
Defines functions .formula2list force_full_rank make_restriction_matrix make_model_matrix restriction_matrix2model.lm restriction_matrix2model.glmerMod restriction_matrix2model.lmerMod restriction_matrix2model_internal restriction_matrix2model.default restriction_matrix2model

Documented in make_model_matrix make_restriction_matrix restriction_matrix2model

#' @title Conversion between a model object and a restriction matrix
#' @description Testing a small model under a large model corresponds
#'     imposing restrictions on the model matrix of the larger model
#'     and these restrictions come in the form of a restriction
#'     matrix. These functions converts a model to a restriction
#'     matrix and vice versa.
#' @name model-coerce
#' @param largeModel,smallModel Model objects of the same "type". Possible types
#'     are linear mixed effects models and linear models (including generalized
#'     linear models)
#' @param L A restriction matrix.
#' @param sparse Should the restriction matrix be sparse or dense?
#' @param REML Controls if new model object should be fitted with REML or ML.
#' @param ... Additional arguments; not used.
#' @return \code{model2restriction_matrix}: A restriction matrix.
#'     \code{restriction_matrix2model}: A model object.
#' @note That these functions are visible is a recent addition; minor changes
#'     may occur.
#' @author Ulrich Halekoh \email{uhalekoh@@health.sdu.dk}, Søren Højsgaard
#'     \email{sorenh@@math.aau.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{PBmodcomp}}, \code{\link{PBrefdist}},
#'     \code{\link{KRmodcomp}}
#' @references Ulrich Halekoh, Søren Højsgaard (2014)., A Kenward-Roger
#'     Approximation and Parametric Bootstrap Methods for Tests in Linear Mixed
#'     Models - The R Package pbkrtest., Journal of Statistical Software,
#'     58(10), 1-30., \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v59/i09/}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' library(pbkrtest)
#' data("beets", package = "pbkrtest")
#' sug <- lm(sugpct ~ block + sow + harvest, data=beets)
#' sug.h <- update(sug, .~. - harvest)
#' sug.s <- update(sug, .~. - sow)
#' ## Construct restriction matrices from models
#' L.h <- model2restriction_matrix(sug, sug.h); L.h
#' L.s <- model2restriction_matrix(sug, sug.s); L.s
#' ## Construct submodels from restriction matrices
#' mod.h <- restriction_matrix2model(sug, L.h); mod.h
#' mod.s <- restriction_matrix2model(sug, L.s); mod.s
#' ## Sanity check: The models have the same fitted values and log likelihood
#' plot(fitted(mod.h), fitted(sug.h))
#' plot(fitted(mod.s), fitted(sug.s))
#' logLik(mod.h)
#' logLik(sug.h)
#' logLik(mod.s)
#' logLik(sug.s)

#' @export model2restriction_matrix
#' @rdname model-coerce
model2restriction_matrix <- function (largeModel, smallModel, sparse=FALSE) {

#' @export
model2restriction_matrix.default <- function (largeModel, smallModel, sparse=FALSE) {
    stop("No useful default method for 'model2restriction_matrix'")

#' @method model2restriction_matrix merMod
#' @export
model2restriction_matrix.merMod <- function (largeModel, smallModel, sparse=FALSE) {
    ## cat("model2restriction_matrix.merMod\n")
    ## print(largeModel); print(smallModel)
    L <- if (is.numeric(smallModel)) {
         } else  { ## smallModel is lmerMod
             make_restriction_matrix(getME(largeModel, 'X'), getME(smallModel, 'X'))
    if (sparse) .makeSparse(L) else L

#' @method model2restriction_matrix lm
#' @export
model2restriction_matrix.lm <- function (largeModel, smallModel, sparse=FALSE) {
    L <- if (is.numeric(smallModel)) {
         } else  { 
             make_restriction_matrix(model.matrix(largeModel), model.matrix(smallModel))
    if (sparse) .makeSparse(L) else L

#' @rdname model-coerce
#' @export
restriction_matrix2model <- function(largeModel, L, REML=TRUE, ...){

#' @export
restriction_matrix2model.default <- function(largeModel, L, REML=TRUE, ...){
    stop("No useful default method for 'restriction_matrix2model'")

restriction_matrix2model_internal <- function(largeModel, L, XX.lg){
    form <- as.formula(formula(largeModel))    
    attributes(XX.lg)[-1] <- NULL
    XX.sm <- make_model_matrix(XX.lg, L)
    ncX.sm  <- ncol(XX.sm)
    colnames(XX.sm) <- paste(".X", 1:ncX.sm, sep='')
    rhs.fix2 <- paste(".X", 1:ncX.sm, sep='', collapse="+")
    new_form  <- .formula2list(form)
    zzz <- list(new_form=new_form, rhs.fix2=rhs.fix2, XX.sm=XX.sm)

## #' @rdname model-coerce
#' @export
restriction_matrix2model.lmerMod <- function(largeModel, L, REML=TRUE, ...){

    zzz  <- restriction_matrix2model_internal(largeModel, L, getME(largeModel, "X"))
    new.formula <- as.formula(paste(zzz$new_form$lhs, "~ -1+", zzz$rhs.fix2,
                                    "+", zzz$new_form$rhs.ran))
    new.data    <- cbind(zzz$XX.sm, eval(largeModel@call$data))
    ans <- update(largeModel, eval(new.formula), data=new.data)
    if (!REML)
        ans <- update(ans, REML=FALSE)

