
Defines functions print.summary.testFactors anova.testFactors.mlm anova.testFactors.lm anova.testFactors summary.testFactors print.testFactors testFactors testFactors.merMod testFactors.mer testFactors.lme testFactors.glm testFactors.lm testFactorsOnTerm.default testFactors.default testFactorsOnTerm.mlm testFactors.mlm makeT checkFactors defineLHT addPredictorsToFrame setNumericPredictors

Documented in summary.testFactors testFactors testFactors.default testFactors.glm testFactors.lm testFactors.lme testFactors.mer testFactors.merMod testFactors.mlm


# setNumericPredictors() defines the values of numeric predictors (covariates and offset)
setNumericPredictors <- function(model, numeric.predictors, covariates=NULL, offset=NULL){
	mf <- getModelFrame(model)
	if (length(numeric.predictors) > 0){
		# If no covariates were specified by the user, use the default (average)
		if (is.null(covariates)){
			covariates <- colMeans(mf[numeric.predictors])
			# If covariates have names, complete with default (ignoring covariates that are not in the model)
			covariate.names <- names(covariates)
			if (!is.null(covariate.names)){
				valid.covariates <- covariate.names %in% numeric.predictors
				if (!all(valid.covariates)) warning("Some covariates are not in the model, and will be ignored.")
				user.covariates <- covariates[valid.covariates]
				covariates <- colMeans(mf[numeric.predictors])
				covariates[names(user.covariates)] <- user.covariates
				# If they are unnamed, assign them in the default order of the model, after adjusting the length of the vector
				covariates = rep(covariates,length=length(numeric.predictors))
				names(covariates) <- numeric.predictors
	} else covariates <- NULL
	# Offset (if any)
	offsetvar <- getOffset(model)
	if (length(offsetvar) > 0){
		# If no offset value is specified by the user, use the default (average)
		offsetvalue <- if(is.null(offset)) mean(offsetvar) else offset
		offsetvalue <- 0
		if (!is.null(offset)) warning("The model does not contain an offset. Offset argument will be ignored.")

# addPredictorsToFrame() is used to include covariates in a data frame
# of factor combinations. Add offset value, if any
addPredictorsToFrame <- function(factor.frame, numeric.predictors, term){
	if (length(numeric.predictors) > 0){
		# Repeat the numeric values along the rows of the between-subjects data frame
		new.columns <- t(matrix(term$covariates,dimnames=list(numeric.predictors)))
		if (nrow(factor.frame)>0){

# defineLHT() makes the first approximation to the Linear Hypothesis Matrix
# If the model has predictors, define L according to the model formula
defineLHT <- function(model,term,factor.frame){
	tm <- terms(model)
	if (nrow(factor.frame)){
		# rhf <- formula(terms(model))[c(1,3)] # 0.1-3 definition (included offset)
		# Define right-hand side of the model formula,
		# with masked names of predictors to avoid "AsIs", etc.
		predictors <- names(factor.frame)
		masked.predictors <- make.names(predictors, unique=TRUE)
		masked.terms <- attr(tm, "term.labels")
		# Masking
		for (p in which(predictors != masked.predictors)){
			masked.terms <- gsub(predictors[p], masked.predictors[p], masked.terms, fixed=TRUE)
		rhf <- paste(c(attr(tm,"intercept"), masked.terms), collapse= "+")
		rhf <- as.formula(paste("~", rhf))
		names(factor.frame) <- masked.predictors
		L <- model.matrix(rhf, data=factor.frame)
		colnames(L) <- rownames(as.matrix(getCoef(model)))
	# Otherwise, L is defined to just get the intercept
		if (!attr(tm,"intercept")) stop("Null model (no predictors or intercept).")
		L <- matrix(1,dimnames=list(NULL,"(Intercept)"))
	# If the term to analyse is not the intercept,
	# set to zero the rows of the model matrix unrelated to specified covariates
	if (term$num.vars[1] != "(Intercept)"){
		# This matrix tells what terms are affected by each variable
		# We choose the rows for the variables in the selected term
		terms.matrix <- attr(tm,"factors")[term$num.vars,,drop=F]
		# Only the columns where all variables are present are of interest to us
		affected.terms <- which(apply(terms.matrix,2,"all"))
		# The attribute "assign" of the model matrix tells what coefficents are related to each term,
		# and we use affected.terms to select the relevant coefficients
		relevant.coefficients <- attr(getModelMatrix(model),"assign") %in% affected.terms
		# Now set irrelevant rows to zero
		L[,!relevant.coefficients] <- 0

