Defines functions qc_sentinel2 qc_NDVI3g qc_NDVIv4 qc_5l qc_FparLai qc_StateQA qc_summary getBits

Documented in getBits qc_5l qc_FparLai qc_NDVI3g qc_NDVIv4 qc_sentinel2 qc_StateQA qc_summary

#' Initial weights according to qc
#' @name qcFUN
#' @description
#' * `getBits`: Extract bitcoded QA information from bin value
#' * `qc_summary`: Initial weigths based on Quality reliability of VI pixel, 
#'      suit for MOD13A1, MOD13A2 and MOD13Q1 (SummaryQA band).
#' * `qc_5l`: Initial weights based on Quality control of five-level 
#'      confidence score, suit for MCD15A3H(LAI, FparLai_QC), MOD17A2H(GPP, Psn_QC) 
#'      and MOD16A2(ET, ET_QC).
#' * `qc_StateQA`: Initial weights based on `StateQA`, suit for MOD09A1, MYD09A1.
#' * `qc_FparLai`: For MODIS LAI
#' * `qc_NDVI3g`: For AVHRR NDVI3g
#' * `qc_NDVIv4`: For AVHRR NDVIv4
#' @param x Binary value
#' @param start Bit starting position, count from zero
#' @param end Bit ending position
#' @param wmin Double, minimum weigth (i.e. weight of snow, ice and cloud).
#' @param wmid Dougle, middle weight, i.e. marginal
#' @param wmax Double, maximum weight, i.e. good
#' @return A list object with
#' * `weigths`: Double vector, initial weights.
#' * `QC_flag`: Factor vector, with the level of 
#' `c("snow", "cloud", "shadow", "aerosol", "marginal", "good")`
#' @note
#' `qc_5l` and `qc_NDVIv4` only returns `weight`, without `QC_flag`.
#' @seealso [qc_sentinel2()]
#' @references
#' https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_006_MOD13A1
#' @examples
#' set.seed(100)
#' QA <- as.integer(runif(100, 0, 2^7))
#' r1 <- qc_summary(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1)
#' r2 <- qc_StateQA(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1)
#' r_5l <- qc_5l(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1)
#' r_NDVI3g <- qc_NDVI3g(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1)
#' r_NDVIv4 <- qc_NDVIv4(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1)

#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @export
getBits <- function(x, start, end = start){
    # Geometric progression Sn = a1*(1 - q^n)/(1-q)
    n   <- end - start + 1
    a1  <- 2^start; q <- 2
    Sn  <- a1*(1 - q^n)/(1-q)
    bitwAnd(x, Sn) %>% bitwShiftR(start) #quickly return

#' @param QA quality control variable
#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @export
qc_summary <- function(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1){
    ## 1. initial weights
    w <- rep(NA, length(QA)) # default weight is zero
    w[QA == 0] <- wmax           # clear, good
    w[QA == 1] <- wmid           # margin
    w[QA >= 2 & QA <=3] <- wmin  # Snow/ice, or cloudy

    ## 2. initial QC_flag
    QC_flag <- factor(QA, 0:3, c("good", "marginal", "snow", "cloud"))

    list(QC_flag = QC_flag, w = w) # quickly return

#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @export
qc_StateQA <- function(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1){
    qc_cloud   = getBits(QA, 0, 1)
    qc_shadow  = getBits(QA, 2, 2)
    qc_aerosol = getBits(QA, 6, 7)   # climatology treated as good values
    qc_snow    = getBits(QA, 12, 12)

    ## 1. initial weights
    w <- rep(wmid, length(QA)) # default weight is zero

    I_good <- qc_cloud %in% c(0, 3) & qc_aerosol %in% c(0, 1, 2) & !qc_snow
    I_bad  <- qc_snow | qc_cloud %in% c(1, 2) | qc_aerosol == 3

    # others are marginal
    w[I_good] <- wmax
    w[I_bad]  <- wmin

    ## 2. initial QC_flag
    QC_flag = rep("marginal", length(QA))

    I_aerosol <- qc_aerosol == 3
    I_shadow  <- qc_shadow == 1
    I_cloud   <- qc_cloud %in% c(1, 2)
    I_snow    <- qc_snow == 1
    I_good    <- qc_cloud %in% c(0, 3) & qc_aerosol %in% c(0, 1, 2) & !qc_snow

