# PMML: Predictive Model Markup Language
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Zementis, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG
# USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates
# and/or their licensors.
# This file is part of the PMML package for R.
# The PMML package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The PMML package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (
# #############################################################################
#' Generate PMML for an ARIMA object the \bold{forecast} package.
#' @param model An ARIMA object from the package \pkg{forecast}.
#' @param missing_value_replacement Value to be used as the 'missingValueReplacement'
#' attribute for all MiningFields.
#' @param ts_type The type of time series representation for PMML: "arima" or "statespace".
#' @param cpi_levels Vector of confidence levels for prediction intervals.
#' @inheritParams pmml
#' @return PMML representation of the \code{ARIMA} object.
#' @details The model is represented as a PMML TimeSeriesModel.
#' When \code{ts_type = "statespace"} (by default), the R object is exported as StateSpaceModel in PMML.
#' When \code{ts_type = "arima"}, the R object is exported as ARIMA in PMML with conditional
#' least squares (CLS). Note that ARIMA models in R are
#' estimated using a state space representation. Therefore, when using CLS with seasonal models,
#' forecast results between R and PMML may not match exactly. Additionally, when ts_type="arima", prediction intervals
#' are exported for non-seasonal models only. For ARIMA models with d=2, the prediction intervals
#' between R and PMML may not match.
#' OutputField elements are exported with
#' dataType "string", and contain a collection of all values up to and including the steps-ahead value supplied
#' during scoring.
#' String output in this form is facilitated by Extension elements in the PMML file,
#' and is supported by Zementis Server since version
#' \code{cpi_levels} behaves similar to \code{levels} in \code{forecast::forecast}: values must be
#' between 0 and 100, non-inclusive.
#' Models with a drift term will be supported in a future version.
#' Transforms are currently not supported for ARIMA models.
#' @author Dmitriy Bolotov
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(forecast)
#' # non-seasonal model
#' data("WWWusage")
#' mod <- Arima(WWWusage, order = c(3, 1, 1))
#' mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
#' # seasonal model
#' data("JohnsonJohnson")
#' mod_02 <- Arima(JohnsonJohnson,
#' order = c(1, 1, 1),
#' seasonal = c(1, 1, 1)
#' )
#' mod_02_pmml <- pmml(mod_02)
#' # non-seasonal model exported with Conditional Least Squares
#' data("WWWusage")
#' mod <- Arima(WWWusage, order = c(3, 1, 1))
#' mod_pmml <- pmml(mod, ts_type = "arima")
#' }
#' @export pmml.ARIMA
#' @export
pmml.ARIMA <- function(model,
model_name = "ARIMA_model",
app_name = "SoftwareAG PMML Generator",
description = "ARIMA Time Series Model",
copyright = NULL,
model_version = NULL,
transforms = NULL,
missing_value_replacement = NULL,
ts_type = "statespace",
cpi_levels = c(80, 95),
...) {
if (!inherits(model, "ARIMA")) stop("Not a legitimate ARIMA object.")
if (!(ts_type %in% c("arima", "statespace"))) {
stop('ts_type must be one of "arima" or "statespace".')
if (ts_type == "arima") {
output_type <- "double"
} else {
output_type <- "string"
cpi_levels <- .check_cpi_levels(cpi_levels)
if (!is.null(transforms)) stop("Transforms are not supported for ARIMA forecast models.")
# Stop if model includes drift term
if ("drift" %in% names(model$coef)) {
stop("ARIMA models with a drift term are not supported.")
