#' Pedigree reconstruction
#' Reconstructs the most likely pedigree from genotype data.
#' The parameter `extra` controls which of two algorithms are used to create the
#' pedigree list.
#' If `extra` is a nonnegative integer, it determines the number of extra
#' individuals allowed in the iterative pedigree construction. These extras
#' start off with undetermined sex, meaning that both males and females are
#' used. It should be noted that the final pedigrees may contain additional
#' extras, since missing parents are added at the end.
#' If `extra` is the word "parents", the algorithm is not iterative. It first
#' generates all directed acyclic graphs between the original individuals. Then
#' their parents are added and merged in all possible ways. This option has the
#' advantage of not requiring an explicit/ad hoc number of "extras", but works
#' best in smaller cases.
#' @param x A `pedtools::ped` object or a list of such.
#' @param ids A vector of ID labels from `x`. By default, the genotyped members
#' of `x` are used.
#' @param alleleMatrix A matrix with two columns for each marker. By default
#' extracted from `x`
#' @param loci A list of marker attributes. By default extracted from `x`.
#' @param pedlist A list of pedigrees to optimise over. If NULL, [buildPeds()]
#' is used to generate a list.
#' @param inferPO A logical. If TRUE, an initial stage of pairwise IBD
#' estimation is done to infer high-confidence parent/child pairs, and also
#' *non*-parent/child pairs. When this option is used, arguments to `knownPO`
#' and `notPO` are ignored.
#' @param founderInb A number in the interval `[0,1]`, used as background
#' inbreeding level in all founders. Default: 0.
#' @param sortResults A logical. If TRUE (default), the output is sorted so that
#' the most likely pedigree comes first.
#' @param numCores A positive integer. The number of cores used in
#' parallelisation. Default: 1.
#' @param verbose A logical.
#' @inheritParams buildPeds
#' @return An object of class `pedrec`, which is essentially list with the
#' following entries:
#' * `labs`: The individual labels as given in `ids`.
#' * `pedlist`: A list of pedigrees, either built by [buildPeds()] or as
#' supplied in the input argument `pedlist`. If `sortResults = TRUE`, the list
#' is sorted so that the most likely pedigrees come first
#' * `logliks`: A numerical vector of pedigree log-likelihoods
#' * `kappa`: A data frame with pairwise estimates (if `inferPO = TRUE`)
#' * `alleleMatrix`: A matrix of marker alleles
#' * `loci`: A list of marker locus attributes
#' * `errPeds`: A list of pedigrees for which the likelihood calculation
#' failed
#' * `errIdx`: The indices of pedigrees in `errPeds` as elements of `pedlist`
#' @examples
#' #-----------------
#' # Example 1: Trio
#' #-----------------
#' # Built-in dataset `trioData`
#' x = list(singleton(1), singleton(2), singleton(3)) |>
#' setMarkers(alleleMatrix = trioData, locusAttributes ="snp12")
#' res = reconstruct(x, inferPO = TRUE, age = "1 > 2")
#' # Plot most likely pedigrees
#' plot(res, top = 6)
#' #--------------------
#' # Example 2: Siblings
#' #--------------------
#' library(forrel)
#' ids = c("s1", "s2")
#' # Create pedigree and simulate profiles with 20 STR markers
#' y = nuclearPed(children = ids) |>
#' profileSim(markers = NorwegianFrequencies[1:20], ids = ids, seed = 123)
#' # Reconstruct allowing 2 extra individuals and any inbreeding
#' res2 = reconstruct(y, extra = 2, maxInb = 1)
#' plot(res2)
#' # With mutation modelling
#' y = setMutmod(y, model = "equal", rate = 0.01)
#' res3 = reconstruct(y, extra = 2, maxInb = 1)
#' plot(res3)
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom forrel showInTriangle
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores parLapply
#' clusterEvalQ clusterExport
#' @export
reconstruct = function(x, ids, extra = "parents", alleleMatrix = NULL, loci = NULL,
pedlist = NULL, inferPO = FALSE, sex = NULL,
age = NULL, knownPO = NULL, knownSub = NULL, allKnown = FALSE,
notPO = NULL, noChildren = NULL, connected = TRUE,
maxInbreeding = 1/16, linearInb = FALSE, sexSymmetry = TRUE,
sortResults = TRUE, founderInb = 0, numCores = 1,
verbose = TRUE) {
st = Sys.time()
if(!missing(x)) {
if(!is.ped(x) && !is.pedList(x))
stop2("Argument `x` must be a `ped` object, or a list of such")
stop2("When a ped/pedlist `x` is given as input, `sex` must be NULL (it is extracted from `x`)")
stop2("When a ped/pedlist `x` is given as input, `alleleMatrix` must be NULL. (Data is extracted from `x`)")
ids = typedMembers(x)
ids = as.character(ids) # in case of pedlist
sex = getSex(x, ids)
alleleMatrix = getAlleles(x, ids)
loci = getLocusAttributes(x, markers = loci)
else {
ids = rownames(alleleMatrix)
ids = rownames(alleleMatrix) = as.character(1:nrow(alleleMatrix))
# Clean up unknown alleles (NA in `getAlleles()`)
NAstrings = c("", "0", "-", "NA")
