruct <- object$modelStruct$corStruct
class(corstruct) <- "corARMA"
theta <- coef(corstruct, unconstrained = FALSE)
variance <- paste0(italic("Variance structure: "), x$mod_info$variance,
" (theta = ", round(theta, digits), ")")
} else {
variance <- paste0(italic("Variance structure: "), x$mod_info$variance)
mod_info <- paste0(bold("MODEL INFO:\n"),
italic("Entities: "), x$mod_info$num_distinct, "\n",
italic("Time periods: "), paste0(x$mod_info$min.wave, "-",
x$mod_info$max.wave), "\n",
italic("Dependent variable: "), x$mod_info$dv, "\n",
mod_info_list <- list(N = x$mod_info$num_distinct,
min_wave = x$mod_info$min.wave,
max_wave = x$mod_info$max.wave,
variance = x$mod_info$variance, AIC = x$mod_info$AIC,
BIC = x$mod_info$BIC)
coef_table <- x$coef_table
names(coef_table) <- sapply(names(coef_table), function(x) {switch(x,
"estimate" = "Est.",
"std.error" = "S.E.",
"p.value" = "p",
"statistic" = "t val.",
rownames(coef_table) <- coef_table$term
coef_table <- coef_table[c("Est.", "S.E.", "t val.", "p")]
out <- list(mod_info = mod_info, coef_table = coef_table, digits = digits,
mod_fit = mod_fit, errors = x$mod_info$errors,
mod_info_list = mod_info_list)
class(out) <- "summary.fdm"
#' @export
print.summary.fdm <- function(x, ...) {
cat(x$mod_info, "\n\n")
cat(x$mod_fit, "\n")
cat(italic("Standard errors:"), x$errors, "\n")
print(md_table(x$coef_table, digits = x$digits, sig.digits = FALSE,
format = getOption("panelr.table.format", "multiline")))
#' Generate differenced and asymmetric effects data
#' This is an interface to the internal functions that process data for
#' [fdm()], [asym()], and [asym_gee()].
#' @inheritParams asym
#' @inheritParams wbgee
#' @param asym Return asymmetric effects transformed data? Default is FALSE.
#' @param cumulative Return cumulative positive/negative differences, most
#' useful for fixed effects estimation and/or generalized linear models?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param escape.names Return only syntactically valid variable names?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @examples
#' data("WageData")
#' wages <- panel_data(WageData, id = id, wave = t)
#' make_diff_data(wks ~ lwage + union, data = wages)
#' @export
make_diff_data <- function(formula, data, id = NULL, wave = NULL,
use.wave = FALSE, min.waves = 1, weights = NULL,
offset = NULL, asym = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE,
escape.names = FALSE, ...) {
the_call <-
the_env <- parent.frame()
formula <- Formula::Formula(formula)
# Send to helper function for data prep
prepped <- diff_data(formula = formula, data = data, id = id,
wave = wave, min.waves = min.waves,
weights = !! enquo(weights), offset = !! enquo(offset),
use.wave = use.wave, ignore.lhs = cumulative,
asym = asym, escape = escape.names)
#' @importFrom stats contr.treatment "contrasts<-"
diff_data <- function(formula, data, id = NULL, wave = NULL, min.waves = 2,
weights = NULL, offset = NULL, use.wave = FALSE,
asym = FALSE, ignore.lhs = FALSE, escape = TRUE, ...) {
# Get data prepped
if ("panel_data" %in% class(data)) {
id <- attr(data, "id")
wave <- attr(data, "wave")
if ("data.frame" %nin% class(data)) {
stop("data argument must be a data frame.")
# Coerce to panel_data
data <- panel_data(data, id = !! sym(id), wave = !! sym(wave))
# Save this input data separately
orig_data <- data
# Get the weights argument like lm() does (can be name or object)
weights <- eval_tidy(enquo(weights), data)
# Append to data with special name
if (!is.null(weights)) {data[".weights"] <- weights}
# Get the offset argument like lm() does (can be name or object)
offset <- eval_tidy(enquo(offset), data)
# Append to data with special name
if (!is.null(offset)) {data[".offset"] <- offset}
# Get the left-hand side
dv <- as.character((attr(formula, "lhs")))
# Pass to helper function
pf <- wb_formula_parser(formula, dv, data)
# if (!is.null(pf$constants)) {
# warn_wrap("Constants are ignored with first difference models")
# }
# check for wave in formula
wave_terms <- if (!is.numeric(data[[wave]])) expand_labels(data, wave) else {
if (any(wave_terms %in% pf$varying)) {
pf$varying <- pf$varying %not% wave_terms
use.wave <- TRUE
# Create formula to pass to model_frame
mf_form <- paste(" ~ ",
paste(pf$allvars, collapse = " + "),
collapse = ""
# Escape non-syntactic variables that are in the data
mf_form <- formula_ticks(mf_form, names(pf$data))
# Add weights to keep it in the DF
if (!is.null(weights)) {
mf_form <- paste(mf_form, "+", ".weights")
# Pass to special model_frame function that respects tibble groupings
data <- model_frame(update(as.formula(mf_form),
as.formula(paste("~ . -", id, "-", wave))),
data = pf$data)
pf$varying <- un_bt(pf$varying)