# checkFactors() is used to check consistency of level combinations in the
# factors defined in levels, and convert them to numeric matrices
checkFactors <- function(frame,factor.names,levels){
	for (fname in factor.names){
		f <- frame[[fname]]
		combination <- levels[[fname]]
		# Literal expressions must represent one level or a pair of levels 
		if (is.character(combination)){
			combined.levels <- combination
			if (length(combination)==1){
				# If there is one level, evaluate the values at that level
				combination <- 1
				names(combination) <- combined.levels
			}else if (length(combined.levels)==2){
				# If there is a pair of levels, evaluate the contrast
				combination <- c(1,-1)
				names(combination) <- combined.levels
				stop("Incorrect number of literal levels for factor \"",fname,"\" (must be 1 or 2).")
		# Check the numeric coefficients of the factor levels
		if (is.numeric(combination)){
			# Make combination into a matrix (in case it was a vector)
			combination <- as.matrix(combination)
			# Unnamed coefficient matrices must have the same rows as levels in the factor
			if (is.null(rownames(combination))){
				if (nrow(combination) != nlevels(f)) stop("Mismatch in the number of unnamed factor levels for \"",fname,"\".")
				rownames(combination) <- levels(f)
				# Named coefficients are assigned to a matrix of factor levels, filled in with zeros
				factor.levels <- match(rownames(combination),levels(f))
				combination.copy <- combination
				combination <- matrix(0,nrow=nlevels(f),ncol=ncol(combination.copy))
				if (any(is.na(factor.levels))) stop("Mismatch in the names of factor levels for \"",fname,"\".")
				combination[factor.levels,] <- combination.copy
				rownames(combination) <- levels(f)
			stop("Invalid value assigned to factor \"",fname,"\".")
		levels[[fname]] <- combination
		if (is.null(colnames(levels[[fname]]))) colnames(levels[[fname]]) <- paste(fname,as.character(1:ncol(levels[[fname]])),sep="")

# makeT() creates a transformation matrix, used to define the Linear Hypothesis
# matrix (for between-subjects factors) or the response transformation matrix
# (for within-subjects factors), depending on the combinations of factor levels.
# The transformation matrix is created progressively, by "translating" the combinations
# of each factor into matrices that are sequentially multiplied.
makeT <- function(frame,factor.names,levels){
	# First matrix, defined from the identic rows of the between/within-subjects
	# model data frame, when unspecified factors are removed.
	# A dummy column with ones is added to the model data frame, to avoid
	# problems when all columns be eventually removed.
	# (The name of the dummy column is coerced to be different from any other one.)
	dummyname <- paste("z",max(factor.names),sep=".")
	frame[[dummyname]] <- 1
	# All factors are interacting, the transformation matrix (Tm) in the first step is diagonal.
	if (length(factor.names)==ncol(frame)-1){
		m <- nrow(frame)
		Tm <- diag(m)
		# Remove columns of unspecified factors
		frame <- frame[,c(factor.names,dummyname)]
		# Vector with a different value for each combination of factors
		frame_1 <- apply(frame,1,paste,collapse="")
		n <- nrow(frame)
		# Subset of unique elements
		frame <- unique(frame)
		frame_1.m <- unique(frame_1)
		m <- nrow(frame)
		# Matrix with coefficients for averaging identical combinations of factors
		# Rows in Mo are the original (repeated) combinations
		To <- matrix(rep(frame_1,each=m),nrow=m)
		# Columns in Mb are the unique combinations
		Tu <- matrix(rep(frame_1.m,n),nrow=m)
		Tm <- (To==Tu) * m/n
	# Number of contrasts to calculate for the current factor (initialized as 1)
	nc <- 1
	# Labels for the final transformation matrix (only defined for multiple contrasts)
	Tlabels <- NULL
	# Progressive transformation of Tm, factor by factor
	for (fname in factor.names){
		# f is the current factor vector
		f <- frame[[fname]]
		# n is the factor vector length
		n <- m*nc
		# Remove the corresponding column from the model data frame
		frame[[fname]] <- NULL
		# nc is the number of contrasts for the current factor (updated)
		nc <- ncol(levels[[fname]])
		if (nc > 1L){
			# If there are multiple contrasts, the rows of the model data frame are
			# replicated (by the number of contrasts), and a new column is added to
			# assign a contrast to each group of copied rows. 
			frame[[ncol(frame)+1]] <- 1
			frame <- frame[rep(1:n,nc),]
			frame[[ncol(frame)]] <- rep(1:nc,each=n)
			# Moreover, we create labels to identify what contrast is represented
			# by each row of the final transformation matrix
			new.Tlabels <- paste(fname,as.character(1:nc),sep="")
			if (is.null(Tlabels)){
				Tlabels <- new.Tlabels
				# (In case there is more than one factor with multiple contrasts)
				Tlabels <- paste(rep(Tlabels,nc), rep(new.Tlabels,each=length(Tlabels)), sep=":")
		# The same routine as for the first Tm: vector with combined values
		# of the (transformed) model data frame...
		frame_1 <- apply(frame,1,paste,collapse="")
		# ... subset to unique rows
		frame <- unique(frame)
		frame_1.m <- unique(frame_1)
		m <- nrow(frame)/nc
		# And create transformation matrix, depending on the combination of factor
		# levels defined in levels
		kf <- t(levels[[fname]])
		kf <- matrix(rep(kf[,f],each=m),ncol=n)
		To <- matrix(rep(matrix(frame_1,ncol=n,byrow=TRUE),each=m),ncol=n)
		Tu <- matrix(rep(frame_1.m,n),ncol=n)
		Tm <- ((To==Tu) * kf) %*% Tm
	# When the loop is finished, assign labels to final Tm, and return it
	rownames(Tm) <- Tlabels


