pla-package: Parallel Line Assays

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


Parallel Line Models:

Completely Randomized Design, Randomized Block Design, and Latin Squares Design.

Balanced data are fitted as described in the Ph.Eur.

In the presence of missing values complete data analysis can be performed (with computation of Fieller's confidence intervals for the estimated potency), or imputation of values can be applied.

The package contains a script such that a pdf-document with a report of an analysis of an assay can be produced from an input file with data of the assay just by entering the name of the input-file. Here no knowledge of R is needed by the user. This tool requires R and Tex (e.g. MikTex) to be installed. The .BAT- and .csh-files for this is found in .../pla/scripts/ of your installed pla package. You can of course modify the "skeleton" (.../pla/scripts/Skeleton/Skeleton-xtable.Rnw) Sweave program of this script. You should not (only) place your data in .../pla/scripts/data, but copy the content of the directory .../pla/scripts/ to some place not effected by updates of R and the pla-package.


Package: pla
Type: Package
Version: 0.2
Date: 2015-09-09
License: GPL (>= 2)


The two main functions are and pla.plots, which expects data in the format as returned by assayTable2frame or data2assayFrame. But the function readAssayTable is also very useful.

One way to understand (and to reproduce) the structure of the expected input of and pla.plots is to look into data2assayFrame and AgarDiffusionAssay. The column names Response, Dilution, Sample, Replicate, Row, and Column of the input for data2assayFrame cannot be changed. Row and Column are used for "Latin squares".

Replicate is used for "blocks" and completely random designs.

pheur325 is designed to be called from, and plotSamples is designed to be called from pla.plots.

The input dataframe for pla.plots and should be ordered by Sample and "DilutionStep".

The output listing is designed for "R CMD Sweave" and "pdflatex".

Acknowledgment: Thanks to CombiStats for permitting the presentation of the data of CombiStats in this package. The statistical analyses of this data are also performed by the CombiStats program, and the results can be found on


Jens Henrik Badsberg <>


Ph.Eur.: Chapter 5.3. Statistical analysis. In EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA version 8.0, 2014; 607–635 (475-504 in version 5.0, 2004).

Coward, Katrine Hope, Kassner, Elsie Woodward (1941): A Comparison between Interlitter and Intralitter variation in rats with respect to the healing of rachitic bones by vitamin D. Pharmaceutical Society, London.

Fieller, E.C.: The biological standardization of insulin. Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1940; Vol. VII., No. 1.

Bliss, C.I. (1952): The Statistics of Bioassay - with special reference to the vitamin. Academic Press, New York.

Arthur Linder, Genova, Switzerland (1964): Statistics of Bioassays, Notes on lectures held during the spring semester (1964) at the Statistics Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.

Finney, David J. (1978): Statistical Method in Biological Assay. Charles Griffin & Company Ltd. Third Edition.


data(Corticotrophin); Data <- Corticotrophin

Design <- "crd"
Data <- readAssayTable(paste(system.file(package = "pla"),
                             sep = "/"))
Frame  <-
fits <-, design = Design, sampleLabels = c("S", "T", "U"),
                dr = 4, returnPotencyEstimates = TRUE)
plots <- pla.plots(Frame, design = Design, sampleLabels = c("S", "T", "U"), 
                   colTst = c("blue", "red"), showRho = FALSE,
                   main = "PhEur: Corticotrophin; Subcutaneous Injection In Rats",
                   tests = fits@tests,)

## Alternative on object of class 'pla':
plaModel <- plaCRD(Data,
                   assayTitle = "PhEur: Corticotrophin; Subcutaneous Injection In Rats")
Fits <- fit(plaModel)

Example output

Note: Two factors without labels:  Sample, Dose .
Project: Europ. Pharm., 5th Ed. (2005), Ch. 5.3, 5.1.1
Assay: Subcutaneous Injection In Rats
Data values:
     S:1:1 S:2:2 T:1:1 T:2:2 U:1:1 U:2:2
1    300.0 289.0 310.0   230   250   236
2    310.0 221.0 290.0   210   268   213
3    330.0 267.0 360.0   280   273   283
4    290.0 236.0 341.0   261   240   269
5    364.0 250.0 321.0   241   307   251
6    328.0 231.0 370.0   290   270   294
7    390.0 229.0 303.0   223   317   223
8    360.0 269.0 334.0   254   312   250
9    342.0 233.0 295.0   216   320   216
0    306.0 259.0 315.0   235   265   265
Mean 332.0 248.4 323.9   244   282   250
SD    32.0  22.0  26.9    27    29    28
CV     9.7   8.9   8.3    11    10    11
Data values:
     S:1:1 S:2:2 T:1:1 T:2:2 U:1:1 U:2:2
1    300.0 289.0 310.0   230   250   236
2    310.0 221.0 290.0   210   268   213
3    330.0 267.0 360.0   280   273   283
4    290.0 236.0 341.0   261   240   269
5    364.0 250.0 321.0   241   307   251
6    328.0 231.0 370.0   290   270   294
7    390.0 229.0 303.0   223   317   223
8    360.0 269.0 334.0   254   312   250
9    342.0 233.0 295.0   216   320   216
0    306.0 259.0 315.0   235   265   265
Mean 332.0 248.4 323.9   244   282   250
SD    32.0  22.0  26.9    27    29    28
CV     9.7   8.9   8.3    11    10    11

pla documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:12 a.m.