
Defines functions colorkey.oma colorkey.plt colorkeypairs colorkeyhist colorkeymatplot colorkeyplot legend.oma legend.plt legendpairs legendhist legendmatplot legendplot legendsize omapairs createKey

Documented in colorkeyhist colorkeymatplot colorkey.oma colorkeypairs colorkeyplot colorkey.plt createKey legendhist legendmatplot legend.oma legendpairs legendplot legend.plt

## =============================================================================
## Create a color key 
## =============================================================================

createKey <- function(x, clim = NULL, col = NULL, NAcol = "black")  {
  if (is.null(col))
    col <- jet.col(100)
  if (is.null(clim))
    clim <- range(x)
    x[x > max(clim) | x < min(clim)] <- NA 
  cmin   <- clim[1]
  crange <- diff(clim)
  N      <- length(col) -1
  Col <- col[1 + trunc((x - cmin)/crange*1.00000000001*N)]
  Col[is.na(x)] <- NAcol

## =============================================================================
## wrapper around plotting functions that includes  a legend 
## =============================================================================

drawlegend <- function (legend, New = TRUE, pm = NULL) {

  if (!legend$plot) return()

  if (New) 
    par(new = TRUE)
  usr <- par("usr")
  Plt <- par(plt = legend$parleg)      # legend parameters
  legendargs <- formalArgs("legend")
  colkeypar <- legend[names(legend)%in%legendargs]

  if (is.null(colkeypar$legend))
    colkeypar$legend <- ""
  if (is.null(colkeypar$x))
    colkeypar$x <- "center"
  if (! is.null(pm)) 
    pmar <- par(mar = pm)
  plot(0, type = "n", xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), 
       axes = FALSE, frame.plot = FALSE, 
       yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "")
  do.call("legend", colkeypar)

  par(plt = Plt)
  par(usr = usr)

  if (New) 
    par(new = FALSE)  

  if (! is.null(pm)) 
     par(mar = pmar)


## =============================================================================
## Outer margins set with oma, e.g. for pairs plots
## =============================================================================

omapairs <- function(arglist, legend, legend.side = 4, oma = NULL, X = NULL, FAC = 50){

  legend$plot <- FALSE
  if (is.null(X))
     X <- do.call("legend", legend)$rect
  if (is.null(oma))
    oma <- c(4, 4, if (!is.null(arglist$main)) 6 else 4, 4)
  pin <- par("pin")
  dh <- X$h*FAC*pin[2]/4.535
  dw <- X$w*FAC*pin[1]/5.135
  if (legend.side == 1) {
    oma <- oma + c(dh, 0, 0, 0)
  } else if (legend.side == 2) {
    oma <- oma + c(0, dw, 0, 0)
  } else if (legend.side == 3) {
    oma <- oma + c(0, 0, dh, 0)
  } else if (legend.side == 4) {
    oma <- oma + c(0, 0, 0, dw)

## =============================================================================
## Size of the legend and the main plot
## =============================================================================

legendsize <- function(legend, legend.side = 4, parplt = par("plt"), cex = 1) { 
    legendplot <- legend$plot
    legend$plot <- FALSE
    X      <- do.call("legend", legend)$rect
    cexplt <- cex
    dw     <- X$w
    dh     <- X$h
    dd     <- 0.02
    dd2    <- 0.01 #0.12
    parleg <- parplt

    if (legend.side == 1) {
      parplt <- parplt + c(0, 0, dh + 0.1 * cexplt[1], 0)
      parleg[4] <- parplt[3] - dd2*cexplt[2]
    } else if (legend.side == 2) {
      parplt <- parplt + c(dw  + 0.08*cexplt[1], 0, 0, 0)
      parleg[2] <- parplt[1] - dd2*cexplt[2]
    } else if (legend.side == 3) {
      parplt <- parplt - c(0, 0, 0, dh + 0.05*cexplt[1])
      parleg[3] <- parplt[4] + dd2*cexplt[2]
    } else if (legend.side == 4) {
      parplt <- parplt - c(0, dw + 0.02*cexplt[1], 0, 0)
      parleg[1] <- parplt[2] + dd2*cexplt[2]
    legend$plot   <- ifelse(is.null(legendplot), TRUE, legendplot)
    legend$parleg <- check.plt(parleg)
    legend$parplt <- check.plt(parplt) 