testFactors.mlm <- function(model,levels,covariates,offset,terms.formula=~1,inherit.contrasts=FALSE,default.contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly"),idata,icontrasts=default.contrasts,lht=TRUE,...){	
	# 1. Make complete list of variables, and between/within-subjects data frames
	if (missing(idata)){
		model.variables <- getPredictors(model)
		within.frame <- NULL
		model.variables <- c(getPredictors(model),names(idata))
		# Check for duplicates
		if (any(duplicated(model.variables))) stop("There are redundant variables in the terms of the model")
		within.frame <- idata
	# Include factors (in model$xlevels), with appropriate contrasts
	between.frame <- expand.grid(model$xlevels)
	between.factors <- names(between.frame)
	for (bf in between.factors){
		contrasts(between.frame[[bf]]) <- model$contrasts[[bf]]
	# Define contrasts of factors for testing (not necessarily the same as between.frame)
	# Copy the contrasts explicitly defined in the model frame
	factor.contrasts <- lapply(model.frame(model)[between.factors],"attr","contrasts")
	# Set a value for those that were undefined
	undefined.contrasts <- sapply(factor.contrasts,"is.null")
	if (length(factor.contrasts)>0){
		if (inherit.contrasts){
			factor.contrasts[undefined.contrasts] <- model$contrasts[undefined.contrasts]
			are.ordered <- sapply(between.frame,"is.ordered")
			factor.contrasts[undefined.contrasts & are.ordered] <- default.contrasts[2]
			factor.contrasts[undefined.contrasts & !are.ordered] <- default.contrasts[1]

	# Adjust contrasts for the within-subjects frame as well
	within.factors <- names(within.frame)
	for (wf in within.factors){
		if (is.null(attr(within.frame[[wf]], "contrasts"))){
			contrasts(within.frame[[wf]]) <- if (is.ordered(within.frame[[wf]])) icontrasts[2] else icontrasts[1]
	factor.contrasts <- c(factor.contrasts,lapply(within.frame,"attr","contrasts"))
	# Contrast matrices for testing terms
	contrast.mat <- factor.contrasts
	not.mat <- !sapply(contrast.mat,"is.numeric")
	factor.nlevels <- c(lapply(between.frame,"nlevels"),lapply(within.frame,"nlevels"))
	factor.nlevels <- lapply(factor.nlevels,"as.list")
	contrast.mat[not.mat] <- mapply(do.call,factor.contrasts[not.mat],factor.nlevels[not.mat],SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

	# 2. Set the values of numeric predictors (covariates and offset)
	# They are the variables from the model, excluding the response and factors
	numeric.predictors <- model.variables[!(model.variables %in% c(between.factors,within.factors))]
	nv <- setNumericPredictors(model, numeric.predictors,
		if(!missing(covariates)) covariates, if(!missing(offset)) offset)
	covariates <- nv$covariates
	offsetvalue <- nv$offsetvalue

	# 3. Redefine levels into a list of numeric matrices
	# Ignore elements in levels that are not factors of the models
	if (missing(levels)) levels <- NULL	else{
		# See if contrastCoefficients must be applied
		if (is.null(names(levels))){
			levels <- do.call("contrastCoefficients", c(levels, list(data=model$model)))
			gotnames <- as.logical(sapply(names(levels), nchar))
			levels[!gotnames] <- do.call("contrastCoefficients", c(levels[!gotnames], list(data=model$model)))
		valid.levels <- names(levels) %in% c(between.factors, within.factors)
		if (!all(valid.levels)) warning("Some variables in levels are not model factors, and will be ignored.")
		levels <- levels[valid.levels]
	# Search factors of levels in between.frame and within.frame, and transform the level
	# combinations into a numeric matrix format
	interacting.factors <- names(levels)
	between.factors <- between.factors[between.factors %in% interacting.factors]
	levels <- checkFactors(between.frame,between.factors,levels)
	within.factors <- within.factors[within.factors %in% interacting.factors]
	levels <- checkFactors(within.frame,within.factors,levels)

