# PMML: Predictive Model Markup Language
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Zementis, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG
# USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates
# and/or their licensors.
# This file is part of the PMML package for R.
# The PMML package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The PMML package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (
# #############################################################################
#' Generate the PMML representation for a ksvm object from the package
#' \pkg{kernlab}.
#' @param model A ksvm object.
#' @param missing_value_replacement Value to be used as the 'missingValueReplacement'
#' attribute for all MiningFields.
#' @param dataset Data used to train the ksvm model.
#' @inheritParams pmml
#' @return PMML representation of the ksvm object.
#' @details
#' Both classification (multi-class and binary) as well as regression cases are
#' supported.
#' The following ksvm kernels are currently supported: rbfdot, polydot,
#' vanilladot, tanhdot.
#' The argument \code{dataset} is required since the \code{ksvm} object does not
#' contain information about the used categorical variable.
#' @references
#' \href{}{kernlab: Kernel-based
#' Machine Learning Lab (on CRAN)}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Train a support vector machine to perform classification.
#' library(kernlab)
#' model <- ksvm(Species ~ ., data = iris)
#' model_pmml <- pmml(model, dataset = iris)
#' }
#' @export pmml.ksvm
#' @export
pmml.ksvm <- function(model,
model_name = "SVM_model",
app_name = "SoftwareAG PMML Generator",
description = "Support Vector Machine Model",
copyright = NULL,
model_version = NULL,
transforms = NULL,
missing_value_replacement = NULL,
dataset = NULL,
...) {
if (!inherits(model, "ksvm")) {
stop("Not a legitimate ksvm object.")
if (!is.object(dataset)) {
stop("Specified dataset not a legitimate object.")
attributes.model <- attributes(model)
terms.model <- attributes.model$terms
terms <- attributes(terms.model)
field <- NULL
field$name <- names(terms$dataClasses)
field$class <- terms$dataClasses
target <- field$name[1]
number.of.labels <- length(terms$term.labels)
number.of.fields <- length(field$name)
number.of.SV <- model@nSV
# Assumes that target is the first variable.
if (field$class[[1]][1] == "numeric") {
field$ <- "regression"
} else {
field$ <- "classification"
# Determining the number of SVMs:
# For a classification task with more than two classes, ksvm will
# generate the correspondent number of SVMs: one machine per class.
# For a two class problem, only one machine will be generated.
if (field$ == "classification" && model@nclass > 2) {
number.of.SVMs <- (model@nclass * (model@nclass - 1)) / 2
} else {
number.of.SVMs <- 1
# Using and manipulating predicted (or target) variable.
# 1) Assumes that there is a single factor and this is the target
# 2) Assumes that target is the first variable.
# First, remove as.factor() from target name
# Second, capture classes for levels.
if (field$class[[field$name[1]]] == "factor") {
field$levels[[field$name[1]]] <- model@lev
for (i in 2:number.of.fields)
lev <- NULL
if (field$class[[field$name[i]]] == "factor") {
dlevel <- unique(dataset[field$name[i]])
for (j in 1:nrow(dlevel))
lev <- c(lev, as.character(dlevel[j, 1]))
field$levels[[field$name[i]]] <- lev
pmml <- .pmmlRootNode()
# PMML -> Header
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlHeader(
description, copyright, model_version,
# PMML -> DataDictionary
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlDataDictionary(field, NULL, transformed = transforms, target = target))
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel
if (field$ == "classification" && number.of.SVMs > 1) {
ksvm.model <- xmlNode("SupportVectorMachineModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name, functionName = field$,
algorithmName = "supportVectorMachine", classificationMethod = "OneAgainstOne",
svmRepresentation = "SupportVectors"
} else {
ksvm.model <- xmlNode("SupportVectorMachineModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name, functionName = field$,
algorithmName = "supportVectorMachine", svmRepresentation = "SupportVectors"
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel -> MiningSchema
ksvm.model <- append.XMLNode(
.pmmlMiningSchema(field, target, transformed = transforms, missing_value_replacement = missing_value_replacement)
# Output
ksvm.model <- append.XMLNode(ksvm.model, .pmmlOutput(field, target))
temp <- grep("as.factor", target, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
if (field$ == "classification" && length(temp) > 0) {
tempName <- strsplit(target, "")
endPos <- (length(tempName[[1]]) - 1)
target <- substring(target, 11, endPos)
