## =============================================================================
## 3-D arrows function
## =============================================================================
arrows3D <- function(x0, y0, z0, x1 = x0, y1 = y0, z1 = z0,
..., colvar = NULL, phi = 40, theta = 40,
col = NULL, NAcol = "white", breaks = NULL,
colkey = NULL, panel.first = NULL,
clim = NULL, clab = NULL, bty = "b", type = "triangle",
add = FALSE, plot = TRUE) {
plist <- initplist(add)
dot <- splitdotpersp(list(...), bty, NULL,
c(x0, x1), c(y0, y1), c(z0, z1), plist = plist, breaks = breaks)
len <- length(x0)
if (length(y0) != len)
stop("'y0' should have same length as 'x0'")
if (length(z0) != len)
stop("'z0' should have same length as 'x0'")
if (length(x1) != len)
stop("'x1' should have same length as 'x0'")
if (length(y1) != len)
stop("'y1' should have same length as 'x0'")
if (length(z1) != len)
stop("'z1' should have same length as 'x0'")
if (is.null(col) & is.null(breaks))
col <- jet.col(100)
else if (is.null(col))
col <- jet.col(length(breaks)-1)
breaks <- check.breaks(breaks, col)
if (ispresent(colvar)) {
if (length(colvar) != len)
stop("'colvar' should have same length as 'x0', 'y0' and 'z0'")
if (length(col) == 1)
col <- c(col, col)
if (is.null(clim))
clim <- range(colvar, na.rm = TRUE)
if (dot$clog) {
colvar <- log(colvar)
clim <- log(clim)
iscolkey <- is.colkey(colkey, col)
if (iscolkey)
colkey <- check.colkey(colkey)
if (! is.null(dot$alpha))
col <- setalpha(col, dot$alpha)
Col <- variablecol(colvar, col, NAcol, clim, breaks)
} else {
if (is.null(col))
col <- "black"
if (! is.null(dot$alpha))
col <- setalpha(col, dot$alpha)
Col <- rep(col, length.out = len)
iscolkey <- FALSE
if (is.null(plist)) {"perspbox",
c(alist(x = range(c(x0, x1)), y = range(c(y0, y1)),
z = range(c(z0, z1)),
phi = phi, theta = theta, plot = plot, col = col), dot$persp))
plist <- getplist()
if (is.function(panel.first))
length <- dot$points$length
if (is.null(length))
length <- 0.2
angle <- dot$points$angle
if (is.null(angle))
angle <- 30
code <- dot$points$code
if (is.null(code))
code <- 2
lwd <- dot$points$lwd
if (is.null(lwd))
lwd <- 1
lty <- dot$points$lty
if (is.null(lty))
lty <- 1
Proj <- project (0.5*(x0 + x1), 0.5*(y0 + y1), 0.5*(z0 + z1), plist)
alpha <- dot$alpha; if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- NA
alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = len)
arr <- list(x.from = x0, = x1,
y.from = y0, = y1,
z.from = z0, = z1,
col = Col,
length = rep(length, length.out = len),
code = rep(code , length.out = len),
angle = rep(angle , length.out = len),
lwd = rep(lwd , length.out = len),
lty = rep(lty , length.out = len),
type = rep(type , length.out = len),
alpha = alpha,
proj = Proj)
class(arr) <- "arr"
if (iscolkey)
plist <- plistcolkey(plist, colkey, col, clim, clab,
dot$clog, type = "arrows3D", breaks = breaks)
plist <- plot_struct_3D(plist, arr = arr, plot = plot)
## This part is adapted from (my) package "shape"...
ArrType <- function (x0, y0, x1, y1, length = 0.4, angle = 30,
code = 2, adj = 1, type = "curved", col = "black",
lty = 1, lwd = 1, ...) {
if (length(unique(type)) > 1) {
nr <- length(x0)
length <- rep(length, length.out = nr)
angle <- rep(angle, length.out = nr)
code <- rep(code, length.out = nr)
adj <- rep(adj, length.out = nr)
col <- rep(col, length.out = nr)
lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nr)
lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nr)
for (t in unique(type)) {
ii <- which(type == t)
Arrow (x0[ii], y0[ii], x1[ii], y1[ii], length[ii], angle[ii],
code[ii], adj[ii], type = t, col[ii], lty[ii], lwd[ii], ...)
} else
Arrow(x0, y0, x1, y1, length, angle,
code, adj, type = type[1], col, lty, lwd, ...)
