
Defines functions .makeNode .makeTree .makeSegment pmml.randomForest

Documented in pmml.randomForest

# PMML: Predictive Model Markup Language
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Zementis, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG
# USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates
# and/or their licensors.
# This file is part of the PMML package for R.
# The PMML package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The PMML package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
# #############################################################################

#' Generate the PMML representation for a randomForest object from the package
#' \pkg{randomForest}.
#' @param model A randomForest object.
#' @param missing_value_replacement Value to be used as the 'missingValueReplacement'
#' attribute for all MiningFields.
#' @param parent_invalid_value_treatment Invalid value treatment at the top
#' MiningField level.
#' @param child_invalid_value_treatment Invalid value treatment at the model
#' segment MiningField level.
#' @inheritParams pmml
#' @return PMML representation of the randomForest object.
#' @details
#' This function outputs a Random Forest in PMML format.
#' @author Tridivesh Jena
#' @references
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=randomForest}{randomForest:
#' Breiman and Cutler's random forests for classification and regression}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Build a randomForest model
#' library(randomForest)
#' iris_rf <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data = iris, ntree = 20)
#' # Convert to pmml
#' iris_rf_pmml <- pmml(iris_rf)
#' rm(iris_rf)
#' }
#' @export pmml.randomForest
#' @export
pmml.randomForest <- function(model,
                              model_name = "randomForest_Model",
                              app_name = "SoftwareAG PMML Generator",
                              description = "Random Forest Tree Model",
                              copyright = NULL,
                              model_version = NULL,
                              transforms = NULL,
                              missing_value_replacement = NULL,
                              parent_invalid_value_treatment = "returnInvalid",
                              child_invalid_value_treatment = "asIs",
                              ...) {
  if (!inherits(model, "randomForest")) {
    stop("Not a legitimate randomForest object")

  requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)

  field <- NULL
  tr.vars <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")
  var.names0 <- gsub("as\\.factor\\(", "", names(tr.vars))
  var.names <- gsub("\\)", "", var.names0)
  field$name <- var.names
  number.of.fields <- length(field$name)
  target <- var.names[1]

  field$class <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")
  names(field$class) <- var.names

  cat <- list()
  for (i in 1:number.of.fields)
    if (field$class[[field$name[i]]] == "factor") {
      if (field$name[i] == target) {
        field$levels[[field$name[i]]] <- model$classes
      } else {
        cat <- c(cat, model$forest$xlevels[field$name[i]])

  # PMML

  pmml <- .pmmlRootNode()

  # PMML -> Header

  pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlHeader(
    description, copyright, model_version,

  # PMML -> DataDictionary

  pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlDataDictionary(field, transformed = transforms))

  mmodel <- xmlNode("MiningModel", attrs = c(modelName = model_name, algorithmName = "randomForest", functionName = model$type))
  mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, .pmmlMiningSchema(field, target, transforms, missing_value_replacement,
    invalidValueTreatment = parent_invalid_value_treatment

  mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, .pmmlOutput(field, target))

  # If interaction terms do exist, define a product in LocalTransformations and use
  # it as a model variable. This step is rare as randomForest seems to avoid multiplicative
  # terms.
  ltNode <- xmlNode("LocalTransformations")
  interact <- FALSE
  for (fld in 1:number.of.fields)
    if (length(grep(":", field$name[fld])) == 1) {
      interact <- TRUE
      drvnode <- xmlNode("DerivedField", attrs = c(
        name = field$name[fld], optype = "continuous",
        dataType = "double"
      applyNode <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "*"))
      for (fac in 1:length(strsplit(field$name[fld], ":")[[1]]))
        fldNode <- xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = strsplit(field$name[fld], ":")[[1]][fac]))
        if (length(grep("as\\.factor\\(", fldNode)) == 1) {
          fldNode <- gsub("as.factor\\((\\w*)\\)", "\\1", fldNode, perl = TRUE)
        applyNode <- append.XMLNode(applyNode, fldNode)
      drvnode <- append.XMLNode(drvnode, applyNode)
    if (interact) {
      ltNode <- append.XMLNode(ltNode, drvnode)
  if (interact && is.null(transforms)) {
    mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, ltNode)

  if (interact && !is.null(transforms)) {
    ltNode <- .pmmlLocalTransformations(field, transforms, ltNode)
    mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, ltNode)
  if (!interact && !is.null(transforms)) {
    mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, .pmmlLocalTransformations(field, transforms, ltNode))

  if (model$type == "regression") {
    segmentation <- xmlNode("Segmentation", attrs = c(multipleModelMethod = "average"))
  if (model$type == "classification") {
    segmentation <- xmlNode("Segmentation", attrs = c(multipleModelMethod = "majorityVote"))

  numTrees <- model$ntree
  segments <- lapply(1:numTrees, function(x) {
    .makeSegment(x, model, model_name, field, target, missing_value_replacement, child_invalid_value_treatment)
  segmentation2 <- append.XMLNode(segmentation, segments)

  mmodel2 <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, segmentation2)

  pmml2 <- append.XMLNode(pmml, mmodel2)