# # Stop if model includes both intercept and drift terms
# if (("intercept" %in% names(model$coef)) & ("drift") %in% names(model$coef)) {
# stop("ARIMA models with both mean and drift terms not supported.")
# }
field <- NULL
field$name <- c("ts_value", "h")
field$class <- c("numeric", "numeric")
names(field$class) <- c("ts_value", "h")
functionName <- "timeSeries"
target <- "ts_value"
pmml <- .pmmlRootNode()
# PMML -> Header
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlHeader(description, copyright, model_version, app_name))
# PMML -> DataDictionary
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlDataDictionary(field, transformed = transforms))
if (ts_type == "arima") {
# PMML -> TimeSeriesModel
ts_model <- xmlNode("TimeSeriesModel",
attrs = c(modelName = model_name, functionName = "timeSeries", bestFit = "ARIMA")
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(
.pmmlMiningSchemaARIMA(field, target, transforms, missing_value_replacement)
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(
# .pmmlOutput(field, target)
# .make_arima_output_node(target, .has_seasonal_comp(model), cpi_levels, output_type)
.make_arima_output_node(target, .has_seasonal_comp(model), cpi_levels, "string") # set output="string"
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(ts_model, .make_ts_node(model))
# arima_rmse <- sqrt(sum((model$residuals)^2) / length(model$residuals))
arima_rmse <- sqrt(model$sigma2) # use the approximation in ARIMA object
arima_constant <- .get_model_constant(model)
prediction_method <- "conditionalLeastSquares"
arima_node <- xmlNode("ARIMA", attrs = c(
RMSE = arima_rmse,
transformation = "none",
constantTerm = arima_constant,
predictionMethod = prediction_method
if (.has_nonseasonal_comp(model)) {
# arima_node <- append.XMLNode(arima_node, .make_nsc_node(model, exact_least_squares))
arima_node <- append.XMLNode(arima_node, .make_nsc_node(model, FALSE))
} else {
# crete a non-seasonal node with all zeros
# arima_node <- append.XMLNode(arima_node, .make_zero_nsc_node(model, exact_least_squares))
arima_node <- append.XMLNode(arima_node, .make_zero_nsc_node(model, FALSE))
if (.has_seasonal_comp(model)) {
# arima_node <- append.XMLNode(arima_node, .make_sc_node(model, exact_least_squares))
arima_node <- append.XMLNode(arima_node, .make_sc_node(model, FALSE))
# if (exact_least_squares) {
# arima_node <- append.XMLNode(
# arima_node,
# .make_mls_node(model, ts_type)
# )
# }
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(ts_model, arima_node)
} else {
# PMML -> TimeSeriesModel
ts_model <- xmlNode("TimeSeriesModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name,
functionName = "timeSeries",
bestFit = "StateSpaceModel"
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(
.pmmlMiningSchemaARIMA(field, target, transforms, missing_value_replacement)
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(
# .pmmlOutput(field, target)
.make_arima_output_node(target, FALSE, cpi_levels, output_type)
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(ts_model, .make_ts_node(model))
state_space_node <- xmlNode("StateSpaceModel",
attrs = c(
# intercept = toString(.get_model_constant(model)),
variance = model$sigma2
# observationVariance = toString(model$model$h)
# state vector
state_v_node <- .make_fs_vector_node(model, ts_type = ts_type)
# transition matrix
trans_m_node <- append.XMLNode(
# measurement matrix
meas_m_node <- append.XMLNode(
.make_matrix_node(matrix(model$model$Z, nrow = 1))
# intercept vector - replaces intercept attribute
intercept_v_node <- .make_intercept_v_node(model)
# ObservationVarianceMatrix - replaces observationVariance attribute
ovm_node <- append.XMLNode(
.make_matrix_node(matrix(model$model$h, nrow = 1))
# psi vector - not used
# dynamic regressor - not used
# PredictedCovarianceMatrix
pscm_node <- append.XMLNode(
nrow = NROW(model$model$P)
# SelectedCovarianceMatrix
sscm_node <- append.XMLNode(
nrow = NROW(model$model$V)
# add elements to state_space_node
state_space_node <- append.XMLNode(
ts_model <- append.XMLNode(ts_model, state_space_node)
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, ts_model)
.check_cpi_levels <- function(cpi_levels) {
if (length(cpi_levels) == 0) {
stop("Length of cpi_levels must be greater than 0.")
if (!is.numeric(cpi_levels)) {
stop("cpi_levels must be numeric.")
