
Defines functions getArgsMetadata isJSONserializable priorizeProperty removeNaOrNulls isNaOrNull isNa parametersSpecification responsesSpecification endpointSpecification

#' Convert the endpoints as they exist on the Plumber object to a list which can
#' be converted into a OpenAPI Specification for these endpoints
#' @noRd
endpointSpecification <- function(routerEndpointEntry, path = routerEndpointEntry$path) {
  ret <- list()

  # We are sensitive to trailing slashes. Should we be?
  # Yes - 12/2018
  cleanedPath <- gsub("<([^:>]+)(:[^>]+)?>", "{\\1}", path)
  ret[[cleanedPath]] <- list()

  # Get the params from the path
  pathParams <- routerEndpointEntry$getTypedParams()
  # Get the params from endpoint expression
  funcParams <- routerEndpointEntry$getFuncParams()
  # Get the plumber decoration defined endpoint params
  endpointParams <- routerEndpointEntry$getEndpointParams()
  for (verb in routerEndpointEntry$verbs) {
    params <- parametersSpecification(endpointParams, pathParams, funcParams)

    # If we haven't already documented a path param, we should add it here.
    # FIXME: warning("Undocumented path parameters: ", paste0())

    resps <- responsesSpecification(routerEndpointEntry)

    endptSpec <- list(
      summary = routerEndpointEntry$comments,
      description = routerEndpointEntry$description,
      responses = resps,
      parameters = params$parameters,
      requestBody = params$requestBody,
      tags = routerEndpointEntry$tags

    ret[[cleanedPath]][[tolower(verb)]] <- endptSpec


defaultResponse <- list(
  "200" = list(
    description = "OK"
  "500" = list(
    description = "Internal Server Error",
    content = list("application/json" = list(schema = list(type = "string")))
  "default" = list(
    description = "Default response."
responsesSpecification <- function(endpts){
  if (!inherits(endpts, "PlumberEndpoint")) {
  resps <- defaultResponse
  if (is.list(endpts$responses)){
    resps <- utils::modifyList(defaultResponse, endpts$responses)
  for (resp in names(resps)) {
    if (!length(resps[[resp]]$content)) {
      ctype <- NULL
      if (is.function(endpts$serializer)) {
        # Must safe-guard against partial name matching
        # since we are reaching into the function env
        ctype <- environment(endpts$serializer)[["headers"]][["Content-Type"]]
      if (isTRUE(nchar(ctype) > 0)) {
        ctype <- stri_split_regex(ctype, "[ ;]")[[1]][1]
        schema <- list(type = ifelse(grepl("^text", ctype), "string", "object"))
        resps[[resp]]$content <- setNames(list(list(schema = schema)), ctype)

#' Extract the OpenAPI parameters Specification from the endpoint
#' paramters.
#' @noRd
parametersSpecification <- function(endpointParams, pathParams, funcParams = NULL){

  params <- list(
    parameters = list(),
    requestBody = NULL
  inBody <- filterApiTypes("requestBody", "location")
  inRaw <- filterApiTypes("binary", "format")
  for (p in unique(c(names(endpointParams), pathParams$name, names(funcParams)))) {

    # Dealing with priorities endpointParams > pathParams > funcParams
    # For each p, find out which source to trust for :
    #   `type`, `isArray`, `required`
    # - `description` comes from endpointParams
    # - `isArray` defines both `style` and `explode`
    # - `default` and `example` comes from funcParams
    # - `location` change to "path" when p is in pathParams and
    #   unused when `type` is "object" or "file"
    # - When type is `object`, create a requestBody with content
    #   default to "application/json"
    # - When type is `file`, change requestBody content to
    #   multipart/form-data

    if (p %in% pathParams$name) {
      location <- "path"
      required <- TRUE
      style <- "simple"
      explode <- FALSE
      type <- priorizeProperty(defaultApiType,
                               pathParams[pathParams$name == p,]$type,
      type <- plumberToApiType(type, inPath = TRUE)
      isArray <- priorizeProperty(defaultIsArray,
                                  pathParams[pathParams$name == p,]$isArray,
    } else {
      location <- "query"
      style <- "form"
      explode <- TRUE
      type <- priorizeProperty(defaultApiType,
      type <- plumberToApiType(type)
      isArray <- priorizeProperty(defaultIsArray,
      required <- priorizeProperty(funcParams[[p]]$required,