.makeSegment <- function(b, model, model_name, field, target, missing_value_replacement = NULL, child_invalid_value_treatment) {
  message(paste("Now converting tree ", b, " to PMML"))
  # PMML -> TreeModel -> Node

  # Tree structure information here as produced by the getTree function of the
  # randomForest package.
  if (model$type == "regression") {
    tree <- cbind(
      model$forest$leftDaughter[, b],
      model$forest$rightDaughter[, b],
      model$forest$bestvar[, b],
      model$forest$xbestsplit[, b],
      model$forest$nodepred[, b]
    )[1:model$forest$ndbigtree[b], ]
  } else {
    tree <- cbind(
      model$forest$treemap[, , b],
      model$forest$bestvar[, b],
      model$forest$xbestsplit[, b],
      model$forest$nodepred[, b]
    )[1:model$forest$ndbigtree[b], ]
  nodeList <- list()
  rowId <- which(tree[, 2] == max(tree[, 2]))
  nodeList <- lapply(1:tree[rowId, 2], function(x) {
    .makeNode(x, model, tree, field)
  nodeF <- .makeTree(nodeList, tree, rowId)


  # PMML -> TreeModel
  if (model$type == "regression") {
    tree.model <- xmlNode("TreeModel",
      attrs = c(
        modelName = model_name,
        functionName = "regression",
        algorithmName = "randomForest",
        splitCharacteristic = "binarySplit"
  if (model$type == "classification") {
    tree.model <- xmlNode("TreeModel",
      attrs = c(
        modelName = model_name,
        functionName = "classification",
        algorithmName = "randomForest",
        splitCharacteristic = "binarySplit"

  # PMML -> TreeModel -> MiningSchema
  tree.model <- append.XMLNode(tree.model, .pmmlMiningSchema(field, target,
    missing_value_replacement = missing_value_replacement,
    invalidValueTreatment = child_invalid_value_treatment

  segment <- xmlNode("Segment", attrs = c(id = b))
  tru <- xmlNode("True")
  segment <- append.XMLNode(segment, tru)

  tree.model <- append.XMLNode(tree.model, nodeF)
  segment <- append.XMLNode(segment, tree.model)

.makeTree <- function(nodeLi, tre, rId) {
  while (rId != 0) {
    if (tre[rId, 1] != 0) {
      nodeR <- nodeLi[[tre[rId, 2]]]
      nodeL <- nodeLi[[tre[rId, 1]]]
      nodeT <- nodeLi[[rId]]

      nodeT <- append.XMLNode(nodeT, nodeL)

      nodeT <- append.XMLNode(nodeT, nodeR)

      nodeLi[[rId]] <- nodeT

    rId <- rId - 1


.makeNode <- function(n, mod, tinf, fieldInfo) {
  if (n == 1) {
    return(append.XMLNode(xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = 1)), xmlNode("True")))
  } else {
    side <- 2
    if (n / 2 == floor(n / 2)) {
      side <- 1
    score <- NULL
    if (tinf[n, 1] == 0) {
      if (mod$type == "regression") {
        score <- tinf[n, 5]
      } else {
        score <- mod$classes[tinf[n, 5]]

    if (is.null(score)) {
      rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = n))
    } else {
      rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = n, score = score))

    # After the node, add the split info in pmml
    rowid <- which(tinf[, side] == n)
    fname <- names(mod$forest$xlevels[tinf[rowid, 3]])
    logical <- FALSE
    numeric <- FALSE
    fieldClass <- fieldInfo$class[fname]
    if (fieldClass == "numeric") {
      numeric <- TRUE
    if (fieldClass == "logical") {
      logical <- TRUE

    # Split if var is numeric.
    if (numeric) {
      if (side == 1) {
        splitNode <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(
          field = fname, operator = "lessOrEqual",
          value = format(tinf[rowid, 4], digits = 18)
      } else {
        splitNode <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(
          field = fname, operator = "greaterThan",
          value = format(tinf[rowid, 4], digits = 18)
    } else if (logical) {
      bool <- ifelse(tinf[rowid, 4] <= 0.5, FALSE, TRUE)
      splitNode <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(
        field = fname, operator = "equal",
        value = bool
    } else {
      if (tinf[rowid, 4] < 0) {
          "Unable to determine categorical split. Possible cause is number of categories of variable",
          fname, "is higher than the randomForest function can accomodate."
      } else {
        # Split if var is categorical.
        binary <- .sdecimal2binary(tinf[rowid, 4])
        ssp <- xmlNode("SimpleSetPredicate", attrs = c(field = fname, booleanOperator = "isIn"))
        num1 <- 0
        scat <- NULL
        holder <- array(0, dim = c(1, mod$forest$ncat[fname][[1]]))
        for (k in 1:length(binary))
          holder[k] <- binary[k]