	# 4. Analyse each term of the terms.formula
	# Stop if the variables of the formula are not in the model
	user.variables <- all.vars(terms.formula)
	if (!all(user.variables %in% model.variables)) stop("The variables in terms.formula are not coherent with the model")
	# Split the formula in terms, and terms in variables, and add Intercept if suitable
	user.terms <- terms(terms.formula)
	user.terms.labels <- labels(user.terms)
	split.user.terms <- strsplit(user.terms.labels,":")
	if (attr(user.terms,"intercept")){
		user.terms.labels <- c("(Intercept)",user.terms.labels)
		split.user.terms <- c("(Intercept)",split.user.terms)
	# term is a list with the variables that will change in each analysis
	# test.result will contain the results of the analysis 
	term <- vector("list",7L)
	names(term) <- c("num.vars","fac.vars","levels","between.factors","within.factors","covariates","offset")
	test.result <- vector("list", length(split.user.terms))
	names(test.result) <- user.terms.labels
	# Repeat for each term:
	for (i in seq(length(split.user.terms))){
		# Copy default values of term
		term$num.vars <- term.vars <- split.user.terms[[i]]
		term$fac.vars <- character()
		term$levels <- levels
		term$between.factors <- between.factors
		term$within.factors <- within.factors
		term$covariates <- covariates
		term$offset <- offsetvalue
		# Take factors in term, add their contrast matrices to the copy of levels,
		# and then remove them from the list of term variables,
		# which now will only contain the covariates of the term;
		# first for between-subjects predictors
		replace.factors <- term.vars[term.vars %in% names(between.frame)]
		if (length(replace.factors) > 0){
			term$levels[replace.factors] <- contrast.mat[replace.factors]
			term$between.factors <- unique(c(between.factors,replace.factors))
			term$num.vars <- term$num.vars[-match(replace.factors,term$num.vars)]
			term$fac.vars <- replace.factors
		# and the same for within-subjects
		replace.factors <- term.vars[term.vars %in% names(within.frame)]
		if (length(replace.factors) > 0){
			term$levels[replace.factors] <- contrast.mat[replace.factors]
			term$within.factors <- unique(c(within.factors,replace.factors))
			term$num.vars <- term$num.vars[-match(replace.factors,term$num.vars)]
			term$fac.vars <- c(term$fac.vars,replace.factors)
		if (length(term$num.vars)==0) term$num.vars <- "(Intercept)"
		# Take covariates in term, and change their value to 1 in the argument covariates
		if (term$num.vars[1] != "(Intercept)") term$covariates[term$num.vars] <- 1
		# Run basic analysis
		test.result[[user.terms.labels[i]]] <- testFactorsOnTerm.mlm(model,term,numeric.predictors,between.frame,within.frame,lht,...)
	# Check if the tested contrasts of factors are orthogonal to the intercept
	factor.contrasts <- factor.contrasts[names(factor.contrasts) %in% user.variables]
	contrast.mat <- contrast.mat[names(contrast.mat) %in% user.variables]
	not.orthogonal <- sapply(contrast.mat,function(x) any(as.logical(round(colSums(x),digits=getOption("digits")))))
	if (any(not.orthogonal)) warning(paste("Contrasts are not orthogonal for factor(s):",paste(names(contrast.mat)[not.orthogonal],collapse=", ")))
	result <- list(call=match.call(,sys.call(1L)),model.call=model$call,levels=levels,factor.contrasts=factor.contrasts,covariates=covariates,terms=test.result)
	class(result) <- c("testFactors.mlm","testFactors")

testFactorsOnTerm.mlm <- function(model,term,numeric.predictors,between.frame,within.frame,lht,...){
	# 1. Redefine model data frame
	# Include columns with averages or user-defined values for the numeric predictors
	between.frame <- addPredictorsToFrame(between.frame, numeric.predictors, term)
	# 2. Preliminary definition of the Linear Hypothesis matrix (L)
	L <- defineLHT(model,term,between.frame)
	# (add offset column if available)
	if (term$offset != 0) L <- cbind(L, term$offset)
	# 3. Transformed Linear Hypothesis (L) and response transformation (P) matrices
	if (length(term$between.factors > 0)){
		L <- makeT(between.frame,term$between.factors,term$levels) %*% L
		L <- t(as.matrix(colSums(L)/nrow(L)))
	if (length(term$within.factors) > 0){
		P <- t(makeT(within.frame,term$within.factors,term$levels))
		P <- if (is.null(term$within.factors)) NULL else matrix(rep(1/nrow(within.frame),nrow(within.frame)))
	# (and separate offset)
	if (term$offset){
		offset_effect <- L[,ncol(L)]
		L <- L[,-ncol(L), drop=FALSE]
	}else offset_effect <- 0
	# 4. Result, consisting in:
	#   levels: numeric matrix values of levels
	#   adjusted.values: table of adjusted means for the tested interactions
	#   covmat: covariance matrix the adjusted values
	#   std.error: standard error of adjusted values (from covmat)
	#   test: test value, from LinearHypothesis
	adjusted.values <- L %*% model$coefficients + offset_effect
	Ln <- diag(ncol(model$coefficients)) %x% L
	covmat <- Ln %*% vcov(model) %*% t(Ln)
	if (!is.null(P)){
		adjusted.values <- adjusted.values %*% P
		Pm <- t(P) %x% diag(nrow(L))
		covmat <- Pm %*% covmat %*% t(Pm)
		rownames(P) <- colnames(model$coefficients)
	# define dimnames(covmat)?
	std.error <- matrix(sqrt(diag(covmat)),ncol=ncol(adjusted.values))
	dimnames(std.error) <- dimnames(adjusted.values)
	result <- list(numeric.variables=paste(term$num.vars,sep=":"),factor.variables=term$fac.vars,hypothesis.matrix=L,P=P,adjusted.values=adjusted.values,covmat=covmat,std.error=std.error)
	if (lht) result <- c(result,list(test=try(linearHypothesis(model,L,P=P,...),silent=TRUE)))

testFactors.default <- function(model,levels,covariates,offset,terms.formula=~1,inherit.contrasts=FALSE,default.contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly"),lht=TRUE,...){	

