
Defines functions plotly_example

Documented in plotly_example

#' Run a plotly example(s)
#' Provides a unified interface for running demos, shiny apps, and Rmd documents
#' which are bundled with the package.
#' @param type the type of example
#' @param name the name of the example (valid names depend on `type`).
#' @param edit whether to open the relevant source files using [file.edit]. Only relevant if `type` is `"shiny"` or `"rmd"`.
#' @param ... arguments passed onto the suitable method.
#' @export
#' @author Carson Sievert

plotly_example <- function(type = c("demo", "shiny", "rmd"), name, edit = TRUE, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  # demos don't necessarily need a name
  if (type == "demo") {
    if (missing(name)) {
      return(utils::demo(package = "plotly", ...)) 
    } else  {
      return(utils::demo(topic = name, package = "plotly", ...))
  # check to make sure the example exists
  exampleDir <- system_file("examples", type, package = "plotly")
  nms <- basename(list.dirs(exampleDir, recursive = FALSE))
  if (missing(name) || !isTRUE(name %in% nms)) {
        "Couldn't find that %s example. Valid examples include: '%s'", 
        type, paste(nms, collapse = "', '")
  finalDir <- system_file("examples", type, name, package = "plotly")
  if (edit) {
    files <- list.files(finalDir, full.names = TRUE)
    scripts <- files[tools::file_ext(files) %in% c("R", "Rmd")]
  if (type == "shiny") {
    try_library("shiny", "plotly_example")
    getFromNamespace("runApp", asNamespace("shiny"))(finalDir, ...)
  if (type == "rmd") {
    try_library("rmarkdown", "plotly_example")
    input <- file.path(finalDir, "index.Rmd")
    output <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
    getFromNamespace("render", asNamespace("rmarkdown"))(input, output_file = output, ...)

Try the plotly package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plotly documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.