
"stat.pen" <-
function(x, basic=FALSE, desc=FALSE) {
	# This function performs all calculations on a single vector
	# Missing data allowed and stripped out before calculations
	stat.pen.vec <- function(x, basic, desc) {
		# If x is a	list, we transform it into a vector
		x <- unlist(x)
		if (!is.numeric(x)) {	# Not a numeric vector!
			Nbrval <- NA; Nbrnull <- NA; Nbrna <-NA
			Median <- NA; Mean <- NA; StdDev <- NA
			if (basic==TRUE) {
				Res1 <- list(nbr.val=NA, nbr.null=NA, perc.numm=NA, nbr.na=NA)
			} else Res1 <- NULL
			if (desc==TRUE) {
				Res2 <- list(median=NA, mean=NA, var=NA, std.dev=NA, pos.median=NA, pos.mean=NA, pos.var=NA, pos.std.dev=NA, geo.mean=NA)
			} else Res2 <- NULL
			Res3 <- list(pen.mean=NA, pen.var=NA, pen.std.dev=NA, pen.mean.var=NA)
		} else {			# Vector contains numbers, we can perform calcs
			Nbrna <- sum(as.numeric(is.na(x)))
			# We could use na.rm=TRUE everywhere, but it is faster
			# to remove all missing values once at the beginning
			x <- x[!is.na(x)]
			Nbrval <- length(x)
			Nbrnull <- sum(as.numeric(x==0))
			if (basic==TRUE) {
				Percnull <- Nbrnull/Nbrval*100
				Res1 <- list(nbr.val=Nbrval, nbr.null=Nbrnull, percnull=Percnull, nbr.na=Nbrna)
			} else Res1 <- NULL
			if (desc==TRUE) {
				Median <- median(x); names(Median) <- NULL	# To correct a bug!?
				Mean <- mean(x)
				Var <- var(x)
				StdDev <- sqrt(Var)
				xpos <- x[x>0]
				if (length(xpos)==0) {	# No positive values!
					# If at least one zero, everything is 0, else everything is NA
					if (Nbrnull>0) {
						PosMedian <- 0; PosMean <- 0; PosVar <- 0; PosStdDev <- 0; GeoMean <- 0
					} else {
						PosMedian <- NA; PosMean <- NA; PosVar <- NA; PosStdDev <- NA; GeoMean <- NA 
				} else {
					PosMedian <- median(xpos); names(PosMedian) <- NULL
					PosMean <- mean(xpos)
					PosVar <- var(xpos)
					PosStdDev <- sqrt(PosVar)
					GeoMean <- exp(mean(log(xpos)))
				Res2 <- list(median=Median, mean=Mean, var=Var, std.dev=StdDev, pos.median=PosMedian, pos.mean=PosMean, pos.var=PosVar, pos.std.dev=PosStdDev, geo.mean=GeoMean)
			} else Res2 <- NULL
			Pen <- pennington(x, calc="all")
			names(Pen) <- NULL
			PMean <- Pen[1]
			PVar <- Pen[2]
			PStdDev <- sqrt(PVar)
			PMeanVar <- Pen[3]
			Res3 <- list(pen.mean=PMean, pen.var=PVar, pen.std.dev=PStdDev, pen.mean.var=PMeanVar)
		# We collect all results together
		Res <- unlist(c(Res1, Res2, Res3))
	# This is the body of stat.pen
	Basic <- basic; Desc <- desc
	# If x is a vector, stat.pen returns a vector with results
	if (is.vector(x)) stat.pen.vec(x, Basic, Desc) else {
		# If x is not a vector, it is treated as a data frame
		# A result will be returned in a data frame with corresponding columns
		x <- as.data.frame(x)
		# We keep the same column headers
		NamesV <- names(x)
		StatM <- NULL
		# Calculation is performed alternatively on each column
		for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
			StatV <- stat.pen.vec(x[i], Basic, Desc)
			# The next if condition to avoid error at the first step
			if (is.null(StatM)==TRUE) StatM <- data.frame(StatV) else StatM <- cbind(StatM, StatV)
		# We change names of columns to match the original data frame
		names(StatM) <- NamesV

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