
Defines functions fixed_header_css

Documented in fixed_header_css

#' @name fixed_header_css
#' @title Generate CSS Code for Fixed Header Tables
#' @description Tables with a fixed header may be generated to permit the 
#'   headings to remain visible with the data.  The CSS is not difficult, 
#'   but it not-trivial and requires some coordination across a few 
#'   parts.  This functions standardizes the generation of the CSS code 
#'   using as few elements as possible.  Note that there is potential for
#'   conflicts with existing CSS in this method.
#' @param scroll_body_height \code{integerish(1)}. Sets the height of the scrollable
#'   table body.
#' @param scroll_body_height_units \code{character(1)}. Determines the units for the
#'   height of the scrollable table.  Defaults to \code{"px"}.  Must be one
#'   of \code{c("px", "pt", "\%", "em")}.
#' @param scroll_body_background_color \code{character(1)}. The color of the background
#'   of the body.  Must be a valid color.  It defaults to white, which may
#'   override CSS settings provided by the user.  If this needs to be avoided,
#'   you may use the \code{\link{fixed_header_css}} function to assist in
#'   generating CSS code to use to define the CSS. See Avoiding CSS Conflicts.
#' @param fixed_header_height \code{integerish(1)}. Sets the height of the header
#'   row.
#' @param fixed_header_height_units \code{character(1)}. Determines the units for the
#'   height of the header row. Defaults to \code{"px"}. Must be one of
#'   \code{c("px", "pt", "\%", "em")}.
#' @param fixed_header_text_height \code{numeric(1)}. Sets the height at which the
#'   header text appears.  By default it is set to half of the header height.
#'   This should be approximately centered, but you may alter this to get the
#'   precise look you want.
#' @param fixed_header_text_height_units \code{character(1)}. Determines the units for
#'   placing the header text.  Defaults to \code{"px"}. Must be one of
#'   \code{c("px", "pt", "\%", "em")}.
#' @param fixed_header_background_color \code{character(1)}. Sets the background color for
#'   the header row.  This defaults to white and may override the user's CSS
#'   settings.  See Avoiding CSS Conflicts.
#' @param fixed_header_class_name \code{character(1)}. When 
#'   \code{include_fixed_header_css = FALSE}, this
#'   class name is used to reference CSS classes provided by the user to
#'   format the table correctly.
#' @param pretty \code{logical(1)}. When \code{TRUE}, the result is printed
#'   to the console using \code{cat}, making it easy to copy and paste the
#'   code to another document.  When \code{FALSE}, it is returned as a
#'   character string.
#' @details CSS doesn't make this kind of table natural.  The solution to 
#'   generate the fixed headers used by \code{pixiedust} is probably not the 
#'   best solution in terms of CSS design.  It is, however, the most conducive 
#'   to generating dynamically on the fly. 
#'   The fixed header table requires nesting several HTML elements. 
#'   \enumerate{
#'    \item a \code{div} tag is used to control the alignment of the table
#'    \item a \code{section} tag is used to set up the header row that remains fixed.
#'    \item a \code{div} that sets the height of the scrollable body
#'    \item the \code{table} tag establishes the actual table.
#'    \item The \code{th} tags inside the table are set to full transparency and
#'      the content of the headers is duplicated in a \code{div} within the 
#'      \code{th} tag to display the content.
#'   }
#'   To accomplish these tasks, some CSS is exported with the table and placed
#'   in the document immediately before the table.  Read further to understand
#'   the conflicts that may arise if you are using custom CSS specifications 
#'   in your documents.
#' @section Avoiding CSS Conflicts: 
#' Because of all of the shenanigans involved, exporting the CSS with the tables
#' may result in conflicts with your custom CSS. Most importantly, any CSS
#' you have applied to the \code{th} or \code{td} tags may be overwritten.
#' If you are using custom CSS, you may want to consider using 
#' \code{include_fixed_header_css = FALSE} and then utilizing 
#' \code{\link{fixed_header_css}} to generate CSS you can include in your 
#' CSS file to provide the fixed headers.  The code generated by 
#' \code{fixed_header_css} ought to be placed before your definitions for
#' \code{td} and \code{th}.  
#' To get the same header design in the fixed table, you will want to modify 
#' the \code{.th-pixie-fixed div} definition in the CSS to match your desired
#' \code{th} definition.
#' The code produced by \code{fixed_header_css} will include comments where
#' there is potential for a CSS conflict.
#' @source Jonas Schubert Erlandsson. https://jsfiddle.net/dPixie/byB9d/3/
#' @section Functional Requirements:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item If \code{pretty = TRUE} print results to the console.
#'  \item If \code{pretty = FALSE} Return a character string of length 1.
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{scroll_body_height} is not \code{integerish(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{scroll_body_height_units} is not \code{character(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{scroll_body_background_color} is not \code{character(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{scroll_body_background_color} is not a valid color.
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{fixed_header_height} is not \code{integerish(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{fixed_header_height_units} is not \code{character(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{fixed_header_text_height} is not \code{numeric(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{fixed_header_text_height_units} is not \code{character(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{fixed_header_background_color} is not \code{character(1)}
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{fixed_header_background_color} is not a valid color.
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{pretty} is not \code{logical(1)}
#' }
#' @export

fixed_header_css <- function(fixed_header_class_name = "pixie-fixed",
                             scroll_body_height = 300,
                             scroll_body_height_units = "px",
                             scroll_body_background_color = "white",
                             fixed_header_height = 20,
                             fixed_header_height_units = "px",
                             fixed_header_text_height = fixed_header_height / 2,
                             fixed_header_text_height_units = "px",
                             fixed_header_background_color = "white",
                             pretty = TRUE)
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_integerish(x = scroll_body_height,
                               len = 1,
                               add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = scroll_body_height_units,
                              len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = scroll_body_background_color,
                              len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  if (!any(is_valid_color(scroll_body_background_color))){
    coll$push("'scroll_body_background_color' is not a valid color")
  checkmate::assert_integerish(x = fixed_header_height,
                               len = 1,
                               add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = fixed_header_height_units,
                              len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_numeric(x = fixed_header_text_height,
                            len = 1,
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = fixed_header_text_height_units,
                              len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = fixed_header_background_color,
                              len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  if (!any(is_valid_color(fixed_header_background_color))){
    coll$push("'fixed_header_background_color' is not a valid color")
  checkmate::assert_character(x = fixed_header_class_name,
                              len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = pretty,
                            len = 1, 
                            add = coll)
  css <- 
.", fixed_header_class_name, "-section {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  padding-top: ", fixed_header_height, fixed_header_height_units,";
  background:", fixed_header_background_color, "; <!-- need a color to make the header non-transparent -->
              <!-- This is a potential CSS conflict -->

.", fixed_header_class_name, "-container {
  overflow-y: auto;
  height: ", scroll_body_height, scroll_body_height_units, ";  <!-- Sets the height of the scrollable table -->

.th-", fixed_header_class_name, "{
  line-height: 0;
  color: transparent; <!-- hide text of the header-->

.th-", fixed_header_class_name, " div{
  position: absolute;
  top: ", fixed_header_text_height, fixed_header_text_height_units, ";
  color: black; <!-- the extra div makes the displayable header -->
                <!-- This is a potential source of CSS Conflict -->

th:first-child div{
  border: none;

td, th {
  background:white; <!-- Set the default background of the table to white.
                         This can be overruled in the individual cells 
                         This is a potential source of CSS conflict -->
  if (pretty) cat(css)
  else css

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pixiedust documentation built on Oct. 10, 2023, 9:07 a.m.