## #' @rdname model-coerce
#' @export
restriction_matrix2model.glmerMod <- function(largeModel, L, REML=TRUE, ...){

    zzz  <- restriction_matrix2model_internal(largeModel, L, getME(largeModel, "X"))
    new.formula <- as.formula(paste(zzz$new_form$lhs, "~ -1+", zzz$rhs.fix2,
                                    "+", zzz$new_form$rhs.ran))
    new.data    <- cbind(zzz$XX.sm, eval(largeModel@call$data))
    ans <- update(largeModel, eval(new.formula), data=new.data)
    ## if (!REML)
        ## ans <- update(ans, REML=FALSE)

## #' @rdname model-coerce
#' @export
restriction_matrix2model.lm <- function(largeModel, L, ...){
    zzz  <- restriction_matrix2model_internal(largeModel, L, model.matrix(largeModel))
    new.formula <- as.formula(paste(zzz$new_form$lhs, "~ -1+", zzz$rhs.fix2))
    new.data    <- as.data.frame(cbind(zzz$XX.sm, eval(largeModel$model)))
    ans <- update(largeModel, eval(new.formula), data=new.data)
    ## Ugly below, but seems to be needed to store new.data in model
    ## object (rather than reference to new data)½
    cl <- getCall(ans)
    cl$data <- eval(new.data)
    out <- eval(cl)

## ##############################################################

## X is model matrix for large model; L is a restriction matrix;
## Output X2 is the corresponding model matrix for the corresponding
## smaller model.

#' @rdname model-coerce
#' @param L A restriction matrix; a full rank matrix with as many columns as `X` has.
#' @export
make_model_matrix <- function(X, L) {
    ## cat("X:\n"); print(X); cat("L:\n"); print(L)
    ## find A such that <A>={X b| b in Lb=0}

    if (!inherits(L, c("matrix", "Matrix")) )
        L <- matrix(L, nrow=1)
    L <- as(L, "matrix")
    if (ncol(X) != ncol(L)) {
        print(c( ncol(X), ncol(L) ))
        stop('Number of columns of X and L not equal \n')
    X2 <- X %*% orthogonal_complement(t(L))

## ##############################################################

## X is model matrix for large model; X2 is model matrix for small
## model. Output is restriction matrix L

#' @rdname model-coerce
#' @param X,X2 Model matrices. Must have same number of rows.
#' @details `make_restriction_matrix` Make a restriction matrix. If span(X2) is in
#'     span(X) then the corresponding restriction matrix `L` is
#'     returned.
#' @export
make_restriction_matrix <- function(X, X2) {
  ## <X2> in <X>
  ## determine L such that  <X2>={Xb| b in Lb=0}
    d <- rankMatrix_(cbind(X2, X)) - rankMatrix_(X)
    if (d > 0) {
        stop('Error: <X2> not subspace of <X> \n')
    Q  <- qr.Q(qr(cbind(X2, X)))
    Q2 <- Q[, (rankMatrix_(X2) + 1) : rankMatrix_(X)]
    L  <- t(Q2) %*% X
    ## Make rows of L2 orthogonal 
    L <- t(qr.Q(qr(t(L))))

force_full_rank <- function(L){
    ## ensures that restriction matrix L is of full row rank:
    if (is.numeric(L) && !is.matrix(L))
        L <- matrix(L, nrow=1)
    q  <- rankMatrix_(L)
    if (q < nrow(L)){
        t(qr.Q(qr(t(L)))[ ,1:qr(L)$rank])
    } else {

.formula2list <- function(form){
  lhs <- form[[2]]
  tt  <- terms(form)
  tl  <- attr(tt, "term.labels")
  r.idx <- grep("\\|", tl)

  if (length(r.idx)){
    rane  <- paste("(", tl[r.idx], ")")
    f.idx <- (1:length(tl))[-r.idx]

    if (length(f.idx))
        fixe  <- tl[f.idx]
        fixe  <- NULL
  } else {
    rane <- NULL
    fixe <- tl

  ans <- list(lhs=deparse(lhs),

## .rematBA <- function(B,A) {
##   ## <A> in <B>
##   ## determine L such that  <A>={Bb| b in Lb=0}
##   d <- rankMatrix(cbind(A,B)) - rankMatrix(B)
##   if (d > 0) {
##     stop('Error:  <A> not subspace of <B> \n')
##   }
##   Q  <- qr.Q(qr(cbind(A, B)))
##   Q2 <- Q[, (rankMatrix(A) + 1) : rankMatrix(B)]
##   L  <- t(Q2) %*% B
##   ##make rows of L2 orthogonal
##   L <- t(qr.Q(qr(t(L))))
##   L
## }

## ## ensures  that L is of full row rank:
## LL <- smallModel
## q  <- rankMatrix(LL)
## if (q < nrow(LL)){
##     t(qr.Q(qr(t(LL)))[,1:qr(LL)$rank])
## } else {
##     smallModel
## }

## ## ensures  that L is of full row rank:
## LL <- smallModel
## q  <- rankMatrix(LL)
## if (q < nrow(LL) ){
##   t(qr.Q(qr(t(LL)))[,1:qr(LL)$rank])
## } else {
##   smallModel
## }

    ## ## common
    ## form <- as.formula(formula(largeModel))
    ## attributes(XX.lg)[-1] <- NULL
    ## XX.sm <- zapsmall(make_model_matrix(XX.lg, LL))
    ## ncX.sm  <- ncol(XX.sm)
    ## colnames(XX.sm) <- paste(".X", 1:ncX.sm, sep='')
    ## rhs.fix2 <- paste(".X", 1:ncX.sm, sep='', collapse="+")
    ## new_form  <- .formula2list(form)
    ## ### !common

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