

exec_endpoint <- function(pr, ep_pos, subset = 1) {
  # This is a poor setup of `req` and `res`. But it works for testing purposes
  pr$endpoints[[subset]][[ep_pos]]$exec(make_req(), PlumberResponse$new())

test_that("Endpoints are properly identified", {
  r <- pr(test_path("files/endpoints.R"))
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 1), 5)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 2), 5)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 3), 10)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 4), 12)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 5), 14)

test_that("Empty file argument is OK", {
  r <- pr()
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 0)

test_that("Empty file is OK", {
  f <- tempfile()
  writeLines(character(), f)
  on.exit(unlink(f), add = TRUE)
  r <- pr(f)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 0)

test_that("The file is sourced in the envir", {
  r <- pr(test_path("files/in-env.R"))
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 2)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 1), 15)

test_that("Verbs translate correctly", {
  r <- pr(test_path("files/verbs.R"))
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 10)
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[1]]$verbs, c("GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH"))
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[2]]$verbs, "GET")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[3]]$verbs, "PUT")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[4]]$verbs, "POST")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[5]]$verbs, "DELETE")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[6]]$verbs, "POST")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[7]]$verbs, "GET")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[8]]$verbs, "HEAD")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[9]]$verbs, "OPTIONS")
  expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[10]]$verbs, "PATCH")

test_that("Invalid file fails gracefully", {
  expect_error(pr("asdfsadf"), regexp="File does not exist.*asdfsadf")

test_that("plumb accepts a file", {
  r <- plumb(test_path("files/endpoints.R"))
  expect_length(r$endpoints[[1]], 5)

test_that("plumb gives a good error when passing in a dir instead of a file", {

  # brittle test. Fails on r-devel-windows-x86_64-gcc10-UCRT

  if (isWindows()) {
    # File paths are hard to work with and are inconsistent

  expect_error(plumb(test_path("files/")), "Expecting a file but found a directory: 'files/'")

test_that("plumb accepts a directory with a `plumber.R` file", {
  # works without trailing slash
  r <- plumb(dir = test_path('files'))
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5)

  # works with trailing slash
  r <- plumb(dir = paste0(test_path('files'), "/"))
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5)

  # errors when no plumber.R found
  expect_error(plumb(dir = test_path("files/static")), regexp="No plumber.R file found in the specified directory: ")

  # errors when neither dir is empty and file is not given
  expect_error(plumb(dir=""), regexp="You must specify either a file or directory*")

  # reads from working dir if no args
  expect_error(plumb(), regexp="No plumber.R file found in the specified directory: .")

  # errors when both dir and file are given
  expect_silent(plumb(file = "endpoints.R", dir = test_path("files")))


test_that("plumb() a dir leverages `entrypoint.R`", {

      "fake" %in% registered_serializers(),
      "This just that your Plumber environment is dirty. Restart your R session."

    r <- plumb(dir = test_path("files/entrypoint/"))
    expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
    expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 1)

    # A global serializer was added by entrypoint.R before parsing
      "fake" %in% registered_serializers(),
      "This just that your Plumber environment is dirty. Restart your R session."

    "fake" %in% registered_serializers(),
    "This just that your Plumber environment is dirty. Restart your R session."

test_that("bad `entrypoint.R`s throw", {
  expect_error(plumb(dir = test_path("files/entrypoint-bad/")), "runnable Plumber router")

test_that("plumb() a dir works with `entrypoint.R` and without `plumber.R`", {
  r <- plumb(dir = test_path("files/no-plumber/"))
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 1)

test_that("Empty endpoints error", {
  expect_error(pr(test_path("files/endpoints-empty.R")), regexp="No path specified")

test_that("The old roxygen-style comments work", {
  r <- pr(test_path("files/endpoints-old.R"))
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1)
  expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 1), 5)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 2), 5)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 3), 10)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 4), 12)
  expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 5), 14)

test_that("routes can be constructed correctly", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/nested/path/here", function(){})
  pr$handle("POST", "/nested/path/here", function(){})

  pr2 <- pr()
  pr2$handle("POST", "/something", function(){})
  pr2$handle("GET", "/", function(){})
  pr$mount("/mysubpath", pr2)

