
Defines functions evaluateBlock plumbBlock stopOnLine trimws

# TODO: delete once we require R 3.3.0
trimws <- function(string){
  string <- gsub("^\\s+", "", string)
  gsub("\\s+$", "", string)

stopOnLine <- function(lineNum, line, msg){
  stop("Error on line #", lineNum, ": '", line, "' - ", msg)

#' @param lineNum The line number just above the function we're documenting
#' @param file A character vector representing all the lines in the file
#' @param envir An environment where to evaluate parsed expressions
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @noRd
plumbBlock <- function(lineNum, file, envir = parent.frame()){
  paths <- NULL
  preempt <- NULL
  filter <- NULL
  serializer <- NULL
  parsers <- NULL
  assets <- NULL
  params <- NULL
  comments <- NULL
  responses <- NULL
  tags <- NULL
  routerModifier <- NULL
  while (lineNum > 0 && (stri_detect_regex(file[lineNum], pattern="^#['\\*]?|^\\s*$") || stri_trim_both(file[lineNum]) == "")){

    line <- file[lineNum]

    # If the line does not start with a plumber tag `#*` or `#'`, continue to next line
    if (!stri_detect_regex(line, pattern="^#['\\*]")) {
      lineNum <- lineNum - 1

    epMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@(get|put|post|use|delete|head|options|patch)(\\s+(.*)$)?")
    if (!is.na(epMat[1,2])){
      p <- stri_trim_both(epMat[1,4])

      if (is.na(p) || p == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No path specified.")

      if (is.null(paths)){
        paths <- list()

      paths[[length(paths)+1]] <- list(verb = enumerateVerbs(epMat[1,2]), path = p)

    filterMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@filter(\\s+(.*)$)?")
    if (!is.na(filterMat[1,1])){
      f <- stri_trim_both(filterMat[1,3])

      if (is.na(f) || f == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @filter name specified.")

      if (!is.null(filter)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @filters specified for one function.")

      filter <- f

    preemptMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@preempt(\\s+(.*)\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(preemptMat[1,1])){
      p <- stri_trim_both(preemptMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(p) || p == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @preempt specified")
      if (!is.null(preempt)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @preempts specified for one function.")
      preempt <- p

    assetsMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@assets(\\s+(\\S*)(\\s+(\\S+))?\\s*)?$")
    if (!is.na(assetsMat[1,1])){
      dir <- stri_trim_both(assetsMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(dir) || dir == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No directory specified for @assets")
      prefixPath <- stri_trim_both(assetsMat[1,5])
      if (is.na(prefixPath) || prefixPath == ""){
        prefixPath <- "/public"
      if (!is.null(assets)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @assets specified for one entity.")
      assets <- list(dir=dir, path=prefixPath)

    serMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@serializer(\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s*(.*)\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(serMat[1,1])){
      s <- stri_trim_both(serMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(s) || s == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @serializer specified")
      if (!is.null(serializer)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @serializers specified for one function.")

      if (!(s %in% registered_serializers())){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("No such @serializer registered: ", s))

      ser <- get_registered_serializer(s)

      if (!is.na(serMat[1, 4]) && serMat[1,4] != ""){
        # We have an arg to pass in to the serializer
        argList <- tryCatch({
          eval(parse(text=serMat[1,4]), envir)
        }, error = function(e) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, line, e)
      } else {
        argList <- list()
        serializer <- do.call(ser, argList)
      }, error = function(e) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("Error creating serializer: ", s, "\n", e))


    shortSerMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@(json|html|jpeg|png|svg)(.*)$")
    if (!is.na(shortSerMat[1,2])) {
      s <- stri_trim_both(shortSerMat[1,2])
      .Deprecated(msg = paste0(
        "Plumber tag `#* @", s, "` is deprecated.\n",
        "Use `#* @serializer ", s, "` instead."
      if (!is.null(serializer)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @serializers specified for one function (shorthand serializers like @json count, too).")

      if (!is.na(s) && !(s %in% registered_serializers())){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("No such @serializer registered: ", s))
      shortSerAttr <- trimws(shortSerMat[1,3])
      if(!identical(shortSerAttr, "") && !grepl("^\\(.*\\)$", shortSerAttr)){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("Supplemental arguments to the serializer must be surrounded by parentheses, as in `#' @", s, "(na='null')`"))

      if (shortSerAttr != "") {
        # We have an arg to pass in to the serializer
        argList <- tryCatch({
          eval(parse(text=paste0("list", shortSerAttr)), envir)
        }, error = function(e) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, line, e)
      } else {
        argList <- list()
        serializer <- do.call(get_registered_serializer(s), argList)
      }, error = function(e) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("Error creating serializer: ", s, "\n", e))

    parsersMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@parser(\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s*(.*)\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(parsersMat[1,1])){
      parser_alias <- stri_trim_both(parsersMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(parser_alias) || parser_alias == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @parser specified")

      if (!parser_alias %in% registered_parsers()){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("No such @parser registered: ", parser_alias))