alleleMatrix[alleleMatrix %in% NAstrings] = NA_character_
loci = pedtools:::checkLocusAttribs(loci)
# Remove untyped rows of allele matrix
typed = rowSums( < ncol(alleleMatrix)
if(sum(typed) < length(ids))
alleleMatrix = alleleMatrix[typed, , drop = FALSE]
### Prep: allele lumping + prepare fast marker creation
data = prepareData(alleleMatrix, loci)
loci = data$loci
amatList = data$amatList
kappa = NULL
### Build pedigree list
if(is.null(pedlist)) {
# (Optional) pairwise analysis to establish parent-child relationships
if(inferPO) {
if(length(knownPO) > 0 | length(knownPO) > 0)
stop2("`knownPO` and `notPO` must be NULL when `inferPO = TRUE`")
POresult = inferPO(alleleMatrix, loci, list = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
knownPO = POresult$PO
notPO = POresult$notPO
kappa = POresult$kappa
if(verbose) {
po = toString(sapply(knownPO, paste, collapse = "-")) %e% "None identified"
notpo = toString(sapply(notPO, paste, collapse = "-")) %e% "None identified"
cat("Pairwise estimation:\n")
cat(" PO:", po, "\n")
cat(" non-PO:", notpo, "\n\n")
pedlist = buildPeds(labs = ids, sex = sex, extra = extra, age = age,
knownPO = knownPO, knownSub = knownSub, allKnown = allKnown,
notPO = notPO, noChildren = noChildren,
connected = connected, maxInbreeding = maxInbreeding,
linearInb = linearInb, sexSymmetry = sexSymmetry, verbose = verbose)
npeds = length(pedlist)
if(npeds == 0)
stop2("Empty pedigree list")
cat("\nComputing the likelihood of", npeds, "pedigrees.\n")
# Main loglik function
loglikFUN = function(ped, amatList, loci) {
# Attach marker data
x = setMarkersFAST(ped, amatList, loci)
# Founder inbreeding
if(founderInb > 0) {
x = lapply(x, function(comp) `founderInbreeding<-`(comp, founders(comp), value = founderInb))
founderInbreeding(x, founders(x)) = founderInb
# Compute loglik
tryCatch(loglikTotal(x), error = function(e) {NA_real_})
# Parallelise
if(numCores > 1) {
cl = makeCluster(numCores)
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(pedbuildr))
clusterExport(cl, c("loglikFUN", "setMarkersFAST", ".myintersect"), envir = environment())
if(verbose) message("Using ", length(cl), " cores")
# Loop through pedigrees
loglikList = parLapply(cl, pedlist, function(ped) loglikFUN(ped, amatList, loci))
else {
# Setup progress bar
if(progbar <- verbose && interactive())
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = npeds, style = 3)
loglikList = lapply(seq_len(npeds), function(i) {
if(progbar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
loglikFUN(pedlist[[i]], amatList, loci)
# Close progress bar
if(progbar) close(pb)
logliks = unlist(loglikList)
# Deal with failed likelihoods
errs =
errIdx = which(errs)
errPeds = pedlist[errs]
if(any(errs)) {
pedlist = pedlist[!errs]
logliks = logliks[!errs]
if(sortResults) {
cat("Sorting by descending likelihood.\n")
ord = order(logliks, decreasing = TRUE)
pedlist = pedlist[ord]
logliks = logliks[ord]
time = Sys.time() - st
cat("Total time used: ", format(time, digits = 3), "\n")
structure(list(labs = ids,
pedlist = pedlist,
logliks = logliks,
kappa = kappa,
alleleMatrix = alleleMatrix,
loci = loci,
errPeds = errPeds,
errIdx = errIdx),
class = "pedrec")
#' @export
`[.pedrec` = function(x, i) {
structure(list(labs = x$labs,
pedlist = x$pedlist[i],
logliks = x$logliks[i],
kappa = x$kappa,
alleleMatrix = x$alleleMatrix,
loci = x$loci),
class = "pedrec")
#' @export
`[[.pedrec` = function(x, i) {
y = x$pedlist[[i]]
setMarkers(y, alleleMatrix = x$alleleMatrix, locusAttributes = x$loci)
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @export
print.pedrec = function(x, ...) {
am = x$alleleMatrix
typed = if(length(x$labs) == nrow(am)) "all" else nrow(am)
Pedigree reconstruction result.
Input: {length(x$labs)} individuals; {typed} typed with {ncol(am)/2} markers.
Ouput: {length(x$pedlist)} pedigrees sorted by likelihood ({length(x$errPeds)} failed)."
#' @importFrom graphics par plot text title
#' @export
plot.pedrec = function(x, top = NULL, nrow = NA, titles = "LR",
labs = x$labs, highlight = x$labs,
hatched = rownames(x$alleleMatrix), ...) {
x = x[seq_len(top)]
L = length(x$pedlist)
nrow = if(L<6) 1 else floor(sqrt(L))
op = par(mfrow = c(nrow, ceiling(L/nrow)))
# Titles
if(identical(titles, "LR")) {
ll = x$loglik
titles = bquote("Loglik" == .(round(ll[1], 2))) # bquote to avoid bold
if(L > 1) {
lr = sprintf("%.4g", exp(ll[1] - ll))
titles2 = sapply(2:L, function(i) bquote(LR[1:.(i)] == .(lr[i])))
titles = c(titles, titles2)
# Highlight typed members
if(length(highlight) > 0)
col = list(red = highlight)
col = NULL
for(i in seq_len(L)) {
ped = x$pedlist[[i]]
ped = unclass(ped)
# Title
tit = if(!is.null(titles)) titles[i] else NULL
# Margin
mar = if(is.null(tit)) c(1,2,1.5,2) else c(1,2,3,2)
plot(ped, labs = labs, hatched = hatched, col = col,
margin = mar, title = tit, ...)
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