
context("block parsing")

test_that("trimws works", {
  expect_equal(trimws("    hi there \t  "), "hi there")
  expect_equal(trimws("hi there\t"), "hi there")
  expect_equal(trimws("hi "), "hi")

test_that("plumbBlock works", {
  lines <- c(
    "#* Plumber comment not reached",
    "#* Plumber comments",
    "#* Plumber description",
    "#* second line",
    "  ",
    "# Normal comments",
    "#' @get /",
    "#' @post /",
    "#' @filter test",
    "#' @serializer json")
  b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_length(b$paths, 2)
  # Paths order follow original code
  expect_equal(b$paths[[1]], list(verb="GET", path="/"))
  expect_equal(b$paths[[2]], list(verb="POST", path="/"))
  expect_equal(b$filter, "test")
  expect_equal(b$comments, "Plumber comments")
  expect_equal(b$description, "Plumber description\nsecond line")

  # due to covr changing some code, the return answer is very strange
  # the tests below should be skipped on covr

  expect_equal_functions(b$serializer, serializer_json())

test_that("plumbBlock images", {
  lines <- c("#'@png")
    b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$serializer, serializer_png())

  lines <- c("#'@jpeg")
    b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$serializer, serializer_jpeg())
  lines <- c("#'@png")
    b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$serializer, serializer_png())

  # Whitespace is fine
  lines <- c("#' @jpeg    \t ")
    b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$serializer, serializer_jpeg())

  # No whitespace is fine
  lines <- c("#' @jpeg(w=1)")
    b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$serializer, serializer_jpeg(w=1), check.environment=FALSE)

  # Additional chars after name don't count as image tags
  lines <- c("#' @jpegs")
    expect_warning({plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)}),
    "Supplemental arguments to the serializer"

  # Properly formatted arguments work
  lines <- c("#'@jpeg (width=100)")
    b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$serializer, serializer_jpeg(width = 100), check.environment=FALSE)

  # Ill-formatted arguments return a meaningful error
  lines <- c("#'@jpeg width=100")
    expect_warning({plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)}),
    "Supplemental arguments to the serializer"

test_that("Block can't be multiple mutually exclusive things", {

  srcref <- c(3,4)
  addE <- function(){ fail() }
  addF <- function(){ fail() }
  addA <- function(){ fail() }
    evaluateBlock(srcref, c("#' @get /", "#' @assets /", "function(){}"),
                  function(){}, addE, addF, addA)
  }, "A single function can only be")


test_that("Block can't contain duplicate tags", {
  lines <- c("#* @tag test",
            "#* @tag test")
  expect_error(plumbBlock(length(lines), lines), "Duplicate tag specified.")

test_that("@json parameters work", {

  # due to covr changing some code, the return answer is very strange

  plumb_block_check <- function(lines) {
    if (grepl("@json", lines, fixed = TRUE)) {
        plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
    } else {
      plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_block_fn <- function(lines, fn) {
    expect_equal_functions(plumb_block_check(lines)$serializer, fn)
  expect_block_error <- function(lines, ...) {
    }, ...)

  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer json", serializer_json())
  expect_block_fn("#' @json", serializer_json())
  expect_block_fn("#' @json()", serializer_json())
  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer unboxedJSON", serializer_unboxed_json())

  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer json list(na = 'string')", serializer_json(na = 'string'))
  expect_block_fn("#' @json(na = 'string')", serializer_json(na = 'string'))

  expect_block_fn("#* @serializer unboxedJSON list(na = \"string\")", serializer_unboxed_json(na = 'string'))
  expect_block_fn("#' @json(auto_unbox = TRUE, na = 'string')", serializer_json(auto_unbox = TRUE, na = 'string'))

  expect_block_fn("#' @json (    auto_unbox = TRUE, na = 'string'    )", serializer_json(auto_unbox = TRUE, na = 'string'))
  expect_block_fn("#' @json (auto_unbox          =       TRUE    ,      na      =      'string'   )             ", serializer_json(auto_unbox = TRUE, na = 'string'))
  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer json list   (      auto_unbox          =       TRUE    ,      na      =      'string'   )             ", serializer_json(auto_unbox = TRUE, na = 'string'))

  expect_block_error("#' @serializer json list(na = 'string'", "unexpected end of input")
  expect_block_error("#' @json(na = 'string'", "must be surrounded by parentheses")
  expect_block_error("#' @json (na = 'string'", "must be surrounded by parentheses")
  expect_block_error("#' @json ( na = 'string'", "must be surrounded by parentheses")
  expect_block_error("#' @json na = 'string')", "must be surrounded by parentheses")
  expect_block_error("#' @json list(na = 'string')", "must be surrounded by parentheses")


test_that("@html parameters produce an error", {
  # due to covr changing some code, the return answer is very strange

  plumb_block_check <- function(lines) {
    if (grepl("@html", lines, fixed = TRUE)) {
        plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
    } else {
      plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_block_fn <- function(lines, fn) {
    expect_equal_functions(plumb_block_check(lines)$serializer, fn)
  expect_block_error <- function(lines, ...) {
    }, ...)