      if (!is.na(parsersMat[1, 4]) && parsersMat[1,4] != ""){
        # We have an arg to pass in to the parser
        arg_list <- tryCatch({
          eval(parse(text=parsersMat[1,4]), envir)
        }, error = function(e) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, line, e)
      } else {
        arg_list <- list()
      if (is.null(parsers)) {
        parsers <- list()
      parsers[[parser_alias]] <- arg_list

    responseMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@response\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(\\S.*)\\s*$")
    if (!is.na(responseMat[1,1])){
      resp <- list()
      resp[[responseMat[1,2]]] <- list(description=responseMat[1,3])
      responses <- c(responses, resp)

    paramMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@param(\\s+([^\\s:]+):?([^\\s*]+)?(\\*)?(?:\\s+(.*))?\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(paramMat[1,2])){
      name <- paramMat[1,3]
      if (is.na(name)){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No parameter specified.")
      plumberType <- stri_replace_all(paramMat[1,4], "$1", regex = "^\\[([^\\]]*)\\]$")
      apiType <- plumberToApiType(plumberType)
      isArray <- stri_detect_regex(paramMat[1,4], "^\\[[^\\]]*\\]$")
      isArray[is.na(isArray)] <- defaultIsArray
      required <- identical(paramMat[1,5], "*")

      params[[name]] <- list(desc=paramMat[1,6], type=apiType, required=required, isArray=isArray)

    tagMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@tag\\s+(\"[^\"]+\"|'[^']+'|\\S+)\\s*")
    if (!is.na(tagMat[1,1])){
      t <- stri_trim_both(tagMat[1,2], pattern = "[[\\P{Wspace}]-[\"']]")
      if (is.na(t) || t == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No tag specified.")
      if (t %in% tags){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Duplicate tag specified.")
      tags <- c(tags, t)

    commentMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*([^@\\s].*$)")
    if (!is.na(commentMat[1,2])){
      comments <- c(comments, trimws(commentMat[1,2]))

    routerModifierMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@plumber")
    if (!is.na(routerModifierMat[1,1])) {
      routerModifier <- TRUE

    lineNum <- lineNum - 1

    paths = rev(paths),
    preempt = preempt,
    filter = filter,
    serializer = serializer,
    parsers = rev(parsers),
    assets = assets,
    params = rev(params),
    comments = tail(comments, 1),
    description = paste0(rev(comments)[-1], collapse = "\n"),
    responses = rev(responses),
    tags = rev(tags),
    routerModifier = routerModifier

#' Evaluate and activate a "block" of code found in a plumber API file.
#' @noRd
evaluateBlock <- function(srcref, file, expr, envir, addEndpoint, addFilter, pr) {
  lines <- srcref[c(1,3)]
  lineNum <- lines[1] - 1

  block <- plumbBlock(lineNum, file, envir)

  if (sum(!is.null(block$filter), !is.null(block$paths), !is.null(block$assets), !is.null(block$routerModifier)) > 1){
    stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], "A single function can only be a filter, an API endpoint, an asset or a Plumber object modifier (@filter AND @get, @post, @assets, @plumber, etc.)")

  # ALL if statements possibilities must eventually call eval(expr, envir)
  if (!is.null(block$paths)){
    lapply(block$paths, function(p) {
      ep <- PlumberEndpoint$new(
        verbs = p$verb,
        path = p$path,
        expr = expr,
        envir = envir,
        serializer = block$serializer,
        parsers = block$parsers,
        lines = lines,
        srcref = srcref,
        params = block$params,
        comments = block$comments,
        description = block$description,
        responses = block$responses,
        tags = block$tags

      addEndpoint(ep, block$preempt)
  } else if (!is.null(block$filter)){
    filter <- PlumberFilter$new(block$filter, expr, envir, block$serializer,
      lines = lines, srcref = srcref)

  } else if (!is.null(block$assets)){
    path <- block$assets$path

    # Leading slash
    if (substr(path, 1,1) != "/"){
      path <- paste0("/", path)

    stat <- PlumberStatic$new(block$assets$dir, expr)
    pr$mount(path, stat)

  } else if (!is.null(block$routerModifier)) {
    if (is.expression(expr)) {
      func <- tryCatch({
        eval(expr, envir)
      }, error = function(e) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], e)

      if (!is.function(func)) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], "Invalid expression for @plumber tag, please use the form `function(pr) { }`.")

      # Use time as an ID
      # Creating a new pr() takes at least a millisec
      pr_id <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
      pr$flags$id <- pr_id
        pr$flags$id <- NULL
      }, add = TRUE)

      # process func
      func_ret <- func(pr)

      if (inherits(func_ret, "Plumber")) {
        func_ret_id <- func_ret$flags$id
        if (!identical(pr_id, func_ret_id)) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], "Plumber object returned is not the same as the one provided.")
  } else {
      eval(expr, envir)
    }, error = function(e) {
      stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], e)

  # Show that we are returning nothing
  # Only modify pr in place

Try the plumber package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plumber documentation built on Sept. 7, 2022, 1:05 a.m.