
Defines functions generate_design_grid

Documented in generate_design_grid

#' @title Generate a Grid Design
#' @description
#' Generate a grid with a specified resolution in the parameter space.
#' The resolution for categorical parameters is ignored, these parameters
#' always produce a grid over all their valid levels.
#' For number params the endpoints of the params are always included in the grid.
#' @param param_set ([`ParamSet`]).
#' @param resolution (`integer(1)`)\cr
#'   Global resolution for all parameters.
#' @param param_resolutions (named `integer()`)\cr
#'   Resolution per [`Domain`], named by parameter ID.
#' @return [`Design`].
#' @family generate_design
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pset = ps(
#'   ratio = p_dbl(lower = 0, upper = 1),
#'   letters = p_fct(levels = letters[1:3])
#' )
#' generate_design_grid(pset, 10)
generate_design_grid = function(param_set, resolution = NULL, param_resolutions = NULL) {

  assert_param_set(param_set, no_untyped = TRUE)
  ids = param_set$ids()
  ids_num = ids[param_set$is_number]

  par_res = integer(0L) # here we construct the resolution for each param
  if (length(ids_num) > 0L) { # if only categ we dont need to check
    if (is.null(resolution) && is.null(param_resolutions)) {
      stop("You must specify 'resolution' or 'param_resolutions'!")
    if (!is.null(resolution)) {
      # create param_resolutions list, constant entry, same length as ids and named with ids
      resolution = assert_count(resolution, coerce = TRUE)
      par_res = set_names(rep.int(resolution, param_set$length), ids)
    if (!is.null(param_resolutions)) {
      assert_integerish(param_resolutions, lower = 1L, any.missing = FALSE, coerce = TRUE)
      # user only needs to pass num params (categ resolutions are overwritten anyway)
      assert_names(names(param_resolutions), subset.of = ids_num)
      par_res = insert_named(par_res, param_resolutions)
    ids_miss = setdiff(ids_num, names(par_res))
    if (length(ids_miss) > 0L) {
      stopf("Resolution settings missing for some numerical params: %s", str_collapse(ids_miss))
  # overwrite the resolution for categorical stuff with the number of levels they have
  isc = param_set$is_categ
  par_res = insert_named(par_res, param_set$nlevels[isc])
  # generate regular grid from 0,1 then map it to the values of the param,
  # then do a crossproduct
  grid_vec = lapply(par_res, function(r) seq(0, 1, length.out = r))
  res = imap(grid_vec, function(value, id) param_set$qunif(setnames(data.table(value), id))[[1]])
  res = cross_join(res, sorted = FALSE)
  Design$new(param_set, res, remove_dupl = TRUE) # user wants no dupls, remove

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paradox documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:37 a.m.