# model.frame method for pdata.frame ; the formula argument must be a
# pdata.frame and the data argument must be a formula, which is quite
# esoteric, but consistent with the argument list of
# model.frame.Formula which is latter called.
#' model.frame and model.matrix for panel data
#' Methods to create model frame and model matrix for panel data.
#' The `lhs` and `rhs` arguments are inherited from `Formula`, see
#' there for more details.\cr The `model.frame` methods return a
#' `pdata.frame` object suitable as an input to plm's
#' `model.matrix`.\cr The `model.matrix` methods builds a model matrix
#' with transformations performed as specified by the `model` and
#' `effect` arguments (and `theta` if `model = "random"` is
#' requested), in this case the supplied `data` argument should be a
#' model frame created by plm's `model.frame` method. If not, it is
#' tried to construct the model frame from the data. Constructing the
#' model frame first ensures proper `NA` handling, see **Examples**.
#' @name model.frame.pdata.frame
#' @param object,formula an object of class `"pdata.frame"` or an
#' estimated model object of class `"plm"`,
#' @param x a `model.frame`
#' @param data a `formula`, see **Details**,
#' @param effect the effects introduced in the model, one of
#' `"individual"`, `"time"`, `"twoways"` or `"nested"`,
#' @param model one of `"pooling"`, `"within"`, `"Sum"`, `"Between"`,
#' `"between"`, `"random",` `"fd"` and `"ht"`,
#' @param theta the parameter for the transformation if `model =
#' "random"`,
#' @param cstcovar.rm remove the constant columns, one of `"none",
#' "intercept", "covariates", "all")`,
#' @param lhs inherited from package [Formula::Formula()] (see
#' there),
#' @param rhs inherited from package [Formula::Formula()] (see
#' there),
#' @param dot inherited from package [Formula::Formula()] (see
#' there),
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @return The `model.frame` methods return a `pdata.frame`.\cr The
#' `model.matrix` methods return a `matrix`.
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @seealso [pmodel.response()] for (transformed) response
#' variable.\cr [Formula::Formula()] from package `Formula`,
#' especially for the `lhs` and `rhs` arguments.
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#' # First, make a pdata.frame
#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
#' pGrunfeld <- pdata.frame(Grunfeld)
#' # then make a model frame from a formula and a pdata.frame
#' form <- inv ~ value
#' mf <- model.frame(pGrunfeld, form)
#' # then construct the (transformed) model matrix (design matrix)
#' # from model frame
##modmat <- model.matrix(pform, data = mf, model = "within")
#' modmat <- model.matrix(mf, model = "within")
#' ## retrieve model frame and model matrix from an estimated plm object
## #fe_model <- plm(pform, data = pGrunfeld, model = "within")
#' fe_model <- plm(form, data = pGrunfeld, model = "within")
#' model.frame(fe_model)
#' model.matrix(fe_model)
#' # same as constructed before
#' all.equal(mf, model.frame(fe_model), check.attributes = FALSE) # TRUE
#' all.equal(modmat, model.matrix(fe_model), check.attributes = FALSE) # TRUE
#' @rdname model.frame.pdata.frame
#' @export
model.frame.pdata.frame <- function(formula, data = NULL, ...,
lhs = NULL, rhs = NULL, dot = "previous"){
pdata <- formula
formula <- as.Formula(data)
if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- seq_len(length(formula)[2L])
if (is.null(lhs)) lhs <- if(length(formula)[1L] > 0L) 1 else 0
index <- attr(pdata, "index")
mf <- model.frame(formula,, row.names = FALSE), ..., # NB need row.names = FALSE to ensure mf has integer sequence as row names
lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, dot = dot)
index <- index[as.numeric(rownames(mf)), ] # reduce index down to rows left in model frame
checkNA.index(index) # check for NAs in model.frame's index and error if any
index <- droplevels(index)
class(index) <- c("pindex", "data.frame")
index = index,
formula = formula,
class = c("pdata.frame", class(mf)))
#' @rdname model.frame.pdata.frame
#' @export
formula.pdata.frame <- function(x, ...){
if (is.null(attr(x, "terms")))
stop("formula expect a model.frame and not an ordinary pdata.frame")
attr(x, "formula")
#' @rdname model.frame.pdata.frame
#' @export
model.matrix.plm <- function(object, ...){
dots <- list(...)