  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer html", serializer_html())

  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer html list()", serializer_html())
  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer html list(         )", serializer_html())
  expect_block_fn("#' @serializer html list     (         )     ", serializer_html())

  expect_block_fn("#' @html", serializer_html())
  expect_block_fn("#' @html()", serializer_html())
  expect_block_fn("#' @html ()", serializer_html())
  expect_block_fn("#' @html ( )", serializer_html())
  expect_block_fn("#' @html ( ) ", serializer_html())
  expect_block_fn("#' @html         (       )       ", serializer_html())

  expect_block_error("#' @serializer html list(key = \"val\")", "unused argument")
  expect_block_error("#' @html(key = \"val\")", "unused argument")
  expect_block_error("#' @html (key = \"val\")", "unused argument")

  expect_block_error("#' @html (key = \"val\")", "unused argument")

test_that("@parser parameters produce an error or not", {
  # due to covr changing some code, the return answer is very strange

  expect_block_parser <- function(lines, fn) {
    b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
    expect_equal(b$parsers, fn)
  expect_block_error <- function(lines, ...) {
      plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
    }, ...)

  expected <- list(octet = list())
  expect_block_parser("#' @parser octet",  expected)

  expect_block_parser("#' @parser octet list()", expected)
  expect_block_parser("#' @parser octet list(         )", expected)
  expect_block_parser("#' @parser octet list     (         )     ", expected)

      srcref = 3, # which evaluates to line 2
      file = c("#' @get /test", "#' @parser octet list(key = \"val\")"),
      expr = as.expression(substitute(identity)),
      envir = new.env(),
      addEndpoint = function(a, b, ...) { stop("should not reach here")},
      addFilter = as.null,
      pr = pr()
  }, "unused argument (key = \"val\")", fixed = TRUE)
test_that("Plumbing block use the right environment", {

test_that("device serializers produce a structure", {
  # due to covr changing some code, the return answer is very strange

  expect_s3_block <- function(lines, serializer_fn) {
    block <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
    expect_s3_class(block$serializer, "plumber_endpoint_serializer")
    serializer_info <- serializer_fn()
    expect_equal(block$serializer$serializer, serializer_info$serializer)
    expect_equal(block$serializer$preexec_hook, serializer_info$preexec_hook)
    expect_equal(block$serializer$postexec_hook, serializer_info$postexec_hook)

  expect_s3_block("#' @serializer jpeg", serializer_jpeg)
  expect_s3_block("#' @serializer png", serializer_png)
  expect_s3_block("#' @serializer svg", serializer_svg)
  expect_s3_block("#' @serializer bmp", serializer_bmp)
  expect_s3_block("#' @serializer tiff", serializer_tiff)
  expect_s3_block("#' @serializer pdf", serializer_pdf)

test_that("Tags can contains space", {
  lines <- c("#* @tag 'test space'",
             "#* @tag \"test space2\"")
  expect_equal(plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)$tags, c("test space", "test space2"))

test_that("single character tag and response", {
  lines <- c(
    "#' @tag a",
    "#' @response 2 b",
    "#' @response 4 b c")
  b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$tags, "a")
  expect_equal(b$responses, list(`2` = list(description = "b"), `4` = list(description = "b c")))

test_that("block respect original order of lines for comments, tags and responses", {
  lines <- c(
    "#' @tag aaa",
    "#' @tag bbb",
    "#' comments first line",
    "#' comments second line",
    "#' comments third line",
    "#' @response 200 ok",
    "#' @response 404 not ok")
  b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines)
  expect_equal(b$comments, "comments first line")
  expect_equal(b$description, "comments second line\ncomments third line")
  expect_equal(b$tags, c("aaa", "bbb"))
  expect_equal(b$responses, list(`200`=list(description="ok"), `404` = list(description="not ok")))

test_that("srcref values are set while plumbing from a file", {

  root <- plumb_api("plumber", "01-append")
  endpt <- root$endpoints[[1]][[1]]
  expect_s3_class(endpt$srcref, "srcref")

  root_with_no_srcref <- pr() %>% pr_get("/", force)
  endpt_with_no_srcref <- root_with_no_srcref$endpoints[[1]][[1]]
  expect_equal(endpt_with_no_srcref$srcref, NULL)

# TODO: more testing around filter, assets, endpoint, etc.

Try the plumber package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plumber documentation built on Sept. 7, 2022, 1:05 a.m.