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel -> Targets
# Targets are necessary to scale SVM output and make data compatible
# with ksvm's algorithm (post-processing) in case of regression.
if (field$ == "regression") {
TargetsList <- xmlNode("Targets")
targetNode <- xmlNode("Target",
attrs = c(
field = target,
rescaleConstant =
rescaleFactor =
TargetsList <- append.XMLNode(TargetsList, targetNode)
ksvm.model <- append.XMLNode(ksvm.model, TargetsList)
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel -> LocalTransformations
# LocalTransformations are necessary to scale x and y and make data
# compatible with ksvm's algorithm (pre-processing). <- length(names(dataset))
number.of.scaled <- 0
if (length(model@scaling) > 0) {
number.of.scaled <- length(attributes.model$scaling$x.scale$`scaled:center`)
LocalTransformations <- xmlNode("LocalTransformations")
if (!is.null(transforms)) {
LocalTransformations <- .pmmlLocalTransformations(field, transforms, LocalTransformations)
for (i in 1:number.of.labels)
if (field$class[[field$name[i + 1]]] == "factor") {
for (j in
if (terms$term.labels[i] == names(dataset)[j]) {
number.of.values <- length(levels(dataset[[j]]))
usedValues <- levels(dataset[[j]])
for (j in 1:number.of.values)
fieldName <- paste("derived_", terms$term.labels[i], sep = "")
fieldName <- paste(fieldName, usedValues[[j]], sep = "")
derivedFieldNode <- xmlNode("DerivedField",
attrs = c(
name = fieldName,
optype = "continuous",
dataType = "double"
normDiscreteNode <- xmlNode("NormDiscrete",
attrs = c(
field = terms$term.labels[i],
value = usedValues[j]
derivedFieldNode <- append.XMLNode(derivedFieldNode, normDiscreteNode)
LocalTransformations <- append.XMLNode(
} else {
for (j in seq_len(number.of.scaled))
if (number.of.scaled == 1) break
if (terms$term.labels[i] ==
names(attributes.model$scaling$x.scale$"scaled:center"[j])) {
centerValue <- attributes.model$scaling$x.scale$`scaled:center`[[j]]
scaleValue <- attributes.model$scaling$x.scale$`scaled:scale`[[j]]
normValue <- (centerValue * -1) / scaleValue
fieldName <- paste("derived_", terms$term.labels[i], sep = "")
derivedFieldNode <- xmlNode("DerivedField",
attrs = c(
name = fieldName,
optype = "continuous",
dataType = "double"
normContinuousNode <- xmlNode("NormContinuous",
attrs = c(field = terms$term.labels[i])
linearNormNode1 <- xmlNode("LinearNorm", attrs = c(orig = "0", norm = normValue))
linearNormNode2 <- xmlNode("LinearNorm", attrs = c(orig = centerValue, norm = "0"))
if (centerValue > 0) {
normContinuousNode <- append.XMLNode(normContinuousNode, linearNormNode1)
normContinuousNode <- append.XMLNode(normContinuousNode, linearNormNode2)
} else {
normContinuousNode <- append.XMLNode(normContinuousNode, linearNormNode2)
normContinuousNode <- append.XMLNode(normContinuousNode, linearNormNode1)
derivedFieldNode <- append.XMLNode(derivedFieldNode, normContinuousNode)
LocalTransformations <- append.XMLNode(
ksvm.model <- append.XMLNode(ksvm.model, LocalTransformations)
# Support PMML Kernel Functions
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineMode -> KernelTypeNode
if (is.null(model@kcall[["kernel"]])) {
KernelTypeNode <- xmlNode("RadialBasisKernelType",
attrs = c(
gamma = model@kernelf@kpar$sigma,
description = "Radial basis kernel type"
} else {
if (model@kcall[["kernel"]] == "rbfdot") {
KernelTypeNode <- xmlNode("RadialBasisKernelType",
attrs = c(
gamma = model@kernelf@kpar$sigma,
description = "Radial basis kernel type"
} else if (model@kcall[["kernel"]] == "polydot") {
KernelTypeNode <- xmlNode("PolynomialKernelType",
attrs = c(
gamma = model@kernelf@kpar$scale,
coef0 = model@kernelf@kpar$offset,
degree = model@kernelf@kpar$degree,
description = "Polynomial kernel type"
} else if (model@kcall[["kernel"]] == "vanilladot") {
KernelTypeNode <- xmlNode("LinearKernelType",
attrs = c(description = "Linear kernel type")
} else if (model@kcall[["kernel"]] == "tanhdot") {
KernelTypeNode <- xmlNode("SigmoidKernelType",
attrs = c(
gamma = model@kernelf@kpar$scale,
coef0 = model@kernelf@kpar$offset,
description = "Sigmoid kernel type"
} else {
unsupported_kernel <- model@kcall[["kernel"]]
stop(paste(unsupported_kernel, "kernel is not supported. Supported ksvm kernels: rbfdot, polydot, vanilladot, tanhdot."))