## =============================================================================
## main functions for plotting with a legend
## =============================================================================

legendplot <- function(..., legend = list(), legend.side = 4, 
                      legend.cex = 1, legend.pars = NULL)
  legend.plt( ..., method = "plot", legend = legend, legend.side = legend.side, 
             legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pars = legend.pars)
legendmatplot <- function(..., legend = list(), legend.side = 4, 
                         legend.cex = 1, legend.pars = NULL)
  legend.plt(..., method = "matplot", legend = legend, legend.side = legend.side, 
                legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pars = legend.pars)

legendhist <- function(..., legend = list(), legend.side = 4, 
                         legend.cex = 1, legend.pars = NULL)
  legend.plt(..., method = "hist", legend = legend, legend.side = legend.side, 
                legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pars = legend.pars)

legendpairs <- function(..., legend = list(), legend.side = 4, 
                        legend.cex = 1, legend.pars = NULL)
  legend.oma(..., method = "pairs", legend = legend, legend.side = legend.side, 
             legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pars = legend.pars)

legend.plt <- function(method = "plot", ..., #add = FALSE, 
   legend = list(), legend.side = 4, legend.cex = 1, legend.pars = NULL)  {

   if (method == "pairs"){
    P <- legend.oma(..., method = "pairs", legend = legend, legend.side = legend.side, 
                legend.cex = legend.cex, legend.pars = legend.pars)
   if (! is.list(legend)) 
    legend <- list(legend = legend)
   arglist    <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
   arglist[1] <- NULL
   arglist[formalArgs(legend.plt)] <- NULL
   if (length(inot <- which (names(arglist) == ""))) {
     formalnames <- names(formals(method))
     names(arglist)[inot] <- formalnames[inot]
   par(new = TRUE)
   pltori <- par("plt")  
   # if legend is only element, and this is unnamed, then it is the legend labels
   if (length(inot <- which (names(legend) == ""))) {
     if (length(inot) > 1)
       stop(" 'legend' cannot have more than one unnamed argument") 
     names(legend)[inot] <- "legend"
   if (is.null(legend$legend))
    legend$legend <- ""
   if (is.null(legend$x)) {
    if      (legend.side == 1) legend$x <- "bottom"
    else if (legend.side == 2) legend$x <- "left"
    else if (legend.side == 3) legend$x <- "top"
    else if (legend.side == 4) legend$x <- "right"
    else legend$x <- "center"

    # normal position of legend, as in the default method
   if (legend.side == 0) {
     do.call(method, arglist) 
     do.call("legend", legend)
     return(invisible(list(plt.legend = pltori, plt.main = pltori)))

  # plotting parameters for the legend and main plot
   cexplt <- rep(legend.cex, length.out = 2)
   parplt <- pltori
   parleg <- pltori

 # determine size of the legend
  if (is.null(legend.pars)) {
    legend <- legendsize(legend, legend.side = legend.side, parplt = parplt, cex = cexplt)
  } else {
    legend$parleg <- check.plt(legend.pars$plt.legend)
    legend$parplt <- check.plt(legend.pars$plt.main)
    if(is.null(legend$plot)) legend$plot <- TRUE
  drawlegend(legend, New = FALSE)#, pm = c(2,2,2,2))  

  par(plt = legend$parplt, new = TRUE)  
  do.call(method, arglist) 

  par(mar = par("mar"))
  invisible(list(plt.legend = legend$parleg, plt.main = legend$parplt))

# a legend while setting the outer margins

legend.oma <- function(method = "pairs", ..., #add = FALSE, 
   legend = list(), legend.side = 4, legend.cex = 1, legend.pars = NULL)  {

   if (! is.list(legend)) 
     legend <- list(legend = legend)
   arglist    <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
   arglist[1] <- NULL
   arglist[formalArgs(legend.oma)] <- NULL
   if (length(inot <- which (names(arglist) == ""))) {
     formalnames <- names(formals(method))
     names(arglist)[inot] <- formalnames[inot]
   cexplt <- rep(legend.cex, length.out = 2)
   # if legend is only one element, and this is unnamed, then it is the legend labels
   if (length(inot <- which (names(legend) == ""))) {
     if (length(inot) > 1)
       stop(" 'legend' cannot have more than one unnamed argument") 
     names(legend)[inot] <- "legend"
   if (is.null(legend$legend))
    legend$legend <- ""
   if (is.null(legend$x)){
    if (legend.side == 1) legend$x <- "bottom"
    if (legend.side == 2) legend$x <- "left"
    if (legend.side == 3) legend$x <- "top"
    if (legend.side == 4) legend$x <- "right"

  # determine size of the legend
  oma <- par("oma") 

  if (! is.null(legend.pars$oma))
    arglist$oma <- legend.pars$oma
  else if (is.null(arglist$oma)) 
    arglist$oma <- omapairs(arglist, legend, legend.side)

  par (oma = arglist$oma) 