	# 1. Make complete list of predictor variables, and extract factors
	predictors <- getPredictors(model)
	X <- getModelFrame(model)[predictors]
	are.factors <- as.logical(sapply(X, is.factor))
	factor.names <- predictors[are.factors] 
	# Factor data frame, with appropriate contrasts
	factor.frame <- expand.grid(lapply(X[are.factors],"levels"))
	for (f in factor.names){
		contrasts(factor.frame[[f]]) <- getContrasts(model)[[f]]
	# Define contrasts of factors for testing (not necessarily the same as factor.frame)
	# Copy the contrasts explicitly defined in the model frame
	factor.contrasts <- lapply(X[are.factors],"attr","contrasts")
	# Set a value for those that were undefined
	undefined.contrasts <- sapply(factor.contrasts,"is.null")
	if (length(factor.contrasts)>0){
		if (inherit.contrasts){
			factor.contrasts[undefined.contrasts] <- getContrasts(model)[undefined.contrasts]
			are.ordered <- sapply(factor.frame,"is.ordered")
			factor.contrasts[undefined.contrasts & are.ordered] <- default.contrasts[2]
			factor.contrasts[undefined.contrasts & !are.ordered] <- default.contrasts[1]
	# Contrast matrices for testing terms
	contrast.mat <- factor.contrasts
	not.mat <- !sapply(contrast.mat,"is.numeric")
	factor.nlevels <- lapply(lapply(factor.frame,"nlevels"),"as.list")
	contrast.mat[not.mat] <- mapply(do.call,factor.contrasts[not.mat],factor.nlevels[not.mat],SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	# 2. Set the values of numeric predictors (covariates and offset)
	numeric.predictors <- predictors[!are.factors]
	nv <- setNumericPredictors(model, numeric.predictors,
		if(!missing(covariates)) covariates, if(!missing(offset)) offset)
	covariates <- nv$covariates
	offsetvalue <- nv$offsetvalue
	# 3. Redefine levels into a list of numeric matrices
	# Ignore elements in levels that are not factors of the models
	if (missing(levels)) levels <- NULL else{
		# See if contrastCoefficients must be applied
		if (is.null(names(levels))){
			levels <- do.call("contrastCoefficients", c(levels, list(data=getModelFrame(model))))
			gotnames <- as.logical(sapply(names(levels), nchar))
			levels[!gotnames] <- do.call("contrastCoefficients", c(levels[!gotnames], list(data=getModelFrame(model))))
		valid.levels <- names(levels) %in% factor.names
		if (!all(valid.levels)) warning("Some variables in levels are not model factors, and will be ignored.")
		levels <- levels[valid.levels]
	# Search factors of levels in factor.frame, and transform the level
	# combinations into a numeric matrix format
	interacting.factors <- names(levels)
	factor.names <- factor.names[factor.names %in% interacting.factors]
	levels <- checkFactors(factor.frame,factor.names,levels)
	# 4. Analyse each term of the terms.formula
	# Stop if the variables of the formula are not in the model
	user.variables <- as.character(attr(terms(terms.formula),"variables")[-1])
	if (!all(user.variables %in% predictors)) stop("The variables in terms.formula are not coherent with the model")
	# Split the formula in terms, and terms in variables, and add Intercept if suitable
	user.terms <- terms(terms.formula)
	user.terms.labels <- labels(user.terms)
	split.user.terms <- strsplit(user.terms.labels,":")
	if (attr(user.terms,"intercept")){
		user.terms.labels <- c("(Intercept)",user.terms.labels)
		split.user.terms <- c("(Intercept)",split.user.terms)
	# term is a list with the variables that will change in each analysis
	# test.result will contain the results of the analysis 
	term <- vector("list",6L)
	names(term) <- c("num.vars","fac.vars","levels","factor.names","covariates","offset")
	test.result <- vector("list", length(split.user.terms))
	names(test.result) <- user.terms.labels
	# Repeat for each term:
	for (i in 1:length(split.user.terms)){
		# Copy default values of term
		term$num.vars <- term.vars <- split.user.terms[[i]]
		term$fac.vars <- character()
		term$levels <- levels
		term$factor.names <- factor.names
		term$covariates <- covariates
		term$offset <- offsetvalue
		# Take factors in term, add their contrast matrices to the copy of levels,
		# and then remove them from the list of term variables,
		# which now will only contain the covariates of the term;
		replace.factors <- term.vars[term.vars %in% names(factor.frame)]
		if (length(replace.factors) > 0){
			term$levels[replace.factors] <- contrast.mat[replace.factors]
			term$factor.names <- unique(c(factor.names,replace.factors))
			term$num.vars <- term$num.vars[-match(replace.factors,term$num.vars)]
			term$fac.vars <- replace.factors
		if (length(term$num.vars)==0) term$num.vars <- "(Intercept)"
		# Take covariates in term, and change their value to 1 in the argument covariates
		if (term$num.vars[1] != "(Intercept)") term$covariates[term$num.vars] <- 1
		# Run basic analysis
		test.result[[user.terms.labels[i]]] <- testFactorsOnTerm.default(model,term,numeric.predictors,factor.frame,lht,...)
	# Check if the tested contrasts of factors are orthogonal to the intercept
	factor.contrasts <- factor.contrasts[names(factor.contrasts) %in% user.variables]
	contrast.mat <- contrast.mat[names(contrast.mat) %in% user.variables]
	not.orthogonal <- sapply(contrast.mat,function(x) any(as.logical(round(colSums(x),digits=getOption("digits")))))
	if (any(not.orthogonal)) warning(paste("Contrasts are not orthogonal for factor(s):",paste(factor.names[not.orthogonal],collapse=",")))
	result <- list(call=match.call(,sys.call(1L)),model.call=getCall(model),levels=levels,factor.contrasts=factor.contrasts,covariates=covariates,terms=test.result)
	class(result) <- "testFactors"

testFactorsOnTerm.default <- function(model,term,numeric.predictors,factor.frame,lht,...){
	# 1. Redefine model data frame
	# Include columns with averages or user-defined values for the numeric predictors
	factor.frame <- addPredictorsToFrame(factor.frame, numeric.predictors, term)
	# 2. Preliminary definition of the Linear Hypothesis matrix (L)
	L <- defineLHT(model,term,factor.frame)
	# (add offset column if available)
	if (term$offset != 0) L <- cbind(L, term$offset)