  stat <- PlumberStatic$new(".")
  pr$mount("/static", stat)

  pr3 <- pr()
  pr_get(pr3, "a/b", function(){})
  pr_get(pr3, "a", function(){})
  expect_length(pr3$routes$a, 2)

  pr4 <- pr()
  pr_get(pr4, "a", function(){})
  pr_post(pr4, "a/b/c/f", function(){})
  pr_get(pr4, "a/b/c/f", function(){})
  pr_get(pr4, "a/b/c/f/g/h/j/k", function(){})
  pr_get(pr4, "v/b/c/f", function(){})
  pr_get(pr4, "v/b/c/b", function(){})
  pr_get(pr4, "v/b/c/a", function(){})
  pr_get(pr4, "t", function(){})
  pr_post(pr4, "u/b/c/f", function(){})
  pr_get(pr4, "i/b/c/f/g/h/j/k", function(){})
  expect_equal(names(pr4$routes), c("a", "a", "i", "t", "u", "v"))
  expect_equal(names(pr4$routes$v$b$c), c("a", "b", "f"))

  expect_length(pr$routes, 3)
  expect_s3_class(pr$routes[["static"]], "PlumberStatic")
  expect_s3_class(pr$routes[["mysubpath"]], "Plumber")

  # 2 endpoints at the same location (different verbs)
  expect_length(pr$routes$nested$path$here, 2)

test_that("mounts can be read correctly", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/nested/path/here", function(){})
  pr$handle("POST", "/nested/path/here", function(){})

  pr2 <- pr()
  pr2$handle("POST", "/something", function(){})
  pr2$handle("GET", "/", function(){})
  pr$mount("/mysubpath", pr2)

  stat <- PlumberStatic$new(".")
  pr$mount("/static", stat)
  pr$mount("missing-slashes", stat)
  pr$mount("/both-slashes/", stat)
  pr$mount("trailing-slash/", stat)
  pr$mount("/extra-slash//", stat)

  expect_length(pr$routes, 7)
  expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/static/"]], "PlumberStatic")
  expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/missing-slashes/"]], "PlumberStatic")
  expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/both-slashes/"]], "PlumberStatic")
  expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/trailing-slash/"]], "PlumberStatic")
  expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/extra-slash//"]], "PlumberStatic")
  expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/mysubpath/"]], "Plumber")

test_that("mounts work", {
  pr <- pr()
  sub <- pr()
  sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 })
  sub$handle("GET", "/nested/path", function(a){ a })

  pr$mount("/subpath", sub)

  res <- PlumberResponse$new()
  pr$route(make_req("GET", "/nested/path"), res)
  expect_equal(res$status, 404)

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/nested/path", qs="?a=123"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, "123")

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/nested/path", body='{"a":123}'), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, 123)

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, 1)

test_that("mounting at root path works", {
  pr <- pr()
  sub <- pr()
  sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 })
  sub$handle("GET", "/nested/path", function(){ 2 })

  pr$mount("/", sub)

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/nested/path"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, 2)

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, 1)

test_that("conflicting mounts behave consistently", {
  pr <- pr()

  sub <- pr()
  sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 })
  pr$mount("/subpath", sub)

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, 1)

  pr$handle("GET", "/subpath/", function(){ 2 })

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, 2)

test_that("hooks can be registered", {
  pr <- pr()
  events <- NULL
  pr$handle("GET", "/", function(){ events <<- c(events, "exec") })
  pr$registerHook("preroute", function(){ events <<- c(events, "preroute") })
  pr$registerHook("postroute", function(){ events <<- c(events, "postroute") })
  pr$registerHook("preserialize", function(){ events <<- c(events, "preserialize") })
  pr$registerHook("postserialize", function(){ events <<- c(events, "postserialize") })

  pr$call(make_req("GET", "/"))
  expect_equal(events, c("preroute", "exec", "postroute", "preserialize", "postserialize"))

test_that("preroute hook gets the right data", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/", function(){ })
  rqst <- make_req("GET", "/")

  pr$registerHook("preroute", function(data, req, res){
    expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse")
    expect_equal(rqst, req)