Arrow <- function (x0, y0, x1, y1, length = 0.4, angle = 30,
code = 2, adj = 1, type = "curved", col = "black",
lty = 1, lwd = 1, ...) {
if (all ( | all(length == 0))
sel <- function (val, ii) {
if (length(val) == 1)
ii <- which(length <= 0)
if (length(ii) > 0) {
col <- rep(col, length.out = length(x0))
col[ii] <- "transparent" # to avoid from seeing a "." (segments, arrows)
if (type == "simple") {
arrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, code = code, length = length/2.54,
angle = angle, lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)
width <- 2* tan(angle/180) * length
segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...)
user <- par("usr")
pin <- par("pin")
pin <- pin/max(pin)
sy <- (user[4] - user[3])/pin[2]
sx <- (user[2] - user[1])/pin[1]
angle <- atan((y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0) * sx/sy)/pi * 180
angle[is.nan(angle)] <- 0
angle[x1 < x0] <- 180 + angle[x1 < x0]
xx <- x1
yy <- y1
if (sy < 0 & sx < 0)
angle <- angle + 180
else if (sx < 0)
angle <- angle + 180
if (length(code) > 1) {
code <- rep(code, length.out = length(xx))
ii <- which (code %in% c(2, 3))
if (length(ii) > 0)
Arrow.head(x0 = xx[ii], y0 = yy[ii], angle = angle[ii],
col = sel(col, ii), adj = sel(adj, ii), lty = sel(lty, ii),
length = sel(length, ii), width = sel(width, ii),
type = sel(type, ii), lwd = sel(lwd, ii))
ii <- which (code %in% c(1, 3))
if (length(ii) > 0) {
angle[ii] <- 180 + angle[ii]
xx[ii] <- x0[ii]
yy[ii] <- y0[ii]
Arrow.head(x0 = xx, y0 = yy, angle = angle, col = col,
adj = adj, lty = lty, length = length,
width = width, type = type, lwd = lwd)
} else {
if (code %in% c(2, 3))
Arrow.head(x0 = xx, y0 = yy, angle = angle, col = col,
adj = adj, lty = lty, length = length,
width = width, type = type, lwd = lwd)
if (code %in% c(1, 3)) {
angle <- 180 + angle
xx <- x0
yy <- y0
Arrow.head(x0 = xx, y0 = yy, angle = angle, col = col,
adj = adj, lty = lty, length = length,
width = width, type = type, lwd = lwd)
Arrow.head <- function (x0, y0, angle = 0,
length = 0.4, width = length/2,
adj = 0.5, type = "triangle", col = "black", lty = 1,
lwd = 2, npoint = 5) {
adj <- adj[1]
if (type == "curved") {
rad <- 0.7
len <- 0.25 * pi
mid <- c(0, rad)
x <- seq(1.5 * pi + len, 1.5 * pi, length.out = npoint)
rr <- cbind(mid[1] - rad * cos(x), mid[2] + rad * sin(x))
mid <- c(0, -rad)
x <- rev(x)
rr <- rbind(rr, cbind(mid[1] - rad * cos(x), mid[2] -
rad * sin(x)))
mid <- c(rr[nrow(rr), 1], 0)
rd <- rr[1, 2]
x <- seq(pi/2, 3 * pi/2, length.out = 3 * npoint)
rr <- rbind(rr, cbind(mid[1] - rd * 0.5 * cos(x), mid[2] -
0.5 * rd * sin(x)))
rr[, 1] <- rr[, 1] * 2.6
rr[, 2] <- rr[, 2] * 3.45
else if (type %in% c("cone", "triangle")) {
x <- c(-0.2, 0, -0.2)
y <- c(-0.2, 0, 0.2)
rr <- 6.22 * cbind(x, y)
else if (type %in% c("circle", "ellipse")) {
if (type == "circle")
width <- length
rad <- 0.1
mid <- c(-rad, 0)
x <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = 15 * npoint)
rr <- 6.22 * cbind(mid[1] + rad * sin(x), mid[2] + rad *
if (adj == 0.5)
rr[, 1] <- rr[, 1] - min(rr[, 1])/2
if (adj == 0)
rr[, 1] <- rr[, 1] - min(rr[, 1])
user <- par("usr")
pcm <- par("pin") * 2.54
sy <- (user[4] - user[3])/pcm[2]
sx <- (user[2] - user[1])/pcm[1]
nr <- max(length(x0), length(y0), length(angle), length(length),
length(width), length(lty), length(col))
if (nr > 1) {
x0 <- rep(x0, length.out = nr)
y0 <- rep(y0, length.out = nr)
angle <- rep(angle, length.out = nr)
length <- rep(length, length.out = nr)
width <- rep(width, length.out = nr)
col <- rep(col, length.out = nr)
lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nr)
RR <- rr
for (i in 1:nr) {
dx <- rr[, 1] * length[i]
dy <- rr[, 2] * width[i]
angpi <- angle[i]/180 * pi
cosa <- cos(angpi)
sina <- sin(angpi)
RR[, 1] <- cosa * dx - sina * dy
RR[, 2] <- sina * dx + cosa * dy
RR[, 1] <- x0[i] + RR[, 1] * sx
RR[, 2] <- y0[i] + RR[, 2] * sy
polygon(RR, col = col[i], border = col[i], lty = lty[i],
lwd = lwd)
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