#' Read TUV output file.
#' Reads and parses the header of a text file output by the TUV program to
#' extract the header and spectral data. The time field is converted to a date.
#' @param file character string
#' @param ozone.du numeric Ozone column in Dobson units.
#' @param date a \code{POSIXct} object to use to set the \code{"when.measured"}
#' attribute. If \code{NULL}, the default, the date is extracted from the
#' file header.
#' @param geocode A data frame with columns \code{lon} and \code{lat} used to
#' set attribute \code{"where.measured"}.
#' @param label character string, but if \code{NULL} the value of \code{file} is
#' used, and if \code{NA} the "what.measured" attribute is not set.
#' @param tz character Time zone is by default read from the file.
#' @param locale The locale controls defaults that vary from place to place. The
#' default locale is US-centric (like R), but you can use
#' \code{\link[readr]{locale}} to create your own locale that controls things
#' like the default time zone, encoding, decimal mark, big mark, and day/month
#' names.
#' @return a source_spct object obtained by 'melting' the TUV file, and adding a
#' factor \code{spct.idx}, and variables \code{zenith.angle} and \code{date}.
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @note The ozone column value used in the simulation cannot be retrieved from
#' the file. Tested only with TUV version 5.0.
#' @export
read_tuv_usrout <- function(file,
ozone.du = NULL,
date = lubridate::today(),
geocode = NULL,
label = NULL,
tz = NULL,
locale = readr::default_locale()) {
if (is.null(tz)) {
tz <- locale$tz
if (is.null(geocode)) {
geocode <- tibble::tibble(lon = NA_real_, lat = NA_real_)
label.file <- paste("File: ", basename(file), sep = "")
if (is.null(label)) {
label <- label.file
} else if (! {
label <- paste(label.file, label, sep = "\n")
file_header <- scan(file = file, nlines = 5, what = "character",
sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE)
NonASCII <- tools::showNonASCII(file_header)
if (length(NonASCII) > 0L) {
warning("Found non-ASCII characters in file header: ",
"replacing with ' '.")
file_header <- iconv(file_header, to = "ASCII", sub = " ")
hours <- scan(text = sub(pattern = "wc, nm", replacement = "",
x = file_header[4], fixed = TRUE),
quiet = TRUE)
num.spectra <- length(hours)
minutes <- trunc((hours - trunc(hours)) * 60)
seconds <- trunc((minutes - trunc(minutes)) * 60)
lubridate::hour(date) <- trunc(hours)
lubridate::minute(date) <- trunc(minutes)
lubridate::second(date) <- trunc(seconds)
date <- as.POSIXct(date)
angles <- scan(
text = sub(pattern = "sza = ",
replacement = "",
x = file_header[5], fixed = TRUE),
quiet = TRUE)
wide.df <- readr::read_table(
file = file, skip = 5,
col_names = c("w.length", LETTERS[1:num.spectra]),
col_types = readr::cols(),
progress = FALSE,
locale = locale)
wl.length <- length(wide.df[["w.length"]])
z <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
data = wide.df,
cols = tidyselect::all_of(setdiff(colnames(wide.df), "w.length")),
names_to = "spct.idx",
values_to = "s.e.irrad")
z <- z[order(z[["spct.idx"]]), ]
z[["angle"]] <- rep(angles, rep(wl.length, num.spectra))
z[["date"]] <- rep(as.POSIXct(date), rep(wl.length, num.spectra))
time.unit = "second",
multiple.wl = num.spectra)
comment(z) <- paste(paste("TUV file '",
"' imported on ",
lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC"),
" UTC",
sep = ""),
collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
photobiology::setWhatMeasured(z, paste("TUV spectral simulation", label))
photobiology::setWhereMeasured(z, geocode)
photobiology::setWhenMeasured(z, unique(z[["date"]]))
attr(z, "file.header") <- file_header
#' @rdname read_tuv_usrout
#' @export
read_tuv_usrout2mspct <- function(file,
ozone.du = NULL,
date = lubridate::today(),
geocode = NULL,
label = NULL,
tz = NULL,
locale = readr::default_locale()) {
z <- read_tuv_usrout(file = file,
ozone.du = ozone.du,
date = date,
geocode = geocode,
label = label,
tz = tz,
locale = locale)
#' Read Quick TUV output file.
