#' Calculate the PLAC estimator when a time-dependent indicator presents
#' Both a conditional approach Cox model and a pairwise likelihood augmented
#' estimator are fitted and the corresponding results are returned in a list.
#' @param ltrc.formula a formula of of the form \code{Surv(A, Y, D) ~ Z}, where
#' \code{Z} only include the time-invariate covariates.
#' @param a data.frame of the LTRC dataset including the responses,
#' time-invariate covariates and the jump times for the time-depnencent
#' covariate.
#' @param id.var the name of the subject id in \code{data}.
#' @param td.type the type of the time-dependent covariate. Either one of
#' \code{c("none", "independent", "post-trunc", "pre-post-trunc")}. See
#' Details.
#' @param td.var the name of the time-dependent covariate in the output.
#' @param t.jump the name of the jump time variable in \code{data}.
#' @param init.val a list of the initial values of the coefficients and the
#' baseline hazard function for the PLAC estimator.
#' @param max.iter the maximal number of iteration for the PLAC estimator
#' @param print.result logical, if a brief summary of the regression coefficient
#' estiamtes should be printed out.
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @useDynLib plac, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom stats as.formula coef model.frame model.matrix model.response
#' model.matrix pnorm
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom survival Surv tmerge coxph
#' @details \code{ltrc.formula} should have the same form as used in
#' \code{coxph()}; e.g., \code{Surv(A, Y, D) ~ Z1 + Z2}. where \code{(A, Y,
#' D)} are the truncation time, the survival time and the status indicator
#' (\code{(tstart, tstop, event)} as in \code{\link[survival]{coxph}}).
#' \code{td.type} is used to determine which \code{C++} function will be
#' invoked: either \code{PLAC_TI} (if \code{td.type = "none"}), \code{PLAC_TD}
#' (if \code{td.type = "independent"}) or \code{PLAC_TDR}) (if \code{td.type
#' \%in\% c("post-trunc", "pre-post-trunc")}). For \code{td.type =
#' "post-trunc"}, the pre-truncation values for the time-dependent covariate
#' will be set to be zero for all subjects.
#' @return a list of model fitting results for both conditional approach and the
#' PLAC estimators.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Event.Time}}{Ordered distinct observed event times}
#' \item{\code{b}}{Regression coefficients estiamtes}
#' \item{\code{se.b}}{Model-based SEs of the regression coefficients
#' estiamtes}
#' \item{\code{H0}}{Estimated cumulative baseline hazard function}
#' \item{\code{se.H0}}{Model-based SEs of the estimated cumulative baseline
#' hazard function}
#' \item{\code{sandwich}}{The sandwich estimator for (beta,
#' lambda)}
#' \item{\code{k}}{The number of iteration for used for the PLAC
#' estimator}
#' \item{\code{summ}}{A brief summary of the covariates effects}
#' }
#' @references Wu, F., Kim, S., Qin, J., Saran, R., & Li, Y. (2018). A pairwise likelihood augmented Cox estimator for leftâtruncated data. Biometrics, 74(1), 100-108.
#' @examples
#' # When only time-invariant covariates are involved
#' dat1 = sim.ltrc(n = 40)$dat
#' PLAC(ltrc.formula = Surv(As, Ys, Ds) ~ Z1 + Z2,
#' = dat1, td.type = "none")
#' # When there is a time-dependent covariate that is independent of the truncation time
#' dat2 = sim.ltrc(n = 40, time.dep = TRUE,
#' distr.A = "binomial", p.A = 0.8, Cmax = 5)$dat
#' PLAC(ltrc.formula = Surv(As, Ys, Ds) ~ Z,
#' = dat2, td.type = "independent",
#' td.var = "Zv", t.jump = "zeta")
#' # When there is a time-dependent covariate that depends on the truncation time
#' dat3 = sim.ltrc(n = 40, time.dep = TRUE, Zv.depA = TRUE, Cmax = 5)$dat
#' PLAC(ltrc.formula = Surv(As, Ys, Ds) ~ Z,
#' = dat3, td.type = "post-trunc",
#' td.var = "Zv", t.jump = "zeta")
#' @export
PLAC = function(ltrc.formula,, id.var = "ID",
td.type = "none", td.var = NULL, t.jump = NULL,
init.val = NULL, max.iter = 100, print.result = TRUE, ...){
if( !inherits(ltrc.formula, "formula") ) stop("A formula of the form 'Surv (A, Y, D) ~ Z' is required!")
# grep the model.frame for later use
mf = model.frame(formula = ltrc.formula, data =
# prepare the response and time-invariant covariate matrix
X = as.matrix(model.response(mf))
resp = gsub("Surv|\\(|\\)| ", "", unlist(strsplit(names(mf)[1], ",")))
colnames(X) = resp
n = nrow(X)
W = unique(X[X[ , 3] == 1, 2])
m = length(W)
# at-risk processes
Ind1 = SgInd(X, W)
# truncation processes
Ind2 = PwInd(X, W)
# number of events at each w_k
Dn = as.numeric(rle(X[X[,3] == 1, 2])$lengths)
ZF = as.matrix(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)[ , -1], nrow = n)
colnames(ZF) = names(mf)[-1]
if( td.type == "none"){
p = ncol(ZF)
Z = t(ZF)
cox.LTRC = survival::coxph(formula = ltrc.formula, data =, method="breslow", model = TRUE)