    # Building OpenAPI Specification
    if (type %in% inBody) {
      if (length(params$requestBody) == 0L) {
        params$requestBody$content$`application/json`[["schema"]] <-
          list(type = "object", properties = list())
      property <- list(
        type = type,
        format = apiTypesInfo[[type]]$format,
        example = funcParams[[p]]$example,
        description = endpointParams[[p]]$desc
      if (type %in% inRaw) {
        names(params$requestBody$content) <- "multipart/form-data"
        property$type <- apiTypesInfo[[type]]$realType
        property$example <- NULL
      if (isArray) {
        property$items <- list(
          type = property$type,
          format = property$format,
          example = property$example
        property$type <- "array"
        property$format <- NULL
        property$example <- NULL
      params$requestBody[[1]][[1]][[1]]$properties[[p]] <- property
      if (required) { params$requestBody[[1]][[1]][[1]]$required <-
        c(p, params$requestBody[[1]][[1]][[1]]$required)}
    } else {
      paramList <- list(
        name = p,
        description = endpointParams[[p]]$desc,
        `in` = location,
        required = required,
        schema = list(
          type = type,
          format = apiTypesInfo[[type]]$format,
          default = funcParams[[p]]$default
      if (isArray) {
        paramList$schema <- list(
          type = "array",
          items = list(
            type = type,
            format = apiTypesInfo[[type]]$format
          default = funcParams[[p]]$default
        paramList$style <- style
        paramList$explode <- explode
      params$parameters[[length(params$parameters) + 1]] <- paramList


#' Check na
#' @noRd
isNa <- function(x) {
  if (is.list(x)) {

#' Check na or null
#' @noRd
isNaOrNull <- function(x) {
  any(isNa(x)) || is.null(x)

#' Remove na or null
#' @noRd
removeNaOrNulls <- function(x) {
  # preemptively stop
  if (!is.list(x)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  # remove any `NA` or `NULL` elements
  toRemove <- vapply(x, isNaOrNull, logical(1))
  if (any(toRemove)) {
    x[toRemove] <- NULL

  # Recurse through list
  # Store to `x[]` to not overwrite any classes or attributes
  x[] <-
      rlang::names2(x), # Ask again. It has prolly changed
      f = function(key, value) {
          "example" = {
            # Don't do anything
          "examples" = {
            # Remove all NA or NULL values from fields other than `value`
            # https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0.html#example-object
            ret <- value # Copy val for less confusion in code
            notValuePos <- rlang::names2(ret) != "value"
            ret[notValuePos] <- removeNaOrNulls(ret[notValuePos])
            if (
              # Ignore extensions
              grepl("^x-", key)
            ) {
              # Return value as is
            } else {
              # Recurse through list


#' For OpenAPI Specification
#' @noRd
priorizeProperty <- function(...) {
  l <- list(...)
  if (length(l) > 0L) {
    isnullordefault <- vapply(l, function(x) {isNaOrNull(x) || isTRUE(attributes(x)$default)}, logical(1))
    # return the position of the first FALSE value or position 1 if all values are TRUE
  NULL # do not return any value

#' Check if x is JSON serializable
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
isJSONserializable <- function(x) {
    error = function(cond) {
      # Do we need to test for specific errors?

#' Extract metadata on args of endpoint_func
#' @noRd
getArgsMetadata <- function(endpoint_func) {
  #return same format as getTypedParams or params?
  args <- formals(endpoint_func)
  lapply(args[! (names(args) %in% c("req", "res", "..."))], function(arg) {
    required <- identical(arg, formals(function(x){})$x)
    if (is.call(arg) || is.name(arg)) {
      arg <- tryCatch(
        eval(arg, envir = environment(endpoint_func)),
        error = function(cond) {NA})
    # Check that it is possible to transform arg value into
    # an example for the OpenAPI spec. Valid transform are
    # either a logical, a numeric, a character or a list that
    # is json serializable. Otherwise set to NA.
    if (!is.logical(arg) && !is.numeric(arg) && !is.character(arg)
        && !(is.list(arg) && isJSONserializable(arg))) {
      message("Argument of class ", class(arg), " cannot be used to set default value in OpenAPI Specifications.")
      arg <- NA
    type <- if (isNaOrNull(arg)) {NA} else {typeof(arg)}
    type <- plumberToApiType(type)
    isArray <- if (isTRUE(length(arg) > 1L)) {TRUE} else {defaultIsArray}
      default = arg,
      example = arg,
      required = required,
      isArray = isArray,
      type = type

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plumber documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:52 a.m.