#' Reads and parses the header of a text file output by the Quick TUV on-line
#' web front-end at UCAR to extract the header and spectral data. The time field
#' is converted to a date.
#' @param file character string with the name of a text file.
#' @param ozone.du numeric Ozone column in Dobson units.
#' @param label character string, but if \code{NULL} the value of \code{file} is
#' used, and if \code{NA} the "what.measured" attribute is not set.
#' @param tz character Time zone is by default read from the file.
#' @param locale The locale controls defaults that vary from place to place. The
#' default locale is US-centric (like R), but you can use
#' \code{\link[readr]{locale}} to create your own locale that controls things
#' like the default time zone, encoding, decimal mark, big mark, and day/month
#' names.
#' @param added.vars character vector Accepted member values are \code{"sun.elevation"},
#' \code{zenith.angle}, \code{"time"} and \code{"ozone.du"}.
#' @return a source_spct object obtained by finding the center of wavelength
#' intervals in the Quick TUV output file, and adding the variables listed
#' in \code{added.vars}. To obtain the same value as in version (<= 0.4.28)
#' pass \code{added.vars = c("angle", "date")} in the call.
#' @references \url{}
#' @note The ozone column value used in the simulation cannot be retrieved from
#' the file. Tested files from Quick TUV version 5.2 on 2018-07-30 and also
#' with more recent files in early 2024. This
#' function can be expected to be robust to variations in the position of lines
#' in the imported file and resistant to the presence of extraneous text or
#' even summaries. By default web browsers save the output returned by the
#' Quick TUV calculator as an HTML output, some of them with minimal headers
#' and other with more extensive ones. In some cases, character escapes replace
#' actual new lines. In most cases these HTML files are decoded correctly, but
#' if not, use "save as" in the browser and select "text" when saving. As a
#' last recourse, messed up files can be manually edited before import.
#' @export
read_qtuv_txt <- function(file,
ozone.du = NULL,
label = NULL,
tz = NULL,
locale = readr::default_locale(),
added.vars = NULL) {
if (is.null(tz)) {
tz <- locale[["tz"]]
label.file <- paste("File: ", basename(file), sep = "")
if (is.null(label) || label == "") {
label <- label.file
} else if (! {
label <- paste(label.file, label, sep = " ")
# make sure we read whole header even is garbage present
file_header <- readr::read_lines(file = file, n_max = 60L)
# find top of file header
header.start.idx <- grep("INPUT PARAMETERS:", file_header, fixed = TRUE)
if (!length(header.start.idx)) {
warning("File '", file, "' seems not to be output from Quick TUV Calculator.")
# check that file contains spectral irradiance data
# "SPECTRAL IRRADIANCE (W m-2 nm-1):" -> top of data
header.end.idx <- grep("SPECTRAL IRRADIANCE", file_header, fixed = TRUE)
if (!length(header.end.idx)) {
warning("File '", file, "' does not contain spectral data.")
} else {
data.header.line <-
file_header[[header.end.idx]] |>
gsub("\\\\n|\\n", "", x = _) |>
trimws(x = _)
# find data column headers
# used later but should have whole fil_header as argument
spct.header.idx <- grep("LOWER WVL", file_header, fixed = TRUE)
# trim garbage above and below header
file_header <- file_header[header.start.idx:header.end.idx]
# read wavelength grid data
wgrid.line.idx <- grep("w-grid:", file_header, fixed = TRUE)
temp <-
scan(text = file_header[wgrid.line.idx],
what = list(NULL, length = 1L, wl.min = 1, wl.max = 1),
quiet = TRUE)
length.spct <- temp[["length"]] - 1L # number of wl intervals
wl.min = temp[["wl.min"]]
wl.max = temp[["wl.max"]]
# read vertical grid data
zgrid.line.idx <- grep("z-grid:", file_header, fixed = TRUE)
temp <-
scan(text = file_header[zgrid.line.idx],
what = list(NULL, NULL, z.min = 1, z.max = 1),
quiet = TRUE) <- temp["z.min"]
# read date
date.line <- grep("idate =", file_header)
temp <- scan(text = file_header[date.line],
what = list(NULL, NULL, idate = "", NULL, NULL, esfact = 1),
quiet = TRUE)
date <- lubridate::ymd(temp[["idate"]], tz = tz)
# esfact <- temp[["esfact"]]
# "solar zenith angle = " -> angle. Always present either user supplied or calculated
zenith.angle.line <- file_header[grepl("solar zenith angle", file_header)]
zenith.angle <- scan(text = sub("solar zenith angle =", "",
zenith.angle.line, fixed = TRUE),
quiet = TRUE)