# for "post-trunc", all subjects have pre-trunc Zv = 0.
if( td.type == "post-trunc" ){
assign(td.var, rep(0, n))
eval(parse(text = paste0("ZF0 = cbind(ZF, ", td.var, ")")))
ZFt = t(ZF0)
ZFt = t(ZF)
# the jump times of the time-dependent indicator (zeta)
ZV =[[t.jump]]
# need counting process expansion of the data
eval(parse(text = paste0("data.count = tmerge(,, id = ", id.var,
", death = event(", resp[2], ", ", resp[3], "), ",
td.var, " = tdc(", t.jump, "))")))
data.count$id = NULL
eval(parse(text = paste0("data.count = subset(data.count, !(",
t.jump, " <= ", resp[1],
"& tstart == 0))")))
eval(parse(text = paste0("data.count$tstart[data.count$",
resp[1], "> data.count$tstart] = data.count$",
resp[1], "[data.count$",
resp[1], "> data.count$tstart]")))
# covariate values at the observed survival times
eval(parse(text = paste0("ZV_ = subset(data.count, select = ", td.var, ", tstop == ", resp[2],")[[1]]")))
ZFV_ = rbind(t(ZF), ZV_)
p = nrow(ZFV_)
IndZ = TvInd(ZV, W)
Za = array(c(rep(ZF, each = m), IndZ), c(m, n, p))
Z = matrix(aperm(Za, c(3, 1, 2)), m * p, n)
cox.LTRC = survival::coxph(as.formula(paste0("Surv(tstart, tstop, death) ~ ",
paste(c(colnames(ZF), td.var),
collapse = "+"))),
data = data.count, model = TRUE)
b.cox = unname(coef(cox.LTRC))
h.cox = survival::basehaz(cox.LTRC, centered = FALSE)$hazard
# get h from H
H.cox = c(0, unique(h.cox))
h.cox = diff(H.cox)
# if the first obs is censored..
H.cox = unique(h.cox)
h.cox = diff(H.cox)
newdata = model.matrix(cox.LTRC)[FALSE,]
newdata = data.frame(rbind(newdata, rep(0, ncol(newdata))))
summ.cox = summary(survival::survfit(cox.LTRC, newdata = newdata))
se.H0.cox = c(0, summ.cox$std.err/summ.cox$surv)
# set the initial values for b (coefficients) and h (baseline hazard)
if( is.null(init.val) ){
b_0 = b.cox
h_0 = h.cox
b_0 = init.val$b_0
h_0 = init.val$h_0
# Call the proper C++ wrapper function
if( td.type == "none" ){
cat("Calling PLAC_TI()...\n") = PLAC_TI(Z, X, W, Ind1, Ind2, Dn, b_0, h_0, max.iter)
}else if( td.type == "independent" ){
cat("Calling PLAC_TD()...\n") = PLAC_TD(Z, ZFV_, X, W, Ind1, Ind2, Dn, b_0, h_0, max.iter)
}else if( td.type %in% c("post-trunc", "pre-post-trunc") ){
cat("Calling PLAC_TDR()...\n") = PLAC_TDR(ZFt, ZFV_, Z, X, W, Ind1, Ind2, Dn, b_0, h_0, max.iter)
# summarizing fitting results
b = cbind(Cox = b.cox, PLAC =$b.hat)
se.b = cbind(Cox = sqrt(diag(cox.LTRC$var)), PLAC =$se.b.hat)
if( td.type == "none" ){
rownames(b) = colnames(ZF)
rownames(b) = c(colnames(ZF), td.var)
rownames(se.b) = rownames(b)
H0 = cbind(Cox = H.cox, PLAC =$H0.hat)
se.H0 = cbind(Cox = se.H0.cox, PLAC =$se.H0.hat)
rslt = cbind(est.Cox = b[ , 1], se.Cox = se.b[ , 1],
p.Cox = 2 * pnorm(abs(b[ , 1] / se.b[ , 1]), lower.tail = FALSE),
est.PLAC = b[ , 2], se.PLAC = se.b[ , 2],
p.PLAC = 2 * pnorm(abs(b[ , 2] / se.b[ , 2]), lower.tail = FALSE))
rslt = round(rslt, 3)
if( print.result ){
cat("Coefficient Estimates:\n")
return(invisible(list(Event.Time = summ.cox$time,
b = b, se.b = se.b,
H0 = H0, se.H0 = se.H0,
sandwich =$swe,
k =$iter,
summ = rslt)))
#' Calulate the Values of the cumulative Hazard at Fixed Times
#' @param est an object of the class \code{}.
#' @param t.eval time points at which the Lambda(t) is evaluated (for both conditional apporach and the PLAC estimator).
#' @importFrom stats stepfun
#' @return a list containing the estiamtes and SEs of Lambda(t) for both conditional apporach and the PLAC estimator.
#' @examples
#' dat1 = sim.ltrc(n = 50)$dat
#' est = PLAC(ltrc.formula = Surv(As, Ys, Ds) ~ Z1 + Z2,
#' = dat1, td.type = "none")
#' H = cum.haz(est, t.eval = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1))
#' H$L
#' H$se.L
#' @export
cum.haz = function(est, t.eval=c(0.25, 0.75)){
# evaluation of Lambda_hat
tim = est$Event.Time
H0.cox = stepfun(tim, est$H0[,1])
H0.cox.eval = H0.cox(t.eval)
H0.plac = stepfun(tim,est$H0[,2])
H0.plac.eval = H0.plac(t.eval)
L = rbind(Cox=H0.cox.eval, PLAC=H0.plac.eval)
se.H0.cox = stepfun(tim,est$se.H0[,1])
se.H0.cox.eval = se.H0.cox(t.eval)
se.H0.plac = stepfun(tim,est$se.H0[,2])
se.H0.plac.eval = se.H0.plac(t.eval)
se.L = rbind(Cox=se.H0.cox.eval, PLAC=se.H0.plac.eval)
colnames(L) = t.eval
colnames(se.L) = t.eval
return(list(TrueL = t.eval,
L=L, se.L=se.L,, PLAC=H0.plac),, PLAC=se.H0.plac)))
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