#' Read Binary Symmetric Matrix (BSM)
#' Read BSM represented by a pair of files suffixed by ".bin" and ".id", usually
#' produced by PLINK and GCTA.
#' The ".bin" is a binary file storing the matrix entries, which can be
#' \describe{
#' \item{SQR}{the `N` x `N` symmetric matrix in full}
#' \item{LWD}{the lower triangle with diagonal}
#' \item{LND}{the lower triangle without diagonal}
#' },
#' saved as either single or double precision.
#' The ".id" is a text file of `N` family ID (FID) and individual ID (IID) in
#' two columns. By default, IID is used as matix row and column names.
#' PLINK option \code{--make-red bin}, \code{--distance bin}, and GCTA option
#' \code{--make-grm} all creats binary symmetric matrices, widely used in linear
#' mixed model or kernel based models for genetics.
#' @param pfx prefix of data files `` and `pfx.bin`
#' @param dgv diagonal value for matrix without a diagonal (def=1.0)
#' @param fid separator between FID and IID (def=NULL, use IID only)
#' @param bin use bin file instead of the default `pfx.bin`
#' @param id use id file instead of the default ``
#' @return symmetric matrix loaded, with sample ID as both row and column names.
#' @examples
#' pfx <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), "m20.rel")
#' (readBSM(pfx, fid=":"))
#' @export
readBSM <- function(pfx, dgv=1, fid=NULL, id=NULL, bin=NULL)
## ID in {p}.id
id <- paste0(pfx, ".id")
ids <- matrix(scan(id, "", quiet=TRUE, comment.char = "#"), 2)
ids <- ids[1, ]
ids <- paste(ids[1, ], ids[2, ], sep=fid)
N <- length(ids)
## data matrix
bin <- paste0(pfx, ".bin")
S <- file.size(bin) # file size
R <- matrix(.0, N, N, dimnames=list(ids, ids))
H <- "UNK" # shape, start with unknown
## try: lower triangle w/t diagonal
if(H == "UNK")
L <- N * (N + 1.0) / 2.0
U <- S / L
if(U == 4 || U == 8)
R[upper.tri(R, 1)] <- readBin(bin, 0., L, U)
R[lower.tri(R, 0)] <- t(R)[lower.tri(R, 0)]
## try: lower triangle, no diagonal
if(H == "UNK")
L <- N * (N - 1.0) / 2.0 # number of entries
U <- S / L # unit size
if(U == 4 || U == 8)
R[upper.tri(R, 0)] <- readBin(bin, 0., L, U)
R[lower.tri(R, 0)] <- t(R)[lower.tri(R, 0)]
diag(R) <- dgv # diagnal
## try: a squre
if(H == "UNK")
L <- 1.0 * N * N
U <- S / L
if(U == 4 || U == 8)
R[ , ] <- readBin(bin, 0., L, U)
## fail or return
print(data.frame(pfx=pfx, size=S, entries=L, unit=U, shape=H, N=N))
if(H == "UNK")
stop("unknown storage type.")
#' Infer Sample ID from a symmetric matrix
#' Infer family id (FID) and individual id (IID) from row names.
#' If a matrix has no row names, the IDs will be automatically generated.
#' By default, row names are assumed to be both FID and IID, that is, faimilies
#' of a single individual.
#' If the row names are FID and IID connected by a character, such as FID.IID,
#' specify that character (i.e. ".") with argument \code{sep}.
#' @param x the target matrix
#' @param sep separator between FID and IID (def=NULL).
#' @return data fram of family ID and individual ID infered from row names.
#' @noRd
gid <- function(x, sep=NULL)
N <- nrow(x)
i <- row.names(x)
i <- sprintf(paste0('I%d0', nchar(N)), seq(N))
i <- data.frame(i, i)
sep <- paste0('[', sep, ']')
i <- lapply(strsplit(i, sep), rep, l=2)
i <- data.frame(, i), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(i) <- c('FID', 'IID')
#' Save Symmetric Matrix to Binary
#' Save symmetric matrix to a binary core file (.bin), and a text file of IDs
#' (.id), recognizable by PLINK.
#' @param pfx prefix of output files
#' @param x symmetric matrix to save
#' @param ltr store the lower triangle only? (def=TRUE)
#' @param diag save diagnal? (def=TRUE) ignored if \code{ltr} is FALSE.
#' @param unit numerical unit, (def=4, single precision)
#' @param fid separator between FID and IID (def=".").