	# 3. Transformed Linear Hypothesis (L)
	if (length(term$factor.names > 0)){
		L <- makeT(factor.frame,term$factor.names,term$levels) %*% L
		L <- t(as.matrix(colSums(L)/nrow(L)))
	# (and separate offset)
	if (term$offset != 0){
		offset_effect <- L[,ncol(L)]
		L <- L[,-ncol(L), drop=FALSE]
	}else offset_effect <- 0

	# 4. Result, consisting in:
	#   levels: numeric matrix values of levels
	#   adjusted.values: table of adjusted means for the tested interactions
	#   covmat: covariance matrix the adjusted values
	#   std.error: standard error of adjusted values (from covmat)
	#   test: test value, from LinearHypothesis
	adjusted.values <- L %*% getCoef(model) + offset_effect
	covmat <- L %*% vcov(model) %*% t(L)
	# define dimnames(covmat)?
	std.error <- matrix(sqrt(diag(covmat)), ncol=ncol(adjusted.values))
	dimnames(std.error) <- dimnames(adjusted.values)
	result <- list(numeric.variables=paste(term$num.vars,sep=":"),factor.variables=term$fac.vars,hypothesis.matrix=L,adjusted.values=adjusted.values,covmat=covmat,std.error=std.error)
	if (lht) result <- c(result,list(test=try(linearHypothesis(model,L,...),silent=TRUE)))

## LM METHOD (equal to default, but with a result of a different class, just for summary purposes)
testFactors.lm <- function(model,...){
	result <- testFactors.default(model,...)
	class(result) <- c("testFactors.lm","testFactors")

## GLM METHOD (equal to default, but adjusted means are transformed)
testFactors.glm <- function(model, ..., link=FALSE){
	result <- testFactors.default(model,...)
	attr(result,"means") <- if (link) "link" else "mean"
	if (!link){
		terms.with.means <- (lapply(result$terms,"[[","numeric.variables")=="(Intercept)")
		for (term in which(terms.with.means)) result$terms[[term]]$adjusted.values <- getFamily(model)$linkinv(result$terms[[term]]$adjusted.values)
	class(result) <- c("testFactors.glm","testFactors")

## LME METHOD (equal to default, but with a result of a different class, just for summary purposes)
testFactors.lme <- function(model, ...){
	result <- testFactors.default(model,...)
	class(result) <- c("testFactors.lme","testFactors")

## MER METHOD (equal to default, but adjusted means are transformed if suitable)
testFactors.mer <- function(model, ..., link=FALSE){
	if (!as.logical(model@dims["LMM"]) && length(model@muEta) == 0){
	stop("Nonlinear Mixed Models are not supported.")
	result <- testFactors.default(model,...)
	if (length(model@muEta > 0)){
		attr(result,"means") <- if (link) "link" else "mean"
		if (!link){
			terms.with.means <- (lapply(result$terms,"[[","numeric.variables")=="(Intercept)")
			for (term in which(terms.with.means)){
				result$terms[[term]]$adjusted.values <- getFamily(model)$linkinv(result$terms[[term]]$adjusted.values)
	class(result) <- c("testFactors.mer","testFactors")

## MERMOD METHOD (equal to default, but adjusted means are transformed if suitable)
testFactors.merMod <- function(model, ..., link=FALSE){
	if (is(model, "nlmerMod")){stop("Nonlinear Mixed Models are not supported.")}
	result <- testFactors.default(model,...)
	if (is(model, "lmerMod")) attr(result,"means") <- "mean"
	if (is(model, "glmerMod")){
		attr(result,"means") <- if (link) "link" else "mean"
		if (!link){
			terms.with.means <- (lapply(result$terms,"[[","numeric.variables")=="(Intercept)")
			for (term in which(terms.with.means)){
				result$terms[[term]]$adjusted.values <- getFamily(model)$linkinv(result$terms[[term]]$adjusted.values)
	class(result) <- c("testFactors.merMod","testFactors")

testFactors <- function(model,...){UseMethod("testFactors")}


print.testFactors <- function(x,digits=getOption("digits"),...){
	mean.label <- if (as.character(x$model.call)[1] %in% c("glm", "glmer") && attr(x,"means")=="link") "link function" else "mean"
	for (i in seq(length(x$terms))){
		term <- x$terms[[i]]
		if (term$numeric.variables[1] == "(Intercept)") cat("\nAdjusted",mean.label) else cat("\nAdjusted slope for",paste(term$numeric.variables,collapse=":"))
		if (length(term$factor.variables)>0) cat(" at contrasts of",paste(term$factor.variables,collapse=", "))
		if (dim(term$adjusted.values)[2]==1) dimnames(term$adjusted.values)[2] <- list("")
		cat("\nStd. Error")
		if (as.character(x$model.call)[1] %in% c("glm", "glmer") && term$numeric.variables[1] == "(Intercept)"){
			cat(" of link function")
		if (dim(term$std.error)[2]==1) dimnames(term$std.error)[2] <- list("")
		if ("test" %in% names(term) && !is(term$test, "try-error")){
			cat("\n") #cat("\nLinear hypothesis test:\n")