test_that("postroute hook gets the right data and can modify", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/abc", function(){ 123 })

  pr$registerHook("postroute", function(data, req, res, value){
    expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse")
    expect_equal(req$PATH_INFO, "/abc")
    expect_equal(value, 123)
    "new val"
  res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/abc"))
  expect_equal(as.character(res$body), '["new val"]')

test_that("preserialize hook gets the right data and can modify", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/abc", function(){ 123 })

  pr$registerHook("preserialize", function(data, req, res, value){
    expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse")
    expect_equal(req$PATH_INFO, "/abc")
    expect_equal(value, 123)
    "new val"
  res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/abc"))
  expect_equal(as.character(res$body), '["new val"]')

test_that("postserialize hook gets the right data and can modify", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/abc", function(){ 123 })

  pr$registerHook("postserialize", function(data, req, res, value){
    expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse")
    expect_equal(req$PATH_INFO, "/abc")
    expect_equal(as.character(value$body), "[123]")
    value$body <- "new val"
  res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/abc"))
  expect_equal(as.character(res$body), 'new val')

test_that("invalid hooks err", {
  pr <- pr()

test_that("handle invokes correctly", {
    list(plumber.trailingSlash = NULL),
      pr <- pr()
      pr$handle("GET", "/trailslash", function(){ "getter" })
      pr$handle("POST", "/trailslashp/", function(){ "poster" })

      expect_equal(pr$call(make_req("GET", "/trailslash"))$body, jsonlite::toJSON("getter"))
      res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/trailslash/")) # With trailing slash
      expect_equal(res$status, 404)
      res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/trailslash")) # Wrong verb
      expect_equal(res$status, 405)

      expect_equal(pr$call(make_req("POST", "/trailslashp/"))$body, jsonlite::toJSON("poster"))
      res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/trailslashp")) # w/o trailing slash
      expect_equal(res$status, 404)
      res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/trailslashp/")) # Wrong verb
      expect_equal(res$status, 405)


test_that("trailing slashes are redirected", {

  pr <- pr() %>%
    pr_get("/get/", function(a) a) %>%
    pr_post("/post/", function(a) a) %>%
      pr() %>%
        pr_get("/", function(a) a)

  with_options(list(plumber.trailingSlash = FALSE), {
    res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/get", "?a=1"))
    expect_equal(res$status, 404)

    res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/post", "?a=1"))
    expect_equal(res$status, 404)

    res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/mnt", "?a=1"))
    expect_equal(res$status, 404)

  with_options(list(plumber.trailingSlash = TRUE), {
    res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/get", "?a=1"))
    expect_equal(res$status, 307)
    expect_equal(res$headers$Location, "/get/?a=1")

    res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/post", "?a=1"))
    expect_equal(res$status, 307)
    expect_equal(res$headers$Location, "/post/?a=1")

    res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/mnt", "?a=1"))
    expect_equal(res$status, 307)
    expect_equal(res$headers$Location, "/mnt/?a=1")

test_that("No 405 on same path, different verb", {

  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/apathow", function(){ "getter" })
  pr$handle("POST", "/apathow", function(){ "poster" })

  expect_equal(pr$route(make_req("GET", "/apathow"), PlumberResponse$new()), "getter")
  expect_equal(pr$route(make_req("POST", "/apathow"), PlumberResponse$new()), "poster")


test_that("handle with an endpoint works", {
  pr <- pr()
  ep <- PlumberEndpoint$new("GET", "/", function(){ "manual endpoint" }, pr$environment, serializer_json())

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, "manual endpoint")

test_that("handle with and enpoint and endpoint def fails", {
  pr <- pr()
  ep <- PlumberEndpoint$new("GET", "/", function(){ "manual endpoint" }, pr$environment, serializer_json())
  expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "/", endpoint=ep))

test_that("full handle call works", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$filter("f1", function(req){ req$filtered <- TRUE; forward() })

  pr$handle("GET", "/preempt", function(req){
  }, "f1", serializer_unboxed_json())

  pr$handle("GET", "/dontpreempt", function(req){
  }, serializer=serializer_unboxed_json())

  res <- PlumberResponse$new()
  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/preempt"), res)
  expect_equal(val, "preempted") # no JSON box
  res <- PlumberResponse$new()
  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/dontpreempt"), res)
  expect_equal(val, "unpreempted") # no JSON box

test_that("Expressions and functions both work on handle", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/function", function(req){ req[["PATH_INFO"]] })
  pr$handle("GET", "/expression", expression(function(req){ req[["PATH_INFO"]] }))