    QC_flag[I_aerosol] <- "aerosol"
    QC_flag[I_shadow]  <- "shadow"
    QC_flag[I_cloud]   <- "cloud"
    QC_flag[I_snow]    <- "snow"
    QC_flag[I_good]    <- "good"

    levels  <- c("snow", "cloud", "shadow", "aerosol", "marginal", "good")
    QC_flag <- factor(QC_flag, levels)

    list(QC_flag = QC_flag, w = w) # quickly return

# MODIS_006_MCD15A3H
#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @param FparLai_QC Another QC flag of `MCD15A3H`
#' @details
#' If `FparLai_QC` specified, `I_margin = SCF_QC >= 2 & SCF_QC <= 3`.
#' @references
#' https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_006_MCD15A3H
#' @export
qc_FparLai <- function(QA, FparLai_QC = NULL, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1){
    I_cloud   = getBits(QA, 5) == 1
    I_shadow  = getBits(QA, 6) == 1
    I_aerosol = getBits(QA, 3) == 1  # climatology treated as good values
    I_snow    = getBits(QA, 2) == 1

    QC_flag = rep("good", length(QA))
    w  <- rep(wmax, length(QA))  # default zero  
    w[is.na(QA)] = NA
    QC_flag[is.na(QA)] = "cloud" # NA value
    if (!is.null(FparLai_QC)) {
        # FparLai_QC: useless in fluxnet212
        SCF_QC = getBits(QA, 5, 7)
        I_margin = SCF_QC >= 2 & SCF_QC <= 3
        QC_flag[I_margin] = "marginal";
        w[I_margin] <- wmid

    QC_flag[I_aerosol] <- "aerosol"
    QC_flag[I_shadow]  <- "shadow"
    QC_flag[I_cloud]   <- "cloud"
    QC_flag[I_snow]    <- "snow"

    w[I_aerosol] <- wmid # test based on fluxsite data
    w[I_shadow | I_cloud | I_snow]  <- wmin

    levels  <- c("snow", "cloud", "shadow", "aerosol", "marginal", "good")
    QC_flag <- factor(QC_flag, levels)

    list(QC_flag = QC_flag, w = w) # quickly return
    # QC_flag[I_good]    <- "good"

#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @export
qc_5l <- function(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1) {
    # bit5-7, five-level confidence score
    # QA <- bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(QA, 224), 5) #1110 0000=224L
    QA <- getBits(QA, 5, 7)
    w <- rep(NA, length(QA)) # default zero

    w[QA <= 1] <- wmax # clear, good
    w[QA >= 2 & QA <= 3] <- wmid # geometry problems or others
    w[QA > 4] <- wmin

#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @export
qc_NDVIv4 <- function(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1) {
    # bit1-2: cloudy, cloud shadow
    QA <- bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(QA, 7), 1)

    w <- rep(NA, length(QA))
    w[QA == 0] <- wmax # clear, good
    w[QA == 2] <- 0.5 # cloud shadow

#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @export
qc_NDVI3g <- function(QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1){
    # bit1-2: cloudy, cloud shadow
    w  <- rep(NA, length(QA))
    w[QA == 0] <- wmax   #clear, good
    w[QA == 1] <- wmid #cloud shadow
    w[QA == 2] <- wmin #cloud shadow

    QC_flag <- factor(QA, 0:2, c("good", "marginal", "cloud"))
    list(QC_flag = QC_flag, w = w) # quickly return

#' @rdname qcFUN
#' @export
#' @references
#' Erwin Wolters, Else Swinnen, Carolien Toté, Sindy Sterckx. 
qc_SPOT <- function (QA, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1) {
    QA <- getBits(QA, 0, 2) 

    w  <- rep(NA, length(QA))
    w[QA == 0] <- wmax

    # shadow, cloud and Ice
    w[QA %in% c(1, 3, 4)] <- wmin

    # undefined
    w[QA == 2 ] <- 0.5

    QC_flag <- factor(QA, 0:4, c("good", "shadow", "marginal", 
        "cloud", "snow"))
    list(QC_flag = QC_flag, w = w)