        # For each category allowed, if value is 1 (from the binary conversion) then go left.
        options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
        for (k in 1:mod$forest$ncat[fname][[1]])
          if (side == 1) {
            if (holder[k] == 1) {
              num1 <- num1 + 1
              catname <- mod$forest$xlevels[fname][[1]][k]
              scat <- paste(scat, " ", dQuote(catname))
          } else {
            if (holder[k] == 0) {
              num1 <- num1 + 1
              catname <- mod$forest$xlevels[fname][[1]][k]
              scat <- paste(scat, " ", dQuote(catname))

        # Strip intermediate, leading and trailing spaces.
        scat <- gsub("^[ ]*", "", scat)
        ap <- xmlNode("Array", attrs = c(n = num1, type = "string"), scat)
        ssp <- append.XMLNode(ssp, ap)
        splitNode <- ssp
    rfNode <- append.XMLNode(rfNode, splitNode)

# .getRFTreeNodes2 <- function(recursiveObject, model, side, tinf, rowfrom, rownext, fieldInfo) {
#   if (!((model$type == "regression") || (model$type == "classification"))) {
#     print("Model type not supported")
#   }
#   treeSkip <- FALSE
#   # Keep going over nodes; if leaf node, add score, else split and keep going.
#   if ((rowfrom == 1) && (rownext == 1)) {
#     # Handle trees with 1 node only.
#     if (is.null(dim(tinf))) {
#       rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = "1", score = tinf[5]))
#       nodeB <- xmlNode("True")
#       rfNode <- append.XMLNode(rfNode, nodeB)
#       recursiveObject$internalNode <- rfNode
#       return(recursiveObject)
#     } else {
#       # Add top node at first loop only.
#       rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = "1"))
#       nodeB <- xmlNode("True")
#       rfNode <- append.XMLNode(rfNode, nodeB)
#     }
#   } else {
#     fname <- attributes(model$forest$xlevels[tinf[rowfrom, 3]])[[1]]
#     # Treat left and right leafs separately as their information is stored in separate column in tree.
#     if (side == -1) {
#       if (tinf[rownext, 1] == 0) {
#         # The score for classification must be translated from a number to the category name.
#         if (model$type == "regression") {
#           # The score for regresion can just be read off.
#           rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = tinf[rowfrom, 1], score = tinf[rownext, 5]))
#         } else {
#           rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = tinf[rowfrom, 1], score = model$classes[tinf[rownext, 5]]))
#         }
#       } else {
#         rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = tinf[rowfrom, 1]))
#       }
#       # After the node, add the split info in pmml
#       # left side, regression model, terminal node.
#       logical <- FALSE
#       numeric <- FALSE
#       if (is.numeric(model$forest$xlevels[[tinf[rowfrom, 3]]][1])) {
#         name <- names(model$forest$xlevels[tinf[rowfrom, 3]])
#         if (fieldInfo$class[name] == "logical") {
#           logical <- TRUE
#         } else {
#           numeric <- TRUE
#         }
#       } else {
#         numeric <- FALSE
#       }
#       # Split if var is numeric.
#       if (numeric) {
#         splitNode <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(
#           field = fname, operator = "lessOrEqual",
#           value = tinf[rowfrom, 4]
#         ))
#       } else if (logical) {
#         bool <- ifelse(tinf[rowfrom, 4] <= 0.5, FALSE, TRUE)
#         splitNode <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(
#           field = fname, operator = "equal",
#           value = bool
#         ))
#       } else {
#         if (tinf[rowfrom, 4] >= 0) {
#           # Split if var is categorical.
#           binary <- .sdecimal2binary(tinf[rowfrom, 4])
#           ssp <- xmlNode("SimpleSetPredicate", attrs = c(field = fname, booleanOperator = "isIn"))
#           num1 <- 0
#           scat <- NULL
#           holder <- array(0, dim = c(1, model$forest$ncat[fname][[1]]))
#           for (k in 1:length(binary))
#           {
#             holder[k] <- binary[k]
#           }
#           # For each category allowed, if value is 1 (from the binary conversion) then go left.
#           options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
#           for (k in 1:model$forest$ncat[fname][[1]])
#           {
#             if (holder[k] == 1) {
#               num1 <- num1 + 1
#               catname <- model$forest$xlevels[fname][[1]][k]
#               scat <- paste(scat, " ", dQuote(catname))
#             }
#           }
#           # Strip intermediate, leading and trailing spaces.