model <- if(is.null(dots$model)) describe(object, "model") else dots$model
effect <- if(is.null(dots$effect)) describe(object, "effect") else dots$effect
rhs <- if(is.null(dots$rhs)) 1 else dots$rhs
cstcovar.rm <- dots$cstcovar.rm
formula <- formula(object)
data <- model.frame(object)
if (model != "random"){
model.matrix(data, model = model, effect = effect,
rhs = rhs, cstcovar.rm = cstcovar.rm)
theta <- ercomp(object)$theta
model.matrix(data, model = model, effect = effect,
theta = theta, rhs = rhs, cstcovar.rm = cstcovar.rm)
#' @rdname model.frame.pdata.frame
#' @export
model.matrix.pdata.frame <- function(object,
model = c("pooling", "within", "Between", "Sum",
"between", "mean", "random", "fd"),
effect = c("individual", "time", "twoways", "nested"),
rhs = 1,
theta = NULL,
cstcovar.rm = NULL,
if (is.null(attr(object, "terms")))
stop("model.matrix expects a model.frame and not an ordinary pdata.frame")
model <- match.arg(model)
effect <- match.arg(effect)
formula <- attr(object, "formula")
data <- object
has.intercept <- has.intercept(formula, rhs = rhs, data = data)
# relevant defaults for cstcovar.rm
if(is.null(cstcovar.rm)) cstcovar.rm <- if(model == "within") "intercept" else "none"
balanced <- is.pbalanced(data)
X <- model.matrix(as.Formula(formula), data = data, rhs = rhs, dot = "previous", ...)
# check for infinite or NA values and exit if there are some
if(any(! is.finite(X)))
stop(paste("model matrix or response contains non-finite",
"values (NA/NaN/Inf/-Inf)"))
X.assi <- attr(X, "assign")
X.contr <- attr(X, "contrasts")
X.contr <- X.contr[ ! vapply(X.contr, is.null, FUN.VALUE = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) ]
index <- index(data)
attr(X, "index") <- index
if(effect == "twoways" && model %in% c("between", "fd"))
stop("twoways effect only relevant for within, random, and pooling models")
if(model == "within") X <- Within(X, effect)
if(model == "Sum") X <- Sum(X, effect)
if(model == "Between") X <- Between(X, effect)
if(model == "between") X <- between(X, effect)
if(model == "mean") X <- Mean(X)
if(model == "fd") X <- pdiff(X, effect = "individual", # pdiff has its own handling of intercept and const. columns
has.intercept = has.intercept, shift = "row")
if(model == "random"){
if(is.null(theta)) stop("a theta argument must be provided for model = \"random\"")
if(effect %in% c("time", "individual")) X <- X - theta * Between(X, effect)
if(effect == "nested") X <- X - theta$id * Between(X, "individual") -
theta$gp * Between(X, "group")
if(effect == "twoways" && balanced)
X <- X - theta$id * Between(X, "individual") -
theta$time * Between(X, "time") + theta$total * Mean(X)
## TODO: case unbalanced twoways not treated here. Catch and error gracefully?
# if (effect == "twoways" && !balanced) stop("two-way unbalanced case not implemented in model.matrix.pdata.frame")
if(cstcovar.rm == "intercept"){
posintercept <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X))
if (! X <- X[ , - posintercept, drop = FALSE]
if(cstcovar.rm %in% c("covariates", "all")){
cols <- apply(X, 2, is.constant)
cstcol <- names(cols)[cols]
posintercept <- match("(Intercept)", cstcol)
cstintercept <- if( FALSE else TRUE
zeroint <- if(cstintercept &&
max(X[ , posintercept]) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if(length(cstcol) > 0L){
if((cstcovar.rm == "covariates" || !zeroint) && cstintercept) cstcol <- cstcol[- posintercept]
if(length(cstcol) > 0L){
X <- X[ , - match(cstcol, colnames(X)), drop = FALSE]
attr(X, "constant") <- cstcol
structure(X, assign = X.assi, contrasts = X.contr, index = index)
#' A function to extract the model.response
#' pmodel.response has several methods to conveniently extract the
#' response of several objects.
#' The model response is extracted from a `pdata.frame` (where the
#' response must reside in the first column; this is the case for a
#' model frame), a `Formula` + `data` (being a model frame) or a `plm`
#' object, and the
#' transformation specified by `effect` and `model` is applied to
#' it.\cr Constructing the model frame first ensures proper `NA`
#' handling and the response being placed in the first column, see
#' also **Examples** for usage.