# If levels are between 0 and 1, they should be converted to percentage first.
if (min(cpi_levels) > 0 & max(cpi_levels) < 1) {
cpi_levels <- 100 * cpi_levels
if (min(cpi_levels) < 0 | max(cpi_levels) > 99.99) {
stop("cpi_levels out of range.")
.get_model_constant <- function(model) {
# Get the constant term from model.
# constantTerm = 0 by default in PMML. Set the constantTerm to 0 when d != 0.
if (any(is.element(c("intercept", "drift"), names(model$coef)))) {
if (is.element("intercept", names(model$coef))) {
arima_constant <- unname(model$coef["intercept"])
} else {
arima_constant <- unname(model$coef["drift"])
} else {
arima_constant <- 0
.make_intercept_v_node <- function(model) {
iv_node <- xmlNode("InterceptVector",
attrs = c(type = "observation")
const <- .get_model_constant(model)
iv_node <- append.XMLNode(iv_node, xmlNode("Array",
attrs = c(type = "real", n = "1"),
value = const
.make_arima_output_node <- function(target,
output_type) {
output_node <- xmlNode("Output")
if (output_type == "string") {
point_forecast_node <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(
name = paste("Predicted_", target, sep = ""),
optype = "continuous",
dataType = "string",
feature = "predictedValue"
point_forecast_node <- append.XMLNode(point_forecast_node, .make_ext_json_node())
output_node <- append.XMLNode(output_node, point_forecast_node)
if (!has_seasonal_comp) {
# if model has no seasonal component, include prediction intervals in Output
for (lev in cpi_levels) {
output_node <- append.XMLNode(
.make_pi_node(lev, "Lower", output_type),
.make_pi_node(lev, "Upper", output_type)
} else {
point_forecast_node <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(
name = paste("Predicted_", target, sep = ""),
optype = "continuous",
dataType = "double",
feature = "predictedValue"
output_node <- append.XMLNode(output_node, point_forecast_node)
if (!has_seasonal_comp) {
# if model has no seasonal component, include prediction intervals in Output
for (lev in cpi_levels) {
output_node <- append.XMLNode(
.make_pi_node(lev, "Lower", output_type),
.make_pi_node(lev, "Upper", output_type)
.make_ext_json_node <- function() {
return(xmlNode("Extension", attrs = c(
extender = "ADAPA",
name = "dataType",
value = "json"
.make_pi_node <- function(perc, interv, output_type) {
# create prediction interval output node
perc <- toString(perc)
if (output_type == "string") {
pi_node <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(
name = paste("cpi_", perc, "_", tolower(interv), sep = ""),
optype = "continuous",
dataType = "string",
feature = paste("confidenceInterval", interv, sep = ""),
value = perc
pi_node <- append.XMLNode(pi_node, .make_ext_json_node())
} else {
pi_node <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(
name = paste("cpi_", perc, "_", tolower(interv), sep = ""),
optype = "continuous",
dataType = "double",
feature = paste("confidenceInterval", interv, sep = ""),
value = perc
.make_mls_node <- function(model, ts_type) {
# Creates MaximumLikelihoodStat node to be used with predictionMethod="exactLeastSquares"
mls_node <- xmlNode("MaximumLikelihoodStat",
attrs = c(method = "kalman", periodDeficit = "0")
kalman_state_node <- xmlNode("KalmanState")
# extension_node <- .make_extension_node(model)
# trans_m_node <- .make_transition_matrix_node(model)
# meas_m_node <- .make_measurement_matrix_node(model)
final_omega_node <- .make_final_omega_node(model)
final_state_vector <- .make_fs_vector_node(model, ts_type = ts_type)