# " measurement point: index 1 altitude= 0.000000". Always present.
altitude.line <- file_header[grepl("altitude=", file_header)]
temp <- unlist(
scan(text = sub("measurement point: ", "", altitude.line, fixed = TRUE),
what = list(NULL, index = 1, NULL, alt = 1),
quiet = TRUE)
) <- temp["alt"]
# " lat= 0.000000 long= 0.000000 ut= 12.00000 ".
# Present for option 1 (user supplied location and time)
geocode.line <- file_header[grepl("lat=", file_header)]
if (length(geocode.line)) {
temp <-
scan(text = geocode.line,
what = list(NULL, lat = 1, NULL, lon = 1, NULL, utc = 1),
quiet = TRUE)
lat <- temp["lat"]
lon <- temp["lon"]
hours <- temp["utc"]
} else {
lat <- lon <- hours <- NA_real_
geocode <- tibble::tibble(lon = lon, lat = lat)
if (! {
minutes <- trunc((hours - trunc(hours)) * 60)
seconds <- trunc((minutes - trunc(minutes)) * 60)
lubridate::hour(date) <- trunc(hours)
lubridate::minute(date) <- trunc(minutes)
lubridate::second(date) <- trunc(seconds)
date <- as.POSIXct(date)
# assemble comment
comment.txt <- paste(data.header.line, "\n",
"computed by UCAR's Quick TUV calculator\n",
"read from file: ", basename(file), "\n",
"with modification date: ",
unit = "second"), "\n",
"ozone column: ", ozone.du, " DU\n",
"sun elevation: ", 90 - zenith.angle, " degrees\n",
"ground altitude: ",, " km a.s.l.\n",
"observer altitude: ",, " km a.s.l.",
sep = "")
# read spectrum
spct.tb <-
readr::read_table(file, skip = spct.header.idx,
col_types = readr::cols(.default = readr::col_double()),
col_names = c("w.length.s", "w.length.l",
"s.e.irrad.diff.down", "s.e.irrad.diff.up",
progress = FALSE,
n_max = length.spct)
spct.tb <- stats::na.omit(spct.tb)
# convert to spectrum object
z <-
photobiology::source_spct(w.length = (spct.tb[["w.length.s"]] + spct.tb[["w.length.l"]]) / 2,
s.e.irrad = spct.tb[["s.e.irrad"]],
s.e.irrad.dir = spct.tb[["s.e.irrad.dir"]],
s.e.irrad.diff.down = spct.tb[["s.e.irrad.diff.down"]],
s.e.irrad.diff.up = spct.tb[["s.e.irrad.diff.up"]],
comment = comment.txt)
# add optional columns with values of input params
if ("time" %in% added.vars) {
z[["time"]] <- rep(as.POSIXct(date), nrow(z))
if ("sun.elevation" %in% added.vars) {
z[["sun.elevation"]] <- rep(90 - zenith.angle, nrow(z))
if ("zenith.angle" %in% added.vars) {
z[["zenith.angle"]] <- rep(zenith.angle, nrow(z))
if ("ozone.du" %in% added.vars) {
z[["ozone.du"]] <- rep(ozone.du, nrow(z))
if ("angle" %in% added.vars) {
z[["angle"]] <- rep(zenith.angle, nrow(z))
if ("date" %in% added.vars) {
z[["date"]] <- rep(as.POSIXct(date), nrow(z))
# add metadata
photobiology::setWhatMeasured(z, paste("Solar spectrum (model simulation).", label))
photobiology::setWhenMeasured(z, date)
photobiology::setWhereMeasured(z, geocode)
how <- "Computer simulation with the TUV model version 5.3"
photobiology::setHowMeasured(z, how)
attr(z, "file.header") <- file_header
#' Spectral irradiance from the Quick TUV calculator
#' Call the Quick TUV calculator web server and return a \code{source_spct}
#' object with the simulated spectral energy irradiance data.