#           scat <- gsub("^[ ]*", "", scat)
#           ap <- xmlNode("Array", attrs = c(n = num1, type = "string"), scat)
#           ssp <- append.XMLNode(ssp, ap)
#           splitNode <- ssp
#         } else {
#           treeSkip <- TRUE
#           sknode <- xmlNode("skip")
#           recursiveObject$internalNode <- "skip"
#           return(recursiveObject)
#         }
#       }
#       if (treeSkip == FALSE) {
#         rfNode <- append.XMLNode(rfNode, splitNode)
#       }
#     } else {
#       # Right side, regression, terminal node.
#       # Repeat for right side.
#       if (tinf[rownext, 1] == 0) {
#         if (model$type == "regression") {
#           # The only difference is where to read off the node info from the tree structure.
#           rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = tinf[rowfrom, 2], score = tinf[rownext, 5]))
#         } else {
#           rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = tinf[rowfrom, 2], score = model$classes[tinf[rownext, 5]]))
#         }
#       }
#       else {
#         rfNode <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(id = tinf[rowfrom, 2]))
#       }
#       logical <- FALSE
#       numeric <- FALSE
#       if (is.numeric(model$forest$xlevels[[tinf[rowfrom, 3]]][1])) {
#         name <- names(model$forest$xlevels[tinf[rowfrom, 3]])
#         if (fieldInfo$class[name] == "logical") {
#           logical <- TRUE
#         } else {
#           numeric <- TRUE
#         }
#       } else {
#         numeric <- FALSE
#       }
#       if (numeric) {
#         splitNode <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(
#           field = fname, operator = "greaterThan",
#           value = tinf[rowfrom, 4]
#         ))
#       } else if (logical) {
#         bool <- ifelse(tinf[rowfrom, 4] <= 0.5, TRUE, FALSE)
#         splitNode <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(
#           field = fname, operator = "equal",
#           value = bool
#         ))
#       } else {
#         if (tinf[rowfrom, 4] >= 0) {
#           # Split if var is categorical.
#           binary <- .sdecimal2binary(tinf[rowfrom, 4])
#           ssp <- xmlNode("SimpleSetPredicate", attrs = c(field = fname, booleanOperator = "isIn"))
#           num1 <- 0
#           scat <- NULL
#           holder <- array(0, dim = c(1, model$forest$ncat[fname][[1]]))
#           options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
#           for (k in 1:length(binary))
#           {
#             holder[k] <- binary[k]
#           }
#           for (k in 1:model$forest$ncat[fname][[1]])
#           {
#             if (holder[k] == 0) {
#               num1 <- num1 + 1
#               catname <- as.character(unlist(model$forest$xlevels[fname]))[k]
#               scat <- paste(scat, " ", dQuote(catname))
#             }
#           }
#           scat <- gsub("^[ ]*", "", scat)
#           ap <- xmlNode("Array", attrs = c(n = num1, type = "string"), scat)
#           ssp <- append.XMLNode(ssp, ap)
#           splitNode <- ssp
#         } else {
#           treeSkip <- TRUE
#           sknode <- xmlNode("skip")
#           recursiveObject$internalNode <- "skip"
#           return(recursiveObject)
#         }
#       }
#       if (treeSkip == FALSE) {
#         rfNode <- append.XMLNode(rfNode, splitNode)
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   if (tinf[rownext, 5] == -1) {
#     terminalFlag <- TRUE
#   } else {
#     terminalFlag <- FALSE
#   }
#   if (terminalFlag == TRUE) {
#     # Only the predicted value for this node is the output.
#   }
#   if (terminalFlag == FALSE) {
#     recursiveObject$internalNode <- NULL
#     recursiveObject <- .getRFTreeNodes2(recursiveObject, model, -1, tinf, rownext, tinf[rownext, 1], fieldInfo)
#     if (!is.null(recursiveObject$internalNode) && (recursiveObject$internalNode == "skip")[[1]]) {
#       return(recursiveObject)
#     } else {
#       rfNode <- append.XMLNode(rfNode, recursiveObject$internalNode)
#     }
#     recursiveObject$internalNode <- NULL
#     recursiveObject <- .getRFTreeNodes2(recursiveObject, model, 1, tinf, rownext, tinf[rownext, 2], fieldInfo)
#     if (!is.null(recursiveObject$internalNode) && (recursiveObject$internalNode == "skip")[[1]]) {
#       return(recursiveObject)
#     } else {
#       rfNode <- append.XMLNode(rfNode, recursiveObject$internalNode)
#     }
#   }
#   if (!is.null(recursiveObject$internalNode) && (recursiveObject$internalNode == "skip")[[1]]) {
#     return(recursiveObject)
#   } else {
#     recursiveObject$internalNode <- rfNode
#     return(recursiveObject)
#   }
# }

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