ksvm.model <- append.XMLNode(ksvm.model, KernelTypeNode)
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineMode -> VectorDictionary
VectorDictionary <- xmlNode("VectorDictionary",
attrs = c(numberOfVectors = as.numeric(number.of.SV))
# Allocate and initialize variables to make multi class problems possible
if (field$ == "classification") {
number.of.SV.entries <- length(model@xmatrix[[1]][1, ])
} else {
number.of.SV.entries <- length(model@xmatrix[1, ])
ix.matrix <- array(0, dim = c(number.of.SVMs, number.of.SV))
supportVectorEntries <- array(0, dim = c(number.of.SV, number.of.SV.entries))
all.coef <- array(0, dim = c(number.of.SVMs, number.of.SV))
usedAlphaID <- vector("list", number.of.SV)
for (i in 1:number.of.SV) usedAlphaID[[i]] <- 0
newID <- 1
if (field$ == "classification") {
for (ix in 1:number.of.SVMs)
coeff <- kernlab::coef(model)
number.of.coeff <- length(coeff[[ix]])
for (i in 1:number.of.coeff)
all.coef[ix, i] <- coeff[[ix]][i]
sameCoeff <- FALSE
for (j in 1:number.of.SV)
if (usedAlphaID[[j]] == model@alphaindex[[ix]][i]) {
sameCoeff <- TRUE
ix.matrix[ix, i] <- j
if (sameCoeff == FALSE) {
ix.matrix[ix, i] <- newID
usedAlphaID[[newID]] <- model@alphaindex[[ix]][i]
for (j in 1:number.of.SV.entries)
supportVectorEntries[newID, j] <- model@xmatrix[[ix]][i, j]
newID <- (newID + 1)
} else
# Regression
coeff <- kernlab::coef(model)
number.of.coeff <- length(coeff)
for (i in 1:number.of.coeff)
all.coef[1, i] <- coeff[i]
ix.matrix[1, i] <- i
usedAlphaID[[i]] <- model@alphaindex[[i]]
for (j in 1:number.of.SV.entries)
supportVectorEntries[i, j] <- model@xmatrix[i, j]
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineMode -> VectorDictionary -> VectorFieldsList