#' @aliases pmodel.response
#' @param object an object of class `"plm"`, or a formula of
#' class `"Formula"`,
#' @param data a `data.frame`
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @return A pseries except if model responses' of a `"between"`
#' or `"fd"` model as these models "compress" the data (the number
#' of observations used in estimation is smaller than the original
#' data due to the specific transformation). A numeric is returned
#' for the `"between"` and `"fd"` model.
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @seealso `plm`'s [model.matrix()] for (transformed)
#' model matrix and the corresponding [model.frame()]
#' method to construct a model frame.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' # First, make a pdata.frame
#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
#' pGrunfeld <- pdata.frame(Grunfeld)
#' # then make a model frame from a Formula and a pdata.frame
#' form <- inv ~ value + capital
#' mf <- model.frame(pGrunfeld, form)
#' # retrieve (transformed) response directly from model frame
#' resp_mf <- pmodel.response(mf, model = "within", effect = "individual")
#' # retrieve (transformed) response from a plm object, i.e., an estimated model
#' fe_model <- plm(form, data = pGrunfeld, model = "within")
#' pmodel.response(fe_model)
#' # same as constructed before
#' all.equal(resp_mf, pmodel.response(fe_model), check.attributes = FALSE) # TRUE
pmodel.response <- function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname pmodel.response
#' @export
pmodel.response.plm <- function(object, ...){
y <- model.response(model.frame(object))
dots <- list(...)
model <- if(is.null(dots$model)) describe(object, "model") else dots$model
effect <- if(is.null(dots$effect)) describe(object, "effect") else dots$effect
theta <- if(is.null(dots$theta)) {
if(describe(object, "model") == "random")
ercomp(object)$theta else NULL
} else dots$theta
ptransform(y, model = model, effect = effect, theta = theta)
#' @rdname pmodel.response
#' @export <- function(object, ...){
dots <- list(...)
if(is.null(attr(object, "terms"))) stop("not a model.frame")
model <- if(is.null(dots$model)) "pooling" else dots$model
effect <- if(is.null(dots$effect)) "individual" else dots$effect
theta <- if(is.null(dots$theta)) NULL else dots$theta
y <- model.response(object) # has index attribute but not class 'pseries'
class(y) <- unique(c("pseries", class(y)))
ptransform(y, model = model, effect = effect, theta = theta)
# "deprecated" (not advertised anymore)
#' @rdname pmodel.response
#' @export
pmodel.response.formula <- function(object, data, ...){
# print("pmodel.response.formula")
dots <- list(...)
if(is.null(data)) stop("the data argument is mandatory")
if(! inherits(data, "pdata.frame")) stop("the data argument must be a pdata.frame")
if(is.null(attr(data, "terms"))) data <- model.frame(data, object)
model <- dots$model
effect <- dots$effect
theta <- dots$theta
if(is.null(model)) model <- "pooling"
if(is.null(effect)) effect <- "individual"
if(model == "random" && is.null(theta)) stop("the theta argument is mandatory for model = \"random\"")
y <- model.response(data)
class(y) <- unique(c("pseries", class(y)))
ptransform(y, model = model, effect = effect, theta = theta)
ptransform <- function(x, model = NULL, effect = NULL, theta = NULL, ...){
# NB: ptransform (and hence pmodel.response) does not handle the random 2-way unbalanced case
if(model == "pooling") return(x) # early exit
if(effect == "twoways" && model %in% c("between", "fd"))
stop("twoways effect only relevant for within, random, and pooling models")
if(model == "within") x <- Within(x, effect)
if(model == "between") x <- between(x, effect)
if(model == "Between") x <- Between(x, effect)
if(model == "fd") x <- pdiff(x, effect = "individual", shift = "row")
if(model == "random") {
balanced <- is.pbalanced(x) # need to check this right here as long as x is a pseries
if(is.null(theta)) stop("a theta argument must be provided")
if(effect %in% c("time", "individual")) x <- x - theta * Between(x, effect)
if(effect == "nested") x <- x - theta$id * Between(x, "individual") -
theta$gp * Between(x, "group")
if(effect == "twoways" && balanced)
x <- x - theta$id * Between(x, "individual") -
theta$time * Between(x, "time") + theta$total * mean(x)
## TODO: could catch non-treated RE unbalanced twoways case to error gracefully:
# if (effect == "twoways" && !balanced) warning("two-way unbalanced case not implemented in ptransform")
# between and fd models "compress" the data, thus an index does not make
# sense for those, but add to all others (incl. Between (capital B))
x <- if(model %in% c("between", "fd")) x
else structure(x, index = index(x), class = unique(c("pseries", class(x))))
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