#' @param w.length list of parameters describing the wavelengths, or a numeric
#' vector from which the parameters will be constructed.
#' @param sun.elevation numeric Angle in degrees above the horizon. If NULL its
#' value is computed from \code{geocode} and \code{time}, otherwise
#' arguments passed to these two parameters are ignored.
#' @param geocode data.frame with variables \code{lon} and \code{lat} as numeric values
#' (degrees), and character variable \code{address}; nrow > 1, allowed for collections.
#' @param time A "vector" of POSIXct time, with any valid time zone (TZ) is
#' allowed, default is current time.
#' @param tz character Time zone is by default read from the file.
#' @param locale The locale controls defaults that vary from place to place. The
#' default locale is US-centric (like R), but you can use
#' \code{\link[readr]{locale}} to create your own locale that controls things
#' like the default time zone, encoding, decimal mark, big mark, and day/month
#' names.
#' @param ozone.du numeric Ozone column in Dobson units.
#' @param albedo numeric Surface albedo (= reflectance) as a fraction of one.
#' @param measurement.altitude,ground.altitude numeric Altitudes above sea level
#' expressed in km.
#' @param clouds data.frame Parameters \code{optical.depth} (vertical), \code{top} and
#' \code{base} expressed in km; nrow > 1, allowed for collections.
#' @param aerosols data.frame Parameters \code{optical.depth} (total extinction), \code{ssaaer}
#' (cloud single scattering albedo) and \code{alpha} (wavelength dependence of
#' optical depth); nrow > 1, allowed for collections.
#' @param num.streams integer Number of streams used in computations, 2 or 4.
#' @param spectra named list with weights for the different components of the
#' spectrum.
#' @param added.vars character vector Accepted member values are \code{"sun.elevation"},
#' \code{zenith.angle}, \code{"date"} and \code{"ozone.du"}.
#' @param label character string, but if \code{NULL} the value of \code{file} is
#' used, and if \code{NA} the "what.measured" attribute is not set.
#' @param server.url character The URL used to access the Quick TUV calculator
#' server.
#' @param file character The name under which the file returned by the server is
#' locally saved. If \code{NULL} a temporary file is used and discarded
#' immediately. File paths are supported when valid.
#' @return In the case of \code{qtuv_s.e.irrad()}, a source_spct object obtained
#' by finding the center of each wavelength interval in the Quick TUV output
#' file, and adding the variables listed in \code{added.vars}. In the case of
#' \code{qtuv_m_s.e.irrad()}, a source_mspct object containing a collection of
#' spectra.
#' @section Side effect: If a file name is passed as argument, the data as
#' downloaded are saved into persistent files, one file per spectrum. The
#' names of the saved files always end in `.txt`.
#' @references \url{}. This
#' URL could change in the future as well as the server URL. The formal
#' parameter \code{server.url} was included only for use in such a case.
#' @details The Quick TUV calculator, is an on-line freely accessible server
#' running the TUV atmospheric chemistry and radiation transfer model with a
#' simplified user interface. In this case, version 5.3 is called passing the
#' parameter values passed as arguments in the call to
#' \code{qtuv_s.e.irrad()}. The response is saved in a text file that is
#' subsequently read with function \code{read_qtuv_txt()} into a
#' \code{source_spct} object.
#' Function \code{qtuv_m_s.e.irrad()} calls \code{qtuv_s.e.irrad()} repeatedly
#' accepting a numeric vector longer than one as argument, for parameters:
#' \code{sun.elevation}, \code{time} or \code{ozone.du}, and data frames with
#' nrow >= 1. In a given call, only one parameter at a time can obey multiple
#' values, with others currently truncated to the first value.