# When implementing the code to deal with categorical inputs, we found a
# potential problem with ksvm. When it produces dummy variables for say
# 3 categorical variables with 4 categories each, it produces four dummy
# variables for the first categorical variable, but three variables
# for the two subsequent categorical variables. The code below mimics
# the problem for sake of consistency with ksvm. Otherwise, it would not
# execute.
# We have already contacted Alexandros Karatzoglou and reported the issue.
# Whenever we learn that ksvm has been fixed, we will alter the code below
# to reflect the fix.
VectorFieldsList <- xmlNode("VectorFields",
attrs = c(numberOfFields = number.of.SV.entries)
firstFactor <- TRUE
for (i in 1:number.of.labels)
if (field$class[[field$name[i + 1]]] == "factor") {
for (j in {
if (terms$term.labels[i] == names(dataset)[j]) {
number.of.values <- length(levels(dataset[[j]]))
usedValues <- levels(dataset[[j]])
for (j in 1:number.of.values)
# Reflecting the problem ... by using an if statement
if (j > 1 || firstFactor) {
fieldName <- paste("derived_", terms$term.labels[i], sep = "")
fieldName <- paste(fieldName, usedValues[[j]], sep = "")
vectorFieldsNode <- xmlNode("FieldRef",
attrs = c(field = fieldName)
VectorFieldsList <- append.XMLNode(VectorFieldsList, vectorFieldsNode)
firstFactor <- FALSE
} else {
fieldName <- paste("derived_", terms$term.labels[i], sep = "")
vectorFieldsNode <- xmlNode("FieldRef",
attrs = c(field = fieldName)
VectorFieldsList <- append.XMLNode(VectorFieldsList, vectorFieldsNode)
VectorDictionary <- append.XMLNode(VectorDictionary, VectorFieldsList)
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel -> VectorDictionary -> VectorInstances
for (i in 1:number.of.SV)
vectorInstanceNode <- xmlNode("VectorInstance",
attrs = c(id = as.numeric(i))
vectorIndices <- NULL
entries <- NULL
for (j in 1:number.of.SV.entries)
vectorIndices <- append(vectorIndices, j)
vectorIndices <- append(vectorIndices, " ")
entries <- append(entries, supportVectorEntries[i, j])
entries <- append(entries, " ")
sparseArrayNode <- xmlNode("REAL-SparseArray",
attrs = c(n = number.of.SV.entries),
xmlNode("Indices", vectorIndices),
xmlNode("REAL-Entries", entries)
vectorInstanceNode <- append.XMLNode(vectorInstanceNode, sparseArrayNode)
VectorDictionary <- append.XMLNode(VectorDictionary, vectorInstanceNode)
ksvm.model <- append.XMLNode(ksvm.model, VectorDictionary)
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel -> SupportVectorMachine
if (field$ == "classification" && number.of.SVMs > 2) {
target1 <- vector("list", number.of.SVMs)
target2 <- vector("list", number.of.SVMs)
ix <- 1
for (i in 1:length(model@lev))
for (j in i:length(model@lev))
if (j > i) {
target1[[ix]] <- i
target2[[ix]] <- j
ix <- ix + 1
for (ix in 1:number.of.SVMs)
# Number of Support Vectors needs to be the same as number of coefficients in PMML.
if (field$ == "classification") {
coeff <- kernlab::coef(model)
number.of.coeff <- length(coeff[[ix]])
if (number.of.SVMs > 2) {
SupportVectorMachine <- xmlNode("SupportVectorMachine",
attrs = c(targetCategory = model@lev[target1[[ix]]], alternateTargetCategory = model@lev[target2[[ix]]])
} else
# Binary classification
SupportVectorMachine <- xmlNode("SupportVectorMachine",
attrs = c(targetCategory = model@lev[ix], alternateTargetCategory = model@lev[ix + 1])
} else
# Regression
coeff <- kernlab::coef(model)
number.of.coeff <- length(coeff)
SupportVectorMachine <- xmlNode("SupportVectorMachine")
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel -> SupportVectorMachine -> SupportVectorsList
SupportVectorsList <- xmlNode("SupportVectors",
attrs = c(
numberOfAttributes = as.numeric(number.of.SV.entries),
numberOfSupportVectors = as.numeric(number.of.coeff)
for (i in 1:number.of.coeff)
supportVectorNode <- xmlNode("SupportVector",
attrs = c(vectorId = as.numeric(ix.matrix[ix, i]))
SupportVectorsList <- append.XMLNode(SupportVectorsList, supportVectorNode)
SupportVectorMachine <- append.XMLNode(SupportVectorMachine, SupportVectorsList)
# PMML -> SupportVectorMachineModel -> SupportVectorMachine -> CoefficientsList
bias <- (model@b[ix] * -1)
CoefficientsList <- xmlNode("Coefficients",
attrs = c(
absoluteValue = as.numeric(bias),
numberOfCoefficients = as.numeric(number.of.coeff)
for (i in 1:number.of.coeff)
coefficientNode <- xmlNode("Coefficient",
attrs = c(value = as.numeric(all.coef[ix, i]))
CoefficientsList <- append.XMLNode(CoefficientsList, coefficientNode)
SupportVectorMachine <- append.XMLNode(SupportVectorMachine, CoefficientsList)
ksvm.model <- append.XMLNode(ksvm.model, SupportVectorMachine)
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, ksvm.model)
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