# A function that does the common input checking of
# the functions penalized, cvl, profL1, profL2, optL1 and optL2.
.checkinput <- function(call, env) {
# Functions to extract the original input variables
call <- as.list(call)
input <- function(str) eval(call[[str]], env) <- function(str) eval(call[[str]], data, env)
missing <- function(str) !str %in% names(call)
# determine the response
if (!missing("data")) {
data <- input("data")
} else {data <- NULL}
response <-"response")
if (is(response, "formula")) {
formula.response <- response
if (missing("data"))
response <- eval(attr(terms(response), "variables"), environment(response))[[attr(terms(response), "response")]]
response <- eval(attr(terms(response, data=data), "variables"), data, environment(response))[[attr(terms(response, data=data), "response")]]
} else {
formula.response <- NULL
##determine whether to perform fused lasso or not
fusedl <- if (missing("fusedl")){fusedl <- FALSE} else {fusedl <- input("fusedl")}
# determine the model if missing
if (missing("model")) {
if (is(response, "Surv")) model <- "cox"
else if (is.logical(response) || all(response %in% 0:1) || is.factor(response)) model <- "logistic"
else if (is.numeric(response)) model <- "linear"
else stop("Model could not be determined from the input. Please specify the model.")
} else {
model <- match.arg(input("model"), c("cox", "logistic", "linear", "poisson"))
# coerce factor response to 0,1
if (is.factor(response)) {
if (length(levels(response)) != 2)
stop("response has ", length(levels(response)), " levels. Only two-level factor response supported.")
response <- response != levels(response)[1]
# check positivity of survival response
if (is(response, "Surv") && any(as.vector(response) < 0))
stop("negative survival times")
# avoid problems with Design package
if (is(response, "Surv") && "labelled" %in% class(response))
class(response) <- "Surv"
# determine penalized and unpenalized
if (!missing("penalized")) {
penalized <- input("penalized")
} else {
if (!is.null(formula.response)) {
penalized <- formula.response
formula.response <- NULL
} else
stop("argument \"penalized\" is missing, with no default")
if (!missing("unpenalized")) {
unpenalized <-"unpenalized")
} else {
if (!is.null(formula.response)) {
unpenalized <- formula.response
formula.response <- NULL
} else {
unpenalized <- response ~ 1
# Has the response formula been used?
if (!is.null(formula.response))
warning("right hand side of response formula ignored")
formula.input <- list() # stores input formula
# coerce unpenalized into a matrix and find the offset term
offset <- NULL
strata <- NULL
if ( || is.vector(unpenalized)) {
if (all(sapply(unpenalized, is.numeric))) {
unpenalized <- as.matrix(unpenalized)
} else {
stop("argument \"unpenalized\" could not be coerced into a matrix")
if (is(unpenalized, "formula")) {
formula.input$unpenalized <- unpenalized
if (missing("data")) {
tup <- terms(unpenalized, specials = "strata")
# prevent problems for input ~1 or ~0:
if ((attr(tup, "response") == 0) && (length(attr(tup, "term.labels")) == 0)) {
if (attr(tup, "intercept") == 1)
unpenalized <- terms(response ~ 1)
unpenalized <- terms(response ~ 0)
} else {
offset <- model.offset(model.frame(unpenalized))
unpenalized <- tup
} else {
offset <- model.offset(model.frame(unpenalized, data=data))
unpenalized <- terms(unpenalized, specials="strata", data=data)
# Cox: suppress intercept if necessary and extract strata
if (model == "cox") {
if (length(attr(unpenalized, "specials")$strata) > 0) {
strata <- untangle.specials(unpenalized, "strata", 1)
strata.nrs <- strata$terms # indices of the strata variables in the terms object
strata.nrs2 <- attr(unpenalized, "specials")$strata # indices of the strata variables in attr(unpenalized, "variables")
if (missing("data"))
strata <- strata(eval(attr(unpenalized, "variables"), environment(unpenalized))[strata.nrs2], shortlabel=TRUE)
strata <- strata(eval(attr(unpenalized, "variables"), data, environment(unpenalized))[strata.nrs2], shortlabel=TRUE)
unpenalized <- unpenalized[-strata.nrs]
attr(unpenalized, "intercept") <- 1
# prevent problems in case of only unpenalized = ~strata() only
if ((attr(unpenalized, "response") == 0) && (length(attr(unpenalized, "term.labels")) == 0))
unpenalized <- terms(response ~ 1)
unpenalized <- model.matrix(unpenalized, data)
if (model == "cox")
unpenalized <- unpenalized[,-1, drop=FALSE]
# coerce penalized into a matrix
if ( || is.vector(penalized))
if (all(sapply(penalized, is.numeric))) {
penalized <- as.matrix(penalized)
} else {
stop("argument \"penalized\" could not be coerced into a matrix")
if (is(penalized, "formula")) {
formula.input$penalized <- penalized
oldcontrasts <- unlist(options("contrasts"))
options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.none", ordered = "contr.diff"))
if (missing("data"))
penalized <- terms(penalized)
penalized <- terms(penalized, data=data)
# prevent problems for input ~1 or ~0:
if (length(attr(penalized, "term.labels")) == 0)
penalized <- terms(response ~ 1)
attr(penalized, "intercept") <- 1
penalized <- model.matrix(penalized, data)
penalized <- penalized[,-1,drop=FALSE]
options(contrasts = oldcontrasts)
# check missing values in penalized
if (any(