# Send to helper that will demean, etc.
e <- diff_model(pf, dv, data, use.wave, asym, ignore.lhs, escape)
# Drop missing cases, collect some metadata
e$data <- complete_cases(e$data, min.waves = min.waves)
num_distinct <- length(unique(e$data[[id]]))
maxwave <- max(e$data[[wave]])
minwave <- min(e$data[[wave]])
if (use.wave == TRUE & !is.numeric(e$data[[wave]])) {
e$data[[wave]] <- droplevels(e$data[[wave]])
contrasts(e$data[[wave]]) <- contr.treatment(levels(e$data[[wave]]))
# Modify weights object to reflect missing data drops
if (!is.null(weights)) {
weights <- e$data$.weights
# Modify weights object to reflect missing data drops
if (!is.null(offset)) {
offset <- e$data$.offset
list(e = e, num_distinct = num_distinct, maxwave = maxwave,
minwave = minwave, weights = weights,
pf = pf, id = id, wave = wave, dv = dv, orig_data = orig_data,
mf_form = mf_form)
diff_model <- function(pf, dv, data, use.wave = FALSE, asym = FALSE,
ignore.lhs = FALSE, escape = TRUE) {
# Extract wave and id
wave <- get_wave(data)
id <- get_id(data)
vars <- pf$varying
if (ignore.lhs == FALSE) vars <- c(dv, vars)
for (var in vars %not% wave) {
lag_var <- paste0(bt(var), " - lag(`", var, "`)")
data <- mutate(data,
!! var := !! parse_expr(lag_var)
asym_list <- list()
if (asym == TRUE) {
for (var in c(pf$varying) %not% wave) {
plus_var <- if (escape) paste0("plus__", var) else paste0("+", var)
minus_var <- if (escape) paste0("minus__", var) else paste0("-", var)
plus_expr <- paste0(bt(var), "* (", bt(var), "> 0)")
neg_expr <- paste0("-", bt(var), "* (", bt(var), "< 0)")
data <- mutate(data,
!! plus_var := !! parse_expr(plus_expr),
!! minus_var := !! parse_expr(neg_expr)
asym_list[[var]] <- c(plus_var, minus_var)
# Put the pieces together
if (asym == FALSE) {
the_terms <- make_names(un_bt(c(pf$varying, pf$wint_labs, pf$cint_labs)),
int = TRUE)
the_terms <- str_replace_all(the_terms, "_by_", "\\*")
names(data) <- make_names(names(data))
# Deal with interactions
if (!is.null(c(pf$wint_labs, pf$cint_labs))) {
ints <- asym_ints(data = data, pf = pf, asym_list = list())
data <- ints$data
names(data) <- make_names(un_bt(names(data)), int = TRUE)
the_terms <- c(the_terms, ints$new_terms)
} else {
the_terms <- unlist(asym_list)
# Drop non-varying ones for monotonically increasing/decreasing vars
varyings <- are_varying(data)
# Want to let user know what's going on with those
which_not_varying <- the_terms %just% un_bt(names(varyings %just% FALSE))
if (length(which_not_varying) > 0) {
for (var in which_not_varying) {
plus <- if (escape) "plus__" else "^\\+"
minus <- if (escape) "minus__" else "^\\-"
if (stringr::str_detect(var, paste0("^", plus))) {
bare_var <- stringr::str_extract(var, paste0("(?<=(", plus, ")).*"))
msg_wrap(bare_var, " does not increase over time so +", bare_var,
" is not included in the model.")
} else if (stringr::str_detect(var, paste0("^", minus))) {
bare_var <- stringr::str_extract(var, paste0("(?<=(", minus, ")).*"))
msg_wrap(bare_var, " does not decrease over time so -", bare_var,
" is not included in the model.")