# h_vector <- .make_h_vector_node(model)
trans_m_node <- append.XMLNode(
meas_m_node <- append.XMLNode(
.make_matrix_node(matrix(model$model$Z, nrow = 1))
kalman_state_node <- append.XMLNode(
# extension_node,
# h_vector,
mls_node <- append.XMLNode(mls_node, kalman_state_node)
# .make_extension_node <- function(model) {
# e_node <- xmlNode("Extension", attrs = c(
# value = "r-pmml",
# extender = "ADAPA"
# ))
# trans_matrix <- model$model$T
# meas_matrix <- matrix(model$model$Z, nrow = 1)
# tm_node <- append.XMLNode(
# xmlNode("TransitionMatrix"),
# .make_matrix_node(trans_matrix)
# )
# mm_node <- append.XMLNode(
# xmlNode("MeasurementMatrix"),
# .make_matrix_node(meas_matrix)
# )
# e_node <- append.XMLNode(e_node, tm_node, mm_node)
# return(e_node)
# }
.make_matrix_node <- function(the_matrix) {
# create a matrix node given a matrix input
matrix_node <- xmlNode("Matrix",
attrs = c(
nbRows = toString(NROW(the_matrix)),
nbCols = toString(NCOL(the_matrix))
for (i in c(1:NROW(the_matrix))) {
matrix_node <- append.XMLNode(
attrs = c(type = "real"),
value = paste(the_matrix[i, ], collapse = " ")
.make_final_omega_node <- function(model) {
fo_node <- xmlNode("FinalOmega")
matrix_node <- append.XMLNode(
attrs = c(kind = "symmetric", nbRows = "1", nbCols = "1")
xmlNode("Array", attrs = c(type = "real", n = "1"), value = 0)
fo_node <- append.XMLNode(fo_node, matrix_node)
.make_fs_vector_node <- function(model, ts_type) {
# Create FinalStateVector node or StateVector node, depending on type
f_matrix <- model$model$T # transition matrix
s_t0 <- model$model$a # current state estimate
# s_t1 <- (f_matrix %*% s_t0)[1]
s_t1 <- (f_matrix %*% s_t0)
p <- model$arma[1]
q <- model$arma[2]
# final_state_vector <- s_t1[1:max(p,q)]
final_state_vector <- s_t1
# fsv_node <- xmlNode("FinalStateVector")
if (ts_type == "arima") {
fsv_node <- xmlNode("FinalStateVector")
} else {
fsv_node <- xmlNode("StateVector")
fsv_node <- append.XMLNode(
attrs = c(
type = "real",
n = toString(length(final_state_vector))
value = paste(final_state_vector, collapse = " ")
.make_nsc_node <- function(model, exact_least_squares) {
# Creates NonseasonalComponent node.
mod_len <- length(model$x)
# (p,d,q) arrays
ar_ind <- grep("^ar", names(model$coef))
phi_array <- unname(model$coef[ar_ind])
ma_ind <- grep("^ma", names(model$coef))
theta_array <- unname(model$coef[ma_ind])
# Reverse sign of theta coefficients for PMML representation.
# theta_array <- (-1)*theta_array
ns_p <- model$arma[1]
ns_d <- model$arma[6]
ns_q <- model$arma[2]
mod_resids <- model$residuals
nsc_node <- xmlNode("NonseasonalComponent",
attrs = c(p = ns_p, d = ns_d, q = ns_q)
nsc_node <- .make_arma_nodes(
c_node = nsc_node, p_val = ns_p, d_val = ns_d,
q_val = ns_q, phi_array = phi_array, theta_array = theta_array,
mod_len = mod_len, mod_resids = mod_resids, seas = FALSE,
ns_q = NA, seas_period = NA, exact_least_squares = exact_least_squares
.make_zero_nsc_node <- function(model, exact_least_squares) {
# Creates a NonSeasonalComponent node with 0 for pdq values
nsc_node <- xmlNode("NonseasonalComponent",
attrs = c(p = 0, d = 0, q = 0)
.make_sc_node <- function(model, exact_least_squares) {
# Creates SeasonalComponent node.
num_sma_elements <- length(grep("^sma", names(model$coef))) # deprecated
mod_len <- length(model$x)
# (P, D, Q) arrays
sar_ind <- grep("^sar", names(model$coef))
s_phi_array <- unname(model$coef[sar_ind])
sma_ind <- grep("^sma", names(model$coef))
s_theta_array <- unname(model$coef[sma_ind])