#' @examples
#' pfx <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), "m20.rel")
#' rel <- readBSM(pfx) # relatedness kernel matrix
#' re2 <- rel^2 # 2nd order polynomial kernel
#' tmp <- tempdir()
#' dir.create(tmp, FALSE)
#' out <- file.path(tmp, 'm20.re2')
#' saveBSM(out, re2) # save the polynomial kernel
#' dir(tmp) # show new files, then clean up
#' unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE)
#' @export
saveBSM <- function(pfx, x, ltr=TRUE, diag=TRUE, unit=4L, fid=".")
## save subject IDs
id <- gid(x, sep=fid)
write(t(id), paste0(pfx, '.id'), 2L, sep='\t')
## R is colume majored, to save the lower TRI, use upper TRI instead.
if(length(ltr) == 0 || ltr)
x <- x[upper.tri(x, diag)]
## save matrix data
writeBin(x, paste0(pfx, '.bin'), unit)
#' Read PLINK Binary IBS matrix
#' A PLINK IBS (Identity by State) matrix is represented by
#' \describe{
#' \item{.mibs.bin:}{IBS matrix in binary}
#' \item{ :}{FID and IID in text}
#' }
#' A binary IBS matrix is the result of PLINK \code{--distance ibs bin}
#' @examples
#' pfx <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), "m20")
#' (readIBS(pfx))
#' @param pfx prefix of the IBS file set.
#' @param fid seperate after family ID (def=NULL, use IID only)
#' @return IBS matrix with row and column names set to sample ID.
#' @export
readIBS <- function(pfx, fid=".") readBSM(paste0(pfx, ".mibs"), fid=fid)
#' Read PLINK Binary REL matrix
#' A PLINK REL (Relatedness) matrix is represented by
#' \describe{
#' \item{.rel.bin:}{REL matrix in binary}
#' \item{ :}{FID and IID in text}
#' }
#' A binary REL matrix is the result of PLINK \code{--make-rel bin}
#' @examples
#' pfx <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), "m20")
#' (readREL(pfx))
#' @param pfx prefix of the REL file set
#' @param fid separate after family ID. (def=NULL, use IID only)
#' @return relatedness matrix with row and column names set to sample ID.
#' @export
readREL <- function(pfx, fid=".") readBSM(paste0(pfx, ".rel"), fid=fid)
#' Read Genetic Related Matrix (GRM) of GCTA
#' GRM is the core formt of GCTA, which is an binary symmetric matrix with an
#' extra variant count matrix (VCM), this function reads the binary sysmmetric
#' matrix.
#' GCTA GRM is represented by a set of three files:
#' \describe{
#' \item{.grm.bin :}{GRM matrix in binary}
#' \item{ :}{sample FID and IID in text}
#' \item{.grm.N.bin :}{number of valid variants for each GRM entry}}
#' and it always uses single precision (4 bytes per entry).
#' To read the extra the extra VCM (grm.N.bin), use \code{\link{readVCM}}.
#' @examples
#' pfx <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), "m20")
#' (readGRM(pfx))
#' @param pfx prefix of GRM file set
#' @param fid separator after family ID (def=NULL, use IID only)
#' @return matrix of relatedness with sample ID in row and column names.
#' @export
readGRM <- function(pfx, fid=NULL) readBSM(paste0(pfx, ".grm"), fid=fid)
#' Read Variant Count Matrix (VCM) accompanying a GCTA GRM
#' GRM (Genetic Relatedness Matrix) is the core formt of GCTA, which is a PLINK
#' binary symmetric matrix with an extra variant count matrix (VCM), this
#' function reads the VCM.
#' @examples
#' pfx <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), "m20")
#' (readVCM(pfx))
#' @param pfx prefix of GRM file set
#' @param fid seperate after family ID (def=NULL, use IID only)
#' @return matrix of variant count with sample ID in row and column names.
#' @export
readVCM <- function(pfx, fid=NULL) readBSM(paste0(pfx, ".grm.N"), fid=fid, id=paste0(pfx, ""))
#' Save symmetic matrix to GCTA GRM format.
#' GRM (Genetic Relatedness Matrix) is the core formt of GCTA, this function
#' saves a R symmetric matrix to a file set recgnizable by GCTA.
#' Three files will be saved:
#' \describe{
#' \item{.grm.bin :}{genetic relatedness matrix in binary}
#' \item{ :}{FID and IID for N individuals in text}
#' \item{.grm.N.bin :}{variant count matrix (VCM) in binary}
#' }
#' FID and IID will be generated if the \code{grm} to be saved has no row names.