# Drop those terms now
the_terms <- the_terms %not% un_bt(names(varyings %just% FALSE))
# Edit the list of asymmetric effects
asym_list <- lapply(asym_list, function(x) {
x %not% un_bt(names(varyings %just% FALSE))
lengths <- sapply(asym_list, length) == 2
asym_list <- asym_list[lengths]
if (escape) {
asym_list <- lapply(asym_list, make_names)
names(asym_list) <- make_names(names(asym_list))
the_terms <- make_names(the_terms)
names(data) <- make_names(names(data))
} else {
the_terms <- bt(the_terms)
# Deal with interactions
if (!is.null(c(pf$wint_labs, pf$cint_labs))) {
ints <- asym_ints(data = data, pf = pf, asym_list = asym_list,
escape = escape)
data <- ints$data
if (escape) {
names(data) <- make_names(names(data))
the_terms <- c(the_terms, ints$new_terms)
# Now do cumulative sums if appropriate
if (asym == TRUE & ignore.lhs == TRUE) {
for (var in c(pf$varying) %not% wave) {
plus_var <- if (escape) paste0("plus__", var) else paste0("+", var)
minus_var <- if (escape) paste0("minus__", var) else paste0("-", var)
# First need to set the wave 1 values to 0 instead of NA
set_zero_plus <- paste0("case_when(", wave, " == ", get_periods(data)[1],
" ~ 0, TRUE ~", bt(plus_var), ")")
set_zero_neg <- paste0("case_when(", wave, " == ", get_periods(data)[1],
" ~ 0, TRUE ~", bt(minus_var), ")")
plus_expr <- paste0("cumsum(", bt(plus_var), ")")
neg_expr <- paste0("cumsum(", bt(minus_var), ")")
data <- mutate(data,
!! plus_var := !! parse_expr(set_zero_plus),
!! minus_var := !! parse_expr(set_zero_neg),
!! plus_var := !! parse_expr(plus_expr),
!! minus_var := !! parse_expr(neg_expr)
fin_formula <- paste(bt(dv), "~", paste(the_terms, collapse = " + "))
if (use.wave == TRUE) fin_formula <- paste(fin_formula, "+", wave)
out <- list(data = data, fin_formula = fin_formula, asym_list = asym_list)
asym_ints <- function(data, pf, asym_list, escape = TRUE) {
all_ints <- c(pf$wint_labs, pf$cint_labs)
all_terms <- NULL
for (int in all_ints) {
name_make <- if (escape) make_names else function(x) return(x)
splits <- as.list(name_make(un_bt(str_split(int, "\\*")[[1]])))
names(splits) <- splits
for (spl in names(splits)) {
if (un_bt(spl) %in% names(asym_list)) {
splits[[spl]] <- asym_list[[un_bt(spl)]]
term_grid <- expand.grid(splits)
term_grid <-, bt))
new_terms <- rep(NA, nrow(term_grid))
for (r in 1:nrow(term_grid)) {
new_terms[r] <- paste0(unlist(term_grid[r, , drop = TRUE]), collapse = "*")
# data <- mutate(data,
# !! un_bt(new_terms[r]) := !! parse_expr(new_terms[r])
# )
all_terms <- c(all_terms, new_terms)
list(data = data, new_terms = all_terms)
#' @export
coef.fdm <- function(object, ...) {
out <- object$coef_table$estimate
names(out) <- rownames(object$coef_table)
#' @export
vcov.fdm <- function(object, ...) {
#' @export
confint.fdm <- function(object, parm, level = .95, ...) {
confint.wbgee(object, parm = parm, level = level, ...)
#' @title Tidy methods for `fdm` and `asym` models
#' @description `panelr` provides methods to access `fdm` and `asym` data in a
#' tidy format
#' @rdname fdm_tidiers
#' @param x An `fdm` or `asym` object.
#' @param Logical indicating whether or not to include a confidence
#' interval in the tidied output. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param conf.level The confidence level to use for the confidence interval if
#' ` = TRUE`. Must be strictly greater than 0 and less than 1. Defaults
#' to 0.95, which corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("clubSandwich")) {
#' data("WageData")
#' wages <- panel_data(WageData, id = id, wave = t)
#' model <- fdm(lwage ~ wks + union, data = wages)
#' if (requireNamespace("generics")) {
#' generics::tidy(model)
#' }
#' }
#' @rawNamespace
#' if (getRversion() >= "3.6.0") {
#' S3method(generics::tidy, fdm)
#' } else {
#' export(tidy.fdm)
#' }
tidy.fdm <- function(x, = FALSE, conf.level = .95, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("generics")) {
stop_wrap("You must have the generics package to use tidy methods.")
params <- x$coef_table
# params$term <- rownames(params)
# Getting confidence intervals if requested
if ( == TRUE) {
ints <-, level = conf.level))
# Renaming the columns to fit the tidy model
names(ints) <- c("conf.low", "conf.high")
# Renaming the terms to remove the backticks to match the params d.f.
ints$term <- stringr::str_remove_all(rownames(ints), "`")
# Put things together
params <- dplyr::left_join(params, ints, by = "term")
return(tibble::as_tibble( # Return a tibble
# Only return the relevant columns
params %just% c("term", "estimate", "statistic", "std.error",
"conf.low", "conf.high", "p.value", "group")
#' @rdname fdm_tidiers
#' @rawNamespace
#' if (getRversion() >= "3.6.0") {
#' S3method(generics::glance, fdm)
#' } else {
#' export(glance.fdm)
#' }
glance.fdm <- function(x, ...) {
sum <- summary(x)
mod_info_list <- sum$mod_info_list
mod_info_list[sapply(mod_info_list, is.null)] <- NA
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