summary.testFactors <- function(object,predictors=TRUE,matrices=TRUE,covmat=FALSE,...){
	sobject <- list()
	sobject$model.call <- object$model.call
	attr(sobject,"means") <- attr(object,"means")
	# Define values of predictors, if requested
	if (predictors){
		sobject$levels <- object$levels
		sobject$factor.contrasts <- object$factor.contrasts
		sobject$covariates <- object$covariates
	# Define test details (matrices L and P), if requested
	if (matrices){
		# Matrices L, bound by rows
		lh.matrices <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","hypothesis.matrix")
		lh.labels1 <- rep(names(lh.matrices), sapply(lh.matrices,"nrow"))
		lh.matrices <- do.call("rbind",lh.matrices)
		# If the original matrices have row names (there are various contrasts), copy those names in the labels
		lh.labels2 <- rownames(lh.matrices)
		rownames(lh.matrices) <- NULL
		if (length(lh.labels2)>0){
			# In secondary labels, append "|" to separate from the primary label
			lh.labels2[nchar(lh.labels2)>0] <- paste("|",lh.labels2[nchar(lh.labels2)>0])
			sobject$hypothesis.matrix <- as.data.frame(lh.matrices,row.names=paste(lh.labels1,lh.labels2))
			sobject$hypothesis.matrix <- as.data.frame(lh.matrices,row.names=lh.labels1)
		# Do the same for matrice P (if they exist), bound by columns and then transposed
		p.matrices <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","P")
		if (!sapply(p.matrices,"is.null")[1]){
			p.labels1 <- rep(names(p.matrices), sapply(p.matrices,"ncol"))
			p.matrices <- do.call("cbind",p.matrices)
			p.labels2 <- colnames(p.matrices)
			colnames(p.matrices) <- NULL
			if (length(p.matrices)>0){
				if (length(p.labels2)>0){
					p.labels2[nchar(p.labels2)>0] <- paste("|",p.labels2[nchar(p.labels2)>0])
					sobject$P <- as.data.frame(t(p.matrices),row.names=paste(p.labels1,p.labels2))
					sobject$P <- as.data.frame(t(p.matrices),row.names=p.labels1)
	# Build list of adjusted values and ANOVA table
	sobject$adjusted.values <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","adjusted.values")
	sobject$std.error <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","std.error")
	if (covmat) sobject$covmat <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","covmat")
	for (term.label in names(object$terms)){
		# The numeric and factor variables referred by the adjusted values are assigned to attributes
		attr(sobject$adjusted.values[[term.label]],"numeric.variables") <- object$terms[[term.label]]$numeric.variables
		attr(sobject$adjusted.values[[term.label]],"factor.variables") <- object$terms[[term.label]]$factor.variables
	sobject$anova.table <- anova(object)
	class(sobject) <- "summary.testFactors"

anova.testFactors <- function(object,...){
	tests <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","test")
	# The ANOVA table will be built for terms where linearHypothesis was successfully used
	successful.tests <- sapply(tests,function(x) !is.null(x) && !is(x, "try-error"))
	anova.table <- matrix(NA,sum(successful.tests),3)
	rownames(anova.table) <- names(object$terms[successful.tests])
	for (term.label in names(object$terms)){
		# Create ANOVA table, copying values (Df, Chisq/F statistic, and P) from the test result
		if (successful.tests[term.label]){
			lht.result <- object$terms[[term.label]]$test
			anova.table[term.label,1:3] <- as.matrix(lht.result[2, seq(to=ncol(lht.result),length=3)])
	if (nrow(anova.table) > 0){
		# Add a row with Df of the residual if the information is available
		if (ncol(lht.result) > 3) {anova.table <- rbind(anova.table, Residual=c(lht.result[[2,1]],NA,NA))}
		colnames(anova.table) <- colnames(lht.result)[seq(to=ncol(lht.result),length=3)]
		anova.table <- structure(as.data.frame(anova.table),
			heading = paste(colnames(anova.table)[ncol(anova.table)-1], " Test: ", sep = ""), class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

anova.testFactors.lm <- function(object,predictors=TRUE,matrices=TRUE,...){
	tests <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","test")
	# The ANOVA table will be built for terms where linearHypothesis was successfully used
	successful.tests <- sapply(tests,function(x) !is.null(x) && !is(x, "try-error"))
	anova.table <- matrix(NA,sum(successful.tests),4)
	rownames(anova.table) <- names(object$terms[successful.tests])
	for (term.label in names(object$terms)){
		# Create ANOVA table, copying values (Df, SS, F/Chisq statistic, and P) from the test result
		if (successful.tests[term.label]){
			lht.result <- object$terms[[term.label]]$test
			anova.table[term.label,1:4] <- as.matrix(lht.result[2,3:6])
	if (nrow(anova.table) > 0){
		# Add a row with Df of the residual
		anova.table <- rbind(anova.table,
		colnames(anova.table) <- colnames(lht.result)[3:6]
		anova.table <- structure(as.data.frame(anova.table), heading = paste(colnames(anova.table)[3], " Test: ", sep = ""), class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