#' Initial weights for sentinel2 according to SCL band
#' @param SCL quality control variable for sentinel2
#' @inheritParams qc_summary
#' @description 
#' | **SCL Value** | **Description**                       | **Quality** | **weight** |
#' | ------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------- |
#' | 1             | Saturated or defective                | Bad         | \eqn{w_{min}}  |
#' | 2             | Dark Area Pixels                      | Bad         | \eqn{w_{min}}  |
#' | 3             | Cloud Shadows                         | Bad         | \eqn{w_{min}}  |
#' | 4             | Vegetation                            | Good        | \eqn{w_{max}}  |
#' | 5             | Bare Soils                            | Good        | \eqn{w_{max}}  |
#' | 6             | Water                                 | Good        | \eqn{w_{max}}  |
#' | 7             | Clouds Low Probability / Unclassified | Good        | \eqn{w_{max}}  |
#' | 8             | Clouds Medium Probability             | Marginal    | \eqn{w_{mid}}  |
#' | 9             | Clouds High Probability               | Bad         | \eqn{w_{mid}}  |
#' | 10            | Cirrus                                | Good        | \eqn{w_{mid}}  |
#' | 11            | Snow / Ice                            | Bad         | \eqn{w_{mid}}  |
#' @references 
#' https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_SR
#' @examples
#' qc_sentinel2(1:11)
#' @export
qc_sentinel2 <- function(SCL, wmin = 0.2, wmid = 0.5, wmax = 1) {
    QA <- SCL
    qc_good = c(4, 5, 6, 7, 10)
    qc_bad = c(1, 2, 3, 9)
    qc_mid = c(8)
    w <- rep(wmin, length(QA)) # default weight is zero
    w[QA %in% qc_good] = wmax
    w[QA %in% qc_mid]  = wmid
    w[QA %in% c(qc_bad, 11)] = wmin

    QC_flag = rep("bad", length(QA))
    QC_flag[QA %in% qc_good] = "good"
    QC_flag[QA %in% qc_mid]  = "marginal"
    QC_flag[QA %in% qc_bad]  = "cloud"
    QC_flag[QA %in% c(11)]   = "snow" # snow is useful for phenology

    listk(QC_flag, w)

# source('R/GPP_Pheno/main_QC.R')
# 1. GPPobs  |
# 2. LAI     | FparLai_QC
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bits 5-7: SCF_QC (five-level confidence score)
# bitwShiftR(255L, 5)
# 000 (0): Main (RT) method used, best result possible (no saturation)
# 001 (1): Main (RT) method used with saturation. Good, very usable
# 010 (2): Main (RT) method failed due to bad geometry, empirical algorithm used
# 011 (3): Main (RT) method failed due to problems other than geometry, empirical algorithm used
# 100 (4): Pixel not produced at all, value couldn't be retrieved (possible reasons: bad L1B data, unusable MOD09GA data)
# 2. MOD13A1 | SummaryQA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    SummaryQA      : Pixel reliability summary QA
#    -1 Fill/No data: Not processed
#    0 Good data    : Use with confidence
#    1 Marginal data: Useful but look at detailed QA for more information
#    2 Snow/ice     : Pixel covered with snow/ice
#    3 Cloudy       : Pixel is cloudy
# 3. MOD13Q1 | SummaryQA, same as MOD13A1
# 4. MODGPP  | Psn_QC
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    Bits 5, 6, 7: 5-level Confidence Quality score.
#    000 (0): Very best possible
#    001 (1): Good,very usable, but not the best
#    010 (2): Substandard due to geometry problems - use with caution
#    011 (3): Substandard due to other than geometry problems - use with caution
#    100 (4): couldn't retrieve pixel (not produced at all - non-terrestrial biome)
#    111 (7): Fill Value
# 5. NDVIv4  | QA:
# QC bit flags, bit #: description (1 = yes, 0 = no)
# 0 : Unused
# 1 : Pixel is cloudy
# 2 : Pixel contains cloud shadow
# 3 : Pixel is over water
# 4 : Pixel is over sunglint
# 5 : Pixel is over dense dark vegetation
# 6 : Pixel is at night (high solar zenith)
# 7 : Channels 1-5 are valid
# 8 : Channel 1 value is invalid
# 9 : Channel 2 value is invalid
# 10: Channel 3 value is invalid
# 11: Channel 4 value is invalid
# 12: Channel 5 value is invalid
# 13: RHO3 value is invalid
# 14: BRDF correction is invalid
# 15: Polar flag, latitude over 60 degrees (land) or 50 degrees (ocean)

## QC control for MOD09A1
# https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_006_MOD09A1
# Bits 0-1: Cloud state
# 0: Clear
# 1: Cloudy
# 2: Mixed
# 3: Not set, assumed clear
# Bit 2: Cloud shadow
# 0: No
# 1: Yes
# Bits 6-7: Aerosol quantity
# 0: Climatology
# 1: Low
# 2: Average
# 3: High
# Bit 10: Internal cloud algorithm flag
# 0: No cloud
# 1: Cloud
# Bit 12: MOD35 snow/ice flag
# 0: No
# 1: Yes
# Bit 15: Internal snow mask
# 0: No snow
# 1: Snow

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