#' When save the \code{vcm}, if a single number is given, this number is used
#' as the variant count for all entries in the GRM.
#' \code{saveGRM} is useful in exporting customized kinship matrices (such as a
#' Gaussian or a Laplacian kernel) to a GRM acceptable by GCTA, which are not
#' supported by GCTA's own GRM builder.
#' @param pfx prefix of data files
#' @param grm genome relatedness matrix to save
#' @param vcm variant counts matrix to save (def=1).
#' @param fid separator after family ID. (def=NULL)
#' @examples
#' pfx <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), "m20")
#' gmx <- readBED(pfx) # read genotype matrix from PLINK BED.
#' gmx <- scale(gmx) # standardize
#' tmp <- tempdir() # for example outputs
#' dir.create(tmp, FALSE)
#' # kinship matrix as Gaussian kernel, built from the first 10 variants
#' gmx.gau <- gmx[, +(1:10)] # the first 10 variants
#' <- tcrossprod(! # variant count matrix
#' kin.gau <- exp(as.matrix(-dist(gmx.gau, "euc")) /
#' print(kin.gau) # the Gaussian kernel
#' out.gau <- file.path(tmp, "m20.gau")
#' saveGRM(out.gau, kin.gau, # gau.grm.* should appear
#' # kinship matrix as Laplacian kernel, built without the first 10 variants
#' gmx.lap <- gmx[, -(1:10)] # drop the first 10 variants
#' <- tcrossprod(! # variant count matrix
#' kin.lap <- exp(as.matrix(-dist(gmx.lap, "man")) /
#' out.lap <- file.path(tmp, "m20.lap")
#' print(kin.lap) # the Laplacian kernel
#' saveGRM(out.lap, kin.lap, # lap.grm.* should appear
#' # merge kinship in R language for a radius based function kernel matrix
#' <- +
#' kin.rbf <- (kin.gau * + kin.lap * /
#' print(kin.rbf)
#' out.rbf <- file.path(tmp, "m20.rbf")
#' saveGRM(out.rbf, kin.rbf, # rbf.grm.* should appear
#' # show saved matrices, then clean up
#' dir(tmp, "(gau|lap|rbf)")
#' unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE)
#' @export
saveGRM <- function(pfx, grm, vcm=NULL, fid=NULL)
## get file names
fn.rmx <- paste0(pfx, ".grm.bin")
fn.N <- paste0(pfx, ".grm.N.bin") <- paste0(pfx, "")
## complete id and N
id <- gid(grm, sep=fid)
vcm <- 1
if(length(vcm) != length(grm) && length(vcm) != 1)
stop("wrong dimension for variant count matrix.")
## upper.tri of col major = lower.tri of row major
u <- upper.tri(diag(nrow(id)), TRUE)
grm <- grm[u]
writeBin(grm, fn.rmx, 4L)
## variant count matrix
if(length(vcm) > 1)
vcm <- vcm[u]
writeBin(vcm, fn.N, 4L)
## individual ID table
write(t(id),, 2, sep='\t')
#' Test Genetic Relatedness Matrix Reader
#' Compare the read from genetic relatedness matrix created from the same genome
#' segment but stored in different shapes and types.
testReadBSM <- function()
one <- function(pfx)
fdr <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="plinkFile"), pfx)
## standardized relatedness, lower trangle with diagonal, single
st4 <- readREL(paste0(fdr, ".st4"))
## standardized relatedness, lower trangle with diagonal, double
st8 <- readREL(paste0(fdr, ".st8"))
## standardized relatedness, square matrix, single
ss4 <- readREL(paste0(fdr, ".ss4"))
## standardized relatedness, square matrix, double
ss8 <- readREL(paste0(fdr, ".ss8"))
## GCTA genetic relatedness matrix
grm <- readGRM(fdr)
if(!all(st4 == ss4, st8 == ss8))
stop("Failed REL reading test:", pfx, ", full-square vs low-triangle.")
if(!all.equal(st4, st8, tolerance=1e-7))
stop("Failed REL reading test:", pfx, ", single vs double precision.")
if(!all.equal(ss4, ss8, tolerance=1e-7))
stop("Failed REL reading test:", pfx, ", single vs double precision.")
if(!all(st4 == grm, ss4 == grm))
stop("Failed GRM reading test:", pfx, ", single vs double precision.")
cat("Pass PLINK relatedness matrix reading test: ", pfx, "\n", sep="")
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