#' The formal parameter names are informative and consistent with other
#' functions in the R for Photobiology Suite and differ from the short names
#' used for the parameters in the FORTRAN code of the TUV model. In the case
#' of \code{w.length} two ways of specifying wavelengths are supported. Some
#' defaults also differ from those of the Quick TUV calculator.
#' @note The Quick TUV calculator has multiple output modes that return
#' different types of computed values. The use of output mode 5 is hard-coded
#' in this function as other modes return summary values rather than spectral
#' data. Package 'foqat' provides a more flexible alternative supporting other
#' output modes in addition to mode 5.
#' If the argument passed to \code{w.length} is a numeric vector, the range
#' and length are used to reconstruct the accepted parameters. The returned
#' spectrum has always a uniformly spaced wavelengths.
#' When using this function, more detailed metadata are available than when
#' reading an output file, as not all the simulation input parameters are
#' listed in the output text.
#' In interactive use of the Quick TUV Calculator, the same parameters as
#' accepted by \code{qtuv_s.e.irradiance()} as arguments are
#' entered through the web interface at
#' \url{}. This page
#' together with its documentation, can be consulted for additional
#' information on the parameters and the model.
#' @section Warning!: This function connects to a server managed by UCAR, the
#' University Corporation for Atmospheric Research located in the U.S.A. to
#' obtain simulated spectral data. UCAR manages the U.S. National Science
#' Foundation National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF NCAR) on behalf of
#' NSF. As any download with the HTTPS protocol, using this function entails
#' some risk. To minimize the risk, the returned page is saved as plain text,
#' checked for conformity with the expected content, and if valid decoded into
#' an R data object. When using the default argument \code{file = NULL}, the
#' file used is a temporary one and is deleted before the function returns the
#' call, irrespective of it being conformant or not.
#' The administrators of the Quick TUV Calculator at UCAR suggest a maximum
#' load of approximately 100 spectral simulations per day and user. For larger
#' workloads they encourage the local installation of the TUV model which is
#' open-source and freely available. A local installation, also allows access
#' to the full set of input parameters and outputs. Currently a local instance
#' of the TUV model can be called from R with package 'foqat'.
#' @references
#' Sasha Madronich (2017-2021) Tropospheric Ultraviolet and Visible radiation (TUV)
#' model. \url{}.
#' Visited on 2024-08-29.
#' @export
qtuv_s.e.irrad <-
function(w.length = list(wStart = 280,
wStop = 420,
wIntervals = 140),
sun.elevation = NULL,
geocode = data.frame(lon = 0,
lat = 51.5,
address = "Greenwich"),
time = lubridate::now(),
tz = NULL,
locale = readr::default_locale(),
ozone.du = 300,
albedo = 0.1,
ground.altitude = 0,
measurement.altitude = 0,
clouds = data.frame(optical.depth = 0.00,
base = 4.00,
top = 5.00),
aerosols = data.frame(optical.depth = 0.235,
ssaaer = 0.990,
alpha = 1.000),
num.streams = 2,
spectra = list(direct = 1.0,
diffuse.down = 1.0,
diffuse.up = 0),
added.vars = NULL,
label = "",
server.url = "",
file = NULL) {
# check parameters
num.streams <- as.integer(abs(num.streams))
if (num.streams == 2L) {
num.streams <- -2L
stopifnot("'num.streams' must be 2 or 4" = num.streams %in% c(-2L, 4L))
# Select inputMode
if (is.null(sun.elevation)) {