# Note: for unknown reason I need to call plot.new twice...
  do.call(method, arglist)

#  par(opar)  
  par(new = TRUE, oma = oma, mfrow = c(1,1))         
  if (is.null(legend$plot)) legend$plot <- TRUE  
  drawlegend(legend, New = FALSE, pm = c(2,2,2,2))  
  par(oma = oma)
  return(invisible(list(oma = arglist$oma)))

## =============================================================================
## wrapper around plotting functions that includes  a legend 
## =============================================================================
colorkeyplot <- function(..., colorkey = list(), colorkey.side = 4)
  colorkey.plt (method = "plot", ..., 
                colorkey = colorkey, colorkey.side = colorkey.side)  

colorkeymatplot <- function(..., colorkey = list(), colorkey.side = 4)
  colorkey.plt (method = "matplot", ..., # add = FALSE, 
                colorkey = colorkey, colorkey.side = colorkey.side)  

colorkeyhist <- function(..., colorkey = list(), colorkey.side = 4)
  colorkey.plt (method = "hist", ..., 
                colorkey = colorkey, colorkey.side = colorkey.side)  

colorkeypairs <- function(..., colorkey = list(), colorkey.side = 4)
  colorkey.oma (method = "pairs", ..., 
                colorkey = colorkey, colorkey.side = colorkey.side)  

colorkey.plt <- function(method = "plot", ..., # add = FALSE, 
   colorkey = list(), colorkey.side = 4)  {

  arglist <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots=TRUE))
  arglist[formalArgs(colorkey.plt)] <- NULL
  arglist[1] <- NULL

  if (length(inot <- which (names(arglist) == ""))) {
     formalnames <- names(formals(method))
     names(arglist)[inot] <- formalnames[inot]
  par(new = TRUE)
  pltori <- par("plt")  
  ck <- colorkey
  ck$clim <- ck$clab <- ck$col <- ck$breaks <- ck$clog <- NULL
  colkey <- check.colkey(ck)
  colkey$plot <- TRUE
  colkey$side <- colorkey.side
  col    <- colorkey$col
  breaks <- colorkey$breaks
  if (is.null(col))
    if (is.null(breaks))
      col <- jet.col(100)
      col <- jet.col(length(breaks) - 1)
 # breaks <- check.breaks(breaks, col)
  if (! is.null(breaks))
    clim <- range(breaks)
    clim <- colorkey$clim
  clog <- colorkey$clog
  if (is.null(clog)) clog <- FALSE  
 # The   
  drawcolkey(colkey, col = col, clim = clim, clab = colorkey$clab, 
             clog = clog, New = FALSE)  

  par(plt = colkey$parplt, new = TRUE)  
  do.call(method, arglist) 

  par(mar = par("mar"))
  invisible(list(plt.legend = colkey$parleg, plt.main = colkey$parplt))

# a color key while adjusting the outer margin

colorkey.oma <- function(method = "pairs", ..., # add = FALSE, 
                         colorkey = list(), colorkey.side = 4)  {
  arglist <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots=TRUE))
  arglist[formalArgs(colorkey.oma)] <- NULL
  arglist[1] <- NULL
  if (length(inot <- which (names(arglist) == ""))) {
    formalnames <- names(formals(method))
    names(arglist)[inot] <- formalnames[inot]
  oma <- par("oma")

  colorkey$side <- colorkey.side
  ck <- colorkey
  ck$clim <- ck$clab <- ck$col <- ck$breaks <- ck$clog <- NULL
  colkey <- check.colkey(ck)  # settings of the color key
  colkey$plot <- TRUE
  colkey$side <- colorkey.side
  col    <- colorkey$col
  breaks <- colorkey$breaks
  if (is.null(col))
    if (is.null(breaks))
      col <- jet.col(100)
      col <- jet.col(length(breaks) - 1)
  # breaks <- check.breaks(breaks, col)
  if (! is.null(breaks))
    clim <- range(breaks)
    clim <- colorkey$clim
  clog <- colorkey$clog
  if (is.null(clog)) clog <- FALSE  

#  par(new = TRUE)
  CP <- colkey$parleg #  pars of the colorkey in plt units

  if (is.null(arglist$oma)) 
    arglist$oma <- omapairs(arglist, colkey, colorkey.side, 
      X = list(h = diff(CP[3:4]), w = diff(CP[1:2])), FAC = 150)

  par (oma = arglist$oma) 
  do.call(method, arglist) 
  par(new = TRUE, mfrow = c(1,1), oma = oma, mar = c(2,1,2,2))
  drawcolkey(colkey, col = col, clim = clim, clab = colorkey$clab, 
             clog = clog, New = FALSE)  
  par(mar = par("mar"), oma = oma)
  invisible(list(oma = arglist$oma))

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