stop("missing values in \"penalized\" argument")
# check dimensions of response, penalized and unpenalized
if (model == "cox") {
n <- nrow(response)
} else {
n <- length(response)
if (nrow(penalized) != n) {
stop("the length of \"response\" (",n, ") does not match the row count of \"penalized\" (", nrow(penalized), ")")
if (nrow(unpenalized) != n) {
stop("the length of \"response\" (",n, ") does not match the row count of \"unpenalized\" (", nrow(unpenalized), ")")
# expand positive if necessary
if (!missing("positive"))
if (length(input("positive")) == 1)
if (input("positive"))
positive <- c(logical(ncol(unpenalized)), !logical(ncol(penalized)))
positive <- c(logical(ncol(unpenalized)), logical(ncol(penalized)))
else if (length(input("positive")) == ncol(penalized))
positive <- c(logical(ncol(unpenalized)), input("positive"))
stop("length of \"positive\" does not match column count of \"penalized\"")
positive <- logical(ncol(unpenalized) + ncol(penalized))
# get the value of startbeta
if (missing("startbeta"))
startbeta <- numeric(ncol(penalized))
else {
startbeta <- input("startbeta")
if (length(startbeta) != ncol(penalized))
stop("The length of \"startbeta\" (", length(startbeta), ") does not match the column count of \"penalized\" (", ncol(penalized), ")")
if (is.null(names(startbeta)))
names(startbeta) <- colnames(penalized)
# get the value of startgamma
if (ncol(unpenalized) > 0) {
if (is.null(offset)) {
nullgamma <- switch(model,
cox = coefficients(coxph(response ~ unpenalized)),
logistic = coefficients(glm(response ~ 0 + unpenalized, family = binomial)),
linear = coefficients(lm(response ~ 0 + unpenalized)),
poisson = coefficients(glm(response ~ 0 + unpenalized, family = poisson))
} else {
nullgamma <- switch(model,
cox = coefficients(coxph(response ~ offset(offset) + unpenalized)),
logistic = coefficients(glm(response ~ 0 + offset(offset) + unpenalized, family = binomial)),
linear = coefficients(lm(response ~ 0 + offset(offset) + unpenalized)),
poisson = coefficients(glm(response ~ 0 + offset(offset) + unpenalized, family = poisson))
names(nullgamma) <- colnames(unpenalized)
} else nullgamma <- numeric(0)
if (missing("startgamma")) {
startgamma <- nullgamma
} else {
startgamma <- input("startgamma")
if (length(startgamma) != ncol(unpenalized))
stop("The length of \"startgamma\" (", length(startgamma), ") does not match the column count of \"unpenalized\" (", ncol(unpenalized), ")")
if (is.null(names(startgamma)))
names(startgamma) <- colnames(unpenalized)
# orthogonalize penalized with respect to unpenalized
if (ncol(unpenalized) > 0) {
orthogonalizer <- solve(crossprod(unpenalized), crossprod(unpenalized, penalized))
penalized <- penalized - unpenalized %*% orthogonalizer
} else {
orthogonalizer <- matrix(,0,ncol(penalized))
chr = c(rep(0,ncol(unpenalized)),rep(1,ncol(penalized)))
names(chr) = c(colnames(unpenalized),colnames(penalized))
}else{chr = rep(1,ncol(penalized))
names(chr) = colnames(penalized)}
} else {chr = rep(0,ncol(penalized))}
} else if(!is.logical(fusedl)) {
chr = as.numeric(fusedl)
chr = c(rep(0,ncol(unpenalized)),chr)
names(chr) = c(colnames(unpenalized),colnames(penalized))
}else {names(chr) = colnames(penalized)}
# Join penalized and unpenalized together
X <- cbind(unpenalized, penalized)
beta <- c(startgamma, startbeta)
# stabilize/standardize
standardize <- if (missing("standardize")){ FALSE } else {input("standardize")}
fusedl <- if (is.logical(fusedl)){fusedl <- fusedl} else {fusedl <- TRUE}
vars <- apply(X,2,var) * (n-1)/n
vars[vars == 0] <- 1
sds <- sqrt(vars)
if(is.logical(fusedl) && !fusedl){
beta[beta != 0] <- beta[beta != 0] * sds[beta != 0]
nullgamma <- nullgamma * sds[1:length(nullgamma)]
X <- X / matrix(sds, nrow(X), ncol(X), byrow=T)
# find baselambda1 and baselambda2
# This lambda1 and lambda2 for unit input lambda1=1 and lambda2=1
if (standardize) {
baselambda1 <- c(numeric(ncol(unpenalized)), rep(1, ncol(penalized)))
baselambda2 <- c(numeric(ncol(unpenalized)), rep(1, ncol(penalized)))
} else {
sel <- ncol(unpenalized) + 1:ncol(penalized)
baselambda1 <- c(numeric(ncol(unpenalized)), 1/sds[sel])
baselambda2 <- c(numeric(ncol(unpenalized)), 1/vars[sel])
} else if(is.logical(fusedl) && fusedl){baselambda1 <- c(numeric(ncol(unpenalized)), rep(1, ncol(penalized)))
baselambda2 <- c(numeric(ncol(unpenalized)), rep(1, ncol(penalized)))
fusedl = fusedl,
chr = chr,
response = response,
X = X,
beta = beta,
weights = sds,
baselambda1 = baselambda1,
baselambda2 = baselambda2,
positive = positive,
orthogonalizer = orthogonalizer,
model = model,
nullgamma = nullgamma,
offset = offset,
strata = strata,
formula = formula.input
# Switch functions to choose the appropriate function for a specific model
.modelswitch <- function(model, response, offset, strata) {
cox = .coxfit(response, offset, strata),
logistic = .logitfit(response, offset),
linear = .lmfit(response, offset),
poisson = .poissonfit(response, offset)
.predictswitch <- function(model, predictions, groups) {
cox = .coxmerge(predictions, groups),
logistic = .logitmerge(predictions, groups),
linear = .lmmerge(predictions, groups),
poisson = .poissonmerge(predictions, groups)
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