# Reverse sign of theta coefficients for PMML representation.
# s_theta_array <- (-1)*s_theta_array
s_p <- model$arma[3]
s_d <- model$arma[7]
s_q <- model$arma[4]
s_period <- model$arma[5]
mod_resids <- model$residuals
sc_node <- xmlNode("SeasonalComponent",
attrs = c(P = s_p, D = s_d, Q = s_q, period = s_period)
sc_node <- .make_arma_nodes(
c_node = sc_node, p_val = s_p, d_val = s_d,
q_val = s_q, phi_array = s_phi_array, theta_array = s_theta_array,
mod_len = mod_len, mod_resids = mod_resids,
seas = TRUE, ns_q = model$arma[2], seas_period = model$arma[5],
exact_least_squares = exact_least_squares
.make_arma_nodes <- function(c_node, p_val, d_val, q_val,
phi_array, theta_array, mod_len,
mod_resids, seas, ns_q = NA,
seas_period = NA,
exact_least_squares) {
# Creates the AR and MA nodes for either non-seasonal or seasonal component nodes.
# seas: logical indicating if node is seasonal.
# ns_q: q value for non-seasonal component; only used when creating seasonal MA node.
# seas_period: period for seasonal component; only used when creating seasonal MA node.
if (p_val > 0) {
ar_node <- append.XMLNode(
xmlNode("Array", attrs = c(type = "real", n = p_val), value = paste(phi_array, collapse = " "))
c_node <- append.XMLNode(c_node, ar_node)
if (q_val > 0) {
ma_coef_node <- append.XMLNode(
xmlNode("Array", attrs = c(type = "real", n = q_val), value = paste(theta_array, collapse = " "))
# Calculate the earliest necessary residual.
if (seas) {
resids <- mod_resids[(mod_len - (q_val * seas_period + ns_q) + 1):mod_len]
} else {
resids <- mod_resids[(mod_len - q_val + 1):mod_len]
if (!exact_least_squares) {
ma_resid_node <- append.XMLNode(
attrs = c(
type = "real",
n = length(resids)
value = paste(resids, collapse = " ")
ma_node <- append.XMLNode(xmlNode("MA"), ma_coef_node, ma_resid_node)
} else {
ma_node <- append.XMLNode(xmlNode("MA"), ma_coef_node)
c_node <- append.XMLNode(c_node, ma_node)
.has_seasonal_comp <- function(model) {
# Checks if model has seasonal component.
a <- model$arma
return(a[3] != 0 | a[4] != 0 | a[7] != 0)
.has_nonseasonal_comp <- function(model) {
# Checks if model has nonseasonal component.
a <- model$arma
return(a[1] != 0 | a[2] != 0 | a[6] != 0)
.make_ts_node <- function(model) {
# Creates TimeSeries node. Exports the full time series.
end_time <- length(model$x)
start_time <- 1
ts_node <- xmlNode("TimeSeries", attrs = c(
usage = "original",
startTime = toString(start_time), endTime = toString(end_time)
for (ts_index in c(start_time:end_time)) {
tv_node <- xmlNode("TimeValue", attrs = c(index = toString(ts_index), value = model$x[ts_index]))
ts_node <- append.XMLNode(ts_node, tv_node)
# .make_time_anchor_node <- function() {
# # creates TimeAnchor node in TimeSeries
# time_anchor_node <- xmlNode("TimeAnchor")
# return(time_anchor_node)
# }
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