# use geocode and time
inputMode <- 0L
zenith <- 0 # ignored
} else {
inputMode <- 1L
stopifnot(sun.elevation >= -20 && sun.elevation <= 90)
zenith <- sun.elevation - 90
# always use the same outputMode
outputMode <- 5L # spectral irradiance
if (is.null(tz)) {
tz <- locale[["tz"]]
# timeStamp uses the time zone of the time passed by the user
tz <- lubridate::tz(time)
timeStamp <- strftime(time,
format = "%H:%M:%S",
tz = tz)
# computations are always based on "UTC" (="GMT")
time <- lubridate::with_tz(time, tzone = "UTC")
date <- strftime(time,
format = "%Y%m%d",
tz = "UTC")
time.h <- lubridate::hour(time) +
lubridate::minute(time) / 60 +
lubridate::second(time) /3600
if (is.numeric(w.length)) {
# numeric vectors need to be converted to parameter values
wIntervals = length(w.length) - 1
wl.step <- (max(w.length) - min(w.length)) / wIntervals
wStart = min(w.length) - wl.step / 2
wStop = max(w.length) + wl.step / 2
wIntervals = length(w.length) - 1
} else if (is.list(w.length) &&
# parameters supplied by user
all(c("wStart", "wStop", "wIntervals") %in%
names(w.length))) {
wStart <- w.length$wStart
wStop <- w.length$wStop
wIntervals <- w.length$wIntervals
} else {
stop("Invalid defintion of wavelengths in 'w.length'")
# build URL to call Quick TUV
url <- paste0(c(server.url,
"?wStart=", wStart,
"&wStop=", wStop,
"&wIntervals=", wIntervals,
"&inputMode=", inputMode,
"&latitude=", geocode$lat,
"&longitude=", geocode$lon,
"&date=", date,
"&timeStamp=", timeStamp,
"&zenith=", zenith,
"&ozone=", ozone.du,
"&albedo=", albedo,
"&gAltitude=", ground.altitude,
"&mAltitude=", measurement.altitude,
"&taucld=", clouds$optical.depth,
"&zbase=", clouds$base,
"&ztop=", clouds$top,
"&tauaer=", aerosols$optical.depth,
"&ssaaer=", aerosols$ssaaer,
"&alpha=", aerosols$alpha,
"&time=", time.h,
"&outputMode=", 5,
"&nStreams=", num.streams,
"&dirsun=", spectra$direct,
"&difdn=", spectra$diffuse.down,
"&difup=", spectra$diffuse.up),
if (is.null(file)) {
# NOTE: I need to check if textConnection could be used instead
qtuv.file <- tempfile()
} else {
if (grepl("\\.txt$", file)) {
qtuv.file <- file
} else {
qtuv.file <- paste(file, ".txt", sep = "")
destfile = qtuv.file,
quiet = !getOption("photobiology.verbose",
default = FALSE))
if (file.exists(qtuv.file)) {
z <- read_qtuv_txt(file = qtuv.file,
ozone.du = ozone.du,
label = label,
tz = "UTC",
locale = locale,
added.vars = added.vars)
where_measured(z) <- geocode
when_measured(z) <- time
how_measured(z) <- paste(how_measured(z), "Using", num.streams, "streams.")
} else {
warning("No file was returned by the server")
z <- source_spct()
attr(z, "qtuv.url") <- url
#' @rdname qtuv_s.e.irrad
#' @export
qtuv_m_s.e.irrad <-
function(w.length = list(wStart=280,
sun.elevation = NULL,
geocode = data.frame(lon = 0,
lat = 51.5,
address = "Greenwich"),
time = lubridate::now(),
tz = NULL,
locale = readr::default_locale(),
ozone.du = 300,
albedo = 0.1,
ground.altitude = 0,
measurement.altitude = 0,
clouds = data.frame(optical.depth = 0.00,
base = 4.00,
top = 5.00),
aerosols = data.frame(optical.depth = 0.235,
ssaaer = 0.990,
alpha = 1.000),
num.streams = 2,
spectra = list(direct = 1.0,
diffuse.down = 1.0,
diffuse.up = 0),
added.vars = NULL,
label = "",
server.url = "",
file = NULL) {
# check parameters
num.streams <- as.integer(abs(num.streams))
if (num.streams == 2L) {
num.streams <- -2L
stopifnot("'num.streams' must be 2 or 4" = num.streams %in% c(-2L, 4L))
if (length(ozone.du) > 1L) {
if (length(ozone.du) > 25) {
message("Please, do not overload the Quick TUV calculator")
z <- list()
for (ozone in ozone.du) { <- paste("ozone", ozone, sep = ".")
