
Defines functions man_config_link write_char read_char doc_share_rmd generate_config_docs roxy_to_rd

roxy_to_rd <- function(text) {
  roxy_text <- paste0(
    "#' @name foo\n",
    "#' @title title\n",
    "#' @details\n",
    "#' ", gsub("\n", "\n#' ", text), "\n",
    "#' @md\n",
  # We change the current package's name to make sure that we create
  # cross-references that are fully qualified.
  pkg <- asNamespace("roxygen2")$roxy_meta_get("current_package")
  asNamespace("roxygen2")$roxy_meta_set("current_package", "no-package")
    asNamespace("roxygen2")$roxy_meta_set("current_package", pkg),
    add = TRUE
  # Suppress the warning caused by the changed package name
  out <- suppressWarnings(asNamespace("roxygen2")$roc_proc_text(

  det <- out$foo$get_rd("details")
  sec <- out$foo$get_rd("section")
  if (det == "NULL" && sec == "NULL") {
    cli::cli_alert_warning("No content in {.fn roxy_to_rd}.")
  } else if (det == "NULL") {
  } else if (sec == "NULL") {
    if (startsWith(det, "\\details")) {
      det <- sub("^[\\]details[{]\n?", "", det)
      det <- sub("\n?[}]$", "", det)
  } else {
    cli::cli_alert_warning("\\details{{}} content ignored in {.fn roxy_to_rd}.")

generate_config_docs <- function() {

  # for the dynamic help in pak
  config <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x$docs), pkgdepends_config)
  nms <- names(config)
  dcs <- lapply(config, function(x) x[["docs_pak"]] %||% x[["docs"]])
  inc <- vlapply(config, function(x) x$pak %||% TRUE)
  nms <- nms[inc]
  dcs <- dcs[inc]

  rd <- lapply(dcs, roxy_to_rd)
  outp <- paste(utils::capture.output(print(rd)), collapse = "\n")
  mdfile <- "tools/doc/pak-config-docs.md"
  oldp <- read_char(mdfile)
  if (outp != oldp) {
    outfile <- file.path("inst/docs/pak-config-docs.rds")
    cli::cli_alert_info("Writing {.path {outfile}}")
    saveRDS(rd, outfile, version = 2)
    write_char(outp, mdfile)

  # for roxygen2 in pkgdepends
  items <- map_named(config, function(name, entry) {
    paste0("* `", name, "`: ", entry$docs)

  alldocs <- paste(items, collapse = "\n")

doc_share_rmd <- function(rmd, rds) {
  md <- sub("[.]Rmd$", ".md", rmd)
  if (md == rmd) {
    stop("Docs Rmd file must have extension `.Rmd`")
  withr_with_envvar(c(THIS_IS_PAK = "true"), {
    cmd <- paste0("```{r child=\"", rmd, "\"}\n```\n")
    rd <- roxy_to_rd(cmd)
  oldp <- read_char(md)
  if (oldp != rd) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("Writing {.path {rds}.}")
    saveRDS(rd, rds, version = 2)
    write_char(rd, md)


read_char <- function(path) {
  bin <- readBin(path, "raw", file.info(path)$size)
  txt <- rawToChar(bin)
  Encoding(txt) <- "UTF-8"

write_char <- function(x, path) {
  writeBin(charToRaw(x), path)

man_config_link <- function(txt) {
  paste0("\\link[=pkgdepends-config]{", txt, "}")

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pkgdepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:56 a.m.