anova.testFactors.mlm <- function(object,...){
	tests <- lapply(object$terms,"[[","test")
	# The ANOVA table will be built for terms where linearHypothesis was successfully used
	successful.tests <- sapply(tests,function(x) !is.null(x) && !is(x, "try-error"))
	anova.table <- matrix(NA,sum(successful.tests),4)
	rownames(anova.table) <- names(object$terms[successful.tests])
	for (term.label in names(object$terms)){
		# Create ANOVA table, copied from print.linearHypothesis.mlm
		if (successful.tests[term.label]){
			lht.result <- object$terms[[term.label]]$test
			test <- lht.result$test[1]
			SSPE.qr <- qr(lht.result$SSPE)
			eigs <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(SSPE.qr, lht.result$SSPH), symmetric = FALSE)$values)
			anova.table[term.label,1:4] <- switch(test,
				"Pillai" = stats_Pillai(eigs, lht.result$df, lht.result$df.residual),
				"Wilks" = stats_Wilks(eigs, lht.result$df, lht.result$df.residual),
				"Hotelling-Layley" = stats_HL(eigs, lht.result$df, lht.result$df.residual),
				"Roy" = stats_Roy(eigs, lht.result$df, lht.result$df.residual))
	# Complete ANOVA table, like in print.linearHypothesis.mlm
	if (nrow(anova.table) > 0){
		ok <- anova.table[, 2] >= 0 & anova.table[, 3] > 0 & anova.table[, 4] > 0
		ok <- !is.na(ok) & ok
		anova.table <- cbind(lht.result$df, anova.table, pf(anova.table[ok, 2], anova.table[ok, 3], anova.table[ok, 4], lower.tail = FALSE))
		colnames(anova.table) <- c("Df", "test stat", "approx F", "num Df", 
		"den Df", "Pr(>F)")
		anova.table <- structure(as.data.frame(anova.table), heading = paste("Multivariate Test", if (nrow(anova.table) > 1) "s", ": ", test, " test statistic", sep = ""), class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

print.summary.testFactors <- function(x,digits=getOption("digits"),...){
	cat("\nAdjusted values for factor combinations in model:\n",deparse(x$model.call),"\n")
	elements <- names(x)
	# List of levels and the other details of predictors, if had been requested by summary
	if ("levels" %in% elements){
		header <- "\nValues of predictor variables.\n"
		if (length(x$levels)>0){
			cat(header,"\nSpecified combinations of factor levels:\n")
			header <- "\n---\n"
			for (nfac in names(x$levels)){
				cat("\n") #cat("\n",nfac,"\n")
				fac <- x$levels[[nfac]]
		if (length(x$factor.contrasts)>0){
			cat(header,"\nDefault list of factor contrasts:\n")
			header <- "\n---\n"
			factor.contrasts <- sapply(x$factor.contrasts,"[")
			if (is(factor.contrasts, "character")){
				for (nfac in names(factor.contrasts)){
					fac <- factor.contrasts[[nfac]]
					if (is(fac, "character")){
		if (length(x$covariates)){
			cat(header,"\nSpecified values of covariates:\n")
	# Matrices L and P, if requested (and exist)
	if ("hypothesis.matrix" %in% elements){
		cat("------\n\nLinear hypothesis matrix\n\n")
	if (("P" %in% elements) && (length(x$P)>0)){
		cat("\n---\nResponse transformation matrix\n\n")
	# Adjusted values and standard errors (plus covariance matrices, if requested and exist)
	cat("------\n\nAdjusted values\n")
	mean.label <- if (as.character(x$model.call)[1] %in% c("glm", "glmer") && attr(x,"means")=="link") "link function" else "mean"
	for (n in names(x$adjusted.values)){
		mat <- x$adjusted.values[[n]]
		term_name <- attr(mat,"numeric.variables")[1]
		if (term_name == "(Intercept)") cat("\nAdjusted",mean.label) else cat("\nAdjusted slope for",paste(attr(mat,"numeric.variables"),collapse=":"))
		if (length(attr(mat,"factor.variables"))>0) cat(" at contrasts of",paste(attr(mat,"factor.variables"),collapse=", "))
		if (dim(mat)[2]==1) dimnames(mat)[2] <- list("")
		cat("\nStandard error")
		if (as.character(x$model.call)[1] %in% c("glm", "glmer") && term_name == "(Intercept)"){
			cat(" of link function")
		mat <- x$std.error[[n]]
		if (dim(mat)[2]==1) dimnames(mat)[2] <- list("")
		if ("covmat" %in% elements){
			cat("\nVariance-covariance matrix:\n")
			mat <- x$covmat[[n]]
			if (dim(mat)[2]==1) dimnames(mat)[2] <- list("")
	# ANOVA table (if exists)
	if (nrow(x$anova.table)>0){
		cat("\n------\n") #cat("---\n\nLinear hypothesis tests\n\n")

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