if (!is.null(file) && is.character(file)) { <- paste(gsub("\\.txt$", "", file),
"-",, ".txt", sep = "")
} else { <- NULL
z[[paste(]] <-
qtuv_s.e.irrad(w.length = w.length,
sun.elevation = sun.elevation[[1]],
geocode = geocode[1, ],
time = time[[1]],
tz = tz,
locale = locale,
ozone.du = ozone,
albedo = albedo,
ground.altitude = ground.altitude,
measurement.altitude = measurement.altitude,
clouds = clouds[1, ],
aerosols = aerosols[1, ],
num.streams = num.streams,
spectra = spectra,
added.vars = added.vars,
label = label,
file =
} else if (length(sun.elevation) > 1L) {
if (length(sun.elevation) > 25) {
message("Please, do not overload the Quick TUV calculator")
z <- list()
for (one.elevation in sun.elevation) { <- paste("sun.elevation", one.elevation, sep = ".")
if (!is.null(file) && is.character(file)) { <- paste(gsub("\\.txt$", "", file),
"-",, ".txt", sep = "")
} else { <- NULL
z[[paste(]] <-
qtuv_s.e.irrad(w.length = w.length,
sun.elevation = one.elevation,
geocode = geocode[1, ],
time = time[[1]],
tz = tz,
locale = locale,
ozone.du = ozone.du[[1]],
albedo = albedo,
ground.altitude = ground.altitude,
measurement.altitude = measurement.altitude,
clouds = clouds[1, ],
aerosols = aerosols[1, ],
num.streams = num.streams,
spectra = spectra,
added.vars = added.vars,
label = label,
file =
} else if (length(time) > 1L) {
if (length(time) > 25) {
message("Please, do not overload the Quick TUV calculator")
z <- list()
# use index as for converts POSIXct into numeric
for (i in seq_along(time)) { <- paste("time", format(time[[i]]), sep = ".")
if (!is.null(file) && is.character(file)) { <- paste(gsub("\\.txt$", "", file),
"-", make.names(, ".txt", sep = "")
} else { <- NULL
z[[paste(]] <-
qtuv_s.e.irrad(w.length = w.length,
sun.elevation = sun.elevation[[1]],
geocode = geocode[1, ],
time = time[[i]],
tz = tz,
locale = locale,
ozone.du = ozone.du[[1]],
albedo = albedo,
ground.altitude = ground.altitude,
measurement.altitude = measurement.altitude,
clouds = clouds[1, ],
aerosols = aerosols[1, ],
num.streams = num.streams,
spectra = spectra,
added.vars = added.vars,
label = label,
file =
} else if (nrow(geocode) > 1L) {
if (nrow(geocode) > 25) {
message("Please, do not overload the Quick TUV calculator")
if (!"address" %in% colnames(geocode) ||
any([["address"]]))) {
geocode[["address"]] <-
paste("geo", 1L:nrow(geocode), sep = ".")
} else {
geocode[["address"]] <- make.unique(geocode[["address"]])
z <- list()
# use index to walk through data frame rows
for (i in seq_along(geocode[[1]])) { <- paste("geocode", geocode[i, "address"], sep = ".")
if (!is.null(file) && is.character(file)) { <- paste(gsub("\\.txt$", "", file),
"-", make.names(, ".txt", sep = "")
} else { <- NULL
z[[paste(]] <-
qtuv_s.e.irrad(w.length = w.length,
sun.elevation = sun.elevation[[1]],
geocode = geocode[i, ],
time = time[[1]],
tz = tz,
locale = locale,
ozone.du = ozone.du[[1]],
albedo = albedo,
ground.altitude = ground.altitude,
measurement.altitude = measurement.altitude,
clouds = clouds[1, ],
aerosols = aerosols[1, ],
num.streams = num.streams,
spectra = spectra,
added.vars = added.vars,
label = label,
file =
} else if (nrow(clouds) > 1L) {
if (nrow(clouds) > 25) {
message("Please, do not overload the Quick TUV calculator")
if (!"label" %in% colnames(clouds) ||
any([["label"]]))) {
clouds[["label"]] <-
paste("geo", 1L:nrow(clouds), sep = ".")
