
Defines functions matrix2other file2other check_file_size read.pcadapt

Documented in read.pcadapt


#' File Converter
#' \code{read.pcadapt} converts genotype matrices or files to an appropriate
#'   format readable by \code{pcadapt}. For a file as input, you can choose to
#'   return either a matrix or convert it in bed/bim/fam files. 
#'   For a matrix as input, this returns a matrix. 
#' @param input A genotype matrix or a character string specifying the name of 
#'   the file to be converted. Matrices should use NAs to encode missing values. 
#'   To encode missing values in 'pcadapt' and 'lfmm' files, 9s should be used.
#' @param type A character string specifying the type of data to be converted 
#'   from. Converters from 'vcf' and 'ped' formats are not maintained anymore;
#'   if you have any issue with those, please use PLINK >= 1.9 to convert them
#'   to the 'bed' format.
#' @param type.out Either a bed file or a standard R matrix. 
#'   If the input is a matrix, then the output is automatically a matrix 
#'   (so that you don't need to specify this parameter). 
#'   If the input is a bed file, then the output is also a bed file.
#' @param allele.sep a vector of characters indicating what delimiters are used 
#'   in VCF files. By default, only "|" and "/" are recognized. 
#'   So, this argument is only useful for \code{type = "vcf"}.
#' @param local.env deprecated argument.
#' @param ploidy    deprecated argument.
#' @param pop.sizes deprecated argument.
#' @param blocksize deprecated argument.
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
read.pcadapt <- function(input, 
                         type = c("pcadapt", "lfmm", "vcf", "bed", "ped",
                                  "pool", "example"), 
                         ## only when input is a file path
                         type.out = c("bed", "matrix"),
                         ## only when type == "vcf"
                         allele.sep = c("/", "|"), 
                         ## deprecated arguments
                         pop.sizes, ploidy, local.env, blocksize) {
  # In version 3.1.0, arguments 'local.env' and 'blocksize' have been removed
  if (!missing(local.env)) warning("Argument 'local.env' is deprecated.")
  if (!missing(blocksize)) warning("Argument 'blocksize' is deprecated.")
  # In version 4.0.0, arguments 'ploidy' and 'pop.sizes' have been removed
  if (!missing(pop.sizes)) warning("Argument 'pop.sizes' is deprecated.")
  if (!missing(ploidy))    warning("Argument 'ploidy' is deprecated.")
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (any(class(input) == "character")) {
    file2other(input, type, match.arg(type.out), match.arg(allele.sep))
  } else if (any(class(input) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame", "array"))) {
    if (!missing(type.out)) warning("Argument 'type.out' is not used with matrices.")
    matrix2other(input, type)
  } else {
    stop("Input should be a file path or a matrix-like object.")


check_file_size <- function(file) {
  if (file.size(file) > 2e9) {
    stop(paste0("It seems that the input file is quite large.\n",
                "For large 'vcf' or 'ped' files, ", 
                "please use PLINK (>= 1.9) to convert them to 'bed' format."))


file2other <- function(input, type.in, type.out, allele.sep) {
  # Check if input exists  
  if ((type.in != "example") && !file.exists(input)) 
    stop(paste("File", input, "does not exist."))
  # File converter
  is.pcadapt <- TRUE
  if (type.in == "ped") {
    warning("Converter ped to pcadapt is deprecated. Please use PLINK for conversion to bed (and QC).")
    tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".pcadapt")
    ped2pcadapt(input = input, output = tmp)
    input <- tmp
  } else if (type.in == "vcf") {
    warning("Converter vcf to pcadapt is deprecated. Please use PLINK for conversion to bed (and QC).")
    tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".pcadapt")
    vcf2pcadapt(input = input, output = tmp, allele.sep = allele.sep)
    input <- tmp
  } else if (type.in == "lfmm") {
    is.pcadapt <- FALSE
  } else if (type.in == "example") {
    input <- system.file("extdata", "geno3pops.pcadapt", package = "pcadapt")
  } else if (type.in == "pool") {
    return(structure(as.matrix(read.table(input)), class = "pcadapt_pool"))
  } else if (type.in == "bed") {
    p <- nrow(data.table::fread(sub("\\.bed$", ".bim", input)))
    n <- nrow(data.table::fread(sub("\\.bed$", ".fam", input)))
    return(structure(normalizePath(input), n = n, p = p, class = "pcadapt_bed"))
  if (type.out == "matrix") {
    mmap <- mmapcharr::mmapchar(input, code = CODE_012)
    structure(`if`(is.pcadapt, t(mmap[]), mmap[]), class = "pcadapt_matrix")
  } else if (type.out == "bed") {
    writeBed(input, is.pcadapt)
  } else {
    stop("This 'type.out' is not supported.")


matrix2other <- function(input, type.in) {
  if (!(ncol(input) > 0) || !(nrow(input) > 0))
    stop("Invalid input genotype matrix.")

  if (type.in == "lfmm") {
    res <- as.matrix(input)
  } else if (type.in == "pcadapt") {
    res <- t(as.matrix(input))
  } else if (type.in == "pool") {
    return(structure(as.matrix(input), class = "pcadapt_pool"))
  } else {
    stop("Incorrect type.in for matrices.")
  if (nrow(res) > ncol(res)) {
    warning(sprintf("%s\n  %s",
                    "You have more individuals than SNPs.",
                    "Are you sure of the type of your matrix? (pcadapt/lfmm)"))
  storage.mode(res) <- "integer"
  structure(res, class = "pcadapt_matrix")


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pcadapt documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 5:07 p.m.