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/function"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, "/function")
  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/expression"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, "/expression")

test_that("Expressions and functions both work on filter", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$filter("ff", function(req){ req$filteredF <- TRUE; forward() })
  pr$filter("fe", expression(function(req){ req$filteredE <- TRUE; forward() }))
  pr$handle("GET", "/", function(req){
    req$filteredE && req$filteredF

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new())

  pr$handle("GET", "/expr", expression(function(req){
    req$filteredE && req$filteredF

  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/expr"), PlumberResponse$new())

test_that("filters and endpoint expressions evaluated in the appropriate (possibly injected) environment", {
  # Create an environment that contains a variable named `y`.
  env <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)
  env$y <- 10

  # We provide expressions so that they get closurified in the right environment
  # and will be able to find `y`.
  # This would all fail without an injected environment that contains `y`.
  pr <- pr(envir=env)
  pr$filter("ff", expression(function(req){ req$ys <- y^2; forward() }))
  pr$handle("GET", "/", expression(function(req){ paste(y, req$ys) }))

  # Send a request through and we should see an assign to our env.
  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_equal(val, "10 100")

test_that("filters and endpoints executed in the appropriate environment", {
  # We've already seen that, if expressions, they're going to be evaluated in the
  # appropriate environment, but we can also confirm that once they've been evaluated,
  # they're then executed in the appropriate environment.

  # This almost certainly doesn't matter unless a function is inspecting the call stack,
  # but for the sake of consistency we not only ensure that any given expressions are
  # evaluated in the appropriate environment, but also that they are then called in the
  # given environment, as well.

  env <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)

  pr <- pr(envir=env)
  pr$filter("ff", expression(function(req){ req$filterEnv <- parent.frame(); forward() }))
  pr$handle("GET", "/", expression(function(req){
    expect_identical(req$filterEnv, parent.frame())

  # Send a request through and we should see an assign to our env.
  val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new())
  expect_identical(env, val)

test_that("host is updated properly for printing", {

    urlHost(host = "1:1:1", port = 1234),
    urlHost(host = "::", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = FALSE),
    urlHost(host = "::", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = TRUE),
    urlHost(host = "", port = 1234),
    urlHost(host = "", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = FALSE),
    urlHost(host = "", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = TRUE),
    urlHost(scheme = "http", host = "", port = 1234, path = "/v1", changeHostLocation = TRUE),

test_that("unmount works", {
  pr <- pr()
  sub <- pr()
  sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 })
  sub$handle("GET", "/nested/path", function(){ 2 })
  pr$mount("/mount", sub)
  pr$mount("/mount2", sub)
  expect_equal(names(pr$mounts), c("/mount/", "/mount2/"))
  expect_equal(names(pr$mounts), "/mount/")

test_that("removeHandle works", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "/path1", function(){ 1 })
  pr$handle("GET", "/path2", function(){ 2 })
  expect_equal(length(pr$endpoints[[1]]), 2L)
  expect_invisible(pr$removeHandle("GET", "/path1"))
  expect_equal(length(pr$endpoints[[1]]), 1L)
  expect_equal(pr$endpoints[[1]][[1]]$path, "/path2")

test_that("routes that don't start with a slash are prepended with a slash", {
  pr <- pr()
  pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){})

  expect_equal(length(pr$endpoints[[1]]), 1L)
  expect_equal(pr$endpoints[[1]][[1]]$path, "/nested/path/here")

test_that("handle method rejects forbidden arguments", {
  pr <- pr()
  expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){}, envir = new.env()),
               "can not be supplied to", )
  expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){}, verbs = "GET"),
               "can not be supplied to")
  expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){}, expr = function(){}),
               "can not be supplied to")

Try the plumber package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plumber documentation built on Sept. 7, 2022, 1:05 a.m.