} else {
clouds[["label"]] <- make.unique(clouds[["label"]])
z <- list()
# use index to walk through data frame rows
for (i in seq_along(clouds[[1]])) { <- paste("clouds", clouds[i, "label"], sep = ".")
if (!is.null(file) && is.character(file)) { <- paste(gsub("\\.txt$", "", file),
"-", make.names(, ".txt", sep = "")
} else { <- NULL
z[[paste(]] <-
qtuv_s.e.irrad(w.length = w.length,
sun.elevation = sun.elevation[[1]],
geocode = geocode[1, ],
time = time[[1]],
tz = tz,
locale = locale,
ozone.du = ozone.du[[1]],
albedo = albedo,
ground.altitude = ground.altitude,
measurement.altitude = measurement.altitude,
clouds = clouds[i, ],
aerosols = aerosols[1, ],
num.streams = num.streams,
spectra = spectra,
added.vars = added.vars,
label = label,
file =
} else if (nrow(aerosols) > 1L) {
if (nrow(aerosols) > 25) {
message("Please, do not overload the Quick TUV calculator")
if (!"label" %in% colnames(aerosols) ||
any([["label"]]))) {
aerosols[["label"]] <-
paste("label", 1L:nrow(aerosols), sep = ".")
} else {
aerosols[["label"]] <- make.unique(aerosols[["label"]])
z <- list()
# use index to walk through data frame rows
for (i in seq_along(aerosols[[1]])) { <- paste("aerosols", aerosols[i, "label"], sep = ".")
if (!is.null(file) && is.character(file)) { <- paste(gsub("\\.txt$", "", file),
"-", make.names(, ".txt", sep = "")
} else { <- NULL
z[[paste(]] <-
qtuv_s.e.irrad(w.length = w.length,
sun.elevation = sun.elevation[[1]],
geocode = geocode[1, ],
time = time[[1]],
tz = tz,
locale = locale,
ozone.du = ozone.du[[1]],
albedo = albedo,
ground.altitude = ground.altitude,
measurement.altitude = measurement.altitude,
clouds = clouds[1, ],
aerosols = aerosols[i, ],
num.streams = num.streams,
spectra = spectra,
added.vars = added.vars,
label = label,
file =
} else {
z <- list(
qtuv_s.e.irrad(w.length = w.length,
sun.elevation = sun.elevation[[1]],
geocode = geocode[1, ],
time = time[[1]],
tz = tz,
locale = locale,
ozone.du = ozone.du[[1]],
albedo = albedo,
ground.altitude = ground.altitude,
measurement.altitude = measurement.altitude,
clouds = clouds[1, ],
aerosols = aerosols[1, ],
num.streams = num.streams,
spectra = spectra,
added.vars = added.vars,
label = label,
file = file)
#' Clouds descriptor
#' Constructor of a named list of parameter values to be used as argument to
#' parameter \code{clouds} of function \code{\link{qtuv_s.e.irrad}()}.
#' @param cloud.type character One of "", "cirrus", "stratocumulus" or
#' "overcast".
#' @details This function provide a rough approximation for parameter values.
#' In reality there is large variation in the cloud optical depths (COD) and
#' in the elevation at which clouds are located, within each type of cloud.
#' The TUV model assumes a continuous uniform cloud layer, thus the normally
#' discontinuous cover of cumulus clouds cannot be described.
#' @return A one-row data frame with members "optical.depth", "base", "top" and
#' "label".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' qtuv_clouds("")
#' qtuv_clouds("cirrus")
#' qtuv_clouds(c("", "cirrus"))
qtuv_clouds <- function(cloud.type = "") {
z <- data.frame()
for (cld in cloud.type) {
cld.df <-
switch(cld, = data.frame(optical.depth = 0.00,
base = 4.00,
top = 5.00,
label = ""),
cirrus = data.frame(optical.depth = 5.00,
base = 6.00,
top = 8.00,
label = "cirrus"),
stratocumulus = data.frame(optical.depth = 10.00,
base = 4.00,
top = 5.00,
label = "stratocumulus"),
overcast = data.frame(optical.depth = 20.00,
base = 0.50,
top = 2.00,
label = "overcast"),
data.frame(optical.density = 0.00,
base = 4.00,
top = 5.00,
label = "")
z <- rbind(z, cld.df)
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